ITN-ETN 642612 The EU Framework Programme for Research and … · 2016-10-28 ·...

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Transcript of ITN-ETN 642612 The EU Framework Programme for Research and … · 2016-10-28 ·...


Virtual Physiological Human – Cardiovascular Simulation and

Experimentation for Personalised Medical Devices

ITN-ETN 642612

Horizon 2020:

The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-ETN)

Work Package: WP5


Deliverable: D5.2

Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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IST Project Num MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN: – 642612 Acronym VPH-CaSE

Full title Virtual Physiological Human –

Cardiovascular Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Medical Devices

Project URL

EU Project officer Sergio Mastropierro

Work package Number 5 Title Training

Deliverable Number 5.2 Title Report on TA1

Date of delivery Contractual 31/12/2015 Actual 21/12/2015

Status Version 1.0 Final

Nature Prototype Report Dissemination Other

Dissemination Level

Public (PU) Restricted to other Programme Participants (PP)

Consortium (CO) Restricted to specified group (RE)

Authors (Partner) John Fenner, Norman Powell, Gabriele Dubini

Responsible Author

Andrew Narracott Email

Partner USFD Phone 0044 114 2713687

Abstract (for dissemination) This document reports the delivery and outcomes of Training Activity 1, held in Sheffield,

hosted by USFD on the 17th and 18th November, 2015. The document describes the

training activities and its participants. It reviews outcomes from the activities including

feedback from the VPH-CaSE Early Stage Researchers. These outcomes are summarised

in the context of the VPH-CaSE network-level training programme, as specified by the

VPH-CaSE Grant Agreement.

Keywords Training, Skills, Early Stage Researchers, PDP

The information in this document is provided as is and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any

particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and liability. Its owner is not liable for damages

resulting from the use of erroneous or incomplete confidential information.

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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Version Log

Issue Date Version Author Change

19/11/2015 0.1 AJN Initial draft and structure

20/11/2015 0.2 AJN Added some content for sections 1-3

24/11/2015 0.3 JWF General edits and extra content to all sections

27/11/2015 0.4 AJN Refined content in later sections

03/12/2015 0.5 JWF Overall review and edits

10/12/2015 0.6 NP Incorporate NJP and GD minor corrections

21/12/2015 1.0 NP Submission Version

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WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 5

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 6

2 Agenda for training activity 1 ............................................................................................ 7

3 Detail of individual training sessions ................................................................................. 9

3.2 Concluding Remarks and Questionnaire ................................................................... 16

4 Analysis of feedback and impact for future training activities ........................................ 17

4.1 Reporting of feedback ............................................................................................... 17

4.2 Overall Feedback and Comments ............................................................................. 19

4.3 Discussion ................................................................................................................. 19

5 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 21

6 Appendix 1 : Ethics exam and responses ......................................................................... 22

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WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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This document reports the delivery and outcomes of VPH-CaSE Training Activity 1, held in

Sheffield, hosted by USFD on the 17th and 18th November, 2015. This is the first Network

event in which the ESRs have participated since their recent recruitment, so this was an

opportunity to emphasise important Network priorities (Personal Development Plan, ethics

etc.) and promote Network cohesion. The document describes the nature of the training

activities, the participants and the outcomes from the activities including feedback from the

VPH-CaSE Early Stage Researchers.

This training activity is reported in the context of the skills requirements defined for the

VPH-CaSE Early Stage Researcher (ESR) cohort, previously reported in deliverable D5.1 :

Skill Requirements. In addition to the immediate outcomes from this training activity, this

event has addressed the important need to ensure all VPH-CaSE ESRs engage with the

opportunities offered by the network-level training to be delivered by VPH-CaSE. This has

been secured by a commitment to monitor ESR skills development through the Personal

career Development Plan (PDP), described in deliverable D5.1.

This report concludes with a summary of the outcomes from the training activity, providing

recommendations which will inform planning and implementation of the future network-level

training activities.

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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The VPH-CaSE Marie Curie European Training Network delivers a network-wide training

programme to 14 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) hosted in academic and industry centres

throughout Europe. The training programme is driven by a commitment to equip the ESR cohort

with skills as defined in in deliverable D5.1, which has been developed by the project Steering

Committee and reviewed by the Supervisory Board. Overall, 4 Training Activities are planned, and

their delivery schedule is reported in D5.1. This report focuses on Training Activity 1 which was

held in Sheffield from 17th – 18th November, 2015, hosted by USFD.

For reference, the description of planned activities for Training Activity 1 from deliverable D5.1 is

provided in table 1 below.

Table 1: Training Activity 1 : Intro event: preliminary skills, networking

Description: This event will take place over two days in

Sheffield, once all ESRs have been recruited to allow ESRs to

gain an understanding of their IRP topic prior to participation in

the event. The training activities will focus on complementary

skills, as ESRs will still be in the process of becoming familiar

with the technical requirements of their IRP. The event will

provide an opportunity for all ESRs to meet for the first time and

will promote network cohesion and interactions between

VPH-CaSE institutions. In particular, the event will provide

training in issues associated with ethical use of research data and

provide ESRs with information related to the management and

reporting requirements of VPH-CaSE, promoting understanding

of project management.

LTO will provide a case study: ‘What is it like to

operate as an SME?’

Training will be provided in the ethical use of clinical

data: STH research governance case study

Interactions will take place with USFD Industrial

Knowledge Forge event: local engagement with


Sheffield Healthcare Gateway ( will

provide a talk on commercialisation of research outputs, aspects

to consider when starting a research programme.

Primary skills addressed:


Skills/Personal Effectiveness



Research & Project

Management (Management,


Career Management (Career


Commercial Exploitation of

Results, Entrepreneurship

Section 2 and 3 of this report describe provision of the training event, whilst section 4 provides an

analysis of the outcomes of the event, including ESR feedback. Section 5 presents conclusions, and

looks ahead to the delivery of future training events. Reference documentation is provided in the


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WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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This section provides the participant list and agenda for Training Activity 1, with detail of the

implementation of each element of the agenda provided in section 3 of this report.

Participant list for Training Activity 1

Presenters: John Fenner Scientific Coordinator USFD JWF Andrew Narracott Scientific Coordinator USFD AJN Vanessa Diaz PI UCL VD Adrian Walker PI LTO AW John Atwood Consultant Your Care Connected JA Emma Nolan Commercial Assessment and

IP Management RIS, USFD EN

Prashant Verma Supervisory Board member STH PV Participants: Paolo Ferraiuoli ESR01 USFD PF Simone Ferrari ESR02 USFD SF Carlos Ledezma ESR05 UCL CL Mirko Bonfanti ESR06 UCL MB Susanna Migliori ESR07 POLIMI SM Ricardo Gómez Bardón ESR08 POLIMI RG Emila Badescu ESR09 CNRS EB Gerardo Kenny Rumindo ESR10 CNRS GR Massimiliano Mercuri ESR11 Therevna MM Simone Ambrogio ESR12 LTO SA Jeroen Feher ESR13 Ansys JF Benjamin Kappler ESR14 LifeTec BK

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Date: 21-Dec-15

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Agenda for Training Activity 1

Timing Ref Agenda Item Venue Resp

13:00 TA01-01




RHH – Seminar Room 4



14:00 TA01-02

Training and Skills



Personnel Development Plan

RHH – Seminar Room 4 AJN

14:45 Coffee RHH – Seminar Room 4

15:00 TA01-03 Ethics RHH – Seminar Room 4 JWF, PV

15:45 TA01-04 Web/Newsletter/Dissemination RHH – Seminar Room 4 AJN/JWF

16:30 TA01-05 InKForge - Technical careers beyond academia RHH – F-floor Lecture Theatre 3 AW


18:00 End of Day 1

09:00 TA01-06

Information Sessions:

Grant Agreement

Consortium and Partner Agreements


A16, Pam Liversidge Building




10:00 TA01-07

Healthcare Gateway:

Commercialisation of research; academic and industrial perspectives.

A16, Pam Liversidge Building SS, EN

11:00 Coffee A16, Pam Liversidge Building

11:15 TA01-08 Life as a Marie Curie Fellow A16, Pam Liversidge Building VD

12:00 TA01-09 Web/Newsletter/Dissemination A16, Pam Liversidge Building AJN/JWF

13:00 Lunch The Forum, Division Street

14:00 End of Day 2

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Date: 21-Dec-15

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This section provides detail of each of the training sessions outlined in the agenda provided in

section 2. A room was made available from 11:00 to allow ESRs to meet informally if they arrived

early for the training activity. All ESRs met for lunch together to encourage informal discussion

from 12:00 – 13:00 prior to the formal training activities.

3.1.1 Session name: TA01-1 : Introduction (Hosts and ESRs)

Session date/time: November 17th, 13:00 – 14:30

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN

Handed out: Agenda, TA01-1 slide handout, Grant Agreement, EC Brussels slides

ESR Activity: Personal presentation of ESR profiles

Information Received at the End of the Session: Slides of the ESR presentations


In this session (extended to 90 minutes from 13:00 to 14:30) JWF provided an overview of network

aims, objectives and activities from the perspective of the Training Activity hosts USFD in their

role as coordinator of the VPH-CaSE network. This included an introductory talk in which the

European Context of Marie Curie funding and VPH-CaSE were discussed, highlighting the

training components of the Network as well as the contractual responsibilities of all involved.

This was consolidated by distribution of a copy of the VPH-CaSE Grant Agreement and

printed copies of the slides from the ITN Information Day that were made available from the

Brussels meeting in April 2015. Towards the end of the session, the ESRs were invited to

stand and present their profile one at a time (they had been previously provided with a slide

template that was expected to be completed prior to the event). The ESRs were asked to present

for 3-4 minutes to provide an overview of their personal background and research history

(including overview of research projects undertaken during Masters/Undergraduate study) and a

brief summary of the aims, objectives and any preliminary results from their IRP. These were

presented in an orderly fashion, taking approximately 35 minutes in total. The session was

extended to allow all ESRs to present in full. JWF concluded by re-emphasising the expected

benefits and responsibilities associated with Marie-Curie funded training.

Key content communicated:

Structure of the consortium,

Clustering of Individual Research Projects (IRPs),

EC monitoring of project activity,

Importance of researcher skill development,

ESR responsibilities

Steering committee/supervisor responsibilities

Skills targeted : Communication Skills : Presentation, Communication, Research Management

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

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3.1.2 Session name: TA01-2 : Training and Skills

Session date/time: November 17th, 14:30 – 15:00

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN

Handed out: TA01-2 slide handout, Personal Career Development Plan ESR summary

document, Blank templates for Table 1-3 of PDP

ESR Activity: Review/identify skills. Consider aspects of PDP.

Information Received at the End of the Session: Recommendations for skills to be added to the

skills list, such as…

(i) skills relating to marketing of a new device,

(ii) skills relating to use of particular tools,

(iii) recognition of viability in relation to manufacturing processes.


In this session (reduced to 30 minutes) AJN provided an overview of the network-wide training to

be delivered by VPH-CaSE and the role of network-wide and local training in relation to the ESR

skills profile and the Personal career Development Plan (PDP) to be developed by each ESR during

their IRP.

Two activities were undertaken. Firstly, ESRs were asked to review the ESR skills profile and

identify skills which were not clearly defined and relevant skills which were missing from the ESR

profile reported in the PDP summary document. Outcomes from this process are reported in

Section 4 of this report. Secondly, they were asked to review the blank templates for Table 1, 2 and

3 of the PDP and to start to consider how they would complete these. Future monitoring of these

tables is discussed at the end of this report.

Key Content Communicated:

Content of PDP ESR summary document,

Overview of ESR skills profile and review,

Interactions between local and network training,

Overview of upcoming Training Events (1, 2 and 3),

PDP goals and process

Skills targeted : Personal Effectiveness, Career Management

3.1.3 Session name: TA01-3 : Ethics

Session date/time: November 17th, 15:00 – 15:40

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN, PV, AW

Handed out: TA01-3 slide handout, Ethics deliverable D1.2 (with appendices

removed). Ethics summary. UK perspective - ethics example

ESR Activity: Ethics exam (10 minutes)

Information Received at the End of the Session: Ethics exam responses (see appendix)

Description: In this session JWF provided an overview of the ethical context of the

network and the responsibility of the ESRs to engage with ethical issues as part of their research

programme. The session opened with a brief introduction to Dr Verma (member of the VPH-

CaSE Ethics Review Board) who was present specifically to support the ethics component of

the Training Event. JWF proceeded to clarify the importance that the EC attaches to ethics,

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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both in respect of professional behaviour (e.g. plagiarism etc.) and in the context of research.

The specific strategies adopted by VPH-CaSE to address ethics were discussed, with

reference to both the ‘Ethical Self Assessment’ of the GA and the more recently submitted

deliverable D1.2 (‘Ethical Delivery of Documents’). The network’s general position on

consent, encryption/anonymisation of sensitive data and support for the 3Rs was highlighted,

followed by the roles of the Ethical Review Board and the VPH-CaSE ethical profiles

associated with each project. The ESRs then undertook a simple ethics test (a lightweight,

open book examination) followed by a review of each other’s responses (each ESR marked

his/her neighbour’s paper). A short discussion led by JWF clarified the correct responses. The

session concluded by reiterating that ethics is the responsibility of each ESR within the

network, to be reviewed with the supervisor throughout the whole of the project, assisted by

the appropriate IRP ethical profile and the Ethical Review Board.

Key Content Communicated:

EC perspective on ethics

VPH-CaSE strategy for ethics

Consent, encryption, anonymisation, 3Rs

Ethical Review Board

IRP ethical profile

Skills targeted : Research & Project Management (Management, Governance)

3.1.4 Session name: TA01-4 : Dissemination (Part 1)

Session date/time: November 17th, 15:40 – 16:20

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN, AW

Handed out: TA01-4 slide handout

ESR Activity: 10 minute video, introducing Open Access publication

Short activity in which each ESR chose to affiliate him/herself to a

preferred dissemination outlet - Web, YouTube/Webinar, Newsletter

Information Received at the End of the Session: Dissemination group allocation (see below)

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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In this session JWF provided an overview of the dissemination aspects of the network and the

importance of this for the profile of European research and the careers of the ESRs. The

presentation began with an introduction to EC policy on dissemination for Marie Curie

networks, making a distinction between professional dissemination and public

communication. This session was directed at the former and presented 4 principal

dissemination channels adopted by the Network - scientific publication/conferences, VPH-

CaSE website, YouTube/Webinars, newsletter. A brief overview of each was presented,

including a 10 minute video explaining Open Access publication. EC support for the latter

was emphasised, supporting opportunities for both Green and Gold routes. The role of

Therenva as an eventual translational outlet for VPH-CaSE research was also discussed. The

session closed with an activity in which the ESRs expressed their interest in supporting a

particular dissemination channel. The ESRs were asked to assign themselves to one of three

teams responsible for coordinating activity of the ESRs in each of the following areas over the next

12 month period: Web resources, Webinars/You Tube, Newsletter. These groupings are a natural

way to facilitate inter-centre liaison as they champion their respective dissemination activity

within the Network (subject to approval by the VPH-CaSE Steering Committee).

Key Concepts Communicated

Dissemination vs Public Communication

EC perspective on dissemination

VPH-CaSE dissemination channels - publication, web, YouTube/webinar, newsletter

Open Access (10 minute video -

Skills targeted : Communication Skills, Research Management, Career Management


WEB YouTube/Webinar Newsletter

Team Web

Paolo Ferraiuoli

Carlos Ledezuna

Benjamin Kappler

Massimiliano Mercuri

Team YouTube/Webinar

Simone Ferrari

Jeroen Fehrer

Susanna Migliori

Emilia Badescu

Team Newsletter

Simone Amborgio

Mirko Bonfanti

G Kenny Rumindo

Ricardo Gomez

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3.1.5 Session name: TA01-5 : InkForge careers session

Session date/time: November 17th, 16:30 – 18:00

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN, AW, JA

Handed out: N/A

ESR Activity: The ESRs were active in the question and answer sessions following each

of the presentations, along with external participants from outside the


Information Received at the End of the Session: N/A


This session was organised in collaboration with InkForge

( and provided career

perspectives from two speakers; Adrian Walker from VPH-CaSE Beneficiary Leeds Test Objects

and John Attwood (Healthcare consultant, YourCareConnected). The perspectives allowed the

ESRs to gain an understanding of careers beyond the academic sector and the opportunities and

challenges of working within these environments. The event was open to researchers beyond the

VPH-CaSE consortium, with the ESR numbers swollen by almost 10 additional PhD and

postdoctoral researchers.

Skills targeted : Career Planning

3.1.6 Session name: TA01-6 : Management

Session date/time: November 18th, 09:15 – 10:00

Attendees: All ESRs, AJN

Handed out: TA01-6 slide handout

ESR Activity: Impromptu test on principles of the Grant Agreement

Information Received at the End of the Session: N/A


In this session AJN provided an overview of the management aspects of the network and the

relationship between the effort of the ESRs, the reporting of project progress and the terms of the

EC Grant Agreement.

Key Content Communicated:

Implications of the VPH-CaSE Grant Agreement

Workpackage structure, deliverables and milestones

Reporting obligations for the project

Additional issues addressed by Consortium Agreement

IP issues and Open Access

Skills targeted : Research & Project Management (Management, Governance)

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

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Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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3.1.7 Session name: TA01-7 : Commercialisation of Research

Session date/time: November 18th, 10:30 – 11:15

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN, EN

Handed out: Business Canvas

ESR Activity: 3 groups discussing Business Canvas concepts

Information Received at the End of the Session: Business Canvas responses from the ESRs


In this session Emma Nolan (Research and Innovation Services, USFD) provided an overview of

issues related to commercialisation of research and protection of research outcomes, including

Intellectual Property. This was illustrated with reference to a case study from Liverpool John

Moores University which covered issues including financing for prototype production. The

Business Canvas was promoted as an effective medium for considering commercialisation issues

and the ESRs were invited to break into 3 groups of 4 to examine the Business Canvas in the

context of their own research within VPH-CaSE. This required discussion of a number of topics;

Key Partners, Key Activities, Key Resources, Value Propositions, Customer Relationships,

Channels, Customer Segments, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams. Key Content Communicated:


Intellectual property


Business concepts as illustrated by the Business Canvas

Skills targeted : Commercial Exploitation of Results, Entrepreneurship

3.1.8 Session name: TA01-8 : Life as a Marie Curie Fellow

Session date/time: November 18th, 11:15 – 12:00

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN, VD

Handed out: N/A

ESR Activity: Question and answer session at the end of the presentation

Information Received at the End of the Session: N/A


In this session Dr Vanessa Diaz from VPH-CaSE Beneficiary UCL provided an overview of her

career history with reference to her experience as a Marie Curie Fellow and as coordinator of the

MeDDiCA Marie Curie ITN and head of the MUSE research group at UCL. This included

discussion of the challenges of the academic research environment and the opportunities awarded to

ESRs through Marie Curie actions to support development of their personal career profile. The

ESRs enthusiastically engaged with Dr Diaz during a Q&A session following her talk.

Skills targeted : Personal Effectiveness, Research Management, Career Management

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3.1.9 Session name: TA01-9 : Dissemination (Part 2) - outreach

Session date/time: November 18th, 12:00 – 13:00

Attendees: All ESRs, JWF, AJN

Handed out: TA01-9 slide handout

ESR Activity: Brainstorming breakout session (3 groups) to consider innovative ways

to communicate the science of VPH-CaSE IRPs to the public

Information Received at the End of the Session: Notes on possible outreach activities (see below)


In this session JWF provided an insight into the importance of outreach activities to enhance

the impact of EC-funded research. The session began by reiterating the EC's policy on

dissemination, making a distinction between professional dissemination and public

communication. This session was directed at the latter and emphasised the need to 'think

outside the box' when promoting public understanding of science. JWF provided several

examples that had successfully delivered public outreach in the past, highlighting how

interactive elements can help to capture the general public's scientific imagination (eg. the

use of Lego, mock-ups of medical equipment, etc.). It was also highlighted that it is important

to choose a clear focus for the activities so that visitors leave with a clear message. As a

vehicle for discussion, two ESRs (already prepared) contrasted the scientific dissemination of

complex flow by traditional scientific methods with an informative but interactive alternative

suitable for the general public and children. This was used to initiate discussion in 3 groups,

considering inventive ways in which the topic of each IRP could be communicated to society.

VPH-CaSE has already identified several venues at which such outreach activities could be

exercised (Cafe Scientifique, European Researchers night, etc.) and the ESRs were

OutreachReporting back…

• Group 1

• Group 2

• Group 3


Toy gun for vortex generator with transparent case

Visits of undergraduate students to the lab – prototypes to play with.

Ring vortex generator

Heart and valve model (physical, pump fluid between tanks)

Aneursym model (cut-tube & balloon) and dedicated app.

Single image 2D; pair of images 3D

Tube simulating arteries

Simulating action potentials with sounds

Phantoms with 2 objects (small/big) imaged with U/S probes; consider transition between objects as a dilation

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encouraged to report to their supervisors and develop their ideas for outreach further.

Key Concepts Communicated:

Dissemination vs Outreach

Obligations to promote project outcomes as part of Grant Agreement

Outreach as a vehicle to develop researcher skills

Outreach opportunities - schools, public events, Cafe Scientifique etc.

Outreach strategies - engaging activities, public interaction

Examples of outreach (Sheffield)

Breakout discussion group to consider outreach strategies for each IRP

Skills targeted : Communication, Project Management

3.2 Concluding Remarks and Questionnaire

The training activity concluded with a summary from JWF, providing an overview of the key

points covered by the two days of the training session. These focussed on the responsibilities

of the ESRs in relation to ethical issues associated with their Individual Research Projects,

the monitoring of their Personal career Development Plan (PDP) throughout the period of

VPH-CaSE activity, and consideration of dissemination/outreach activities, with an emphasis

in all cases on discussion with their respective supervisors. Finally, the ESRs were asked to

complete a Feedback Questionnaire, designed to solicit reflective opinions about the Training

Activity they had just undertaken. The results are presented below (Section 4).

Following the end of the formal meeting all ESRs joined for lunch to allow further informal

networking and discussion of issues related to development of IRPs and collaboration

between VPH-CaSE ESRs.

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Date: 21-Dec-15

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4.1 Reporting of feedback

The following section reviews the general feedback received from the ESRs regarding the

training sessions, collected at the end of the training event. For each element the ESRs were

asked to provide a score out of 5 (1 – lowest; 5-highest) and given the opportunity to provide

comments. The cumulative scores were ranked to ascertain relative interest in each session

(1- top rank; 9-bottom rank) and this is also reported below.

TA01-01: Introduction and ESR Profiles Rated: 3.9/5 Rank: 5/9

Feedback was sought relating to the ESR profile presentations. In general the aim of the

session was well received and the ESRs valued the opportunity to understand the context of

other research within the network. The short time allocated to the presentations, particularly

the focus of the ESR projects was highlighted as a shortcoming, with comments suggesting

that there could have been more time allowed for discussion and interaction between ESRs.

TA01-02: Training and Skills Rated: 3.6/5 Rank: 8/9

Feedback was supportive of the content of the session, suggesting that the material was clear

and well explained. It was mentioned that there was limited time to consider all aspects of

skills development within the session itself. The challenge of considering the relevance of

skills development to career development so early within the network activity was

highlighted. It was identified that the ESRs are keen to be made aware of training

opportunities within the network, including availability of local training within other centres.

ESRs identified the following areas where additional skills development might be required:

Skills with specific software packages, i.e. Matlab, ANSYS etc.

Skills in understanding manufacturing requirements for medical devices (cost,

feasibility, etc.)

TA01-03: Ethics Rated: 4/5 Rank: 4/9

The importance of ethics was acknowledged in ESR feedback comments, with particular

reference to the fact that this topic had not been considered by ESRs prior to the training

event. The ethics exam was highlighted as useful to ensure ESRs had understood the ethical

context of the network. Suggestions for improving the training included the use of specific

‘real world’ examples and allowing more time for discussion. The outcomes of the ‘ethics

exam’ are reported in Appendix 6. This highlighted that…

The ESRs widely acknowledged the importance of anonymisation, encryption and the

3Rs as Network policy

There was confusion by some ESRs about specific aspects of ethical relevance (eg.

dual/secondary use, consent) in the context of their VPH-CaSE projects

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The ESRs acknowledged the importance of ethics discussion with their supervisors

and the Ethics Review Board, both of which are informed by the project specific

ethics profiles

TA01-04: Dissemination (1) Rated: 3.8/5 Rank: 6/9

ESR comments and feedback were supportive of the content of the session and the examples

provided were considered helpful in illustrating its importance and mechanisms to achieve

dissemination of results. It was suggested that more concrete guidance is required to assist

the ESRs in taking forward activities within each dissemination area and that methods of

communication between the members of each team need to be clarified.

TA01-05: InKForge Rated: 4.1/5 Rank: 3/9

The feedback from ESRs was very positive overall, with particular focus on the benefits of

providing an industrial perspective on research and career progression. The presentations of

both invited speakers were well received. Discussion following the talks also provided

opportunities for some reference to topics discussed during the ESR training delivered in

TA01-02, with the importance of skills relating to manufacturing processes highlighted in the

context of industrial R&D.

TA01-06: Management Rated: 3.6/5 Rank: 8/9

Considering the dryness of the topic, this session was received reasonably well by the ESRs

and the mix of feedback reflected the challenges of presenting the scope of the Grant

Agreement (and its implications for ESRs) in a general training session. Some ESRs

suggested that the detail of the Grant Agreement could have been discussed in greater depth,

others found the content somewhat repetitive as similar topics had been discussed more

generally during previous sessions.

TA01-07: Commercialisation Rated: 3.8/5 Rank: 6/9

ESR feedback was positive, particularly in relation to the importance of understanding IP

protection and the relationship between this and the research projects. Some ESRs felt there

was not enough time to fully explore the Business Canvas exercise and that further guidance

to complete the Business Canvas would be helpful.

TA01-08: Life as a Marie Curie Fellow Rated: 4.5/5 Rank: 1/9

This talk was ranked as the favourite session, with a number of ESRs providing additional

supportive comments. These focussed on the personal nature of the presentation providing a

direct perspective from the experience of a Marie Curie Fellow and providing insight into the

challenges and rewards of an academic research career.

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WP5: Training

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Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

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TA01-09: Dissemination (2) – outreach Rated: 4.3/5 Rank: 2/9

This session was well received, with the ESRs valuing the opportunity to develop ideas for

outreach within a group environment. Suggestions for improvement included allowing more

time for discussion and more opportunity for development of ideas.

4.2 Overall Feedback and Comments

In addition to feedback on specific training elements the ESRs provided general feedback on

the Training Activity as a whole. From these comments it is clear that they appreciated

participation in this first Training Activity and recognised the opportunity that this provided

to promote networking and collaboration between the ESRs in the context of their IRPs.

Recommendations were made to make printed materials available electronically, with the

suggestion that this could be facilitated through the project website, providing a focus for

further ESR interaction. Looking ahead to production of literature reviews across the network

(an early requirement of a PhD programme in most academic centres), it was suggested that

the work could be collected and edited to create a coherent whole, either published as a

review paper for dissemination purposes or compiled as a book. It was clear that the ESRs

sought further interaction in many cases, and that they would have welcomed further time

dedicated to each activity, with the suggestion that the Training Activity as a whole could

have been extended to a longer duration (i.e. two full days activity).

4.3 Discussion

In general the implementation and delivery of Training Activity 1 can be considered a

success. There were some minor issues relating to logistics or over-running of some sessions,

requiring slight changes to the planned timetable for the training elements. All 12

participants were able to attend the activities as planned in the agenda.

If the success of the Training Activity is measured by the ESR feedback, then it is

encouraging to note that all training elements received an average score of at least 3.6 and the

only element that received a lesser score came from an individual in respect of the InkForge

career talk; notably this received an average high score of 4.1. The ranking of the elements in

terms of ESR feedback suggests the more personal and interactive elements of training were

most positively received (Marie Curie Fellow, Dissemination 2 and InkForge). We are very

encouraged that the Ethics training was ranked highly by the ESRs (average score 4.0, rank

4/9) and that the ESR feedback recognises the importance of this element in relation to their

research projects. Management aspects in terms of the description of the training programme

and wider administration were not ranked so highly. This is unsurprising due to its non-

scientific content and the naturally less interactive character of this topic. However, it was

important that a sufficient level of detail was communicated to the ESRs at the start of their

training programme because it provides a useful reference against which to resolve future

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

Page 20 of 22

issues. Also, in the case of the PDP, it outlines what is expected of the ESRs as their training

evolves over the course of the project.

A general observation from ESR feedback was that more time was requested for some

activities, although this could only have been accommodated by extension of the event. The

delivered timetable attempted to balance formal sessions with accommodation and travel

requirements, dissemination of information to ESRs and reasonable costs for the ESR

budgets. However, the natural enthusiasm of the ESRs should be encouraged, capitalising on

their motivations and encouraging them to invest further effort in these activities to ensure

that they continue to engage with the many aspects of the research programme (skills

monitoring, IP issues, ethics review, PDP) when they return to their host institutions. It is

appropriate that the Training Activity should be followed by e-mails to the ESRs and contact

with supervisors. This will promote continued monitoring of ESR engagement with the

research, outreach, ethics and PDP, and would also involve the VPH-CaSE Steering

Committee, promoting consolidation of outcomes from Training Activity 1.

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

Page 21 of 22


Following the successful delivery of VPH-CaSE Training Activity 1, the following actions

are planned to enhance delivery of future events in the VPH-CaSE network-wide training


This report will be shared with the project Steering Committee and Supervisory Board

and used to inform the decisions of the Working Group responsible for design and

delivery of each of the future VPH-CaSE Training Activities

Where ESR feedback is used to inform the design of future activities (e.g. open

sessions to allow development of collaborative IRP activities) this will be highlighted

in advance, to encourage ESR engagement with the training events

Electronic copies of supporting materials will be made available to both ESRs and

their supervisors to inform continued development of the Personal career

Development Plan (PDP) for each ESR

In particular, it is noted that the enthusiasm of the ESRs to participate in longer training

activities will be well served by Training Activities 2, 3 and 4 which are all scheduled to take

place over a full week. The timing of these activities also means that all ESRs will be well

engaged with the focus of their IRP and will be better placed to develop concrete plans for

collaborative research activities.

MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN:– 642612, VPH-CaSE

WP5: Training

D5.2: Report on TA1

Version: 1.0

Date: 21-Dec-15

Page 22 of 22


ETHICS QUESTIONS No. of Correct Answers1

1 Which two processes will be enacted in the event of sensitive data transfer between parties within the Network?


2 What is the code for the EU legislation that deals with data protection? ***********

3 What is the difference between ‘Dual Use’ and ‘Secondary Use’ data? *******

4 Which one of the following correctly describes the position between you and your supervisor…

As an ESR I might discuss my project and its ethical responsibilities with my supervisor

As an ESR I will discuss my project and its ethical responsibilities with my supervisor

As an ESR I will not discuss my project and its ethical responsibilities with my supervisor


5 In our research domain, what is meant by the 3Rs and what do they refer to? **********

6 To what extent does your project rely on the use of human tissue? ***********

7 Do you foresee ethical issues presenting an impediment to the progress of your project in the next 3 years? If so, what will you do about it?


8 What is the purpose of the ethical profile contained within the ‘Ethics Delivery of Documents’?


9 What is the relevance of ‘informed consent’ in the context of research in the hospital environment?


10 The Ethics Review Board has ultimate authority within the Network to sanction the continuation or cessation of my research. True or false?



1. Encryption/anonymization 6. No use of human biological tissue in project

2. EU directive 95/46/EC 7. If ethical issues exist, resolve by discussing with supervisor and Ethical Review Board

3. Dual – reused for harmful purposes

Secondary – used outside the original consent

8. A snapshot of IRP ethical status. Review/update at regular intervals

4. (b) 9. Permission is received from the research participant and he/she understands the implications

5. Replace, Reduce, Refine 10. True

1 A total of 11 completed ethics exam sheets were recovered from the VPH-CaSE ESR cohort