ITC by Country Report -

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Transcript of ITC by Country Report -

ITC by CountryReportEgypt05/12/2014

ITC by country - Egypt 1

Table of Contents1. Country / Territory Brief

2. People and Economy

2.1 People

2.2 Economy

3. Trade Performance

3.1 General Trade Performance

3.2 Sector Trade Performance

4. Trade Strategy and Policy

4.1 Trade and Development Strategies

4.2 Domestic and Foreign Market Access

4.3 Trade Facilitation

4.4 Business and Regulatory Environment

4.5 Infrastructure

5. ITC and the Country/Territory

5.1 ITC Projects

5.2 Events

5.3 ITC Contacts

6. Trade Information Sources and Contacts

6.1 Trade Information Sources

6.2 Trade Contacts

This is a pdf version of the captioned country contents in the intracen web site of the International Trade Centre. This documentwas generated on 05.12.2014. For the latest information about ITC's work and the country, please refer to ©International Trade Centre 2014

ITC encourages the reprinting and translation of its publications to achieve wider dissemination. Short extracts of this documentmay be freely reproduced, with due acknowledgement of the source. Permission should be requested for more extensivereproduction or translation. A copy of the reprinted or translated material should be sent to ITC.

ITC by country - Egypt 2

1. Country / Territory Brief

Since early 2000, the pace of structural reforms, including fiscal, monetary policies, privatization and new business legislations,helped Egypt move towards a more market-oriented economy and prompted increased foreign investment, which has helpedtransform Egypt into a more modern market economy. The reforms and policies have strengthened macroeconomic annualgrowth results. Foreign firms are aiding economic diversification, improving the quality of human capital through bettermanagerial and technical skills, increasing employment opportunities and assisting the transfer of technologies. Leadingpetroleum firms are helping the government to exploit its rich oil and gas endowment and generating budget revenue. Egypt'smain exports consist of natural gas, and non-petroleum products such as ready-made clothes, cotton textiles, medical andpetrochemical products, citrus fruits, rice and dried onion, and more recently cement, steel, and ceramics.

Egypt is part of a number of regional and global trade initiatives, and it acceded to the World Trade Organisation in 1995. Amongothers Egypt is a part of COMESA, GAFTA, EU-Egypt Partnership, Agadir Free Trade, Egypt-Turkey and Egypt-EFTA FreeTrade Agreements. Some of the trading partners of Egypt include USA, Italy, India, China, Germany and Russia. ITC has beenactive on the ground in Egypt supporting the development of its processed foods and engineering goods sectors. Egypt iscurrently under interim government until full political transition is completed.

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2. People and Economy2.1 People

Evolution of theHumanDevelopment Index(HDI)

Source: United Nations Development Programme Human Development IndicatorsNote: The Human Development Index measures the overall development of a nation and ranges from 0 (low level ofdevelopment) to 1 (highest level of development). The United Nations Development Programme ( providesa detailed explanation. ITC Regional group refers to ITC definition

Health Life expectancy at birth (years) (59); Mortality rate, under-5 (per thousand live births) (89.5) in 2012

Education Education index - expected and mean years of schooling (rank) ( 171 out of 191) in 2012

Income level GNI per capita in PPP terms (constant 2005 international $) ( ) in 2012

Inequality Inequality-adjusted HDI (rank) (118 out of 191)in 2012

Poverty Multidimensional Poverty Index (rank)( 12 out of 191) in 2012

Gender Gender inequality index (rank) (14 out of 191) in 2012

Sustainability Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) (n.a) in 2012

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2.2 Economy

Added value per sector(current US$ and % of GDP)

Sector added value2004 2008 2012


Agriculture 1,307 32.3 2,140 32.3 N.A. N.A.

Industry 540 13.3 834 12.6 N.A. N.A.

Manufacturing 317 7.8 476 7.2 N.A. N.A.

Services 2,204 54.4 3,659 55.2 N.A. N.A.

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: Added value is US$ terms are expressed in million, GDP US$, and"6,976 to be read 6'976"

Evolution of GDP(constant 2005 US$)

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI

Evolution of GDP per capita(constant 2005 US$)

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI

ITC by country - Egypt 6

Aid Dependency(Official Development Assistance/GrossNational Income)

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI. Regional grouprefers to ITC definition

Remittances as a Share of GDPRemittances as a Share of GDP

2004 2008 2012

Remittance ($ millions) 63 207 N.A

Remittance (% GDP) 155.6 312.1 N.A

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on World Bank WDI, IMF BOP statistics,and "6,976 to be read 6'976"

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3. Trade Performance3.1 General Trade Performance3.1.1 Evolution of Trade Ratio to GDP - Goods

3.1.2 Evolution of Trade Ratio to GDP - Services

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3.1.3 Evolution of Total Trade

3.1.4 Trade Map

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3.1.5 Export and Import by Leading Destination - Export

3.1.6 Export and Import by Leading Destination - Import

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3.1.7 Evolution of Exports and Imports by Destination - Export

3.1.8 Evolution of Exports and Imports by Destination - Import

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3.1.9 Total Export Growth

Source: ITC, calculations based on ITC’s Trade Competitiveness Map data.Note:Graph shows decomposition of the country’s export growth in value terms by diversification pattern over the indicatedperiod.

3.1.10 Marginal Export Growth

Source: ITC, calculations based on ITC’s Trade Competitiveness Map data.Note:Graph shows decomposition of the country’s export growth in value by structural driving effects over the indicated period.Values are in US$ thousands.

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3.1.11 Composition of Trade in Services - Export

3.1.12 Composition of Trade in Services - Import

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3.1.13 Evolution of FDI

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3.2 Sector Trade Performance3.2.1 Sectoral Diversification in Products - Export

3.2.2 Sectoral Diversification in Products - Import

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3.2.3 Sectoral Diversification in Destinations - Export

3.2.4 Sectoral Diversification in Destinations - Import

Sectoral diversification in origin for Egypt's imports


Sector'simportgrowthin value(% p.a)2009-2013

Share of top 3supplying

countries insector’s imports

List of the top 3 supplying countries

2009 2013 2009 2013

Unclassified products 229.9 % 55.7 % 43.5 % United Arab Emirates ;Switzerland ; Thailand

Switzerland ; Ukraine ; RussianFederation

Minerals 19.3 % 49.0 % 44.3 % Saudi Arabia ; Kuwait ; Algeria Kuwait ; Saudi Arabia ; Turkey

Processed food 16.9 % 31.8 % 32.8 % Indonesia ; Brazil ; United Statesof America

Argentina ; United States ofAmerica ; Indonesia

Leather products 16.5 % 77.8 % 81.3 % China ; Italy ; Singapore China ; Italy ; Germany

IT & consumable electronics 14.6 % 54.2 % 61.8 % China ; United States of America; Germany China ; France ; Germany

Chemicals 13.3 % 30.7 % 37.6 % Germany ; United States ofAmerica ; China Germany ; Saudi Arabia ; China

Wood products 8.5 % 38.4 % 38.6 % Russian Federation ; Sweden ;Finland

Russian Federation ; Sweden ;Finland

Fresh food 7.6 % 41.9 % 41.1 % United States of America ;Russian Federation ; France Brazil ; Argentina ; Ukraine

Textiles 7.1 % 54.6 % 64.1 % China ; India ; Turkey China ; India ; Turkey

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3.2.5 Sectors by World Demand - Export

3.2.6 Sectors by World Demand - Import

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3.2.7 Trade Performance Index

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4. Trade Strategy and Policy4.1 Trade and Development Strategies

Year Strategy name Sector


COMESA Cotton-to-Clothing Value ChainStrategyThe strategy is an update of the 2009Common Market for Eastern...

Cotton, Garment Industry, Textile Industry


COMESA Leather StrategyThe strategy envisages transforming theleather value-chain into a lead contributor to...

Leather Industry, Leather


Egypt's Agriculture Sector TransformationStrategyThe goal of the strategy is to providerecommendations in order to...



Egypt Agricultural Export StrategyThe strategy provides a baseline assessmentof the current performance of Egypt's...

Fruits, Vegetables, Pulses, Roots and Tubers, Sugar Crop, Cereals,Cotton, Spices, Stimulants and Flowers, Spices, Stimulants andFlowers, Oil Crops


The Sixth Five-Year Plan 2007-2012The plan assesses the performance of theprevious Five-Year plan and provides...


Egyptian Ceramic Tiles & Sanitary WareExport StrategyThe strategy is meant to serve as a strategicframework for Egyptian...

Ceramics and Construction Materials


Food Export Strategy StudyThe goal of the strategy is to provide market-oriented recommendations concerningwhich...

Olive Oil, Table Olives, Tomato Products, Dairy Products, DriedVegetables and...


UNDAF Egypt 2007 - 2011The United Nations Development AssistanceFramework (UNDAF) points out the obstaclesfaced...


A Strategic Sector Study on the EgyptianFootwear and Leather IndustryThe strategy carries out a global review of theleather products industry...

Footwear, Leather Industry, Garment Industry


Egyptian Processed Food Sector ReviewThe strategy provides an outline of thecurrent performance of the food...

Processed Vegetables, Fruit Juices, Olive Oil, Olive Products, Cheeseand Dairy Industry


Industrial Development StrategyThe strategy envisages transforming by 2025Egypt into a leading industrializing nation...

Engineering Products, Food Processing, Chemicals andPharmaceuticals, Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Textiles...

ITC by country - Egypt19


Marble and Granite Sector DevelopmentStrategyThe strategy outlines the global prospects forgrowth in the stone products...

Marble and Granite


Strategic Study to Upgrade Egypt'sAutomotive SectorThe study aims to develop a greaterunderstanding of Egyptian automotivesector...

Automotive Industry

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4.2 Domestic and Foreign Market Access

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4.3 Trade Facilitation

Logistics Performance Index (LPI): Country Comparison

Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

Logistics Performance Index – Evolution

Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

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4.4 Business and Regulatory Environment

The Business Environment: Doing Business

Source: World Bank, Doing Business

Multilateral Trade Instruments


The Trade Treaties Map tool is a web-based system on multilateraltrade treaties and instruments designed to assist trade supportinstitutions (TSIs) and policymakers in optimizing their country's legalframework on international trade

Instrumentratified : 139 / 266 instruments

Ratificationrate : 52.3%

Weightedscore : 62.5/100

RatificationRate Rank


In World : 40 / 193 40 / 193

In Region : NorthernAfrica 2/ 6 2/ 6

InDevelopmentlevel :

Developingcountry 6/ 88 6/ 88


Presents a visual illustration breaking down a country’s ratificationlevel according to various categories and compares it to the worldaverage.

Instruments ratified Click here for a full list and more details about thesemulti-lateral trade instruments

ITC by country - Egypt23

4.5 Infrastructure

Indicator Value Rank/148

Quality of overall infrastructure How would you assess general infrastructure (e.g.,transport, telephony, and energy) in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped—among the worst in the world; 7 = extensive and efficient—among the best in theworld] | 2012–13 weighted average.

4.01 58

Quality of roads How would you assess roads in your country? (1 = extremelyunderdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international standards) | 2010, 2011. 2.74 113

Quality of railroad infrastructure How would you assess the railroad system in yourcountry? (1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by internationalstandards) | 2010, 2011.

2.73 59

Quality of port infrastructure How would you assess port facilities in your country? (1 =extremely underdeveloped; 7 = well-developed and efficient by internationalstandards). For landlocked countries, this measures the ease of access to portfacilities and inland waterways | 2010, 2011.

4.05 73

Quality of air transport infrastructure How would you assess passenger air transportinfrastructure in your country? (1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive andefficient by international standards) | 2010, 2011.

4.79 54

Individuals using Internet (%) Internet users are people with access to the worldwidenetwork. 119.92 48

Mobile telephone subscriptions/100 pop According to the World Bank, mobile cellulartelephone subscriptions are subscriptions to a public mobile telephone service usingcellular technology, which provides access to switched telephone technology.Postpaid and prepaid subscriptions are included. This can also include analogue anddigital cellular systems but should not include non-cellular systems. Subscribers tofixed wireless, public mobile data services, or radio paging services are not included.

44.07 70

Fixed broadband Internet subscriptions/100 pop: The International TelecommunicationUnion considers broadband to be any dedicated connection to the Internet of 256kilobits per second or faster, in both directions. Broadband subscribers refers to thesum of DSL, cable modem and other broadband (for example, fiber optic, fixedwireless, apartment LANs, satellite connections) subscribers.

2.83 84

Source: World Economic Forum, Global Enabling Trade Report 2014

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5. ITC and the Country/Territory5.1 ITC Projects5.1.1 Current projects

Building Export Capacities for Regional Integration in the Arab States

5.1.2 Recent projects

PACT 2 - COMESA Regional Private Sector Apex Bodies for Public-Private Dialogue

PACT 2 - COMESA Networks of National and Regional TSIs

PACT 2 - COMESA Sector Strategy

PACT 2 - COMESA Market Analysis and Sector Prioritization

PACT 2 - COMESA Improved Technical Capacities and RBM Operations

Non-tariff measures - increasing transparency and understanding

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5.2 Events5.2.1 Upcoming events

No data

5.2.2 Recent events

No data

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5.3 ITC Contacts


Acting Chief, Office for Arab States

+41 22 730 0361

ITC by country - Egypt27

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6. Trade Information Sources andContacts6.1 Trade Information SourcesThis section provides a list of country specific print and online publications on trade-related topics, including both ITC andexternal sources.

6.1.1 ITC publications

Rencontre acheteurs/vendeurs sur les produits alimentaires et agricoles, l'eau et l'assainissement, l'hébergement,les articles de protection personnelle et de ménage

Export Quality Management : An Answer Book for Small and Medium-sized Exporters. - [Egypt]

Questions and answers on all aspects of quality control and management directed to exporters in Egypt - covers technicalregulations and standards, product certification, testing, metrology, quality management; explain ISO...

ITC by country - Egypt28

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Buyers/Sellers Meeting on Food, Agricultural Products, Shelter and Household Items

Innovations in Export Strategy : Gender Equality, Export Performance and Competitiveness : The Gender Dimensionof Export Strategy

Study focusing on the key issues that a comprehensive, gender-sensitive export strategy should address - reviews business,development and human rights based arguments to highlight the importance of enhancing women's...

Trade Secrets: The Export Answer Book for Small and Medium-Sized Exporters. - Egypt

Joint ITC-Expolink publication - handbook customized to suit the needs of exporting enterprises in Egypt, answering mostcommonly asked questions related to export process - covers market research, cultural issues,...

ITC by country - Egypt29

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Indicative COMESA Customs Tariff Rates and National Rates for Zimbabwe

Document lists Zimbabwe national tariffs and COMESA tariffs side by side for all commodities on the basis of the HarmonizedCommodity Description and Coding System.

Egypt: Supply Survey on Food, Agricultural Products, Shelter and Housing Items

Survey on the supply of food, agricultural products, shelter and housing items in Egypt - examines the significance of thesethree product sectors to the economy of the country; reviews...

Marchés internationaux des meubles en bois : Tour d'horizon

Etude considérant les différents aspects des marché des meubles en bois dans les pay suivants: États-Unis, Canada, Chine,Japon, Égypte, ainsi que les pays sélectionnés de l'Union européenne : France,...

ITC by country - Egypt30

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International Wooden Furniture Markets : A Review

Review of wooden furniture markets in United States, Canada, China, Japan, Egypt, and selected countries in the EuropeanUnion: France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Denmark, and Sweden...

Building Markets : Regional Integration, Responding to Necessity. - Kenya

Paper presented at ITC World Export Development Forum : 'Bringing Down the Barriers - Charting a Dynamic ExportDevelopment Agenda', Montreux, Switzerland, 8-11 October, 2007 - provides an overview of...

6.1.2 Selected printed information sources2005 - Magder, D Egypt after the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Global Apparel and Textile Supply Chains as a Route for IndustrialUpgrading2006 - Josupeit H The Market for Nile Perch2008 - Rundgren, Gunnar Best Practices for Organic Policy : What Developing Country Governments Can Do to Promote theOrganic Sector2006 - Kyambalesa H; Houngnikpo M C Economic Integration and Development in Africa2003 Europe and the Mediterranean: Towards a Closer Partnership: An Overview of the Barcelona Process in 20022008 Opportunités de cumul d'origine et de complémentarités dans le secteur textile-habillement - Rapport final 'Agadir'2009 Regional Strategy for Cotton -to -Clothing Value Chain2007 Broadband for Development in the ESCWA Region : Enhancing Access to ICT Services in a Global Knowledge Society2000 Cooperation between the Palestinian Authority, Egypt and Jordan to Enhance Subregional Trade-Related Services2013 Africa Competitiveness Report2005 Trade Policy Review : Egypt2004 - Newkirk D; Williamson I Assessment of Egypt's Compliance with the WTO Agreements on Technical Barriers to Tradethe Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures2003 - De la Rocha M The Cotonou Agreement and its Implications for the Regional Trade Agenda in Eastern and SouthernAfrica2010 - Kiratu S; Roy S Beyond Barriers : The Gender Implications of Trade Liberalization in Southern Africa2010 - López-Cálix J R; , eds. Trade Competitiveness of the Middle East and North Africa : Policies for Export Diversification2010 Yearbook of World Electronics Data. - Vol. 3 : Emerging Countries & World Summary2011 National Profile of the Information Society in Egypt

ITC by country - Egypt31

2013 e-COMESA Newsletter2006 - Meyn, Mareike Regional Integration and EPA configurations in Southern and Eastern Africa : What are the feasiblealternatives?2010 Integrating Developing Countries' SMEs into Global Value Chains2011 ZDA Spotlight2011 - Sandrey R Cape to Cairo : An Assessment of the Tripartite Free Trade Area2003 WTO Agreement on Agriculture: The Implementation Experience: Developing Country Case Studies2004 Acuerdo sobre la Agricultura de la OMC: La Experiencia de su Ejecución: Estudios de Casos de Países en Desarrollo2000 Competition Policy, Trade and Development in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa2008 Perfil de la Industria Paraguaya de Software2009 Characteristics of Malaysia's Animal Feed Market2014 Perspectives on Global Development 2014: Boosting Productivity to Meet the Middle-Income Challenge2010 Mobilizing Aid for Trade for SPS-Related Technical Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region2010 Leather Garments in the EU2006 Overview of the Current State of Organic Agriculture in Kenya, Uganda and the Republic of Tanzania and theOpportunities for Regional Harmonization2007 Export Diversification and Value Addition for Human Development : Addressing the Impact of the Agreement on Textilesand Clothing Expiration on Cambodia2006 - Ruffing, Lorraine Deepening Development Through Business Linkages2012 OECD Economic Surveys: Chile2005 - Magder, D Egypt after the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Global Apparel and Textile Supply Chains as a Route for IndustrialUpgrading2006 Bangladesh: Furniture Export Market Sector Brief2012 Cotton Contamination Surveys, 2001 - 2003 - 2005 - 2007 - 2009 - 20112006 - Boutou, Olivier Management de la sécurité des aliments : De l'HACCP à l'ISO 220002006 Trading up : Economic Perspectives on Development Issues in the Multilateral Trading System2004 Perfiles de mercado para productos bolivianos en los mercados de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México,Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela2010 Vietnam: Oilseeds and Products2007 Organic Farming in the Czech Republic: 2007 Yearbook2007 - Gibbon P; Bolwig S Economics of Certified of Organic Farming in Tropical Africa: A Preliminary Assessment2006 The Relationship of Third-party Certification (TPC) to Sanitary / Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and the InternationalAgri-Food Trade; Case Study: Guatemala- with Emphasis on Food Safety2007 - Ismail F Mainstreaming Development in the WTO : Developing Countries in the Doha Round2009 Market Report. Focus on the Nordic Market - Fresh Fruit and Vegetables2001 - Karlöf, Bengt Benchlearning : Good Examples as a Lever for Development2003 - Martin W; Pangestu M, eds. Options for Global Trade Reform : A View from the Asia-Pacific2010 L'industrie sri lankaise du textile-habillement2000 - Hauber, Christiane Formation, Prevention & Determination of Cr (VI) in Leather2013 Economic and Business Review for Central and South-Eastern Europe2006 - Gebreselassie Fanta, Elias Does Value Addition at Oilseed Production and/or Spreading the Gain from Export ofOilseed Products Increase the Income of Primary Producers?2010 - Pannier J Recueil de jurisprudence douanière (1990-2010)2002 - Beswick R; Dunn DJ Plastics in Packaging : A RAPRA Market Report2006 Doubling Aid : Making the Big Push Work2006 Determining 'likeness' under the GATS : Squaring the Circle?2014 Africa Investor2004 Guidelines on Microfinance : Making Financial Markets Work for the Poor2007 Libéralisation des échanges de services et développement du tourisme2007 Offre de Emballage en Afrique de l'ouest2008 An Overview of the Mobile Phone Banking Industry2007 Sixth World Congress on Seafood Safety, Quality and Trade

ITC by country - Egypt32

2007 Sixth World Congress on Seafood Safety, Quality and Trade2007 - Wood, Aileen A Comprehensive Library Staff Training Program in the Information Age2005 - [s.n] The Science of Shrinkage Control : An Interactive Guide to Improved Shrinkage Performances2011 Libéralisation du transport aérien en Afrique2012 - Wollenberg E; , eds. Climate Change Mitigation and Agriculture2009 - Novogratz J The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World2011 - Cadot O Impact Evaluation of Trade Interventions : Paving the Way2011 - Banerjee A V; Duflo E Poor Economics : A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty2014 Edible Nuts in Turkey2011 Perfil de Frutas Tropicales Frescas y Procesadas en Chile2011 Germany: Product Brief Fresh Fruits2010 - Reilly D, Reilly A, Lewis J Towards an Australian Date Industry: An overview of the Australian domestic andinternational date industries2011 Feasibility Study for a Cotton Spinning Mill in 11 [Eleven] Sub-Saharan African Countries2011 Foro Público de la OMC2011 - Cooksey B The Investment and Business Environment for Export Horticulture in Northern Tanzania2011 Potential Supply Chains in the Textiles and Clothing Sector in South Asia : An Exploratory Study2011 - Macrory P; Stephenson S Making Trade in Services Supportive of Development in Commonwealth Small and Low-income Countries2012 - Fold, Niels; Whitfield, Lindsay Developing a Palm Oil Sector: the Experiences of Malaysia and Ghana Compared2011 Opportunities for Trade in Services of Canada2011 - Bartels L; Goodison P EU Proposal to End Preferences of 18 African and Pacific States : An Assessment2011 India and Latin America and the Caribbean : Opportunities and Challenges in Trade and Investment Relations2009 Information Management Resource Kit: Web 2.0 and Social Media for Development2013 Human Resource Management2011 - Goswami A G; , eds. Exporting Services : A Developing Country Perspective2011 Guides de bonnes pratiques produits phytosanitaires pour la culture des piments (Capsicum Frutescens, CapsicumAnnuum, Capsicum Chinense) et poivrons (Capsicum Annuum)2008 Guides de bonnes pratiques phytosanitaires pour la mangue (Mangifera indica) issue de la production biologique2010 Financial Services in Agriculture Value Chain Report : A Study of Five Kenyan Sub-Sectors namely Potato, Dairy,Coffee, Extensive Livestock and Domestic Horticulture2014 Human Relations2008 Romania: Organic Agriculture2011 A Profile of the South African Mango Market Value Chain2008 Poland - Organic Products: Certification and Subsidies to Domestic Production2007 - Greene, W Emergence of India's Pharmaceutical Industry and Implications for the U.S. Generic Drug Market2007 - Liapis, Peter S. Preferential Trade Agreements : How Much Do They Benefit Developing Economies?2007 Environment and Regional Trade Agreements2006 Bulgaria: Organic Products2006 Lithuania: Organic Products - Organic Farming in Lithuania2008 Marché de la maroquinerie à Hong Kong2007 - Warnholz, Jean-Louis Poverty Reduction for Profit? : A Critical Examination of Business Opportunities at the Bottom ofthe Pyramid2007 OECD Economic Surveys : Ukraine Economic Assessment

6.1.3 Selected online information sourcesInfo-Prod ResearchAME Info - Middle East Business InformationEgyptian Trading DirectoryDoing Business in EgyptEgypt Yellow Pages

ITC by country - Egypt33

Egypt. Ministry of Trade and IndustryEuro Mediterranean Information Society (EUMEDIS)Information and Communication Technology for Development in the Arab WorldAlliance for Commodity Trade in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACTESA)COMESA Food and Agriculture Market Information System (FAMIS)First Mediterranean Business and Tourism NetworkArab Mediterranean Free Trade Agreement (Agadir Agreement) = Accord Arabo Méditérranéen de Libre Echange (Accordd'Agadir)Trade EgyptArab German ConsultingEgyptagroEgytex.comNon-Tariff Barriers Reporting, Monitoring and Eliminating MechanismCommon Market For Eastern And Southern Africa (COMESA)Egyptian Textile Development AssociationExport EgyptTradeMark Southern Africa (TMSA)ANIMA Investment NetworkEuroMed Info CentreCOMESA Statistical Database (COMSTAT)Cross Border Trade Desk (CBT DESK)Corporación de Exportadores de El Salvador (COEXPORT)Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM)Malta External Trade Corporation (METCO)Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI)Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI)Banco Nacional De Comercio Exterior (BANCOMEXT)International Trade Administration (ITA) - U.S. Department of CommerceAgri-Food Trade Service (ATS)Business CuraçaoCyberspace Curaçao - Business & EconomyNew Zealand Trade and EnterpriseLebanon.com5index of LebanonInternational Finance Corporation (IFC)Department of Standards of MalaysiaMalaysian Timber Council (MTC)Malaysia Trade and Industry PortalMalaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)Islamic Development Bank (IDB)Info-Prod ResearchCanada - Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP)Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI)Seckin NetTurkey. Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade

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6.2 Trade Contacts

Official Name Address City Phone Number FaxNumber Email Website

Cospe Egypt 2, Taha Hussein St. 7thfloor, apt. 5 - Zamalek Cairo 20 2 27371234 20 2


Fair Trade Egypt 27 Yehia Ibrahim St. -Apartment 8 Zamalek Cairo 20 2 7365123 20 2


Alexandria Cotton ExportersAssociation

12 Mohamed TalaatNooman St., Alexandria +20 3 48 08

377+ 20 3 4873 002

Egyptian ExportersAssociation

23, Mohamed Sedki Street(Al Esraa) Giza +202-25271010 +202-


Egyptian Businessmen'sAssociation Nile Tower - 21, Giza Street CAIRO +202 35723020

- 35736030+20235737258

Egyptian Center of OrganicAgriculture 29, Yathreb Street Cairo +20 1 161 3646 +20 2 336


IMC Egypt 19, El Nakhil Str. Cairo +2 02 3359650 +2 023359650

Egyptian Export PromotionCenter

106, Gameat AldowalAlarabia St. Cairo +202 24033985 +202

Egyptian ExportersAssociation 90 Road 105 Cairo 202 527 10 10 202 527

10 15

Trade Point Ismailia Mohamed Ali Street Ismailia +206 4920440 +2064920440

Trade Point Kafr El-Shiekh Al Gomhoria St. BanzunBuilding

Kafr El-shiekh +20 47 238425 +20 47


Tanta International TradePoint 75, Al Geish Street Tanta +20 40

3307952+20 403307874

Port-Said International TradePoint

Port-Said Chamber ofCommerce Port-said +20 66 324412 +20 66


Foreign Trade TrainingCentre

Foreign Trade TrainingCentre (FTTC) Cairo 20 2 261 25 63 20 2 261


Alexandria International TradePoint 25 Horia Road Alexandria +203 4957588 +203


Minia International TradePoint Osman St. Minia +208 62324882 +208


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Chamber of Leather Industry 1195 Cornish El Nil Cairo 2 02 576 5404/575 93 03

2 02 57656 32

ENCC-Egyptian NationalCompetitiveness Council

77 Syria St., 7th Floor,Suite 701, Mohandessin Giza +20-2 3345


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