James blunt music video analysis

Post on 21-May-2015

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Transcript of James blunt music video analysis

James Blunt high



• The long shot showing the empty room connotes the simplicity of the music genre being a mixture of indie/rock.

• Low key lighting also emphasizes the emptiness of the room and the style of music, it also focuses the viewer onto the centre of the shot as the two outer thirds are blacked out creating an empty feeling.

• The emptiness of the room is also matched with the lack of props. Using only baloons

• No music or lyrics playing.• Long take that then cuts to close

up when the lyrics start to be sung

Establishing long shot of entire room with tracking in, focuses on the performer with him being in the centre third. This looks like a performance orientated video.

• The lighting in this shot is much brighter connoting a positive feeling and matches the lyrics of the song.

• The only props are lots of balloons connoting happiness again.

• Use of a Steadicam to track inwards again slowly focusing onto the performer.

• Deep focus shows the entire room as being empty connoting the lonely feeling linking the lyrics and the chair being empty

• Editing in the shot is just a cut to the next shot.

Long shot tracking in from eye level. The shot going just above the chair gives the idea that you are there with him connoting the idea of being remote and alone.

lights up the shore for me. Lyrics are not visibly lip synced to performer

• The lyrics match with the positioning of him with the eye line match ‘see with you’ creating a personal connection and also making it feel much more personal.

• The use of the shot reverse shot increases the pace of the music video and leads into the drum beat that follows.

• The close up shot also makes the shot more personal as if you are next them again.

• Shot reverse shot going from him to the empty chair and back to him

• There is nothing else in the world,• I'd rather wake up and see (with


Use of a close up of the performer with an eye line match between the audience makes it seem like he is singing to the viewer and creating a personal connection.

Wide angle shot of room with two chairs, signify someone he has lost or missed in his life, making the viewer feel empathy for him.

The wide angle shot shows off the two chairs in the scene giving the idea of losing someone relating to the lyrics. As the lights slowly go out in the scene gives the idea that it was pointless or it didn’t matter and connotes a slowly engrossing negative feeling. With him playing his guitar in fornt of the enemy chair gives that feeling that you could be there with him making the audience feel part of the performance.

Cuts to next shot after 3 seconds matching the beat of the drum. Lyrics-I'm just chasing time again, again connoting the idea of time and losing someone or not doing something he thought he should have.

High angle aerial shot following the male through the forest connotes the idea of being free matching the lyrics.

The aerial shot again signifies the idea of being free showing a wide open space with a deep focus on the entire environment. The long take in the shot emphasizes the idea of being free as doesn’t quickly cut straight to the next shot after 3 seconds. The way he is running down the middle of the screen emphasizes his importance as he is in the central third of the screen.

But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above.Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me .

Sideways tracking shot of male running signifies freedom again with the chorus going back to the concept style of music video.

In the shots with the forest scene this changes the style of video from a performance video to a concept video due to it being an interpretation of the lyrics. The clothing he is wearing is very simple with jeans t-shirt and jacket and this makes him relate to the viewer. The colors of the scene all are natural and earth related making it simple and relate to the music genre.

But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above.Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me

Medium shot slowly tracking in with low key lighting

The low key lighting puts anchorage onto the lyrics and also connotes being negative and depressed The use of a silhouette adds mystery to the video and also makes the performer seem like an outcast due to not being able to see him.

Will you be my shoulder Short takes match with the lyrics and cuts quickly matching music beat.

A medium long shot panning to the left slightly.

The use of slow motion in the concept shots implies it is all one long clip and is being followed through the chorus of the song giving continuity. The medium long shot gives a clear view of the scenery connoting being free as this has been scene throughout the video.

No lyrics Cuts to the next shot with the beat of the beat of the music keeping fast pace with the running of the shot.

Medium shot that zooms out. This represents the video ending as if you are slowly leaving the venue of a rock concert.

The zooming out near the end of the video implies that you are leaving, or leaving him. Due to the empty and slightly negative feeling of the song performance. The lighting is focused on him showing his importance now as he was a silhouette giving the idea that he is performing on a stage.

Cuts quickly to the beat of the music

Slowly pans upward from a long shot into the scenery relating to the concept of the video.

Simplistic ending to the music video relates to the genre of music being indie and this would be very cheap/low budget. High key lighting makes the video end on a positive feeling connoting happiness with the sun shining and using natural colours. The lack of lyrics at the end gives the ideology of being peaceful and simplistic relating to the genre.

Pace of the video slows down due to the music ending. Just ends with no effects to the ending such as fading out as the music slowly ends like a pop genre music video.