I.Third Estate II.Economic Problems III.Social Problems.

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Transcript of I.Third Estate II.Economic Problems III.Social Problems.




By: Jennifer & Jamie


I. Third Estate

II. Economic Problems

III. Social Problems

France Pre-


About 27 million people(98% of population)

Classes were:Bourgeoisie(middle class): bankers,

merchants, and manufactures, lawyers, doctors, journalists, professors, and skilled artisans

Rural peasants(bulk of estate; nine out of ten people):landowners, tenant farmers, day laborers

Urban workers(poorest):servants, stable hands, porters, construction, or even unemployed


Deficit Spending: governments is spending more money than it is taking in

Costs of bread and crops had risen in 1700’s

By 1789- half of government tax went to pay the interest of debt (Same with U.S today)

Economic Troubles

In the 1770’s: a general decline began, meaning trade was not accessible or successful as before

Late 1780’s: bad harvests sent food prices soaring in price

Lack of food had inflamed people, causing riots demanding bread

Raised taxes left people with no option to buy necessitates

Economic Troubles

I. Tennis Court Oath

II. Storming of the Bastille

III. Great Fear

IV. King & Queen


The Third Estate established the National Assembly

Got locked out of their regular meeting place (at Versaille)

They moved to the indoor tennis court

Pledge to not leave France until a new Constitution was formed

Took place June 20th, 1789

Tennis Court Oath

Bastille-medieval fortress used as a prison

July 14, 1789More than 800 Parisians

assembled outside the BastilleTroops were sent to Paris by King

Louis XIV, looking for gunpowder and weapons.

Army killed hundreds as well as the Governor and mayor of Paris

Storming The Bastille

A period of panic and riot by peasants and others

Along with rumors of an “aristocratic conspiracy” by the king

Had the privileged to overthrow the Third Estate

Led to the abolishment of the feudal regime and adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

The Great Fear

Group of Paris women invaded Versailles

Demanded to see the king & queen

Sought out to bring King Louis XIV to Paris and succeeded

Wanted the king to no longer ignore their suffering

Showed that the king was subject to the pressure of the people.

What Happened ToThe King and Queen?

A. National Convention-Louis XIV & Marie Antoinette

B. Maximilien Robespierre involvement

C. How was Reign of Terror stopped??


Chief of architects of the Reign of TerrorWanted to further his idealism and impose it on the French Nation which resulted in “The Reign of Terror”He killed whoever opposed his views(estimated 25,000 people were)Feared members of convention turned on Committee of Public SafetyRobespierre was arrested on July 27, 1794 & executed

Maximilien RobespierreInvolvement

Radicals calling for a new election for a new legislative body (National Convention)

Convention met in Sept. 1792

Voted to abolish the monarchy and declare France as a Republic

Numbered 749 deputies including tradesmen, businessmen, and many professional men


Louis XIV was put on trialTrialed as a traitorWas convicted by a single voteSentenced to death/beheading Tried to speak but his words were drowned out by drumsMoments after his speaking, the king was beheaded

What Happened To Louis XIV?

Lasted from July 1793 to July 1794Maximilien Robespierre rose to wield great power in the revolutionary governmentHe was instrumental in instituting the Reign of Terror

When Robespierre was killed, The Reign Of Terror ended because he was the leader of it (the realization that Robespierre was wrong stop it as well)

Reign Of Terror



o Set up a five-man Directory and a two house legislature elected by males

o The directory faced growing discontent

o Peace was made with Prussia and Spain

o Was prepared by the Thermidorian Convention

Constitution Of 1795

Women did not gain rights for some timeAs the revolution progressed, women’s right to express their views were attackA committee of the National Convention declared that women lacked “Moral and physical strength” to practice political rightsWomen’s revolutionary clubs were bannedViolators were arrestedWomen were imprisoned and sent to the guillotine

Women Rights

Red “liberty caps” and the tricolor symbols established the equality and liberty of all males

The title citizen had applied to people of all social classes

Revolution war gave French people a strong sense of national identity

By the year 1793, France was a nation in arms

Changes In Daily Life

Revolutionaries pushed for social reform as well as religious tolerationSet up state schools to replace religious schoolsOrganized systems to help the poor, war widows and war soldiersThe Convention tried to de-Christianize France

Social Reform

a) Becoming dictator

b) Changing France & Napoleonic Code

c) Building an empire

Napoleon Takes Charge

› Was determined & eager› 1793-drove British forces out of French port of Toulon. Won several victories

› By 1799-he went from general to political leader

› 1802-had himself named consul for life

Becoming Dictator

Main goal was to strengthen the central government

Controlled prices, encouraged new industry, & built roads/canals

System of public schools under strict government control

Made peace with Catholic Church

Changing France

° Embodied enlightenment principals such as:

° Equality of all citizens before the law° Religious toleration° Advancement based on merit

° What happened to women rights??° Well, they lost most of them° They could not exercise the rights of

citizenship° Males regained complete authority over


Napoleonic Code

Faced down combined forces of the greatest European powersMade effective use of his large armiesAdded territory to France like:

The NetherlandsBelgiumParts of Italy & Germany


I. Napoleon & France disliked in


II. Napoleon’s army defeated in Russia

III. Napoleon’s legacy

Napoleon’s Downfall

• Lots of benefits to the people like reduced trade barriers & stimulating industry

But……Saw Napoleon’s army as foreign oppressorsNationalism unleashed revolts against FranceNapoleon wanted to undermined the Catholic Church but the Spanish resisted resulting in well-armed French forces responding with brutal repression

Napoleon & France Disliked In Europe

Russians were unhappy with the effects economically of Napoleon’s Continental systemsNapoleon had enlarged the Grand Duty of Warsaw that had bordered Russialed to czar to withdraw Russia from the Continental SystemRussian attacks and brutal Russian winters took a terrible toll on Napoleon


Good That came out:

Centralized state with a constitutionRights to propertyAccess to educationIdeas of revolution spread

Bad That came out:

Failed to make Europe into a French empireFrench citizens lost many rights promised

Died in 1821Was he “the revolution on horseback” or “traitor to the


Napoleon’s Legacy

A. Restoring Stability in Europe

B. Major Changes after Revolution & Napoleon’s Reign

Congress Of Vienna

Wanted to create a lasting peace by establishing balance of power & protecting system of monarchy:

Balance of power-Redrew map of Europe; ringing France with strong countriesGave Prussia lands along The Rhine River to prevent French expansion

Restoration of Monarchs-Promoted legitimacy (Principal by which monarchies that had been unseated by the French Revolution or Napoleon were restored)

Restoring Stability In Europe

Didn’t see war on a “Napoleonic

scale” until 1914 (Napoleon fought

the biggest war until World War 1 )

Inspired people to seek equality &


Nationalism remained strong

Congress created a framework of


Major Changes After Revolution & Napoleon’s
