Jallikattu - truths and mis-conceptions

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Jallikattu - truths and mis-conceptions

Jallikattu – Truths and Mis-conceptions

and the unjust SC ban

Purpose of this Presentation:To explain why SC ban on jallikattu is wrong and destructive to our hindu

society and its traditions.

To clear the mis-conceptions about jallikattu and other native festivals

based on bulls.

To create awareness about the traditional festivals of our bharath, and how

it is being targetted by foreign NGOs.

What Jallikattu is NOT

Jallikattu is NOT same as Spanish Bull Fight. Its NOT a fight at all. Jallikattu is bull embracing festival.Jallikattu is NOT entertainment sports of urban kind. It is a Hindu Religious festival, conducted as part of pongal festival.Jallikattu bulls are NOT killed as in spanish bull fight.

Are Both same??Spanish Bull Fight

Single Fighter. Deceives bull and inserts sword at its spine on back.Sword inserted till the bull collapses. Slow Death.Entertainments sports, where millions watch.

JallikattuMany players. Embraces hump for 10-15 seconds and declared as winner.Players unarmed. Nose rope of bulls cut. No harm to bulls in the arena.Only players hurt. Bulls NOT hurt in any wayPart of Pongal and temple festival.

Are Both same??Spanish Bull Fight Jallikattu

Are Both same??Spanish Bull Fight

Dies at the end of sportJallikattu

Bulls emerges victorious unharmed

Jallikattu is also a martial gameMadurai Nayaks

Bull embracing festival of madurai promoted in big organised way by madurai nayaks, a subsidiary of vijayanagara kingsBrave youths participating in jallikattu appointed army chiefs.When pandyas & other kshatriyas failed to check malikafur invasion, it is vijayanagara army, consisting of pastoral communities (gollas, thottiya nayaks), who successfully thwarted it and restored hindu rule in madurai.The pastoral communities comprising vijayanagara army was naturally hardened bcoz of their nomadic life, and their ability to maintain large herds of cows and bulls.Jallikattu should be seen from this historic background.

Jallikattu is Religious FestivalMuniyaandi Kaalai – Go puja is done for this bull with alangaram and released first in to the arena. The players revere it as divine and never attempts to embrace it.

Vaadi VaasalThe picture speaks a lot.Look at the Vaishnava symbo and temple colours in walls.Bull festival done for soundara perumal temple also.The thottiya nayakkar community conducts this festival in all their villages. They maintain saami madu in their village.

Jallikattu Ban

• SC Banned all rural sports involving bulls, like jallikattu, manju virattu, rekla race.

• Ban based on Western Interpretation of PCA Act and biased AWBI report on jallikattu.

• Invokes speciesm, racism, casteism, etc.• Terms Jallikattu as barbaric sport.

PCA Acts

• PCA Act originally enacted in 1890s, for transport animals and captured animals (circus animals) within municipalities. It was NOT applied for non-municipal areas, even though whole of tamilnadu was under british rule. It was sensible, bcoz at that time, bullock cart was primary means of transport, and hence regulated.

• In 1960, amendments made PCA act, to extend it to whole of india, without any proper justification. Clearly, activism of NGOs, which had free run in Nehru rule.

• The Supreme Court judgement solely relies on this PCA act of 1960, and AWBI report to ban these sports. Clearly this is lobbying by PETA and other vested interests.

AWBI report – mischievous, manipulated & biased

AWBI report is a naked and deliberately manipulated one to support the PETA stance. Evident from their list of accusations.

A sample from AWBI report:

“No sanitation facilities were made available, and bulls were forced to stand together in the accumulated faeces and urine for hours. The accumulated waste attracts flies that bother the animals and cause them discomfort. The eggs laid by the flies may lead to maggot infestation of any wounds the bulls may have”

This is very comical. They have used the term faeces bcoz the term dung has different connotation. Do hindus treat cow dung as faeces?

How come, dungs of cows and bulls which hindus use it in all walks of their life (in temples, cow urine in grahapravesam, cow dung for paving floors) be harmful to bulls alone?

Do cow and bull dungs, attract maggot infestation as claimed by AWBI? If so, whole of bharath would be suffering from maggot infestation.

SC Judgement invokes Speciesm, Racism, Casteism,

What has these western ideologies to do with the traditional society of tamilnadu?

Cows and bulls are always part of our family, whereas in the west, they were grown in large farms. These ideologies have no relevance to our societal ethos, which reveres cows and bulls as supreme to even gods.

In all temples (say for eg, tirupati, srirangam etc), the first puja is always done to the cow, and only then pujas done to moolavar. In madheswaran hills, the bulls are worshipped as perumal bull and taken to worship to even distant places.

Can we apply these western ideologies to such society?

TNRJ Act Struck down by SC

Many of the accusation of PETA, is valid before 2008, where jallikattu was done spontaneously. But tamilnadu government enacted “Tamilnadu Regulation of Jallikattu act” and regulated the event. After that, all shortcomings rectified. This act was widely welcomed by jallikattu organisers, bull owners, and the players.

Infact, TNRJ act was complementary to PCA act, which is aimed to avoiding harm to both bulls and players.

YET, Court has made this TNRJ act invalid, and the supreme court judge has struck down this act.

Devastating effect of Banning Jallikattu

The Jallikattu Bulls, numbering around 600 to 100 would be sold by bull owners, and end up in slaughter house. Additionally, no new bulls would be reared.

These bulls are the only remaining quality genetic stock of our native cow breeds. Bcos bull population had drastically reduced, bcoz its utility as transport animal and breeding bull was lost. Government promoted Artificial Insemination, making maintaining breeding bulls uneconomical and unviable.

Already, Vechur cow breeds of kerala was lost,when that government castrated all native bulls. Today only few hundred bulls remain.

Jallikattu bulls are fed with highly nutritious food, and maintained well by bull owners. Thus jallikattu serves NOT only as a religious festival, but also as means of preserving our genetic assets of our cows.

Conspiracy to Destroy our Native Cow Breeds

Green revolution destroyed more than 1,20,000 native varieties of Rice and wheat in india. Pls refer: http://www.vijayvaani.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?aid=2137

White revolution - a conspiracy to destroy native cow breeds. Luckily, our social traditions ensured that this is lost. That is now being targetted in the name of animal rights. Current SC judgement bans all native traditions involving bulls or cows. Mission accomplished.

For list of native breeds of Tamilnadu pls visit below link http://tamilnaducattle.blogspot.in/2011/01/tamilnadu-cattle-breeds.html

Beef lobby, dairy lobby and associated NGOs heavily involved in this. As per sources, Foreign persons (German) seen in SC during judgement.

UPA opened cow slaughter house targetting native breeds. NOT just for meat. Jallikattu ban to be seen from that context.

What can we do?

Indian Cow Breeds (Bos Indicus) should be declared as National Animal. Separate Act should be enacted for this.

Amend PCA Act, to exempt all native festivals from PCA act, and make it more meaningful and localised. (instead of being generic like it is now, thus leading to weird interpretations)

All breeds of Dhesi Cow breeds should be properly documented and preserved, irrespective of milk yield. Every Dhesi breed is associated with temples of their region. Eg. Abhishegam in Srirangam temple to be done ONLY with milk of local cow breed. Same with Puri Jagannathar.

Artificial Insemination should be banned atleast for Native Cow Breeds. It will ensure that atleast one breeding bull is maintained in each of 6 lakh villages of bharath. Govt shud provide incentive.

Thank You

Go brahmaneya sughino bhavanthu, loka samasta sukhino bhavanthu, om santhi, om shanti, om shanti