Jakub Banasiak Wbudowane pozycje argumentowe a ...ispan.waw.pl/default/images/SOW/sm10_sum.pdf ·...

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Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Jakub Banasiak

Wbudowane pozycje argumentowe a intensjonalna zupełność propozycji

Built in argument positions and the propositions intensional ompleteness

The paper discusses issues concerning the potential influence of built in argu-ment positions on the propositions intensional completeness. According to the cho-sen scientific approach the distribution of determiners is a reflex of the propositions completeness, there seem to exist however such structures in which one of the argu-ment positions is blocked due to being built into the predicate. The intensional value of such positions may vary and theoretically reflect the propositions definiteness / indefiniteness (intensional completeness). Predicates such as: търся implicate a loca-tive argument position, which is inherently indefinite, but does not seem to reflect the distribution of determiners.

Key words: semantic category, predicate, argument, proposition, definiteness / indefiniteness.

Słowa kluczowe: kategoria semantyczna, predykat, argument, propozycja, określo-ność / nieokreśloność.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Maria Cichońska

Badania w zakresie lingwistyki tekstu w lingwistyce chorwackiej i serbskiej

Croatian and Serbian text linguistics

This work reviews the actual state of research in the area of textual criticism. The monographic works of Croatian and Serbian linguists were investigated in view of the subject and the methodology being used as well as the contribution that they make to the Slavonic and non-Slavonic text linguistics.

Included are the work dated from 1984 (the beginning of the text structure re-search in different styles of language), till the last publication in 2008.

They show multidirectional approaches that were taken in studies, varing from the strictly grammatical analysis of the text that were typical to Croatian linguists, up to the more interdisciplinary ones – psycholinguistic and pragmatic present in the analysis of colloquial discurs in works of Serbian linguists.

Key words: text linguistics, text grammar, Croatian language, Serbian language.

Słowa kluczowe: lingwistyka tekstu, gramatyka tekstu, język chorwacki, język serbski.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Maciej Czerwiński

Życie znaków w sieci kodów – czyli o semiotycznie zorientowanych badaniach dyskursu i stylu (na przykładzie znaku „naród chorwacki”)

A life of signs in the network of codes. On semiotically-oriented studies of discourse and style

(an analysis of the sign “Croatian nation”)

In the article a semiotic theory of style and discourse is developed. According to some author’s previous research and theories by Bakhtin, Eco and Uspienski, the idea of over lapping of signs and codes is discussed. The sign-vehicle “Croatian na-tion” is taken into consi deration in various contexts and various interlocutors (from Croatian literature, press and scholarly books). The result of such an investigation is aimed to empirically prove to what extent usual semantic interpretation deprives the whole meaning of texts.

Key words: a semiotic theory of style and discourse, signs and codes, semiosis in language and culture, sign “Croatian nation”.

Słowa kluczowe: semiotyczna teoria stylu i dyskursu, znaki i kody, semioza w sys-temie języka i kultury, znak „naród chorwacki”.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Karolina Dargiel

Sylaba w gwarze Moravy e Epërme

Syllable pattern in Morava e Epërme local dialect of Albanian

This article summarizes the first part of a research on syllable pattern in Ko-sovo dialects. It attempts to answer the question, whether Kosovo dialects have onepeak syllable pattern, twopeak syllable pattern or maybe some other type. Fac-ing many theories about the syllabic unit, that have been created until now, for our study we choose the sonority theory, which is a very comfortable model for formu-lating distributional rules of speech sounds.

Standard Albanian language is untypical against other European languages. This is due to the fact that it tolerates twopeak homorganic consonant clusters [NO] in word initial position (mb, mp, nd, ŋg, nʣ, ɲɟ). Twopeak clusters in word final po-sition are not accepted; consonants are always separated by vowel [ә]. What we ob-serve in Standard Albanian is rather onepeak syllable pattern, where the hierarchy of sonority in the syllable is obeyed, but the least sonorous nasal sonorants should be classified to the distributional group of obstruents. And how does it look like in other Albanian dialects?

For our study we have chosen several Kosovo dialects, which seem the most relevant for the examined problems. In this article I deal with the local dialect of Morava e Epërme, where I have studied the following issues: – [SO] initial clusters (including clusters with liquids l and rr), – *[OS] final clusters, – Clusters [OSO] with an interobstruental sonorant, – Consonantal proclitics on strong morphological borders (t’, m’, n’, s’), – Occurences of vowel [ә]. Does it have phoneme status in this local diAlect? – Can sonorants and obstruents be syllabic? Our study has proved, that [NO] initial clusters have tendency for reduction: [mbyt], [ŋuʃt] instead of [mbyt], [ŋguʃt, whereas sporadic occurence of the twopeak initial clusters lO, rrO is phonetically conditioned (it means that this form occurs only after vowels [m‿ka‿ʎʃu:], [mu‿Rʣu:]).

Final *[OS] clusters in Morava e Epërme, as in the standard Albanian, are com-pletely extinct (they are usually split by vowel [ә]: [vetәm ktu], [natәn], [θupәr]). The same referes to the clusters [OSO], which usually occur with the syllabic sonorant or inserted vowel schwa [ә].

Dialect of Morava e Epërme tolerates syllabic sonorants and in some contexts also syllabic obstruents.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

The vowel [ә] appears very often, but never in unmotivated position. Therefore we can conclude that this sound does not have the phoneme status in this dialect.

Dialect of Morava e Epërme neither has the typical onepeak syllable pattern (it tolerates twopeak initial clusters), nor it has a twopeak syllable model (it does not tol-erate twopeak final clusters). This local dialect can be classified, the same as standard Albanian, as a one with onepeak syllable pattern, where, however, nasal sonorants should be distributionally classified as obstruents (and not as sonorants).

Key words: syllable pattern, Albanian, Kosovo dialects, homorganic clusters, vowel schwa.

Słowa kluczowe: model sylaby, język albański, dialekty Kosowa, grupy homorga-niczne, samo głoska szwa.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Natalia Długosz

Composita wewnątrzwspólnotowe – wyrazy złożone z cząstką евро w języku bułgarskim

Intracommunitary compositas – compounds with евро particle in Bulgarian

From the observation of a contemporary Bulgarian word formation system re-sults that the number of compounds which significant part is developed basing on new productive models is constantly increasing. Therefore the subject of this article constitute Bulgarian compounds with a disintegrated particle евро that are themati-cally connected with the process of European Integration. I begin the analysis from the description of compositas’ word formation construction. Then I go to semantic dissertation (I make an attempt to classify all mentioned structures thematically and I create a dictionary definition of the евро particle) and on to stylistic ones (I pay special attention to the functioning of the discussed units both in a text, and in a lexical system).

Key words: word formation of a Bulgarian language, compounds with a particle евро.

Słowa kluczowe: słowotwórstwo języka bułgarskiego, wyrazy złożone z cząstką евро-.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Jacek Duda

Kibice, polityka, wojna – wydarzenia na stadionie Maksimir w Zagrzebiu w relacjach prasy jugosłowiańskiej

Fans, politics and war – the events on the Maksimir stadium in Zagreb seen by the Yugoslavian newspapers

The article is the analysis of the press coverage of the incidents before the foot-ball match between Dinamo Zagreb and Crvena Zvezda Belgrade on May 13th, 1990. It emphasizes the significant outburst of the Serbian and Croatian nationalism in the newspapers after the events. According to many, this was considered one of the cru-cial moments when the façade of official “brotherhood and unity” ideology started to erode leading to the collapse of Yugoslavia. This analysis focuses on language characteristics of the press articles as well as on the social context and impact of the events themselves and the discussion about them.

Key words: press, language, Serbia, Croatia, Yugoslavia, politics, football.

Słowa kluczowe: prasa, język, Serbia, Chorwacja, Jugosławia, polityka, piłka nożna.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Marcin Grygiel

Kwantyfikacyjne i egzystencjalne wykładniki afirmacji na przykładzie języka serbskiego

Quantifiers and existentials as markers of affirmation in Serbian

In the paper I argue that quantifiers understood as numerical language expres-sions and the verb ‘to be’ are used to express and intensify affirmation in Serbian and other Slavic languages. I focus on two types of quantifiers: the universal quantifier, represented in Serbian by the lexeme svi and its derivatives, and the existential quan-tifier associated with the numeral jedan and the verb ‘to be’. Both types of quantifiers in analyzed contexts acquire secondary functions of affirmation markers. However, the scope of this type of affirmation marking is quite limited as very often the same words may be used in negative contexts. As a consequence, it is impossible to de-scribe this function referring to any strict logical rules, but it is better to regard it as a metaphorical extension. Thus, the use of universal quantifier as a marker or inten-sifier of affirmation is believed to be best described as being based on the conceptual metaphor AFFIRMATION IS COMPLETENESS and the intensification of affirma-tion in the case of existential quantifier and the verb ‘to be’ relies on the metaphor AFFIRMATION IS EXISTENCE.

Key words: quantifiers, existentials, affirmation, negation, conceptual metaphor, grammaticalization, embodied meaning.

Słowa kluczowe: kwantyfikatory, wykładniki egzystencjalne, afirmacja, negacja, metafora konceptualna, gramatykalizacja, znaczenie ucieleśnione.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Милка Ивић

О информативном потенцијалу просте реченице

On the informational capacity of a noncomplex sentence structure

This study aims to complement the theoretical and descriptive literature on the problem concerning the amount of information that can be packeged within a single noncomplex sentence structure. The author points to various circumstances which provoque the rising of its informational capacity.

Key words: syntax, Serbian language, single noncomplex sentence, implicature.

Słowa kluczowe: składnia, język serbski, zdanie proste, implikatura.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Artur Karasiński

Albańskie odczasownikowe derywaty przymiotnikowe

Albanian adjective derivatives derived from verbs

The aim of this article is the analysis of the Albanian adjective derivatives which are derived from verbs. The main assumption made by the author is the existence of structu ral isomorphism (parallelism in language elements system in which struc-turing of one level parallels or is made to parallel that of another) between the struc-ture of the derivative and the structure of the sentence. The proposed model of the analysis is directed from content to form. All examined adjective derivatives derived from verbs are being analyzed with their noun context which displays their semantic structure. Nominal phrases containing adjective derivatives are interpreted as the representation of predicate argument structures. The kind of relation between de-fined noun and derivational base of the adjective is a criterion of the division of Al-banian adjective derivatives derived from verbs. These main types of relations are:

1. relation in which the base of an adjective represents basic predicate;2. relation in which the base of an adjective represents additional predicate.Classes which are the results of the main division are the subject to detailed


Key words: Albanian language, word formation (derivation), adjective derivatives, adjective derived from verbs, argument categories, predicate categories.

Słowa kluczowe: język albański, słowotwórstwo przymiotników, derywat odcza-sownikowy, kategoria argumentowa, kategoria predykatowa.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Małgorzata Korytkowska

Odmianki znaczeniowe czasowników w opisie semantyczno syntaktycznym i w praktyce leksykograficznej

(na przykładzie języka bułgarskiego)

The exponents of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness and a certain type of expressive expressions in Bulgarian and Polish

The paper focuses on the functions of the pronoun exponents of the semantic category of definiteness / indefiniteness in Bulgarian examples of the following type: Свършихме я. Тънко я преда. Свърши се вашата., etc. Their reference to sentences such as Свършихме я тази работа. allows interpreting the function of the phrase as thematic. This type of sentences was confronted with examples such as Тя му я изтърси една… И ти ми ги говориш едни… The features of intonation and the se-mantic features of the double object phrase indicate its rhematic nature. Specific for-mal traits of such sentences, including the usage of the exponents of the category of definiteness / indefiniteness, are related with their expressive markedness.

Key words: semantics, syntax, lexicography, homonymy, dictionary entry, Bulgar-ian language.

Słowa kluczowe: semantyka, składnia, leksykografia, homonimia, artykuł słowni-kowy, język bułgarski.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Violetta Koseska Toszewa

Wielotomowa gramatyka konfrontatywna języka bułgarskiego i polskiego

Multi-volume Polish-Bulgarian Confrontative Grammar

Polish Bulgarian Confrontative Grammar (GKBP) is the first and so far the only expanded attempt to make the semantic confrontation with the gradually developed interlanguage. GKBP consists of 9 volumes which were published in 12 volumen. It was decided to arrange the description of Polish-Bulgarian confrontative grammar in the direction from the contents to the form. The semantic interlanguage enabled the emergence of two equivalent grammars: the grammar of the modern Bulgarian language and the grammar of the modern Polish language. The analysis of semantic categories, which was applied in GKBP, ensures the coherent confrontative descrip-tion, irrespective of whether the described languages have grammatical exponent of meanings or not. GKBP falls into the stream of modern theoretical confrontative research based on the logical theory of quantification, on the modern theory of pro-cesses titled „Petri nets”, and on the theory of logical predicate-argument structures. Our research removes the exact division into grammatical and lexical levels, thanks to which our research has introduced a lot of new observations of the examined phe-nomena. Universal semantic linguistic categories such as the time, the modality, the definiteness / the indefiniteness and the semantic case – which are essential for the language description, but have not yet been examined and have not been sufficiently described in the academic grammars of the Polish and Bulgarian languages – have been selected. The sequence of description in this synthesis was established not on the basis of order of developed volumes of GKBP, but on the basis of the generally ac-cepted order of elements of the semantic structure of the sentence. The most external in the semantic structure of the sentence is its modal characteristics. Thereafter, the time, quantifiers and their order in the semantic structure of the sentence as well as the predicate-argument items are placed. Therefore, it is not an abbreviated summa-ry of the issues analyzed in GKBP volumes. It is the description of selected semantic categories organized in accordance with the semantic order of the semantic struc-ture of the Polish and Bulgarian sentences.

Key words: Bulgarian language, Polish language, confrontative grammar, tertium comparationis, semantics, inter language.

Słowa kluczowe: język bułgarski, język polski, gramatyka konfrontatywna, tertium comprationis, semantyka, język pośrednik.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Barbara Kryżan-Stanojević

Synonim – pojęcie zapomniane. O dżokeryzacji współczesnego języka

Forgetting synonyms: on the “jokerization” of everyday language

The democratization of social relations can bring about linguistic liberalization, where the effectiveness and speed of transmitting information are of utmost impor-tance. Wherever possible, information is presented in a condensed form, as an icon or a gesture. When speaking, we increasingly rely on a limited vocabulary, using very polysemous and broad terms. Such terms undergo jokerization – they begin functioning as wild cards in a card game, being able to represent any other cards de-pending on the current needs (Kryżan-Stanojević 1998).

In addition to internationalisms, which appear as jokers as a matter of course (e.g. Polish super ‘great’ and ekstra ‘great’), native words may also be used as jokers. In this case, in addition to their core meaning, they develop a new joker meaning signaled by new formal features, such as loss of inflections (cf. Croatian mrak lit. ‘dark’, joker ‘great’; guba lit. ‘leprosy’, joker ‘great’). When used in this way, they may form new derivational chains, becoming, in a way, less universal and resisting ana-lytic tendencies. By the same token, derivational morphemes may also acquire joker meanings (e.g. the Croatian naj-; Kryżan-Stanojević 2008a).

Jokerization, which is based on replacing a synonym chain with a single all-encompassing word, does not prevent communication, but does impoverish it. It is an intermediate stage between verbal and non-verbal communication. This process, common in spoken language, is examined, and illustrations are drawn from com-puter blogs and forums.

Key words: innovation, joker word, synonym chains, derivation, Polish, Croatian.

Słowa kluczowe: innowacja, słowo-dżoker, ciągi synonimiczne, derywacja, język polski, język chorwacki.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Tomasz Kwoka

Dzieje i pochodzenie zapożyczeń słownictwa z zakresu życia społecznego w Serbii i Czarnogórze do początku XX wieku

History and origin of language borrowings in social vocabulary of Serbia and Montenegro to the beginnings of 20th century

The article presents the main sources of language borrowings which developed the Serbian vocabulary within the scope of broadly defined social relationships and encompasses the period of time from the main sources of language borrowings till the beginnings of the 20th century. First of all the form of addressing family lead-ers and the most important family structures, the form of addressing of political, military and church leaders, the nomenclature of social layers’ members, officers as well as administration units have been included in the social vocabulary. Except the example of ways such borrowings were included into the Serbian language the article also presents history and politics background and socio-cultural condition-ing in which the contacts and inter-language meetings took place. Some medieval borrowings from roman languages (Latin, Dalmatian dialects, and then Romanian) and Greek Byzantine, and Turkish have been presented. We have tried to describe a wide stream of Turkish influence (with limited Italian and Albanian influence. Later periods were characterized by: German, Hungarian, Russian and later French. The work constitutes sort of supplement to the article of P. Ivić (Domaći i strani elementi u terminologiјi društvenog, ekonomskog i pravnog života u srednjovekovnoј Srbiјi as well as Razvoј terminologiјe u јeziku srednjovekovnikh Srba) which describe the influence of examined lexemes on social lexis, the ways of their adaptation and ge-ography in the Serbian language area including especially history as well as socio-political background.

Key words: Serbian language, history of Serbian language, social vocabulary, lan-guage borrowings

Słowa kluczowe: język serbski, historia języka serbskiego, słownictwo społeczne, zapożyczenia

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Соња Миленковска

Линеаризација на именските синтаг¬ми во простата реченица на македонскиот јазик наспрема останатите словенски јазици

(теорија и методи на опис)

Linearization of NP in simple sentences in Macedonian compared with other Slavic languages

This article focuses on the possible marked variants of the unmarked word order SVO (Subject, Verb, Object) in simple sentences in Macedonian (as an analytic language) compared with simple sentences in the predominant part of the Slavic languages (with synthetic declension).

It also presents theories used as a basis for the analysis of the order of sentence compo nents (represented by NPs), as well as methods applied in course of the collec-tion and analysis of the relevant examples.

Key words: word order, simple sentence, Macedonian language, Slavic languages, theories, methods.

Słowa kluczowe: porządek słów, zdanie proste, język macedoński, języki słowiań-skie, teorie, metody.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Jerzy Molas

Strelica je pogodila grješnika – o pewnym problemie pisowni chorwackiej w świetle danych komputerowego korpusu języka

Strelica je pogodila grješnika – a certain issue of the Croatian orthography in light of the Croatian National Corpus data

Based on the Croatian National Corpus data the author presents inconsistencies in the spelling rules regarding words like str(j)elica, gr(j)ešnik which are described in Croatian ortho graphic dictionaries. The paper addresses also the discrepancies between orthographic norm and how it is reflected in the real Croatian texts, as well as the ideological reasons for these differences.

Key words: Croatian language, orthography, corpus linguistics.

Słowa kluczowe: język chorwacki, ortografia, lingwistyka korpusowa.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Nives Opačić

Jezični imperijalizam i politička korektnost

Language imperialism and political correctness

In the times of general globalization, in its part that considers languages, es-pecially the so-called small languages, we can talk not only about an uncontrolled inroad of mainly English words into all walks of life within a society, but also about elements of linguistic imperialism.

That imperialism has come about through technology, not by arms and blaz-ing swords, as was mostly the case in history. In addition, the USA – the export-ing country of the above mentioned language-imperialistic phenomena around the world, is considered to be the cradle of the much advocated political correctness, which should include basic human rights, one of which is undoubtedly the right to a proper name.

It could be argued whether this right is always respected: I will show some ex-amples of proper names of immigrants who had to/wanted to renounce their names in order to be Americanized (‘’cooked in the American melting pot’’). Thus, the Cro-atian Krešo became Chris, Eva is spelled Eve on the other side of the pond (pro-nounced /I:v/), and in the global (American) news Michael Stich, a German, is pro-nounced /majkl stits/, and so on.

I will also provide an example of political correctness which is not far from sheer stupidity.

Political correctness itself changes with time, which will be illustrated by the Croatian example Ciganin – Rom (Gipsy – Roma(ny)).

Key words: Croatian language, linguistic imperialism, globalization, political correctness.

Słowa kluczowe: język chorwacki, imperializm językowy, globalizacja, poprawność polityczna.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Ангелина Панчевска

Заменките во словенски и балкански контекст

Pronouns in Slavic and Balkan context

This paper will present the approach of elaboration of the pronouns as a word class. The method of collecting the corpus of examples will also be taken into consid-eration because the subject of interest are the pronouns in different language situa-tions. The method of elaboration of that material will be examined, too. The pronom-inal system in the Macedonian language is put in correlation with the other Slavic as well as Balkan languages for better understanding of its contemporary situation.

Key words: pronouns, Macedonian language, Slavic languages, Balkan languages.

Słowa kluczowe: zaimki, język macedoński, języki słowiańskie, języki bałkańskie.

Slavia Meridionalis 10 - Summaries

Neda Pintarić

Określenia mężczyzny w żargonie zagrzebskim

Man in Argot of Zagreb

The paper deals with the pragmasemantic classification of 879 masculin noun-pragmems in Zagrebian argot. The author compares those pragmatic units by using formal, semantic and pragmatic criteria of classification.

Key words: argot, pragmatics, semantics, grammar, linguistic world of man.

Słowa kluczowe: żargon, pragmatyka językowa, semantyka, gramatyka, językowy obraz mężczyzny.

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Darija Skubic

Jezikovno in nejezikovno izražanje v pedagoškem pristopu Reggio Emilia

Language and non-language expression in Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach

In the first part of the article the author describes the importance of language awareness and non-language expression in the pre-school period. The author points out the importance of the usage of all the senses (visual, aural, kinethestic etc.), space and time, and picture images in all 100 languages which are not current only in Reggio Emilia pedagogical approach but also successfully implemented in the Slo-venian Preschool Curriculum.

All these elements are part of communicative skills (i.e. speaking, listening, writing and reading) and are prerequisites for developing themes (describing, nar-rating, explaining, argumenting).

In addition, the author mentions questioning strategies as one of the most im-portant factors in developing children’s thaughts. She continues with the Slovene language as a second/foreign language which has become an unavoidable and valu-able constant in our globally influenced life. The above mentioned elements have been included in the research study which are discussed in the second part of the article.

In the conclusion the author discusses the research findings and some other considera tions which may lead to the further research and are derived from the ex-isting knowledge and the current cognition.

Key words: Reggio Emilia, pedagogical approach, language and non-language strategies, Slovene as a second/foreign language.

Słowa kluczowe: Reggio Emilia, pedagogika, strategie językowe i pozajęzykowe, język słoweński jako obcy/drugi.

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Zuzanna Topolińska

Patrząc przez cudze okulary (infinitivus ~ subiunctivus)

Infinitivus ~ subiunctivus

The author proposes a new terminological regulation. She sees the infinitive as a positional variant of the subjunctive. Such a solution allows an objective contrastive analysis of systems with a different zone of use of these two constructions.

Key words: infinitive, subjunctive, Balkan languages.

Słowa kluczowe: infinitivus, subiunctivus, języki bałkańskie.

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Zuzanna Topolińska

Konfrontacja vs typologia

Linguistic Confrontation vs Linguistic Typology

Linguistic confrontation – it seems – belongs to the larger field of linguistic typology. Linguistic confrontation supplies to linguistic typology richer and better documented data than those found in the descriptive grammars of particular lan-guages. Linguistic confrontation requires from the researcher thorough knowledge of the confronted linguistic codes, while in case of typology these requirements are – unfortunately – not so thorough... In my paper I have formulated some remarks on the contribution of the confrontative analyses to the process of up-dating and deep-ening our knowledge on typological differentiation of Slavic languages.

Key words: linguistic typology, linguistic confrontation, Slavic languages.

Słowa kluczowe: konfrontacja, typologia, języki słowiańskie.