It - Greenbelt News Reviewthe late guitarist Danny Gatton, the Tom Principato Band. and Tim...

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Transcript of It - Greenbelt News Reviewthe late guitarist Danny Gatton, the Tom Principato Band. and Tim...

Pap 16

Council (~--->

iDe aieDw l'uk-... AD of t11ot ~ -w Nqain-,.. _ ... __ ,.,tloo_

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GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW .. -.... ...nmc. "'- "' tloo ........ WoQJd les­

_tloo_<d_ .... ~

~---­oaq. fte ~ P!.aJming

- - -ed ... pn>poo­&J:s aDd ~ the plan

........ tao - -lriaa ... h;.h -- ataiDe two-Wlly trd.r.

"nt.ia ill ..._ the most expena-fore,. iln'olviDc tk .-reateat loru ot ~ ..... IUid reqa.irinc the ~ o( • ftGJ!Ilber of util-

ity poles. Hinorb expecta, how­ever, that any of the options eould be eompl-eted with the av­ailable ConnllliDit7 Development BJoek Grant funds.

Council t:liJoed.ed the city staff to mark. the new curb lines from the four optioa.s in aome manner ( pa"int. ftap. ete.) for council and e-itisen information. In ad~ dition, eoaftdl piana a workses~

sioa with Gn.enbelt Home.. Inc. and otller Parkway property


Patrica Ellen Sweeney Dunn

October 25 Lots of love,

Harriett & Your Baby Sister

P.S. Got Ya !!!

owners. Mexieaa Resta.ara.t.

Council heard of upcomina' changes in the status Of three )o... cal restaurants. Durinc the finrt: week of Oetober the E1 Torito'l; restaurant in Greenway Center was closed. The Chi Chi"s ehaiD hal'~ acquired aU El Torito. res­taurants nationwide.

The Greenway Center restau~ rant had an improperly fu'Detion~ ing heatin&lair conditioning eya­tem and a roof that leaked "seventy," according to a~ ey Linda Carter. As a resutt Chi Cbi,s eloeed. the restaurant S<r that repaint and renovation.s into the Chi Chi's format could begin.. She expects the restau. rant to reopen in early Decem~ ber. Tbe eoUDty liqoor boani wiU l"eYinr the tran.ter of the El Tori'Mo's liei'aee to Chi Cbi'a at ib Oe1ebor 2'7 meetin&'. Cotmcil took no poeition on t!lia tran.fer.

There ia alrea.dy a Chi Cbi'a reAaun.nt U. Greenbelt, oppoaiY the Giant on Cher-rywood Lane. Carter said that the eomp&Jl7 ill negotiating to bring a dift'erent restaurant operation into that toeation. For a abort time.,. bath faciliti~ could be operatinc u Chi Chi's raauranta.

Also on the Oetober 27 liquor board agenda ill ChevT• appli­cation for a B'LX OtD:VJ' :restau­rant) liquor lieeue.. Council vot. ed 4-1, with Coa.ncilmember Rod­ney Roberts opposed, to IRlJIPOrt this application. Roberta object.. ed to the serving of liquor at this location, noCiD.c U..t there are already many restaurants in the city at which people caD han a drink with their dinner. His col­leagues, howe<rer, noted 'that PepsiCo broa.gbt in the more ex­pensh-e Chn')'""& operation in n­ to eotmcil's objeetione to t~ "An In One" restauraiat tha:t

Thursday, October 20, 1994 the company drat prJ'OJJIOaeCl.

Cl>e.T• .. m ..._ the fonoo­er Kanproo Katie'• Joeatloa Ia Greenway Ceater. Cart,er Aid. tla.t the food offered at. Cbi Cbi"s and Che,..e is sutllcientJ,­dift'erent. that die cempany d:icl aut expect the preMDC:e of two Mex­ican restaurants in the same Bhoppift2" cent:er l;e .he a problem. She- alao noted U.t. it ia not UD~ eom•On for restaurants to eiuat.­er in what are becoiniDC Jmown ... "restamant parka." ~ee.-

Coanci1 deferred action oD a propoMd aite _pian for I!Xpa.1lillicm of the Greenbelt ~at" Cent.. 'J"t.e OWIHin WIUlt to add a s&oe aquare foot ph7SieaJ ther­apy auite and a 2.500 foot dbdng room in order to uppade mu:l IIIOdenoke the tlolrtp :rear old fa­cility. A!Uioqh ..,..Dei! delayod a deeisien antll tloe Oetober 24 recaJu:< meetiw iD ordft to aDcnr eity.todrW . .e-riew -~­ea to ·the plaJ~.. iloe memben iD­di..ted that _ ......... likely t<> be qulddy ~ at the next meetina.

Attorney Richard Beed said that the impl"''Yemeab were de­ajped to oern raicleDta, DOt

::!~i~~ir :-!!.: u. tloo lobbF -- Tbo ~ \herapy facihlieo .... ..... -­~te for eurreDt aeeda. The ad--

ditions wm be one otorJ' -­turo.. Joe oaicl, oDd ""'- the >OC>1 line ol the -.... -

a-t. JI1/US 1 Staib' Couacil omanlmoaaly coldlrmod

ita longatandiq ~ t<> .ndenlng llarylalld 201 (~ worth Road) llOrth of Greenbelt. Tile State Hi«ffway AcbD..iniarlratioo ia c:ar-­ren~ studying optiou fcrr Im­p~ the Roate li01!US 1 cor­ridor;

We- promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry ... and we're in your neighborhood!

0 ur family has been serwing your cammunity lor S.C years and - jusl 1ceep growing .., -·re proud to announce the _,;ng of the NEW ADDmOM to OUO" dental buildng.

Our ,., concem is to g;,.. you .... and ~ qwlty cant wtlic:h is why _..,. talutn lUiclreds of hours o1 continuing educ:alion. We UCIIu ~., equipment .,., ~

~ 10 <:nate beau1ilul. '-~thy - 10< a ......... DISTINCTIONS AND AWABDS; DA:CLAYTOi(s. MCCARL S& Fellow ink-·--~ ol ~­,.._in ........ ~ ol Oentisla. DB. Ci.AUQN S. MCCABL.JB. Felow In~ ol o..r.t D.n!Ry. DB. .JAY MCCARL Felow In~ ol a.-. Oeni!Ry. DB, QAYJD ,1, MCCARL a.• I I liCIII ""-'d lor E c I .... in Clnic:al Realot .... Dwlllstry.


1881-82"' ............... ol M8rytand 0... School.


r~~ ' '

Call us toda~. ~or .&:·~·Smile!

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Ded;ea- ' Mr . .t.

o It &.""" 1-U ~ • · , Wed, Nov. 2. 7 p.m. C.:-tme

UJ ::> "' tWS ltW Prevention Committee meet· Lu <( ing, Police St.at10n ::: --J 0 7o30 p.m. Advisor,. Planning :z: Lu ~ Board, Police Stat:cn U Q::: Than .. Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m. ~ ~ _; AN INDEPeoiDENT NEWSPAPER GEAC Meeting, Windaor

Candidates 0 ~ ~ --------~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~==~~=-------------------~~G~r~•~rn~---------------' G ~ ~ ----------~P~.O~-~Bax~~~~G~•=~~~~t-~)(~ary~=Umd==~207~~~~==-----::-----------~Th~u~r~sd~a~y~,~O~clto~b~e~r~2~7~,J1~9~9; O<"O--J Governor Provide Voter Registrations Are Up

Voters with • byJ"amesGiese

In the election for Gover­nor Maryland voters can c.hGOSe between two candi­dates havil)g ..troagly dilfer­ing viewa OD the issues of moat eonc:ern to them. Issues h~hlilrllted. by both candi · dates are taxes, ecoaomie development, crime. educa­tion and the environment. RepubJicaa caadidate Ellen R. . Saueri>rey brings a strong COIIIIel'Vative ap­PI'O&Ch to de&Jing with these iae"""- Demoerate candi­date Parris N. Glendening, while not endorsing the ad­minllltration of Governor William DoaaJd Schaffer, brings a moderate, more li­beral, more . traditional ap­proech to _the las.-.

Altbouch tbeir diJI'oreaeo on theM iuuea will make the choiee cla.r to many voter. .ome will be torn between candidatea because dw7 favor the .tend of one ean· -----· ........... -.

Wlllle ~- .......... a........._ __ __ state, SaiUiri>nJ', a delepte In the llar71aDd leciolature from BaltimoN CoaDtJ-~ ia ta:pected to make a '*-!r a~MnriD&'- Notu.c her upeet 'fictory over Congreq­woman Belen: Delich Bentle7 iD tho P~. Sauerbrey IUpport.. en p~ another upset over Glendenfltc. Glendeniq, who is Prirw:e Geora- Count7 Execu­tive, continaee: to lead in the poU., bat -rally by ......,Pno of leu tbaa. lK, makinc tbil the botteat pbernatorial contest in many J"Mn.

Tau. Cutting tho income tax b:r 24

pen:ent 0'9'er four ,._,.. ia the c:ampa;p Pledce Sauerbrey made that haa enabled her to eotoe from far behind and defeat Bent­ley ln. the Prim&I'J'. It also baa brought her into competition wi&:h Glendeninc. Sauerbrey con­teDd.e that the Maryland income tax Ia 44% bjper thaD the • .,_ erage for other states and im­pedes economic development.

Ten othet states have alread,. cut taxes this year she daima. ""If we don't do it we'll see an eroaion of our tax ba.e,"' abe said in a live debate aired on llal'J'land Public Televt.iou on October 19. Sauerbrey cite. the tax euto made by Republican Governor Christie Todd Whitt

NewsRevi-Ann-t MeetfntJ

The G...uelt N..,.o a-Je.. will hold ita annilal meeting on Sunday, Oetober 30 at 7:30 p.m. at 2 ll'ap.lew-ooc( Court. The mem­bers will be electinrr board mem­be!'B for the Dext 7ear. contrib­u.hne ideu ' aDd dlaeueaing plan. for~ upcominc year. AD New• ......._ llta.r memben are invit­...._ P'or lld....UOu call 441-81'89.

Ltear Contrasts By 232 in City Since 1990 man in New Jersey. On the oth­er hand, Glendening, she saya, has raised every tax imacinable. Evt:n if she doea not achieve wh,Bt she has promised, but does less, she believes it will be bet-­ter than what Glendening offere.

Glendeninc calls Sauerbrey's proposals to cut taxea while in­creasing- spendine a gimmick, something for nothing. It would result in inc:reued property tax­es at the local level and hurt working families., he says. While admitting taxes are too high and advocating aome cute to eneour8

age economic development,. Glen­deniu.c calla for responsible tax a-ta. Be contencb that Whit-­man's cute in New Jersey have robbed the state's pension fund of $6 milUon. Clendenin& also made a commitment that there will be no new taxes.

Eeono•ic De...elopmeat Glendenine cite. his record u

county executive in creatin&' j-. He claim& that 180,000 new jobs were added in his ft.nrt year in oftlee because he developed a

........ Cift ~- --DdaC..Io

Jaa trumpet atar Kenay Reed will aive a free _performaoee at the ·New Deal Cafe in Old Greenbelt (aee aceompanyin• ar. ticle on "N~w Deal Cale") on Sat..urcla7, November 5, from a­bout 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Reed, playing trumpet and flugel hom, will be accompanied by Eric .SChwartz -on the keyboard and buo player Lan7 Good. Reed, Sehwarta, &Dd Good play contem­porary jau at a:rea nichteluba.

Scbwarta pla7a for the Hacawa. He hu been on the area jazz aeee for the paat 10 :rean.

Reed;, an electrorUc engineer at God.dartt hu lived in Green­belt since UNit. He baa played trumpet for more than 83 yean and hat. been involved in the w .. hin8ton, DC, jau community for tbe put. 2G ,.-ean.

Reed's jau quartet waa the headliner at the ·-Eveni.Da- A­mong Frienda'" variety ahow at Sprin&'hill Lake Fountain Lodge in 1991, a Greenbelt Arta Center production. Be ba.a alao pe.rfoTm­ed :lor a aeries of Louia Arm­strong tributes sponsored by the Charlin Jazz Society. He baa recently releaaed bia ftrat CD, "Int.'odueiD• Kenny Reed."

Pianiat Mike Sucher. who fo­eu.e.. oa "contemporary and standard jazz," aa he describes it, wiH play the keyboard at 8 p.m. Suchert who grew up in Greenbelt, now lives in Riverdale. He baa played jazz in the area for about 16 yeara. working with variou~ e-roupa. including those of the late guitarist Danny Gatton, the Tom Principato Band. and Tim Eyremarm•a Eut Coast Otrerine

Sucher wiU perform jazz standards and original composi­tions on Nov-ember 5.

business plan and reduced busi­ness taxes. In the past year, 94,000 new jobs were created in Prince Georges while none were added in the Baltimore area. A new company was attracted to Prince Georges recently because of the property tax credit he E:S•

tablished for businesses locating in older neighborhoods. Sauer­brey "has never worked to create a job; I have done it," be said in the debate.

Sauerbrey rebutted that the jobs created in Prmee Georges County were not the county's do­ing. "Washington is the mother lode of job creations" t.he said. However. of the new jobs cre­ated, seven are going to Virgin­ia and only three to Maryland, she contends. Sre beJievea that business is tleeing Maryland be­cause of its hi8-h penonal in-

See CANDIDATES, pace 5

Trick or Trec~J Night The "~" l'Nik ' ...... Treat

hic'ht in Greeilbelt i& 011. Ballo-­W«n Day, Monda;v, October 11, 6 to 8 pm. Reaidenta ahould indi­cate they -wiah Triek or Treaten to visit them by turning on poreh lights and apartment dwellen ehould put a white cloth on tb~ir door knob.

Gr-nbrlar to Host

Hallow-n Party GreenbD&r will host ita An~

nual Children's Hallowe•n Party1 for Greenbriar and Glen Oaka children on Saturday October 29, in the Terrace Room at 1 p.m. for toddlers to age 8.

"The children will watch the Walt Disney movie "Boo Buaters" on the widescreen tv. have a Halloween Ccloring Party, games, and refreshment.," said Linda Evans, Activities Direc~r. Adult volunteers and teen volun­teers are welcome.

There is no admiaaion, but at~ tendee.s should register by calling Linda by Thursday, October 27 at 441~1096.

by Elalae Skolnik

In less than two weeks Greenbelt resictent-. -.\·ill l!fJ tn the polls to vote for those canrlidates they prdt·; ~n rerre· sent them in the U.S. Senate and Congress. thE' ~tate and county. Voters will also vote "For" or "Allain.~~" \·ar,ou~ state and county questions and bond referenda.

The General Election will take place on Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Greenbelt's four pre­cincts: Precinct 3 ~ St. Hugh's School, Precinct 6 - Greenbelt Elementary School, Precinct 8 -Springhill Lake Elementary School and Precinct 13 - Eleanor Roosevelt High School.

As of September 30, county records show that 8,765 Green­b<'lters were registered - some 232 more than in the 1990 Gen era! Election (see chart). Cur­rently, Democrats have added 433 to their rolls Republicans hsve lost 410 and the number ot unaffiliated voters rDeclines) has increased by 190. Declines gain­ed strength in all city precmcts.

Overall. 63<:"; of Greenbelt's eligible voters are registered as Democrats, 21'":-:- a.s Republic. an.s and 15'£ as Declines. The Democrats' advantage in pre­C!inct.s 3, 6, and 8 is 66, 63 and 68 percent respectively. Their •hare in precinct 1 ~ i.s 59'!1;- _

Absentee Ballota A request !or an absentee bal­

lot mugt be received by the Board of Supervisors of Elect1ons no Jeter than 9 p.m. on Tuesday, N O\'ember 1. Eligible vo~rs may write or call the Board of Elec­tions to receive an application for an absentee ballot. Or a vot­er may send a letter stating name and address as it appears on the voting registration rec­ords the reason for requesting an absentee ballot and the ad~ drest~ wher the baiJot should be sent. T'he votPd ballot must be received in the Election omce no later than 8 p.m. on election day, Tuesday, November 8.

To obtain an emergency ab­sentee ballot after Tuesday, No-­vember 1, qualHled persona should call the Board of Electiona to inquire whether or not they are eligible for an emera-ency ab­sentee baUot,

For information, call Board of Elections at 952~3270 or write to the Board of Supervisors of

Elections, 14701 GrJVf•r:l~Jt Ud('T< Bowie Drive, Suite 11:1. Cpp;:; Marlboro, Md. 20772

Potpourri Jn the Fifth Congri:"S!i!Onal

District where mcumlwnt Cong­r~ssman Steny H. Ho_\' r (D) 1s

p1tted ag11.inst Don;,;d Devine rRJ, there are 170 p·t>cmcts ~ 2f.i ln Anne Arundel (-,unty, 10 in Calvert, 28 111 Charles, 19 in St Mary's and 87 in Prince Georges.

Of the 25 precincts in the Fourth Councilmamc- Di.!>trict, only four are in Grel:'nbelt. In a tight race for thts county coun~ cil seat are former Bowie City Councilmember G. Frederick Robinson (D) and former Bowie Mayor Audrey E Scott (R) Robinson has been f!ndoraed bJ' hi!l two primary opponent. ~ former Greenb€'lt Mayor Gil Weidenfeld and former Pnai-. dent of the Pri"nce GtoT"K'" Coun~ ty Civic Association Robert Cal­lahan. Vteldenfeld lost to Rob­inson by 110 votes. Scott had DO opposition in the primary.

Qualified voters ln the Fourth Councilmanic Dist:riet t"Ul'Tently number 43484. About 55.4% are Democrats, 30.8'; and 13.50..0 Declines.

In the governor's race, Princ-e G<E"or~res County Executive Par­ris Glendening (D) hopes to do as well in the county on No~ vember 8 as he did ln the Se-p­temher 15 primary, where he c-.p­tured 83.4 ..-;. of the Dt'moeratic votes. Opponents Ellf'n R. Saaer~ brey garnered 49.5"" ot the county's Republican vot..

Locally, interest is also eent~ ered on the County Executive race, where Republican :R<,bert B. O•trom is challengine Wane Curry, a Democrat. In the county there an 309,706 reeUUrl!'d voters ~ 70% Democrat111, 18.7% Republiuns and I 1% DeeiJnea.

In the 23rd Leeialatlve OUt~ riet, where there are 83 pre. cincts, l>emo<'rats dominate by s .. REGISTRATIOS, pa•• 7

Gr-nbelt Registration As of 10.5·94 Precinct Democrat Repoblican Decline Libertarian Total

3 St. Hugh'a School 1432 432 307 5 2,176 6 Greenbelt

Elementary 1269 479 264 4 2016 8 SpringhiU Lake

Elementary 965 197 249 4 1415 I:l E. Roosevelt

High School 1879 749 624 6 3158 Total 5,545 1,857 1,344 19 8,76.; Legi~lative

District 23 33,739 15,663 7,246 62 56,710 C()uncilmanic

District 4 24,116 13,404 5,907 57 4~.484 County 217,263 58,035 34,109 299 '09,706

Prince Georges

Going, Going~lmost Gone .of our way to zaake tbiDp d.ifL .... aad uzrpleaant .. othon, ...,j tllen !aach at them wblle t.b.ey an at telllpt:inc to deal with tbese d:imcultia 1 Bit by bit, the Fedeoal Govern.meut is converting the

Beltavilk Agricultural a-z.cll Center (BA.RC). iDto a ~gant;., federal olllee eompiex. It began with NASA'o taking a chunk f« the Goddard ~ Ftie:ht Center. SiDce then, N AS.A baa wrabbed all five other lure pieua. To the DOrth the Food &lid Drug AdminMotratioii took &DOther large trart. The BeltwaJ' &lid ~Y took othu laDd away. Adjacent to GreeDbellt, l&Dd hu been loort to the METRO tennina.l yard aDd the Fede!W

Now the Departmeut ol ~ wh;.,b ha8 fought the 1088 of itA l&Dda to othena ia joiuiDg in the proeese to wn vert experimental farm laDd to olllcee. It propoeee a 350.000 square foot oftlce eomplez to be located on one ot three sitea near Greenbelt. The C"lty CouD:tl is right to appose use of &ny <Yl theae Bites. Approvaj Cll thia develop­ment would ~ve the State H~lnray Adminiatrati011 all the J unification It need.o to exteDd Keni!wurth A veuue to Kon­terra and t.he Intercounty Conneetor aDd make it instead <Yl t:S I. the major north-oouth local highway 'between Laurel and the Beltway.

As we did once before on May 6. 1993. we again urge t.he city council to designate a green belt around the peri­m<!U!r of the city. a maj<>r portion af which would be BARC land. It is important that the council make elear to other agencies. our desire f?r ~ untouehable green apace and ..,.,k the1r •upport. Nothmg was done in '"""1>0118<! to our last request. If a g-reen belt had been declared. perhaps one ?r more of the sites now propoeed would not- have been cone:idered for the office c:omplex.

We said then, 'The time to d..Ugnate our g-reen belt is long past due. Let's do it now, before more of the green space is devek>ped... Well. eity council. better late than never.

Safer Exits To tllle Editor:

I am to d.raw a~te-nt.ioo to aenoue tram.: sl:t.a.atior.a at two of the eXJ':.a from Green:beJt:

l. Some time &C'O I e:z:pe:rie-aeed. All acxlCent at the Southway e-xit on~ Gr-eeDbelt Road. •be-n a ftre enc:i:oe- ll'P behind me when I .-u at tlbe front of one of the only two th-ere wbic-h we~ a;:ec~- with e&r!, and foreed IJ\e out. i:ato the lnter-seet.JOn 1:h.roup a :red ~icht.. to ~ hit br an oD­eomlnc

L&4t we-e-.: U':e poteDtially d.lsa.ilt.r-oiJJI Sltu&.tJOD o-c:eurred,_ :.ilia :Jme Wl-th &n ambulance me tllroach a red l..ipt •JUt :Dto dana-erou& tra.J!lc:; thia ti~ I was aoie to DI&Jte a ti&'Dt ~urn hack !ftto Gr-eeDbett ;jaat oarel-y tn ':.lme t¢ avoid another -.ecident...

At the mt.e~~t:ion there is no sate way to ret oat of the path of emer-geney vehidea. Ot.Aer peopl.e meat have. bad. snailar expezieneu. A ~rd. lane r"eMl"Ved for emer-ceru:y vehieles .llb-oQld be opened ~ at the Soathway-Gr-eenbelt Road !n:er­se=on.

2. I h.a•~ W1tnes.sed uve-ral near-&-eeldent.a a.: the Lakeerat o;!.rit ontc Gree~lt Road u e::z::. .-~:na- and enter.n• ears both try ~o iu.c!W'! r-aps in t.ll.<e !ut G~n­belt Road tra.t!k and often bloc-k eaeh ctil~r. and :JOme e-an tryiDI' to ente-r ehance tt'leir miDda a.Dd try to turn ha.ek into the eut-­bound fast laM on Gne.Dbelt Road.. I beLieve there han al~ b<Mn M-rious a.:cidenta tbert. 'nle

..Aitua.tion ean only .,et ...-itA t.h• lncreasinc t:ra.t!k oa GI'HDbel t Koad

Tbia nit tDouJ.d not ha.•e DeeD eon.truete<i wi:thout i.Dela.cliJlc a trdlc ljpt tc stop G......t.dt Road tra1Be - a fae-tor whiea ahouW b.a•e beftl take.a iato eoD--

aide-ration before it wa.a authoris­ed bJ' the cit)- in the ftnt pl.aee. A tra1lle Iicht ia ne.eded at the La..keerest--Gree-nbelt &o...d inter­seetion -before more serious ac­elde-nt.l happen.


Private Street 1 undentand: that dae _..

a-pHd hump. have bleD iasta1JM o.u Northway. I ba-.e DOt _.. pel'leaee-d tb~ tint--hand~ beeaUM I ban decided that I would at al.l ttme~ avo1d Sorthway, even thoncb I icnow that this is play­inc t.nto the band-s of tboee w!:Jo de-manded, and received, thel.Z" OWll

_prrnt.e street her-e tn Greenbelt.. The mentahty--or la~k thereof ---of t4oee who allowed it to hap­pen,. deapite professional rec:om­•eadation-s to :he e-ontn.ry, takea fD.J breath away.

I take alte--.r-aate routes to cet froiD Rid,p .Road to Creseent, and I a~.apect tha-t my ne1-1'bbor will too, a!ter her Aeart-ch.illin& uperlenee. She wu wendlll£' ber -..y ea.r-etu.lly, s..low!y, and lqal-ly down Sorthway ( a..s she alwaya does, :speed humps or no, and eDCGa.ntered. t-wo women laqJunc at her as she s.cwed standing ott the side o! ~:r.e :-oad, down to practiea.lly one per hour to go over :-ne o! !.he speed bumps. Since when ::c m OG7 '"Gnat Gr-ee-nbelt" co ou:

People speed on f!Vny road in G,....,bel:. They don't otop at ltop ac-ns either. Perbap. we shoald aJ.L l!'ll!lldate the 100 Moe 1-rtan •. People in Gl"eeDbelt. the Northwq l'Nidettta, and in­sat tllat ~peed bump. be in.taUed on ali our 1treeta. That would take eaft of the ape.edinc prob­lem. elia~D&te elitism, and provide all of u Wl'th the opportnnit:r to staod outaide &lld make fun at our nei.-hoon u theJ' eneow.ter the speed h wapa. The fun neT@r tto.P..

War of the Worlds' Premiere Scheduled

by S..... Wllite If you were to attend a live

radio show in 193-8 you could snow up early and aoee the atudio penoDllel gettinK" ready; bear the .show cou-:,r on in the other atu­d:o; tee t:1e actor-a come in and warm a.p: wit.nes. the live inter­&<t..lona of the aoU.Dd e1fec:t11 peo­ple as they- prepare the various eJ!eet.a.; t.ry t-o l'tleae: what t.he puncrunc :J&I" will be aaed for, attd. the :X:.:z: at ,-ravel, and the metronom-e, aod. that atranc-e metallic fhwer. U you ~ eariy you m&y aee anything, be­cause antil the .ltodio is "live", a-nytbinc can h.appec,.

That :11 the prem~ behind War of the World!! wb..ich of8-cial17 start. at 8 p.m. on. Friday and S.turday. October 28 and 29; and at 7 p.m. on Sunday, October 3-0 at the Greenbelt Cultural A-rta Center. The aetlon, however, be­gina when the tlr-st member of the ~. e-nten tiM at.ISo.. .. In. tlrilt partiea.J.r show the ear­lier J'OU "'U-r-f+e, t;he more 7ou Moe, .... Y!I ""Strie BlaiS, the dirft. tor.

Commereials and big band mu­slc from Big Band Bill's Big Be.-..d Hour) win be running in ~-~" background as the and ~""-w prepare lllld warm up. There

. 3 an m ter-v1ew wi tb Dr- William Xc:Carl, first Greenbelt dentis-t, ·.ak:ng p;a~e liV'e in the other atu­::..o Buddy Attick's brother. P.::-ler, :s m the audience e&rryinK" ·,,-. a~ CJ.s.~.;a;. The studio manager :s ~a::cng apart. the aetora are J:.c:o;, th-e trio can't get in ·-:a~mony_ !.he statior: ~n.a!fer ia e;.:-aged, ~he- announcer doesn't ;.c:-.ow wha~ he'!!l ~&dine and the :-:o·..;~e managoer doesn't eare.

T:>;e fun, u soon u 70Q e:-.:er :..r.e ::ob-tly and doesn't atop :.:r:~1: thE :ast line. Its reminis­!::en~ c! a murder myste-ry din­n-e:- '::;ec:ause ':.he actors talk to the a:J<:::er.ce

saw a rehear~a:, and take

~~t:~ :~~: :~o!~t -~~e!u~~r~~ B~ides, i~ may be the on!y way ·...: ensu-re a seat.

Notice to News Review Staff

T:,e phone -ntJJa-Oer Hated 011

~r.e annual meetbaa i.D"Yitation was incorrect. Fo-r i.n:for-ma­twn about the ..eetina eall 441·8769.

le P1 of.• ••lonal GNcbett a...,.;. IDe.. llu jaot

isaued a frea.b c:all to all ita mem­.ber-. to ~ m.otYed i:a. ov eorporatioa'a ......tmp- b,. joiJ>. inc ODe of GHr• eeveral, com­mi-. Itiaiak-laacnat opportwllt,. for - of u who _,. - ... the time """ u.en­tion to 111m tbe commll!litJ' ta tlrU -7· I DDIJ" hope tha~ -who ·- to part;dpate will take their plac-e aerioualy. will prepare for their Uli.cnment, Uld -will work in a prof._ional ~ ...,. ·in tho ~-~ of botil Gm &Dd i-ta oWDer millllllbera.

Iu a reeaat J'e1111eit- to a. GHl committee ot volunte.en I felt I w-u not aec:orded tbia eourt:.y. A major dec:iaioa. iDvolvinc m7 prope-rty waa made sicbt tmaeen. N<lt one eommittee member bad the eourteey or inte-res-t to eome by my bome to view the aitaaUon 01' to talk with me eonce.nUnc my ~ueat. Neither had an7 eom­mittee member cheeked m7 nrefah­bors" 8ituation. and in :faet the7 eonfused the issues involving an three properties a~l n-eniDC Ioq. which were not really related. Only the chairperson wu on time for t~ meetmg. T!tlo is 1l11pt'Oo fessional and ina:e-tl.loabli!.

At that eo11Ui:littee aeaiou. and at a atlbseque.nt GHI board meet­inw I Uso :ri~Que.tect iaformatio!l _..qnc adop&a of -., rules and re.,U.tio:ra; I ba-n 7et to receive the information.

Greeabeltera, pi- putlci­pate! - bat do 10 o-'Y IUid •thJcalb'. -L-

ThiU'IIday, October 2'7, 1994

In ·i·I :~-· ---C...... c-._. ............. Tbe ...,ual ~~ aa4 Parade) for -aelooolen throqb 6th craden will be held l'rlda,., o.:t. 28 at the Gl'MDbelt Youth Ooater. P­tioo beciD a~ 4 p.m. 1ritll the -rade aDCI .iadciac. Tbe aoo .-. with live animala ia at 4:10 p.m. ,.,_""""" fo. aiL G- Storiao .... Qua ....

FREE - Open tD:AII:._: J'rl<W. Oet.,ber . 28, . ~

•teiJ" folfowinc a.o _ eo.aa;,o CJcm"tat and Pua4o ·..:... at St. Hugh'a School -- Court: 5 p.m.~mpflre baiJ.dina \ 6 p.m.-Ghost stone. aad .._

fire cames .. 7 ~:~boat atoriea for oJ.rjer

FNti .. l of Licllto

Thia 7ear will mark the 28l'd. Almual Featinl of Liglrto _,._ .......t J>,- the Groeabe!t Reerea tiott [)epartmeat. lficliliai>Uaa the .festival will be the Craft Show aDCI Sale beld a~ the Green­belt Yoath Center 011 &turd&~ and Sunday, December I and 4.

U you have a craft ud wiah to participate in this ahow and sale,. please eontad the Youth Omtet · for &D applieation. Rolin :~.r the Row are 10 LIIL lo 5 p:m. OD SatardaJ" ODd 11 a.m. to 4- ]UD. OD SuadaJ'.

For addWoaal 1Dformatio11, eontut the Greeabelt Reenatlott Departmen~. ll0Dda7 throqb Fnda,., 9-4:80 p.m. at 474-eB'IB.

Official Trick or Treat

Monday, October 31st 6:00 p.m. to 8.-GO p.m.

If partlclpatf .... leave a &.It porch IIIJht on

or If an apiillla'*''• .__a white ribbon around the dOor knob ....... . ....... I JJ IJJ;

8USUESS MAHAGEA. .._, Hafford: C:C.. of G--... Cl~ er..N ...... .........00 ~; SoniJOhdl lab Cti'I::Uiaflon AID,. ~. MS-G11~ ..... ....._. 47 ..... 13"1. s..- Prlotog~- J . .....__



0.... ~ ~- _,.... K. ~- ... ~ ....... ------.-; ...... McGee.~ ......... t.aa.llll.

Thlll'8day, October 27, 19M GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW

City Plants 'lne ·For ....... Y .... Oil.~ ... ~ 29 at 11

...._ CMr ~I will dedicate a tne ... .aacaue in memory of c..- (C~.) lln>wD. C.J. is the 11 7eu' old Greenbriar resident who wu killed oa May 13, 1994..

Co~n~nunity Events The eeremoby wilt take place

on the knoll near Mandan Road aDd HaDOVer Parkway. Neich­bon., fellow students, friends and eoDCft'Ded citizen& are in•ited to thia dedication to honor C.J .'1 -c>rT-

FluShets . Tba . Priace Goerce• Cowtt~

Caziuuwuc"able · Diaeaae Control olk:e iD Cbnel-Iy baa announced tt.rt; aDDU&). flu abota wi-ll be civ· en on November 7, 10 a.m.-12 noort, at G~e House, .22 Bidp Rd. The once-in--a-lite­time pneumonia vaccine, for th9ee 65 and over 1 can a lao be given at the •me time.

-No doctor'• order is needed. A fee Olf $10 will be charged !or the flu abot and $7 for the pneumococcal vaceine. Both are COTe-red b,.- lledieare Part B, but thoae receiving the shots must remember to bring their .Hedi­eue eaMa.,.;ththem.

The Prince Georges County Genealogical Society will meet Wednesday, November 2, at 7 p.m. in the Greenbelt Public: Li­brary, 11 Crescent Road. The meeting is open to the public. Visitors are welcome and there is no charge.

The speaker will be Lorna Du­ane Smith, who wilt discuss '"GenealoirY Is More than Charta,'' adding diversity to genealogy.

Walk Around Town Join the Greenbelt Volk:smar­

chen on Thuraday~ November 3 for a 10K (8.1 miles) walk throoP Greenbelt. The walk be­g-ina at 5:30 -p.m. in the Roose­velt Center. Bring a flashlight with stronc batteries. F0or more information contact Dee Downa at 4n-4863.

DIKOver Goddard There wiJ-1 be a model rocket

launch on Sunday, November 6 at 1 p.m. at the Goddard Spaee Flieht Center Visitor Center. Bring a rocket or j1111t come and watcll. All launches are moni­tored for safety and are held. weather peremitting. The Visitor Center is loeated. M the Soil Conservation Road entrance..

Toastmasters Club The Spring Speakers Toast­

master Club, which usually meets on the first and fourth Thursday of the month w1ll meet on November 3 only because of the Thanksgivmg Holiday. The club meeta at 7 p.m. at the Springhill Lake Fountam Lodge, Members learn and practice tech niques of effective public speak­ing. Guests are welcome.

For more information c:all Dennis Griffin at 982-0598 Cathy Yaworsky at 5.')2-4109.

28, 29, 30 War of the Worlds - Set in 1939 Greenbelt. Performed as a live radio &bow. (Sunday's show starts at 7 pm)




Celtie Eveolinc - Mac-Talla Gaelic Singers, Harp Attack and the Homespun Ceilidh Band

Indian Theater production of 'Arranged Marria!2'e", starring Laura Seng (2 pm)

11. 12, 18, One Acl Festival - Variety of one acts, featuring new play• by 19 loeal playwrights

Unlesa otherwise noted. perfonnances start at 8 PM and tickets cost $8 ~reneral. $6 tll!niol"ll and studerrta . For more information and reservations call (301) 441-8770.

The Greenbelt Rrts Center presents -·-:-~- . ~-----

Second Celtic - . t:ven1ng of music and song

Saturday, November 5 8:00p.m. at the Greenbelt Arts Center

rockets: $8.00/$6.00

123 Centerway Greenbelt, MD

At the ~-at Co-op

Reservations Recommended

Call 441-8770

Greenbelt Park wUI boat a hike for participants to learn about. the biolocical role that wetlands play while discoverin~ the plant and animal eom.munities in a for­ested swamp. The two-mile hike will begin at the Campground Entranee of the park at 11 a.m. on Saturday, November 5. The hike is free and open to the pu·b­lic:. For more information call 344-3944 or 844-3948 .

Exploring Legal Issues

On Friday, November 4, Mr. Charles }iarquardt from AARP Legal Counsel for the elderly, will be taking "Explorat10ns Un~ limited" participants on an ex­ploration of "hot spot" legal lS­

sues. He wJll be addrt>ssmg dif­ferent legal subjects anti matters of whic·h senwr cittzens should be cognizant. Mr. Marquardt has been- a staff attorney at Prince Georges County ~ode! >l"eJgnbor­hood Legal Serv1ces Program; a staff attomey for the Legal Ser­vices Plan of DC and vicinity. and he was pool manager for the Greenbelt Pool for three years and the teen club director.

"Explorations Unlimited" is a speaker series held every Friday from 1:00-3:00 pm at the Youth Center. Everyone is welcome to attend and qaestion-a are always encouraged For more informa­tion ca!l 474-6878.

Free Flu Shots Laurel Regional Hospital will

provide tlu aholll for the general public free of charge.

For more information, call tht> Pub\Jc AtTain and Dev~lopment Office at (301) 497-7914.

Tentatil"e Agenda

Ad,·iaory Plannia.­

Board 1\-leetina

Wedneaday, November 2, 199-l 7:30 pm

GreenbE-lt Police Station Cta .. room.

1 Call to Order 2. Approval of Ag-enda 3. Action on Doe Park Pro­

posal 4. Sign Ag-reement - Beltway

Plaz.a 5. Concept Plan - Sunrise

Property 6. Bicycle Rack Locationa -

RooHvelt Center


THEATRE 129 c:.-..y

474-9744 Giant Scr.en Dolby $l.,.o

AU SlATS $3.00

Pa"'~ 3

Art Show at Library Tbe Gallery of the Prince

Geoqrea Cou.nty Memorial L­brary System preaen.ta a &'tOup ~w by t.he Gui-ld o! Bow1e ar­tist• .

The 1how will be on di1p!ay October 31 to .November 28. The pubhc ia invited to the o~mng reception .to be held on Saturday, November 6 !rom 3-5 p.m.

The G.llery is in th-e Green~ belt Branch Library, 11 Cres:::en: Road Gallery houn .are Mon -Wed., 2-5 and 6.30-9 p.m .. Thurs.-Sat., 2-5 p.m.

Painters, l!lculptors anj ::;ther visual artist!!i in Prince Georges County are invi:ed ~. c-o::~ct Natalie a: 262-7000 about booking a .sh-Jw at !.'"le Gallery.

Mastering Menopause

'"Mastering :\>lcnopa-.l:o<:,'" a :e..::­ture and slJJe pn:!:.en~.:l~;-~n !ea­tunng Dr. Jehan E:~BJ:iy,JumJ w:.i l.u: pr-esented Tue~..kl.y, :s""ovemb(!r 1, 7:30 p.m. at the llrt>enbei: Library, II Cresce:-:t Road .

Dr. El-Bayoum: WqJ dJscuss the physiology of ruenopause, symptoms and treatment optwns The program JS free an-d op-en to the public:. Sign :anguage inter· pretation and other aC'commoda~ tions for individuals -..,·;t.'l d.s.abi!i­for ages 3-5 wlll take place

Information on menopause and other health-related J!I.!IUes is a· vaJiable at all bra~c:hes o! th€ Prince Georg-es County Memonai Library System. For wform.a­tion, call 699~500

At: the Library The P.J. Storytime for age-s 4-6

will be held on Wednesday. No­vember 2. at 7 p.m.

On Thursday, November 3, at I0:15 a.m, Drop.[n Storytime a~a S-5 will take place.

The Poetry D1acu.aa.ion Group will me-et at 10:80 a.m. on Sator­day, Novem~r 6, for an organ­izattonal meeting. Bring a fa­vorite poem to ~flar@ With the group. LoC'al pof't. Karer. Ar­nold, will lead th-e dil!leu!'.~ion

Fall Festival at Park Come celebrate the change of

seasons by part1cipat1ng 1n

Greenbelt Park'!'! Fall Fel'!tJval. The festival Wlll mc:lude hay­rides for children. pumpkin dec· orating contest, chddren 's game! and crafts, naturP waUu, mus:c and a special appt>arance of "Smokey the Bear." M~et at the SwePtgum p1cmc:

area, on Saturday, October 29, !rom 1-5 p.m.

The event is free and open to the general public. For- more in­formation call (301) 344-394,4 or (301) 344-3948. Greenbelt Park

is located at 6565 Greenbelt lW

6olclen Age Clul, ~-ea.--

The DeXt meetlne- o1. the Golden Aa-e Club will be b.eld an Wedneada7, SoTflll:.boer 2. It wm boe the b4.ama. meetiDa for the month. and we will be work­ln&' on :.he D.Oblination ot odl.een for 1!:195. PlUM contact a mem­be-r of th4!' Soaunatina Commit­tee tf you have m r111.Dd 80llleCme

•ho would • C'ood. omoer. We ~gret that time con­

:Jtn.lnta lim;ted the lenctt& of the talk 8'J;ven by our .speaker 1aat wed;, J.ack~e L.uld~ a ftW'H/ educator from Doctor's Bo.pta.L Perhaps she will come back and va1t as agam as many were im­pr~sed w1th he-t wealth of know­ledge.

Ou.r next t.r.p, on November 15. wl!, ~ co Odeaaa, Delaware .. Odeaaa J:S a beautd'ul spot,. mam­t.amed by the W mt.e>rthur Orpn­l%a bon. There are two ~ in Decembe-r - on Dee. 1, we'll tra ve! to the Ha!Tl.abura Craft Show ; and there w11! be a Myst­ery tnp on D~. B. Be sure o we Jim Maher about tho-.e t:nps, Ol' ca.H h1m at .;1~68619.

We've been blea:Joed with creat wea.theT thJs Fa.ll: take adTant­ace of It and come out to the m«tlnJrll

Paint BJ'GitCh UrdtDrima C"-'cA cnu r ... -.. lliD a-.>

S.a .. Ort. 31. t:Je a 11:15 •-•- ''From M1dwifery t.o Mmlstry-'" Rn R..:.boe-rta F:nkf"lsitin

ChuTt"h Sehool 930&Ill.'la.m

A~,;:-!!tlve L:st€'~mg D~v1ees

ReT R...H. Tho1111paow U7-3666

Baha'I Faith

- .,.~ f:-om one 1-.: !:ath ex- I


~ .l ~~ : '¥\' :-:t. :-. .o:-­

Gr~enb.-:: H.t:1.1·· Community p (J Bo~ 2~5

Gre<en~l~. \'ID 207%

345-291-.; 220-3460

FAITH MINISTRIES if you are !! about mak­mg chang-es :n your !:lehaviOr, '::>:- 1n bow YO'-"- feel, we ean 1

llelp you. t' smg dynamic Bible prinripl~. m.a.u.1ve eh.a.Jrcq e&D p~.ace Ul ]I'OQ]' ID&I"­

n&ce~•ly, penoD&l &lid ba.aiDeN life. We can belp you

Al<>oloollom ~ =... Scnal-;: W'Cift'7 ~

=(All~) 1-Z:::::: r.-- ~ 0..0.~-­~~ ~ ,_ Vooioooco GaJit l..oDoiitMa o- Opprea;o,

We ilrrite TOG to oar .... ~aM~ aJDoh----

,._, ~ ·-1:01 ....

-· • ltldp 114.­.... -' _____ ,,_ ........ P.O.- ...


Joanne Garner, l'1!8ident ot Greenbelt for m.any Ye&n. paaaed away oa <ktober 17. She ia llH'­V"lTed by ber hll.Sband,. Edward. and son. Edward Jr.. both o! Greeabelt, a daqhter, Sherry llac Lane and two grandsons, Seot& aDd Jason. of Garrent Coun ty. SM W ai8o .su.l'Tived by tour nsten &Dd. four brotben.

Mishkan Torah Lecture Oct. 30

The fourth annua! Dane Kntt Memorial Lerture featuring Dr MeJ ~It, Brooklyn College pro­feseor, will be held on Sunday. Oetober 30 at 8 p.m. at Hiahkan Torah Synai'Oif'Ue. Dr. Scuit authored .. JudaiATn Faees the Tw1!ntieth CAntury - A Biogra­phy of MordechaJ K-aplan."

The pub:l.ic is mvited to this tree event. For :nformation. call 474-4223. Tuesday - Fnday. 9

1 p.m.

c:>< Catholic

Community of Greenbelt

MASS Jfall.ic:ip.aJ Buildin~: Sundayw

10 A-'4.


St. Hugh's Bazaar St. Hugb'a Romab c...d.olie

Church w1ll hoat its annual tall pariah bua.a.r OD Satunia,-. No­T~ 5, !I'O'D:l 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Featured an a:rta A crafts. a silent aaction, jumble table. bake sale and numeroua pmes for the -:1-. ddren. Also included are Santa's Secret Sh.oppe, where ca:-. purehase inexpensive gi!t.a for ~heir parents

A homestyle chidun dinner will be ,t-rved by the Knights of Colurrbus from 5-7 p.m. for $5. 75. P .e;ue call for reserva-:Ions.

Free banysJtting will be availa­D'le ';<) all w pareota to shop and enjoy ~he fe11tivitiea.

The ba.caar will be held in the par1sh 's L :-enable Hall, 135 Cres­cent Rd. Admia.s1on to the ba­zaar IS f~et:: and the~ is ample free park.:;g. For more i.n!orma­::on. ca:l Mary Kerley at 301-474-054.2.

St.Jolul'aCHrtll Episcopal

Ralth111ore BITd.

Pw..,der MiJI Rd. 937-4292

Saaday ';fl'Tiee. at

13:15, 9:30 aad 10:45

Sunday SdtooJ at 9;30

Nu~ry available during the 9;30 a~d lO·U aervices.

ST. HUGH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 135 Crescent Rood, o...nbelt, Md.

MAsS SCHEDULE1 Sunday 8, 9:30, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m.

Saturday 5 p.m. O..'.ly M ... - 7·30 .. m. Konday-Fno-"..l!iy, 9 a.m. Yooda.y-~

~ftlt ~ R.eeol!Ci!'iatton S.aturday 3:.(.5...4,;4,5 p.m. Reo.-. Thomas F. C:r'Jwley. Putor

Rev. G. P.aul Herber_ A.!IIIOCI&te P...r:or

Come& Wor&hip With U•

Holy Cross Lutheran Church 6906 Greenbelt Road

Woraip Srrieea·

S.bday, 8:30 A 11:15 a.m. (Illfant care pt"'T'Io.d .e.-ell~ ..X..)

~ Selloal ~d Bible a.-a a.m.

~ 8:50 aDd 11:1.6 a..m..

- . ....-..11.11--

Jazz Concert On ~ eweninc, NO"''e!Dber

• at 8 p.m.., the Univer:sit7 of Maryland luz Euaemble. coadac­ted b;r Chrio Vadala, will preesot their Fall eoncert in t:be Colony Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union. Gueat '80loist Vineent Di­Martino, trumpet, will be fea­tured aa well u selections bJ' Duke Ellington. Billy Strayhorn, Frank Za.pp.a, George and Ira Gershwin,. Jerome Kern, Donald Byrd, and OHTer Net.on. Ad­mission is free and the publie is invited to attend. For further in!onnation e&ll 405-SS.2.

Th~'!day, October 27, .1994

Guided Nature Walk .. Autumn Ioapiratioa"" • OD Sua­

da;r, November 6, Z-3 :30 p....., a CQicied walk for adult. iD which pa.rticipante will e::zperience the 'beauty of autwao 'W"ith nadine• of inapirationat natare writen such u Aldo Leopold, John Muir and Sicun! OlooJ> Parti· cip'!.nl$ will meet at the Patux­ent Environmental Sdence Cen­teTa North Tract Viaitor Con­tact Station, ahd sbou.ld dress tor walkin8' outdoo:ra Adv&JU:e rec­i:stration is required.

·For informatloD call (UO) 874-83~.

Greenbelt Community Church UNn'ED CiHURC11 0P OHRifT

Hllltide & c.-- lloade

Pl>oa•: •7~171 •onriaca

10:16 a.m. Sunday Wonlhip

"A c.\ure.\ of t1u ope~~ tJiiM, tl&e ..,..,.,. ..._rl. t.U ..,.Or­ing fiOML, II7Uf. t.\e aoci<zl fiUion • • , n

Berwyn Presbyterian Church 6301o.....Mitltoad

9:30a.m. Worship Seniee 11:00 a.m.


lev. Sidney Conger 47~7573

( '-I I I () \II I 1101 II'-, I < I II W I I

MOW..tUT MEMORIAL 40 Ridge Road • Greenbelt • 474-9410

WaTsh1p Service, 11

\Ved.Jwsday Praye:r 7 p.m.

• f) t ...

~+I ~~ ..... A Great Place For God and You To Start Over Again

St. George's Episcopal Church s.da7S.W. 9-8111·11-

r •' So-n A Glam Dole 1141, loll Sad ttl a....dt .... ........ ~ ... 3IIHOSZIS

~lll'llday, pPtober 27. liN

CDttilicla..e­':·~....--­eoiiM t&z ..... high real estate

- - that _,.ire ~ ·te prepay a toll 7a-r of real .tate ~ea. "I intend to make ~ a moeh. more frieacll7 place to do buaiaaa," •"- oak!.

Criae When it· comes to fighting

erime. the candidates are closer toget.ber. Glendening elattn. to have a full procram to deal with

Ask About Health IIISUI'a!lCe The Sl:ate Farm Way


"--1146-Aaa.-er~ ~ lru71aad

10770 -7100

Like a good neighbor. State Farm~~ there.®

&TAU ••••



GREENBELT. NEWS· REVIEW crime. He advocates a compre­hensive app~,.. ~- s~ppozta the death penalty and putting violent ofl'enders in prison. Tbere needs to be a drug- treatment program and law enforeen must go after drug distributors. He supports boot camps for nonvio­lent oftlenden and haa begun one ln Prince Georges County. He touts hia endorsements by the Fn..terna.l Order of' Police and the Maryland Troops Associa­tion ..

Sauerbrey calls proteeting citizens the number one job of government. She bas announced that her lieutenant governor --run­ning mate, Paul H. Rappaport, a former Howard County police chief with 37 years experience in law enforcement. will pull to-

~ther all prog-rams _in t)}e stat.e mto a very comprehenaive pro­gram if she ia elected.

Sauerbrey and Glendening differ on gun control. He wants a re­sponsible gun policy and to get rid of military style assault weapons. Sauerbrey opposes gun control as disarming the inno­cent. "Criminals don't give up guns," she says. Instead she supports stronger laws for those who commit crimes of violence.

She also attacks Glendening"s record in the county, noting that Prince Georges "is the most dangerous county in the state:• Glendening's support by the po­lice organizations has nothing­to do with crime, she claims, but is due to Glendening's support­ing collective bargaining and im-





Effeetive November ht. leaf bags will be sold to mem­

bers at cost - currently 35 cents each. Bags will be

bundled and sold at the reception area in lots of ten only at a eo&t of $3.50. NO CASH WILL BE HANDLED.

Cheeks should be made payable to GHI and members

mUBt pick up bags - no deliveries will be mad" ,by staff.

If you are unable to pick up please arrange with a

neghbor to do .. this task for you.


proved pensions /Qr law enforce­ment officers.


Both Glendening and Sauer­brey have been educatora--GJen­dening as a Univenit)' of Mary­land public administration pro­fessor and Sauerbrey as a high school science teacher. Both place better education as a top goal for their administrations. How­ever, how to accomplish the goal draws differences,

Glendening believes that mort! money needs to be spent on edu­cation by the state with budgets for other state programs cut to make money available. Sauer­brey believes that enough is be­ing spent on education, but that changes need to be made in how the money is spent. She advo­cates giving parents vouchen worth $2,000 fot' each school age child to pay for tuition eost, to attend the school of ehoiee, in­cluding private and parochial schools. Glendening opposes giv­iug out vouchers.

Sauerbrey notes that Glenden­ings son attends a parochial high school and states that she wants every other child in the state to have the same opportun­tty. Glendening told the televi­sion audienee in the debate that his son could have attended and was accepted at Eleanor Roose­velt High School in Greenbelt, a school he deseribed as ''an ex­cellent magnet school," but that his son chose to go to DeMatha High School instead.

Glendening opposes using state tax dollars to support religious schools, questions where the $200 million needed to pay for the pro­gram would come from and notes that sinee the voucher would pay only part of the educational eosta. studt>nts from poor homea would stil1 lack a choice.

Page 5 Environment

Glendening has n•cezved. the support of thP thret- major en­vironmental orgamzatJOn.s that support candidate!! He cla:itns Sauerbrey to hav(• one of thr wont records on th1~ zssue. Cal­ling th'!! Environment one of the five n- ajar areag he will focu~ on, t.~ •:ite8 his rN·ord Princt> GE:c.rgu, County on envJr~>nment­al matters, ranging from rec}'c­ling to mass trans1t.

Sauerbrey says that !<h£' sup­ports 25 of the ~t) rec-ommenda­tions of the Che11apoE-nkt· Bay Foundation She had oppo~1 d some rel{u!atwn.<~ becau•w th•!V would impose mandatt·s on :,x,~: government!!. One b.l), wo:...:J have placed such touR"}. rt'~·lr,"­tions on oll sh1pping :n ~h1• bay

that it could have clir!.«il•-(• ~he delivery of o!l t0 Ba:~~:J·.-_n· When comprom;_~e res~rJt':wn~ were made ~he supporteu thf·

measure. She IS concerned that environmental regulations can cost the state .JObs and beilevt-s that the state economy comes before the env1ronment.

The Future In sumr.tation at the debate,

both candtdates lookf"d to the future. "This is an t-lf'ctwn ab<Jut the future of Ma:rylar:d," GlE-n­dening told tht> auJJen~·t. "I want to make sure that employment opportumt1es are there. that ed­ucation opportunJtle~ are there for our children

"Th1s ele-ction J~ about the direction of the future," Sauer­brey stated. "D0 you want to continue the tax and spend J>Ql­iciea of the put or go in a newi direction for the future?"

We promise you caring, comfortable ... affordable dentistry ... and we're in your neighborhood!

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Our main concem is to give you safe and complete quality care which is why we've taken hundreds of hours of continuing education. We

-utiliz& state-of-the-art equipment and sterilization techniques to create beautiful, heaHhy teeth lor a lilatime.

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Thursday. October 27, 1994

Hoyer VIsits GFCU by U.U S.•ary11 '7'-5285 Get-well wishes to Drummond

Or-r of l..a..ic:!'wood., wbo W m W a.ahincton Adnntist Hospital, reeoverinc from h:r-pasa surpry. Mr. On was a teacher at G~­be!t }hddle S<:hoo! for 30 yean.. Sam.-on Lee, son of J(yuna Ja Park.. h.a.s been aceepted. by IM!rk­:~ Collel'~ of Xusie i.n­c!'l.usett.a. Lee, who is • au:itariat., w~ll .st"udy under a faculty of ed~t<>n and pro! mu­!-l;Cl.&na, tl:ue.nt in eontempo'l"&Z'}' mua.te !tyies.

Bna::1. Clatre and big brother A1exander Gis&el:bedt are proud :.0 announ~ the birth of Danielle Lauren on Sept.. 12, Wll!lChin&' 9 ~b. -1. o:t. at Ho!y Croa. Hospital.

Emma and Luk.e Smith an­llOU.D« t.h.&t they -hav~ a new auate.r. Summer Elizabeth, born on Aag. 31 to their parents, Lee an<! Karen Smlth of Cn:ecent Rd SYmmer, who wa.s named af+~r her gre&t-lf'l'eat-grandmoth­er welgh@C! :n at 6 lb. 11 oz. Proud grand-parents are Larry and Jeanie Sm1th.

~-e.R ileYiew nporU!r Virgin-1& Beauchamp :s a grandmother acain. She 1s happy to annoance the arnval of Lesiie Marie, 6 lb. 11 oz .. on October 25. LHlie joins 5-yea.r--old Catherine Anne. &th are the dau.ght.ers of Johr. and lkaue!hamp of Xead­•n::e. PA. when John i.! em­ploye-d: &.!! an '.lrban forester

Dou•ns of SpnnghilJ Lake El­ementary &hool child-ren must nave recogn:zed the picture of :l'le:r teacher llildred Stephen-

~on on the front page of the liETRO .section of the O<=tober 23 W .... i•cto• Poet. Retiring at last at the end of this school year, Stephenson, at the age of 79, is the oldest teacher in PnMe Georges County. The ar­tlde, which was the lead story in that seetion of the paper, de­scribea her for her JOb, which she ha.s held at Sp-rmg­bill Lake for 25 yean. Over those yean she ha• given her first-grade:rs a ncb beginnmg for their journey through th'!! pleas­ures and excittoment of the edu­cational Pl'OCesa. Condolen~s to Edward Garn­

er and family on the cjeath of h1s wife Joanne

Weichert Realton' Open Hou .. w-k Howard Rooks, Pres1dent of

Weichert Co. of Virgmia, ha.cs an­nounced that the Company's V:r­gina and Pnnce Georgea County ~lel'l offlces havl! scheduled a spe­.::ial "Open Hou5e Bonanza Week" from Friday, Sovember .f. through Friday, Sovember 11.

During this week, virtually o! the properties being marketed :n Virginia and P.G. County by a Weichert sa;es a.saociate w:ll be held ope-n for prospective homebuyeMI to pre,.·iew and tour.

For mformat:on re-gard1ng proper.ies wh1ch wdi be held )pen 1"rom Xovernber .f. to i l ;>lea.s.:' C'Ont.a<"t the sales a~­!O<':ates at the li\?eu:-hert. Real­tors branch sales office in your


345-2662 ~

Barry & GE Team Up Again for Greenbelten-

Soft White Electronic Fluorescent llulb

15 6: 20W "::>u!b8 - nearly &s much !ii'bt u !)() & 70W Soft Wb.ite Bu-l'b Sale Price: $18.99 Pepco Coupon: ·13.00 GE Rebate: - 5.00

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HeN is GE's new soft white (beffer

colcw tone) energy-«Mng light

bulb f. less than $1 after rebate

GE Choice Flourescent

After Coupon Recl.-.1 $0.00 plus

GE Mail-in Rebate of 3.00.

Iring all your P.pco Coupons

We - carry a full .. lection of e,.._

e-sry ICIYing bullos from Sylvania,

Lights of .t.n.rica, Philips, and GE

at c~ savings. Available to X.uyland Res:dents Only

GHI Note. The AJ. Hoc Comm"" on Re­

sales Issues meet.a at 7 p.m., TU<esday, S)vemher 1, in the GW Li!)rary.

Blood pres.aure testing Wed­l'lesday, .\:ovember 2, from 2-4 p.m. m tre GHI Board Room

Regui.r Board meeting~ for Sovembe-r are scheduled !or Sovember 3 and 17 at 7 p.m. in the Board IL>om.

The on~y day ltrlt fo-r the grau seed sale 1s Saturday, October

29. 10 a.rr :.o 12 noon on Hamil-ton Pla<:f'

Rem:ndE"r - leaves must be bag­ged and left in your Serv-ice Side yard fer =:~y public.worka c:rew

to co::e('t GHI will aell lea! bagll at c ,,;~t to members 1n lots

ot 10 or.l:r See ad elsewhere th1s. 1ssu~ o! the ReVlew.

VFD LMies Auiiary To HeW Portrait Dme

Beginning on November 1, tAe Ladies Auxiliary of the Green­belt Volunteer Fire Dept. Will be eonductiQg oar annual portrait· drive. A staJ!" of eight (8) per­sons frorn Summit Productions wiil be taking orden for singa­lar or family portraita. All por­traita will be taken at the Green­belt Firehouse, 125 Creacen.t &ad.

As in the past few years. thi• project is with the approval of Greenbelt City Couneil anil the Greenbelt Police Dept. Permits bav~ been _properly aeca:red and validated by the police dept.

All proceeds are !or the Green· belt VFD Ladi~ Auxiliary.

Any questions, verifications or further information may be di­rected to the Greenbelt Fire Dept. on 345-7000, Kathy Rey nolds - 474.-4372, or Nancy Rem­enick - 474-8066.

On November 8,

Tbe week of October 17 waa International Credit UnioD Week. In ceteb:ration, ConlrftS,Iman Steny Boyer visited credit unions em October 2:1 U... cludinc the Greenbeit Pederal Credit Union. Tbe Credit Union hi one of the ariginaJ. ftnancerw of the Greenbelt Co-op homes, and eurreatly malntaina OYer •10 million dollan in usete, with 3,.f90 members.

Help the Food Bonk With Fall comea the need for

~-,.. to belp .. feed the bun­

~ at the ~- The ~~ ..,...... • • .. • . t7 ·l'ood Bank" needo ll!olli . Ito Red­skins Food J!J)&e., · Oetober 30 through Nove~Der 1: Volunteers are needed to 1taDd out inform.a­tien at the gam-. to eolleetbap of donated food (at the C'lmes), and to 'Staff apota iD Giant Stores wh_ere ban flf toocl may be dropped off.

vote for a county councilman who will put you, your children and

your neighborhoods first. G. Frederick Robinson is formally endorsed by the following organizations and outstanding individuot. and leaders: Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 89 - Congressman Steny Hoy­er. Prince George's County Educator's Assoc - State Senator Lea Green. AFL/CIO- Prince George's County Executi- PorTis Glendening- Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce­Pot Unger of Gr-nbelt • Prince George's Firefighters Associa­tion - Robert Callahan - Delegates Joon Pitkin, Jim Hubbard, and Mary Conroy - Former Mayor Gil Weidenfeld - Mayor An­toinette Brom - City Council Members~ Tom White~ Ed Putens,. and J. Dovis. ·

Fred Robinson Democrat

for County Council Pull Lever 11A

Thursday, October 27, 1994 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW a.glstrallon

(Coatialled rro. Jta&e one)

59.t%. The Republican •bare of the District's 56,710 eliaibJe vot­ers is almoet 28%, while De­clinea hold about 13%. Incumb­ent Democrats Mary A. Conroy, Jamea W. Hubbard and Joan Breslin Pitkin are being opposed by Republicans Theodore W. Henderaon, D. Alfred Schauer and Paul Tucker.

Nature Club for Kids The Nature Rangers Club for.

children, ages &-8 years old, will m<.!et on Saturday, November 5 from 10--11 a.m. Watkins Na­ture Center sponsors thi.s month­ly club that has a variety of ae­tivitiea.

This month's meeting is "Fail Harvest." There is a fee. Call to register (301) 249-6202. Watkins Nature Center is located in Wat­kins Reginal Park, Larg~·-


Marlr Your Calendarsl

Important Budget Hearing


November 15; 1994 •


GHI Boord Room

The Board of Directors will hold a members hearing on

the proposed 1995 budget on Tueoday, November 15

commencing at 7:30p.m. in the Board Room. Members

are encouraged to attend and to ask questons on the

items that are iocluded in the budget projections f<Yr 1995.

Copies of the proposed budget will be available at the

Gm Recept.ioa ofllce after November 8th.






A Phldge to the Cltlzena of Greenbelt



U/ITI!If--~--.n--~1 ~IlEA RfEOUEIITPREaM:E &A'-AlGI~-



VOTE----N0¥.~ER118 Scott Headq...W. 352-NIM

. -IL-.T-.

Women's Fair "Women Working Together-~

Celebrating 155 Years" is the theme of the annual Prince GeorR"es County Women's Fair, Sunday, Nov. 6 at Prince Georges Community College.

The Women's Fair will be held in the L3.rgo Student Center from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The day will feature every­thing from career workshops to health screenings. Exhibits fea­turing organizations that can provide inf.ormation resourees support to women wiU be on dis­play throughout the day.

The fair's keynote speaker will be Leslif' C. Shields, motivation­al speaker and author of "Work, Siater, Work." Sbielda is found­er and president of Career Tail­ors and is on the faculty at How ard University School of Busi­nes~.

For information concerning registration and baby-sitting ar­rangements call ( 301) 883-5370.

Anacostia River Talk The Patuxent Environmental

Science Center's North Tract Series will present "A River's Story: Saving the Anacostia" on Thursday, November 3. 7 p.m. a•t the Visitor Contact Station otf


Gar;.~ Whiteman

Colclwell Banker Nyman Realty

474-5700 or 982-9579

860! Compass Court Woodbridge

$235,000 OPEN SATURDAY 1-5PM

3709 Ingalls A venue Landover Estate:111


4704 Nicholson Street Riverdale $135,000

29-A Ridge Road Greenbelt

$70,900 OPEN SUNDAY 1-5PM

7708 Hanover Parkway Greenbriar

3 BD, 2 BA $89.990

7726 Hanover Parkway Greenbriar

1 BD+Den, 1 FB $64,500

7828 Hanover Parkway Greenbriar I BD, IFB


8003 Mandan Road Greenbriar 2BD, 2 FB


For all :roar &tau Need. •.•

Page 7

New Deal Cafe Open House

by Bob Buzzanco and Don Comb; The New Deal Cafe is deeply embedded In the hl•arts

of Greenbelters . That was made abundantl.v dt~ar by the larJre turnout at the organizing meeting on Saturday. Oct 22.

About 40 people sat on the mg if they wtsh A COfl) "f the carpeted floor of the potential new biography •lf Ell:'anor Roo~H.·-site, the Mellon Bank space at velt will be g1v•m t<l tht: pt:'r:;on 113 Centerway in Roosevelt Cent- With the bes.t t'o,.,tume er, to express their enthusiasm Volunteer~ an• welrome to help for opening a co·op coffeehouse. set up the <"af,. on Fnday even.

Offers of help and donations mg, November from 7:30 to came pouring in: people from the 9:30. Loan, oJf t.~~~edoths, tJniversity of Maryland's food chairs, cotfet'-mak.-r. und hpn:~-collective offered coffee and dis- so rnaehme:, can al:oo lw brouKh~ counts on food. Others offered to the site that •·v•·nm,o:: •lT <.<ny musicians. Still others came hear- ttme Saturd<.<y .... ._...t r.,:." ,: ing offers of support from busi- a.m. nesses at Roosevelt Center. Baker,: who \~ -~~~,f !:;.; •• :.) p;-.,.

"We see the open house on No- VJde a batch ,,r t"'· "f tJ...ilt>

vember 5, from 9 a.m. to mid- cooku~s or olh•·r r·"~n--: night as a party. to celebrate the w1ll be ~T.,atly tdea of opening a not-for-profit one inteit"-.t•·d coffeehouse-bookstore co-op," said can leavt· tf.,.~, :on:. ~.r1

Ar :• L, .. r{,

Alan Turnbull, memblO'r of New Marsha B<~rn-tt" .. f-•·'•t~ "-'• Deal Cafe Committee "We'Tt: Plateau Plaet> ••r Inn,..- L: offering refreshments, coffee, the cafp "it"' ''I' :---;.·,-,.,., :r • ~ .: Jive music, and a chance to bump .and 5 into friends and ne1ghbors. For m01e lnfnrmatir•n. People can drop in anytmH~ dur- Alan Turnbull at ~~!-<~-•)·i+)P ing the day or evening to get an idea of what the proposed cetft•t-· house mi~orht be like.''

C1ty councilman Torn Whtte, another cafe advocate, said the open house il' "'a way to inform others about the concept of co­operatively forming a coffee­house-cafe and to sohcit support and ideas from potential mem­bers of the co-op."

"It's important to remember," White said "that the ,!\iew Deal Cafe exists o.nly as a concept. We have not si.gned a lease for the site yet. The Center·~ landlord, George Christacos, has made the space available for the day. Thi• is exploratory."

1930'Iil Co.tUIIIH Everyone is invitf>d to come

dn,<:sed in the 1930's style cloth-

I ::,.,eschooling Mulc:ple CnoJce, ar. A:,o. · ....

'Jf He)),,., EduLaLJ•!!,, v. .. 1 j ~·!It program,. 0n tnt ~"Jentti~:. an·d cha::t:'nge: of honH!Sth.·u.c~.g at th~;-st' l'nlht· (.it>org··~ l , ... : ~;. L­braries· \Ved1,e~day, S .<<·m·,.::r 2, HyattsvL:-e Lorar;,·. +.J:J.JtJ Adelphi Rd., n11d Tr:ur:.J.~~ :-.;,r vember 17, Bow;~ L1brary. lS~liJ Annapolis Rd Both pr,,gl am:. begin at 7 p.m Part"n:l> w,;t find out abuut th~ h:story of homeschooling, !ega. 1ssueg, rf'­.sources and Jearn:n.g atylo:s

.All library programa are free and o~n to the publk For lU• :foraatton. eall 301-699-860<1. Sia-n lani"Uage mtuprE't.ation and other ac-eommodations fur indtVI<luaLs


Saturday Nov. 5,1994

9 apt_- Midnight

113 Centerway Roosevelt Center Old Greenbelt

Join us for a discus,sion ~about starting a new Cllfe co-op.


.E-Je 8

a-1 Estat. Auction Long £: Fo~:ter Real Estate

Inc., repl"'1!'soent;ed loea.Uy bJ' ~:a ?rince Geor~ Count7 omce... w1!1 au~1on more than SlOO mil­; 10n m rea, estate property at a ~our day event November "-7 be­~nnmng at 10 a.m. daily. itll Aa-ea~ &: Aeeelerated Mark­etmg D':vis10n and 1n eonjunction with the Daye Auct.~n Company, a Baton Rou~. auction :':rm, Long cl Ji'oater will auction 'lingle family homeA, t.:ownhorr.-es.. condom1niums, va­C"ant lar:d and o:ommereial pro­~rty The auctions wi.11 be eon­iu~ hy teams of auetioneen .?n·slte a: each property listed hr sale A few selected proper­nes r.~l Ce off'eTed for auction ~hrough .ar. AtJtomated Biddtng 3ynem wh1eh allows buyen :o bid rf:'mote:y oy telephone by c:al­:ing 1-8(1()-43.3 1594.

The general public is mvtted to pn-V1ew a.1 propertu~s listed pn­G-f' t.o the auct1on. Biddfl- books •lth deta.J1ed propert7 informa­:ion and auction ~rms and eondJ­tioru are ava1lable upon request by ealling 703-668-1300.

The Ma.J7land-Nataon.a.J C..p­ital Park aDd Plannmc Commis­sion &nl'IO~ the opening of registration for Bio Aerobtcs Dan<ee Pitneu: Classes !or a.d­ult.s aDd teena. Winter seuion begi.nt; NOY. U ...-ith eJ.uae.s at the G~nbelt Youth Center and G~nbelt Kiddie Sehool

For information and a f~ broc=hure call 301-262-5175.

Christmas in April

Seeks Applicants 1n Apri: seeks ap:pL­

eants for the 1995 program. Ell­~j.ty eri'lt!na :nc::u.d:e ~he re­quirements that :he e~derly -'!" handicap-ped person :..;..,.ea ;n Pnn<:e GeorCft County. owna their bome, aDd ea.nnot do the work tb.emaelTea.. Deadlme to appl7 ia Nofttl!tber .4,

Please eaU Mary K.acbanki at 868-0937 or wnte to ChrWtimaa In A.pril, 7905 l!lakolm RoM, Suit,. 306, Clinton, KD 20"135 for a.a applieatioD,

Channel B-1 0 Schedule ~. OciiN.r ~-7~

GATE l'n#ll#: •,u Enm6 111it1t FmtUJs•

:n.....;,A~.~l&3 6:00,....: •OpelliJI6 of 1M FMDvJ Courthouu • 7:~ • A. Toru of tlu MaurlQb


8:~ 9:~:

R6~F~· 77u Cit] of Grndcll fuuiiiS: "VicUo AIIJUMJl Report for FY1994" •,u EH11i116 lridl FIWtUJs • "Citiulu for GtUIIbcll preullt tiN

C4Niidtltn for CoUifiJ Ollllldl"

Attention Prospective

l-lome Buyers Gr-eenb-e;: Homes. Inc. 1 Gill) one Gf ~he !ar]llest

and rr;o~: ~stabii:'hed housing c:ooperati,·es :n :hF: c•)untr: .. s oiferml( br:ef and informative presentat10ns designed

":c :ntrc.-.....i~ce GHJ to y0u. The pre.'l;entati0n -~·::; explain ·.-.·ha: a cooperative i!!!. how GHI 0perates. ""hat .~ervices ar~ prr:·, :ded :;::, GHI memb€rs 'Jr-jer the rncn~!;lv c~a;)!e.;:. ar.d :!-,e flna!i.cmg 3ources which are avai!ab:e,. Th~s ir.­::rma::- ·:'. ·1-"\·::1 "::.e .1seful to yr:u wh-::ther G:r nc: yo:.; pur­:nase a GHI h·:>rr..e. Thi5 is an .deal opp0rt:...n~:y for ;;ersons '.,J.,·no are consictering h0me 0wnership t0 learn ab-out GHI ar::.j to ask quest~ons in a relaxed atmos-phe-re. Let us ::-.troduce you to the cooperativ~ ;ife.:::tyle BE· FORE ::0·..;. :o...;k for a home. The next presen:at~()ns will be held '":

Monday, November 7, 199<t

Satvrday November 19, 1994


11:00 a.m. Please ca.i receptionist at 474-4161 for re:::ervations

I a._n~ in~orma::or.. The sessions are free. and tl--ere :.::; no ! ooligatwn.


Greenbelt, Maryland 20770


City Notes Publi(: •orb aews were bwsy

this week with fall plantin~. Ad­d.Jtional woody plantA were pdanted oa the banks of the stre.m at the east entrance to the lake. Wildflowers were plant­ed along the entrance to Buddy Attidc: Park and bulbs were planted at Centerway. In additio~ a. tn:e waa plallted at

Thursday,· ~r ~. 1994

the Aquatic Center, bulbs were C~~ .. •• plantod at Sc~rem Hma ~k •nd ....:...... . -............... ~rubo·~·Piaated and iilul<flolll.~ ••"":"" ·~.i ~ ........ ... m the N"orthway traii!k ialand. ::::: iD ~"C::"'N.!:

The four soccerftelds were pre- ft7. :n. ...,.,_ ...q to 'PI'Oride pared for weekend League play infant diaulatioa aad eaddliDc and Braden Field No. 2 waa Pft- ap appropride p1q aDd ~ pared for Fall Softball all week. &:ta. Vc;durateen. aaaid .UM ~

Truh and litter were collected .atric: -ata4" with feed:tne, boldl:q. in various parq and along road. &Dd other mm.ilu taaka. Caddlen sides and t.he storm drains and 1DU81: be at lead 18 7ean old. underpasses were deared and Por ...,... in:formation, CCIIIt:ad eleaned. 699·2800.

REALTY 1 982-0044 ---------

Greenbelt'~ Specialist 1 BEDROOM

UPPER UVEl END UNIT $39,!100· Modem kitchen. Ut;lity room with WID. Wooded sening and fenced yard. lots of extra parking.

HONEYMOON COTTAGE $411!100 Top condition Modem k;tchen With pantry. large living room. 2 ce;ling fans & 2 built·;n AIC:s.


MINT CONDITioN $54,!100 a $2,500 Closing help I Spectacular home! Landscaped yard backs to woods. Perfect hardwood & parquet floors! WOW!

COVEIIED DECX $4&.!100 Set> launclry room wldryer & storage. Great hardwood firs, A/C & cemng fan & ceramic tile bath.

JUST REDUCED NOW $52,900 · ·.- r. th .'\'ld~oorpl..lrt Gorgeou-:. b..lth Lot:; r ~ •,, , J 1 •h·t 1 , ,•

'WOimEIIfUL WOODED LOCATION $52.100 Terrifoc interior has updated kitchen and bath. Very well maintained With lots of nice extras.

IIIICJ( HOME with BAY WINDOWS! $M,!190 Modem kitchen & bath. sep DR. 4 fans & open staitway. C"""red patio, azaleas, flowers & trees.


JUST LISTED 554.900 & $1.000 '"CLOSING HELP' :J~:;. ur"c Bc-.Jutltdlll it:r"Tl)dC ~-j ,..,,tr~l-.crl r:rt (UI::J,J,Ir P"'1 't, ··:d

TOTAlLY IIOOftN END UNFT $51,100 a $1.000 Closing help! New kitchen! Full sized WID. Beaut;ful hardwd firs. Enlarged dining area With storage. Big yard.

SUPER SPACIOUs WIDE UNIT $49,!100 Large~ kitchen With new strn~e. Expanded living area and updated bath. Fenced yard.

END UNrT with ADDITION $59,!100 B19 yard backs to woods. Updated kitchen and bath. Addition is a sep <fining room and rec room.

JUST LISTED BLOCK END UNIT ADDITION & SIDING 571,900 lcL~I 1 CC.Jt on e-normous yard. hardwd tlrs. modern k 1tch('n b..Jth & :;.ep DR'

P!UCED TO IMPRESS . $44,900 a $1,000 Closing Help! Enlarged din•ng area. open kitchen. great hardwd firs. WID. fenced yard. large patio & bricl: BBQ.

BLOCK HOME with FREE VINYL SIDING $59,900 En<losed SUN ROOM w/ sicylight that opens out to the deck. Sep. DR and modem kitchen & bath.

JUST LISTED $57,900 & $1,000 in CLOSING HELP•

6 :.,,., ~"':-me on 'rbr..lry end ot toJVn 1 Spac1ous k1tchen & u;..' ~~'.:t.::.l !).Jth

END UNIT IN A SUP£118 LOCATION $59,100 • Go<geous home backs to the woods With deck. TerrifiC floors. modern kitchen/bath. Fenced yard.


BRICX HOME In SOUGHT·AFTER LOCATION $59,!100 Across from the ~brary! New carpet and pa;nt Deck and patio. Washer & dryer and l!uilt·in A/C.


JUST LISTED 2 STORY ADDITION $59,900 H .... ge 11vmg room & master bedroom Open k1tchen Ton-;. of ~p.lce

3 BEDtiOOM END_ UNIT $59,900 a $2.000 CkBing help! Spac::JOUS updated kitchen w/pantry. separate dining. opened stairway wall, fenced yard & more.

Leon.Ed &. Holky \..Vallact..· Eri · ~ .... 2::~--: j

Thul"l!day, Oetober 2'1, liM GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 9

·POlleE BLO'ITER man was arreated and charged with poaaeukm of paraphernalia. Both were released pending trial.

the vehicle had been reported stolen to the county police. A 21. year-old nonre.ident man wa• arrested and charged with theft. He was released pendi~ trial.

ed stolen from the 9100 block of Springhill La. on Monday, Oct. 17. .... ___ _

-"F-~ -.....u, ....... Around 11 • .Ill# Oil Saturday,

Oct. . 16, omeen reapoDded to • ~ of a -pieiouo occupied vehicle m - parJdDc lot of TGI FridaYs restaurant at fU60 Cap­itol Dr. A.tter loeatina the ve­hicle the7 diacovered a am.all qaantitJ" of ...._w marijuaua aDCI ro~ papen d~ the ......., of .mv~ ThNe

---- - all .... 115 -unated ...... clla<pd, with --.. of Jiat*phrn:Dalla. The~ were .., _ _...,... trial.


Lakewood House $145,000 4 Bd • 2 Ba, New Carpet, Freshly Painted, CAC, WI D, Diahwaaher

.. New Listing'J S9G Ridge $49,900 Honeymoon Cottage, 2 Bd or 1 Bd + del\, Screen· ed Porch, WID, AC, Tiled

. Bath, Carpet.

7 Cf. ~ . f&8,750 Ooaipletely renovated CAC, wid, fenced yard.

7C Plateau $49,900 Shows Like a Model

Stop by and see some gorgeous antiques

lSF Hillside $51,900 2 Bd WID Fenced Yard

Separate Laundry room and · Beautiful finished floors.

lOK Southway, 2 Bd, WI D, AC, Updated Kitchen & Bath, great location · owner must relocate ~ will consider all offers.

3D Gardenway, $69,900. Beautiful 2 Bd vinyl over block, attached garage with heat & 115 & 220 elec.

5B Eaatway $85,000 3 Bd. 2 Ba. master bed· room wlfull bath on 1st floor.

lS Court Hill.elde $54,1100 Upgraded kit olo Ba, fresh· ]y painted, deck, shed. fenced )'ald.

78C ltidp $70,500 8 "Bd-ceutral A/C Walk liP loft • 2 BloeJul to IIBW IICilool

........... .· . .:~~~-~-·

Around 1 :-&& p.m. on Sunday • Oct. 16, an oflcer, while patrol­ling the 100 bloc:k of Weatway. discovered an unattended child in a vehicle parked in a ftre lane. The mother, a 21-year-old non­resident woman, was located a short time later and waa ar­rested and with leaving a child unattended in a motor vebiele. She wu · 1-eleaseCJ pend­in« trial.

Around 7:16 p.m. on Friday, Oct. u, while patroUmc - rear parldp.g lot of Beltway Piau, an ollcer obse"ed • auapect in poueuion of an open alcoholic beverage. A aeeond penon with the suspect was found to be in posseaaion of a pipe commonly used to smoke marijuana. A 25 year-old nonresident man was arre~ted and charged with pos­session of an open alcoholic bev­era~e. A 20-year-old nonresident

Barglaria A burglary wa1 ~ported at a

residence in the 9100 block of Springhill Ct. on Thunday, Oet. 20. Entry wa• gained by break­ing out a window. Money and jewelry were taken.

A burglaey was reported at a residence in the 5900 block of Cherry-wood Terr. on Monday, Oct. 17, The method of entry is un­knoWh. Electronic equipment and comforters were te.ken.

A burglary was reported at a residence in the 11 eourt of Soutbway on Thursday. Oet. 20. Entry wa.s gained by breaking out a glass door pane. It is un­known at this time if anything was taken.

Vehide Theft, Etc-. Around 9:45 p.m. on :\1onday,

Oct. 17, while patrolling the 6000 block of Greenbelt Rd., an officer stopped a vehiele for a traffic violation.. A computer chPck re­vealed that the license plate on

Around 8:15 p.m. on Wednea­day, Oet. 19, an oftlcer stopped a vehicle for a traftlc violation while patrolling the 6000 block of Greenbelt Rd. A computer cheek revealed that the license plate on the vehicle had been reported stolen to the county police. A 26-year-otd nonresident man was arrested and charaed with theft. He was released pend­ing triaL

Around 10 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 20. a 1983 4-door Nissan Stanza was reported stolen from the 6000 block of Springhill Dr. The vehicle was t"ecovered later the same day by D.C. police in the 3400 block of Ely Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. No ar­rssts were made.

An orange 1990 Econoline U­Haul 17-foot movm~ truck, Mis­sippi tags A03546, was report-

A brown 2-door 1984 Toyota Supra, MD tags BCT517, was r€'· ported stolen from the 6000 block of Springhill Dr. on Tuesday, Oet. 18.

A dark blue -1 door Hyund.!l.i Excel, California tags 2FQD724, rests were made. was reported stolen from the 6100 block of Springhill Terr. on Wednesday, Oct. 19,

A grey 4-door 1980 U idnno­bi]e, MD tags RAG304. wa.s re ported stolen from the 7'7tJtJ block of Greenbelt Rd. on Thursday, Oct. 20.

Vandalisms to. thdt.'l fm:-r., and attempted thPft.'l of vt•hl<'i1'!:'

were reported in tht· fo:1ow1t1~ areas: the 6000 b!(J("\.. ,lf hill Dr., the 7900 blo<"k of dan Rd., the 6900 <lnd 771)0 r:r k" of Hanover Pk\'"Y. th•· 7711(, t.J .. h. of .Jacobs Dr .. th{' 7400 h:wk '~

Greenbelt Rd., <~nJ the IJlflil 1•'

of Breezewood Dr.




(301) 982-2582


p 10




-·~ -&010 Bmm7"idoo.A.-8uik JU.

er.c.nt Square Old Greenbelt


From $475.00

ll'lsta Mgmt. Co. 301-9r.!~


Arboretum Holds

Gardenralk •t-rpora""c In.. aDCI O&ber

B;.t.orio: Plaa.. intG Puiod Gar­d .... " ...... tGpic bema: -* b7 Dr. &l1bar tDekor 1 :ao p.m. Somcla7, N....-,. I, ill the A.o­diiOrium at tiM li..-! Ar­~ 3601 New Yortr. AYe, .!i.E., Dr. 'hdler lou _,_ ou ... af dM mciiK pl"Dm:iDeztt ... .... pn~o..., iDclO<Iiu~r Lo,...ood

GarioDO. Dr. hcker - -,..,..C a muhi·media ~m fo'l' those wbo woul..d eujoy mix­me oed fa•ritea attn.c"ti"t'el7 a.monc their plal!tillC'L

l'boae ......_. an ~ted an iDYi;ed to joill member! of the Chesapeake and Potomac Chap­tel' af the American Iris Soeiet7 ~AlS) at this their Suvember Pncedinc Dr. Tueker on t.M procra.m will be a d:i.lcu.a­swn for beg1.nning gardeners of .. Fall Clea.nap: Pnpariq for Sext Year" b7 Cla.nnce Kahan. ~ Auditorium ia in the Arbore­tum Ach:runiatration BGildinc, viaitora may enter either from t.h.e Sew York Aven~a or from the R Street entnnee oft of Bladel'UIIb1Jrc Road.

Sale Melllioen'Equity

TWO 3-BEDROOM CO-OP UNITS '""- $50,000

Masonry $55,900

ExceDent Locations Upgrade, ilxlude new carpeting and

refinished hardwood !loors.

Call And.--. 47 .... 161 weekdays 9-5

BEAUTY SHOP I Ill I I I I I I I I I I II I Ill I 111111111 I 1111111 I I I II I I I

is pleased to announce tfte additi­

af a new Fvii-Time Bari»er •


and a Nail Tech.·

BARBARA llarbora specializM in manio:ures, rips,

kulpfured Nails and Designs. II II II 1111111111111111110 IIIII 0 II S I 0111111 I lit

NEW HOURS Mon.-5at, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

S..n. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

141 C.-ay Road


GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, Octaber ?:1 1994


3 !Ill Briel<, eDd umt. oddition,

odjae.D< "' cnen _.. paM. Bnathtall:inl( inoldo, out.

CLASSIFIED Opportunity!! Opportunity!!


BEGGAR AT OUR DOORSTEP • Dark bush7 tailed male, white bibtpaW!o. Your eat - or ours'! 34.>-3172. THE OK CHORALE, an a eap­pella tinging group in L&nham, Greenbelt. will hold auditions for a bau <or baritone) alto and me-zzosopr-ano on 1117/94, 6 - 8 p.m. Can Steve ~te. 552-C~L 10" DELTA COSTRACTOR'S TABLE SAW, model #~. S350. New dry wall and aceouati­cal tile !tilu, 175, and m:beel­laneou.a. remodelling supplies. Call 345-8584, day a, for appL; 441-3859, evenings. CARING PEOPLE needed to sulntitute for s.tatr at Goddard Child Deveiopment Center. Call 286-858l!.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KERRY! It's ~t to be six! We Jo.e 700.. Mommy Daddy and Timra7

Wlty a DOG PARK? 1:2 Dogs need to run and play 1,.. a fenced Dog Pat1c.. tlley can do so sa~ay from cars afld away from people who are bothefed by dogs

--~~ -Ot><IC01'"1!lrlve<"

~,~,. ;:,' !~ Foe

~. "-:~~/{~~:' mme 1nfo. call

~-~_:_5/ 474-4285

CC»>D • NOT AllY


Sut.tltuNs Needed Every Week

Also, p.,_.,.nt SubL to deliYer New. ae.iew .nthbl eore of Greeooloelt.

CaD David 899-4800

HOUSEMATE WANTED - J'• male nonamoker to Mal'l! I bed­room, 2:1,2 bath W •tcheater Park townhouse. ho rooma available mid-Nov., ~ ODd ~- I.arce h.ome, wuher A dryer, diahwaab.­er, near National Park. Please leave messap for Linda at "7'-3644. FoUND in ROOsevelt Center on Mon., Oct. U, - blue key on key ring. 474-6732 to elaim. WORD PROCESSING • QuaHty, accuraey. -\.cademie and hluineaa. 301!277-S.H. LAKEWOOD HOME for sale by owner, asking priee, Jil50,.000 (negotiable) Call 474-8942.. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT -Lorge Greenbelt healtbeare or-ganization needs experienced u-ecutive to work as riPt arm to bwoy ueeotive. Strong wrltteD and verbal eommunicatioM skilla required. 60WPM typing. Word-perfect 6.0, LOTUS aJld a Graph-ics package required. Startm~r !alary J33-35K. Contact. Loube Woods, 301-236-04-U. FOR SALE Lavueot blue/ brown otriped ?elour/velvet, great eondition. SIOO (OBO). 982-8993.

• fAX 220-U17

VIDEO ISl-A C.-way

(~tad Ul ~ Dommo PDaa Bldc.)

220-2310 FREE MOVIES (with -mbenhlp)

l!.lll!n'ALS e SAL!lS e !D&V1011 ~~ . NtNTENDO . IIBGA GIINI!l8U!

5INIOil anz&l DISCOUNI'S - o..r .&,800 Vld.eos Oll LoeatiO'II -FOR RENT

Updated 1 BR apts. Fans, AC & carpet. Storage & WID in bldg. Max 2 person occ. No pets. Ideal location in Greenbelt. Close to Metro! $575



RATES OLASSIPUil); - -for tea ......... l6e -h additl-al WDnL No ehuw- fw llo&lac -- ... f-~od with pa:r-t to the N._ -- oftloo b,-10p.m. ~. ortotbeN....- -clnoploos in loU G-.J>oit Co-. ~ .tore before 'I p.-. .,..._..y, w mall to P.O. Bu 18, ~U, ~~~ _, ... BOXED: - Mla.11 !10Ch. II~ mum. 1\!o h•:IMo ( ... 00). 0... line 10 p.a. lloada7. lnclade name, Phone DO. and ad­dress with ad eopy. Ada aot con­sidered aeeepted until published.

Nms Bnirm OlllceH­

IIondo,. - :1-4 p.ll!. - p.m.

Tueada,. - 8-10 p.m. 11-....,.


COLLEGE PAJUt - Immac. eo­Ionia] 60% remodeled, walk Met.. ro- Green, 4. BR, 2 BA, CAC, fln. basement, bay window, 1600 eq. tt. living space. See Sat. lr: Sun., 1-6, at 5114 lbDgam Bel, Edp. wood to 5ht, R on 5ht, 2 bl to Mugum. By owner, Bob, 8011 474-6605. HOUSECLEANING - WeeJd7, biweekly, reference a, free esti­mates. Can Debbi, 552-64.18. FOR SALE - '78 camaro, $200 or offer. Call Gla,-de, '79U171. FOR SALE - Trundle bed on rollers $25 (OBO). 474-~. GREENBRIAR • 2 BR A den, huce, creat c:=hape, walk-In dotl­eta, 2 BA, WID, top (lrcl) ftOO"I'. Clolrin8' help. Muat sell/best of­fer. 345-8413.

CALDW'IlL1/8 ~ IIII:RVIIZ - AD_._--­Call-lp..__

ETHANY Electric. Inc.

Commercial/Residential s-ica! Service

301-595-9704 pa..,-2~177

................ IMPJ-..... nts

WISUR CDtSTaUCnON DrJowall • PaiDtlq • eo,.. - • """'- CWiiolc • 'ftle ... u..-..· ..... ·~ IODC #_.,1 -~



SERVICES -tial . c-.ew ....... __ ---·--..liD


I r l

Thuraday, October ?:1, 1994 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Page 11·c ftRtm . . _ .,- NG House-Your At Doctors Hospital

Doctors Co~munity Bo~ital wilJ be condaetia&' a Baonted Houae and ~ FeatJvaJ on SaturdQ, October Z9 from noon till 3:30 p.m:. beldnd tb.e 'Hoepital'a ·Outpatient Servioeea Building. There will be a eha.rce for a Haunted Boaae ToW'. Children's pme:a; face painting and refreshment. will also be available for a llliBiraal ebarce. All proceeda . will . • beaoifit tho Unite.;~ Way Cam.paip .. ; Haunt· ed House tour participants will be leq throuib over 10 scary scenes guaranteed to haunt even the unshakable. Because of the gruesome nature of some of the scenes, the tour is not recom­mended -for children under eight years of age. Children's games will be providl!d outside for those who do not wish to take the tour.

- HOME MOVIES, Slideo, Pic-ZIUS -aECIIIC tuna transfel'hd to VHS, Tapa

c..- .Qaallty W'orlo: Repair. HLM Production.s, Inc. D-. ..,, Pride! 301-4'1-'41'1C8. • ' No~ t<>o--n.

S.rrieo - ..... - -­AU.-- bJ' ---1

Iua.rod Lie. #UO. J!'r, Geo .

-~---· .· ......... , .......... ROoM FOih--Ulft" '· ·~ bedrootn witll private f1IU bath. Kitehen · and 1aundl7' pri•­ilecea. Clean bouae. Need .:lean reepoDJiibJe roommate. Call Frank, 1146-6560.

FOR SALE -- 3 bar otoolo (leather bad!; . ~cker seat,. wroui'ftt Iron lep), f6<r. and day­bed (oaklbrau). 6 mos. old, f376. 345-~ . '

CASH for your valuables! Jew­elry. diamonda, watches, c:am­eraa, tools. guns. We buy, ~ell and loan anything of· value. We pawn autoe. A-1 Pawnbrokers 3-<6-6868. TOM lkAN·DREW GREEN­BBLT WIN·DOWS · A PAINT INC. - Beplac__,. · windo­- dooN and,.1 oidlajr, - C74-Ha•; MHJC 261W7.

iada 'N Ride Kids are back in aabool.. Let Kldo 'N Ride talie your kida to Pre School, Private School and after school · activitiea.

Call (301) 230-6~


(301) 345--9420

ct:rt't' A~ Lessons Scale., chords. theory, reading. Full time instructor. 937-8370. HOUSECLEANING I have Greenbelt refs. of 3 years. Week­ly. biweekly, monthly, $46 to 155. Melody. (Glenn Dale) 805-9676.

HELP WANTED - Beautician with following. Join our staff and get $500 welcome bonus. New York Hair Fashion. Rhode Ioload Avfo 4< Edgewood Road. Col! Randy 345-0868


USED IOOKSJORE 10438 lalti..._ AVtt. a,.ltsville, Md. 20705

(30 l) 937 .()259

House Cleaning Do )'OR •. - haJp ..-ith

:r-r hoaoo-~! Lot·.,. belp. We .,.. a luuhaiid ODd wife team wortillg Ia :rour area for OYer aeven yean witli ezcellent Greenbelt relereacea.

We proTide weekly, bi­monthlF oad a apr!..., type cleaaina'. Aleo available are wiadcnr ~ aod. interior lldotlnc-

MY MAID ia an insured, ----­CIII.Ialln er T--.y ,_ ....... Ill at CIM)MS.S151

ROOMMATE WANTED - Chria-tian female· nonamoker to share two bedroom apt. in SHL. $360 a month includea all utilities. A..allable November 1. 47.&-4881.

PIANO LESSONS - Greenbelt. All levela and aeee, beginners. kida. 345-1132.


Seller . ftn.ncina poesible on this impreaive custom l3 DR. 2 BA contemporary with ee­d&r •idinc, private Flor:da room, 2 car garaee. Coveted location, close to everything, yet private. $229,900.

· Loeation ! I Loc:ation ! ! LORIE SCHEIBEL

Lone a Foster 262-8900

WETZEL'S WORD PROCES­SING - Resumes, term papera, large documents. Great rates. 301!552-3959.

THANKS St. Jude for prayers answered. N.C.

FOR RENT - Greenbelt condo, deluxe ODe bedroom. WID, DW. reserved parking, pool, tennis, patio. $690/mo. incl. util. Call 346-9043 or 286-4239. ·


MOVING SALE - Sat., Oct. 2!1, 9-2. 36 Lakeside Dr. Bookcase, beds. Jampe, plants, pottery, col­lectibles, lots rnore.

Doctors Community Hospital is a not-for-profit. 250-bed ad­ult medical surgical hospital lo­c:ated in Prince Georges County. For more information, please ean (301) 552 8560.

Wall to WaU Carpet Enterprise Carpets

Lewia Merritt Ul-1216

All brao>do & ..,.. ot REA­SONABL.E Pr;ceo. Oall for Appointment A.,.;-. H oo &n&wer, pl~ call I'm out oelling to )"'Ur nejghbon.





CaH JJ345-9117

Donald I. Borgwardt Funeral Hame, P.A.

Specializing in Cremation Services

4400 Powder Mill Rd. Family Owned & O...,rated

Beltsville, Md. 20705-2751 Pre-Need Counseling

(301) 937-1707 By Appointment

GEHRING CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Li-censed ldHIC 7540 Bonded Insured

HOME REMOPELDIG SPECIALIST 8303 59th Ave., Berwyn Heights, MD

441-1246 Rep1acen~ent Windows, Siding, Rooting, Repairs. Florida Room.

Decks, Carpets, KitcheM, Additions, Bathrooms


GREENBELT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION S.rria,c it. llembe:n nne. 1St87.

A creciJt union for people who live In Greenbelt and/or work in Greenbelt .

~employers Cllll 474-5900 ,_ w_.-,,. puyroll deduction,_....._ • fiNGt,...., ta oiler ,.._, • ...,.,.,_.

Gr.enbek POU •en co.petitiYe ratea 011 ..nnp ... -... .




• pofl1alta

•P<XIIbloe • adll8rtlolng

COIIII ... cla pho~

J.Henson pho~


~~:::I - at St. Gregory of Nyssa J Byzantine Catholic Church, 12420 Old Gunpowder Road, Beltsville _on Saturday, No. I

~::~6' ~81 •:;· 6hrtst~~- I and general eraft.!, rehgiou.s artieles, gift ehop, "treasures of the attic" and a raffle. For sale and earry out will b+= de­lirious homemade Eastern European foods including pir­ohi, holupki, halushki and

1 kolachi. For more informa~or. ! call 301-562-2434.

STENYHOYER Tax & Spend Soft an Crime

Big Government


Steny Hoyer Bad for Gr-nbelt By Au th. Greg Fiaan.ich


luuQ.aculat~ EDd t. oir-1-ric:-ed to Sell Great Locafiea: NeaJ" 1_.95.1-95, B/\\-' Park'NaJo'. and l'ASA

• 3 Bedrooms • Fte!hly Painted Throughout * 2 Full Baths, I Half Baths • Commuruty Pool. Clubhouse, &.. ' Large LRIDR Combo Pi&yground • Upgraded Neutral Carpets • Schools· Magnoha Elcmcmar., " Elearic Heat and CAC Robcn Goddard .'-fiddle • Fenced Yard w/ Patio . .ROOiiMIIvelt High ••••••••••• SJ.oon B0.\7 .. :"5 TO SEU!.VG AGEVT ••• ...... '" ..

CO~YR~ G~O:J..> 340-8700

r;;-------------------1 1 Rnututage Sale I I November 6, 1994 (Sunday) 9 AM to 5 PM j

November 8, 1994 (Tuesday) Election Day I I 9AM to 3 PM I ! ••NEW-TO-YOU" ITEMS ! GREAT VALUES ! I I Games, Toys & Books Household Items & Lmen' 1 ! Clothes for All The Family 1 1 Appliances, Kitchen Ware & Luggage i 1 ~m~m~~" ' 1 MISHKAN TORAH SYNAGOGUE ( 1 Rid!!e ~-d & Westway, Greenbelt, MD 474-4223 ( ( J01n l ~ ror .\nother Good, Old-Fashioned Rummage Sale : ·-- --..._~..---------..-~ .. -.._...\

FOR SALE 7904 Lakecrest Drive

SELLER CLOSING HELP~: Fantastie 3BR, lFB, 2HB c:on­do TH W;Hwd Fin. LR w," Balcony aep. DR, Fully EquiP­ped ICit., WID A morel SQI7,.900

Weichert, l Realtors~

7806 Lek- Drive SELLER CLOSING HELP!! Fontutic &BR, 1FB, 2HB condo TH w/Bwd Fin, LR w/

Bodo: Ycl, Sop. DR. Full7 l!:qujpped Ki&ch. A mora!


GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Thursday, October Z7, 1994

.. 31:

S..:e ends 11-1-94


·1111"£ IALLOWEEI . r)\: !\\IJJ\

.. ; : f i F~!'{. JIM BEAM


1.75 L

22.99 11.99 12.99 1.75 L 750 ML


Gilbey's fioRDol6 HOME


9.99 8.99 6.99 175 L 1. 75 L 1.75 L



BUD 6.49 12pk

7.99 7.99 DRY 12.49 cs. CANS

12 pk NR 750 ML