It is for non-native speakers of Arabic. Native speakers can also...

Post on 16-Aug-2021

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Transcript of It is for non-native speakers of Arabic. Native speakers can also...



Who is the mastering Arabic program for?

It is for non-native speakers of Arabic. Native speakers can also benefit. What is the aim of the program and what does it involve?

The aim is to help master Qurʾānic and modern Arabic – from beginner to advanced level, using the teachings methods of Madinah Islāmic University. The program involves a meticulous lexical and grammatical study of selected suurahs of the Qurʾān, selected aḥādīth, tawḥīd and fiqh texts, extracts from scholarly works and some historical texts.

What benefits and skills will I gain at the end of the program?

We hope the program will enable you to understand the Noble Qurʾān, aḥādīth, tafṣir and classical and modern Arabic texts - in sha Allah.

Are the post- Madinah books materials only suitable for the Madinah Course students? No, any student who has reached proficiency in Arabic equivalent to the 3 Madinah Books can benefit from the post-Madinah books courses.


يان » «الت ب

‘At-Tibyaan: Easy Way to Qur’aanic Reading’

Beginner’s Course with audio CD

(Download > Pre-Madinah Books Section)

اللغةالعر ها« بي ةلغيرالناطقينب»د ر وس

‘Arabic Course for Non-Native Speakers

Originally Devised and Taught at Madinah Islaamic

University’ (Download > Madinah Book 1 Library)

Teachers also use here:

ل »دروساللغةالعربية« الم عل م .كتاب Students also use here:

Supplementary worksheets (Madinah Book 1 Library)

الل ها« غةالعربي ةلغيرالناطقينب»د ر وس ‘Madinah Arabic Reader: Vol. 6 and Vol. 7’

Corresponds to Madinah Book 3:

New vocabulary lists, plurals of nouns, more explanation

of verbs. (Download > Children’s Library)

«الأجوبة عنالأسئلةالعام ة» ‘Solutions to the General Questions Appearing at the

end of Madinah Book 3’

(Download > Madinah Book 1 Library)

الم ح»تدريبات ثة«ادف ‘Arabic Conversation Drills’

Taught by Shaykh on DVDs

(Download > Advanced Library)


» »س ورة ال ج رات

‘With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

Taught by the Shaykh on DVDs.

With workbook & answers.

(Download > Advanced Library)

سهلة « »أحاديث Collection of 20 short, very easy aHaadiith

With small workbook

(Download > Advanced Library)

«سورةالنور» ‘aayaat 35-46

With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

Taught by Shaykh on DVDs;

(Download > Advanced Library)

‘Selections from the Glorious Qur’aan

With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

Taught by Shaykh on 6 DVDs

With 4 Qur’aan workbooks

(Download > Advanced Library)

كريا» «وق لل ماق ولا ‘Suurat al-Israa’ : aayaat 23-39

With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

Taught by our Shaykh on DVDs

With Qur’aan workbook

(Download > Advanced Library)

«سورةالعاديات» With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

(Download > Advanced Library)


‘From Esfahan to Madinah in Search of Truth’ Hadiith story of Salmaan Al-Faarisi عنه رضيالله

With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

(Download > Advanced Library)

الق » عن ث الباح سلقصة ي عنه–مانالفارس رضيالله

«لديثشرحال غويا حاشر Arabic version of # 12a

(Book Fair under «أرب ع ونحديثا» )

‘Both these Lights Emanate from the Same Niche’

Hadiith of Umm Salamah عنها رضيالله With Lexical & Grammatical Notes’

(Download > Advanced Library)

دة إن» ه مامنمشكاةواح رينإلىالبشة قصة الم سلمينالم هاج«شرحالديثشرحال غويا

Arabic version of # 13a

(Book Fair under »أرب ع ونحديثا« )

At the Well of Madyan سورة القصصAayaat 23-43

With Lexical & Grammatical Notes

(Download > Advanced Library)


ا م عل ملكتاب «ها د ر وسالل غةالعربي ةلغيرالناطقينب»ل

For Teachers And

Recommended for Advanced Students

(Download Vol 1 > Advanced Library)

رقل ه »فبلاطالرومف رقلملك ه ملس

س فيان أب عنهرضيالله -حديث

» شرحالديثشرحال غويا (Download > Advanced Library)

ا» منالديث الشرن ص وص «يفلن بوي

Selection of 20 aHaadiith, from short, medium to

lengthy narrations;

With lexical and grammatical notes (Download > Advanced Library)

سورةي وسف» فل غةوإعراب «الم سعف

Lexical and grammatical explanation of

Suurah Yuusuf (Download > Advanced Library)


يري وم»أ رب بش

عليكم نذ ولدتكأ مك مرمالك بن كعب عنه–حديث رضيالله

«حالديثشرحال غويا شر (Download > Advanced Library)

اللغةالعربية» هج معهدتعليم الشرعيةوالع ل وممن «لجامعةالإسلامي ةب

Arabic Language & Islaamic Studies Syllabus of Madinah

Islaamic University published in four, large, colour volumes.

The official method of the Islaamic University to teach

Arabic, Qur’aan, Hadiith, Islaam, TawHiid and more.

(Book Fair)

Students can study whatever they find easy in the syllabus.

إسلامية «»ن ص وص

Collection of historical Arabic texts

With lexical & grammatical notes.

(Book Fair)


Arabic Philology:

3 dictionaries on Arabic philology

Suitable for students, teachers, researchers and the lay-

person interested in etymology.

(Book Fair > New Books)

‘I am Proud to be a Muslim’

40 Islaamic teachings, presented and explained simply and


(Book Fair > New Books)

On-line lessons and Q & As at the Shaykh’s site

Over 200 questions on Arabic, answered by the Shaykh.

On graduation, the Shaykh gives you the

option to read the following:

مالكشرح » علىألفيةٱبن «ٱبنعقيل حقيقشرحٱبنعقيل«بتكتابمنحةالجليلومعه»


العربيةدروسجامعال الشيخمصطفىالغلاييني