Iterate Fast & Win

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Iterate Fast & Win

“Creativity is no longer a singular genius, but an iterative process.”

David Weinberger, Author and Harvard Fellow

Tom Gatten

CEO GrowthIntel


Andrew Davies

CMO & Co-Founder idio


page 04

i. Why the need to iterate quickly affects all of us

ii. Why your three-year plan is a waste of time

iii. What fast iteration looks like in practice

iv. What this means for marketers

What we’ll cover

1. Why this affects everybody

page 05

The need to iterate quickly affects us all – not just start-ups/scale-ups – because: / software is eating the world. It permeates all sectors and lines of business

1. Why this affects everybody

page 06

The need to iterate quickly affects us all – not just start-ups/scale-ups – because: / software is eating the world. It permeates all sectors and lines of business / and the need to develop that software, adopt new tech and strategies is driven not by your org structure but by your customers

1. Why this affects everybody

page 07

The need to iterate quickly affects us all – not just start-ups/scale-ups – because: / software is eating the world. It permeates all sectors and lines of business / and the need to develop that software, adopt new tech and strategies is driven not by your org structure but by your customers “Fast iteration is a customer-driven fact.”

2. Why that three-year plan is a waste of time

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/ none of us can predict the future with enough accuracy to make the plan worthwhile

2. Why that three-year plan is a waste of time

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/ none of us can predict the future with enough accuracy to make the plan worthwhile / exponential growth is impossible to imagine

2. Why that three-year plan is a waste of time

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/ none of us can predict the future with enough accuracy to make the plan worthwhile / exponential growth is impossible to imagine / while you’re planning, you’ll be overtaken, because we’re in a world of permanent beta “The pace of change over the next 18 months will be greater than it was over the last 10 years.”

3. What does fast iteration look like?

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It permeates all areas of business: / culture / structure / tech

3. What does fast iteration look like?

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It permeates all areas of business: / culture / structure / tech And it means: / tolerating and budgeting for failure / testing and learning to keep up with the customer / celebrating experimentation

4. What does all this mean for marketers?

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All this is fundamentally about the customer. / Marketing sit closest to your next customers / Those customers demand/react well to innovation / Even though software is cheap, innovating in marketing is even cheaper

Your next steps

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/ Customer meetings / Experimentation budgets / Start-up work swaps / A commitment to speed / Beta-businesses

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/ The need to iterate quickly affects everybody, regardless of sector, org structure, because: / software has permeated all areas of business and it requires constant innovation. That has increased the pace of change so / don’t plan for three years’ time because you can’t imagine 2019. / And as the voice of the customer, marketers need to be wise to this expectation and seize the opportunity to iterate quickly

Takeaway points


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