
Post on 12-Mar-2016

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We the Youth a Documentary by Jackson Bartlett Jackson Bartlett Written, Designed and Photographed by: 1 1 This book is dedicated to all of the passionate young people who strive to make this world a better place. 2 2 3 3

Transcript of Jackson_Bartlett

We the Youth by Jackson Bartlett

We the Youtha Documentary byJackson Bartlett


We the Youth

Written, Designed and Photographed by:

Jackson Bartlett


This book is dedicated to all of the passionate young people who strive to make this world a

better place.





their precious time to answer my incoherent babble of questions

to my teachers at Freestyle, Mr. Greco for your keen insight on what could be made better and more informative, Ms. Parkinson for

Flo, for your nonstop hustle and bustle across the web room

at least twice before. Beyond that I would like to thank my interv

source of information. And to each and every Youth and Govern



Drafting  new  legislation  is  a  long  and  involved  process


Table of Contents1....................................................................................................................................Front Cover




I am a youth, the product of California as we know it today. I am

gram. I was thrust headlong into this unfamiliar organization upon a reccomendation from my friend Cody as a freshman. Every day in the car as we drove to school he would rave about how he had found his voice and how passionate he was about this strange YMCA pro

duration of two weekly meetings, I had an entirely new friend group


to emerge from my social turtle shell. A year and a half later stand

my life and I wish to share it with the world as so few high school students have even heard of it, much less take the time to join each

us as we take over California.


IntroductionYouth and Government is an immersive program that carries it participants upon positive paths through this competitive world. It prepares students for the real world through education and real

youth in California and eventually across the nation.



thousands of young people cry out in passionate vehemence. This is standard

world for good. Driven by the passion to learn, grow, and become more involved citizens, high school students across California devote hundreds of hours to the Y&G program. Youth and Government provides an unparalleled opportunity for youth to participate in something bigger than themselves, mature socially and mentally, and become active participants in the local, state and global community. The program consists of various program areas that model every as

We the Youth


Delegate-­produced   newspapers   churn   out   the  latest  stories  and  trends

It also emphasizes delegates putting themselves beyond their comfort zone and challenging themselves. It empowers the young people of California and gives them the feeling they can do anything, save California, and eventually the world. Four year Y&G program veteran Craig Marker gives his perspective

public speaking a lot. . . There are clinics, advisors, and other opportunities to help improve public speaking skills. This skill is not only used in the program, but in school and other aspects of the real world.”


Many uninformed citizens make the argument that adolescents

observed a collective group of youth who have hypothetically

young, take stock of the fact they are so intellectual, sophisticated and committed to bettering the state that they often have more passion than current politicians.To summarize, this unmatched program gives the rising generation stricken with apathy a chance to solve the problems the world faces

Delegates  are  all  smiles  all  the  timeLegislation,  Legislation,  and.  .  .  .  .  More  Legislation!


The long standing Youth and Government program has been doing something no other program in the state has been able to offer, letting adolescents become adults. Not in physical stature, but in responsibility, maturity and mentality. By putting them in the shoes of real justices, legislators, cabinet members and senators, they are allowed

tunity fosters the hope in all participants that no matter how young they may be, how small their opinion may feel, their voice is as important as any in the world. That with just the choices they make, they could alter the future of the state, or even the world. Along with this sensation of personal empowerment comes real world preparation. As wonderful as being important is, it walks hand in hand with a heavy burden of responsibility. Power is a dangerous drug, and can be abused.

When Boys Become Men


The allure is felt at all levels, even ones that have no real impact. In addition, the social, economic and political impact of legislative decisions must be taken into account. In light of this fact, delegates are

standing issues. I have been an eyewitness to the hypothetical solution

budgets, water shortage issues, and matters regarding public transpor

and speaking out because it emphasizes staying up to date with what is happening in the world.”



Chapter TwoBreaking it Down

From a more factual and informative standpoint, Youth and Government consists of dozens of varying political programs. The entire program

of elimination via a speech from all the candidates, followed by a vote

has a cabinet whose responsibility it is to aid him as he maintains order

licly elected justices often preside over the various courts. Below them, delegates assume the roles of lawyers, judges, witnesses, defendants,

eventually reach a verdict. The media program is tasked with keeping all of Youth and Government informed, a formidable task at that. Print media employs writers, editors, photographers and aesthetic designers to pro


Photographers with press passes can be seen in almost every room at any time, busy looking to capture the epitome of the program. Broadcast media works equally strenuously to produce a daily newscast, packed with in

reporters spend hours trying to get the scoop, or make sure the show will

everything in Youth and Government, any delegate may pick up a newspaper, or tune in to local television channels to have this information and entertainment


cide on new laws to be enacted. This is modeled component for compo

written. The anonymous author of the YMCA Youth & Government Parent

ticipants because of the seeming chaos created by the election process,

the perfect way to meet people, share ideas, and make lifelong friendships.

ready to take over the capitols of states and the nation. Their ideas are fresh and put a new perspective on current issues.”


tasked with delivering notes containing information from delegate to delegate, often with critical messages. I got a taste of each and every pro

liver an incredibly important note, from the hand of the governor himself. Working hard primarily on behalf of the senate, my efforts were recog

notes to one another, it ended with a mock marriage and ceremony. Her

who actually really care about just how you feel and are absolutely will

an indescribable feeling. I love it.”

will defend to the death your right to say it.”


Chapter ThreeA Bond Unbreakable

It is common knowledge that high school friendships are often tainted

one another to scale the rungs of the social ladder. Yes many friendships survive these trials and tribulations intact, or stronger than before, but often it is not so. I am here to tell you, that the human connections formed in Youth and Government are unbreakable. Against

engine of the program is geared to give participants a push towards reaching beyond their comfort zone. Many embrace this eagerly and, with a smile on their face, greet every person they see and befriend

happen time and time again. The most reserved and timid delegated leave

by all are insurmountable and everlasting.


This is the product of packing together a host of teens in a small environment for dozens of hours and having them pit their wits against one another. The more you argue and debate with somebody, the more you clash with them, the closer you will become to them ultimately. Well known is the fact that the more you speak, the more you engage in debate, the more people will approach you later. Being loud, passionate, objective, a pain in the butt, in a socially acceptable manner, all of those things will have a host of delegates crowding around you, asking if

the more you prove them wrong, the more annoying you are in session, the closer

friendships, but also instill real world advocacy and speaking skills that teach one not to fear voicing their opinion to a group, controversial or not. Facebook activity

thousands of pictures and uploaded and tagged, friend requests spiderweb across

posted. Delegates may be separated by the high mountain peaks and low rolling valleys of our beautiful state, but their hearts beat together as one.

Rushing  to  and  from  session


at  a  time


Chapter FourA Nation of Youth

upon thousands of young Californians. This empowerment bolsters students to make something of themselves in this world and strive to make a difference. The impact their community, to impact their county, to impact their state, to impact their country, to impact the world. Change starts small. It begins with an idea, a passion, it grows from one or two people and it spreads. Eventually, it runs rampant like a disease. This strain is a plague of positive change. It runs like

who want to change the world. They have been instructed in the principles of leadership, friendship, government structure, maturity and

in the real world.


working world. Not only are these skills applicable in politics and

need to become successful in modern day America. This program

spects, teaches, involves and gives them unmatched opportunities and hurtles them towards success. It allows for social maturation, a chance to make inseparable friendships and a window of opportunity to make a difference. This program is truly the epit

gate of potential reform for California. The more kids you can educate, involve and teach, the greater possibility for solving the numerous problems currently plaguing our great state.

portunity and an obligation.”


Delegates  not  only  pride   themselves  on  clean-­cut  looks,  but  on  smelling  their  best  as  well

Speaking  is  a  critical  element  in  every  program  area




Works Cited Page

4. Bastoul, Kevin. Personal Interview. 18 Mar. 2012