It's Always Been Done That Way

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of It's Always Been Done That Way

“It’s Always Been Done That Way”The conundrum of Us vs. Them (and what we can do about it, maybe)

#NJLA16S Bryce Kozla



What is your FAVORITE part about working in libraries?

Today’s planPart 1: How Did We Get Here?

Part 2: The Bright-Eyed/Pearl Clutching Continuum

Part 3: Communicating to Make Things Happen

Part 4: ...Profit

Why are things so heavy in the future?

Is there a problem with the earth’s gravitational pull?Flickr user jdhancock (Creative Commons license)

Title: “The Five Stages of Stormtrooper Grief”

Flickr user jdhancock (Creative Commons license)

Librarians: a “helping” profession

Flickr user jdhancock (Creative Commons license)

Empathy as a job


Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue-Hypervigilance-Hopelessness-Inability to embrace complexity-Inability to listen-Anger and cynicism

-Sleeplessness-Fear-Chronic exhaustion-Physical ailments-Minimizing-Shame

(Van Dernoot Lipsky, L. (2009). Trauma Stewardship: An everyday guide to caring for self while caring for others. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. )

ACE Study

ACE Study continued

Comic: KC Greene “The Pills are Working”, Gunshow #648

Flickr user jdhancock (Creative Commons license)

Too much stress flips your lid!


Tips to “unflip”-fidgeting

-sensory activities

-talking a walk

-Breathing exercises

-Start again tomorrow

The Bright Eyed-Pearl Clutching continuum

Think about it:a time when:

you wanted something to happen and were rejected or received push back.

Think about it:a time when: wanted something to happen and were rejected or received push back.

2.someone did not listen to your concerns,

OR you didn’t think your contributions mattered.

● Enthusiastic

● User-oriented

● Eager to prove themselves

● Methodical

● Historical insight

● May not feel like input matters

“We tried that before, and it didn’t work.”

“You do not bring anything new to the table.”

“We WOULD do that, but there are so many hoops to jump through.”

“Your opinion is not valid enough for me to advocate for you”

“That wouldn’t work because _______”

“There is no convincing me that it will work.”

“That sounds hard.” “I do not like working enough to try this.”

“It’s always been done that way.”

“I will not be receptive to any change to the library as it currently is.”

Pearl Clutcher Says Bright Eye Hears“We are completely revamping an old policy”

“I don’t care about why the old policy exists.”

“Our storytime will now involve a STEM element”

“Your favorite parts of storytime are becoming obsolete”

“This vintage train display is so old; it’s just silly.”

“If you remember a time before this train display was here, you are silly.”

“We will be looking at new ways to approach outreach.”

“The old way is inherently wrong.”

“This is what we’re doing, you’re either on the bus or not.”

“If you have any objection to any facet of this change, your job is in danger.”

Bright Eye Says Pearl Clutcher Hears

“Holding Space” for others

What it is not:-taking power away (“fixing the problem”)-shaming -overwhelming them with too much information

What it is:-allowing autonomy-offering support + guidance-making them feel safe


...the perfect team.

It does not matter what types of people are on your team.

Teams are at their best when they feel psychologically safe.

Psychological Safety-shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking-sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish someone for speaking up

Team climate characterized by:-interpersonal trust-mutual respect

How did you come to work in libraries?

How did you come to work in libraries?

What is your favorite thing about working in libraries?

-Learn values, strengths-Inspire trust

Change WILL happen.

So ask questions.Flickr user jdhancock (Creative Commons license)

Can you tell me a little bit about the history of this program?

-empowers employees with historical insight-enlightens employees without it

What is the goal of the existing procedure?

Change can focus on:-meeting this goal better-re-evaluating the need for the goal

How would this change affect our workflow?

-How many departments are involved?-Can be disguised as a declarative

What need does this change meet?

-changes should be community responsive-working toward doing our jobs better

What does success of this program look like?

-Everyone knows what to look for- “Patrons enjoy using the library”

What are you afraid of happening

if this change is or is not made?

-worst case scenario-every team member on the same side-de-escalation




Change is not a defined shape

(definitely not a line)


Manager Director

? ?

Your turn! Try:-picture book city-new library card type with no fines designed for students-ticketing or registration system for programs that did not require them before- “prizeless” Summer Reading

This is only the beginning!S Bryce Kozla (@PLSanders)


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