It came from Greek Mythology… By Brian Husaboe. Cronus and the Titans Cronus is the youngest of...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of It came from Greek Mythology… By Brian Husaboe. Cronus and the Titans Cronus is the youngest of...

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  • It came from Greek Mythology By Brian Husaboe
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  • Cronus and the Titans Cronus is the youngest of Uranus 12 children. Cronus and is brothers and sisters are called titans or the elder gods Cronus and four of his brothers overthrown Uranus the father of all of them. Cronus kill his father by castrating him with a sickle Before Uranus died he told Cronus that he too would be overthrown by his son Titans are more elemental the human-like The sun and the moon are titans
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  • The Twelve Olympians the Twelve Olympians were: Zeus Poseidon Hades Hestia Hera Ares Athena Apollo Aphrodite Hermes Artemis Hephaestus They overthrew the Titans for the rule of the mortals
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  • Zeus After he killed Cronus and overthrew the Titans, he became the ruler of the gods When Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus drew for where they would rule, Zeus got the heavens and earth His weapon is the deadly lighting bolt which Cyclopes forged for him to overthrow Cronus and the titans His animal is the eagle and his tree is the oak He is married to Hera but he had many affairs with mortal women and nymphs
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  • Poseidon After he helped his brothers overthrow Cronus and the elder gods he got the sea to rule He is a vengeful god and caused Odysseus another ten years to get back home His weapon is a triton witch is a three pointed spear His animal is the horse and the dolphin While he made the horse he also created a lot of animals like the hippo, giraffe, zebra, and others He married a sea nymph who is the daughter of the titan Ocean
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  • Hades Hades who drew short for who ruled what and got the underworld to rule He, unlike most of the gods and goddesses, staid in the underworld away from the others where it is quiet and peaceful The underworld had two parts: Elysian(heaven) and Tartarus(hell) Fury's were vicious creatures who punished you in Tartarus if you did wrong To help him overthrow Cronus the Cyclopes made him a helmet that when worn would make you invisible He married Persephone the daughter of Demeter
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  • Hestia Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and the home She is also the goddess of the sacrificial flame for the gods She is one of the virgin gods
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  • Hera She is the goddess of marriage and birth She has three children: Ares, Hephaestus, and Hebe( god of youth) Her town was Hernia, and was the main sanctuary was at Argos in Peloponnesus She had two animals: the cow and the peacock The cow symbolizes the goddess nurturing watchfulness The peacock symbolizes her luxury, beauty, and immortality She is married to Zeus
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  • Ares His weapon of choice is a spear that is 30 long and as thick as a redwood tree. He is the god of war According to different sources he has different animals. One says the serpent,one the dog, but I believe it is more the ram that is his animal cause it too is fierce and attacks with great force. His bird is the vulture He never married but he had an affair with Aphrodite and had children that stand next to Ares in battles He is the son of Zeus and Hera And personally is one of my favorites
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  • Athena Athena is the goddess of wisdom, arts, and strategy of war Her animal was the owl and her tree is the olive tree which she gave as a gift to her city Athens She is one of the virgin goddess She came from Zeuss head when Hephaestus cracked open Zeuss head to see what was causing a headache When she sprang from is head she was fully dressed in armor She is Zeuss favorite and he trusted her to hold his aegis
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  • Apollo He is the god of healing, archery, poems, music and light(not the sun as most people think. The real sun-god is Helios) and He has a twin named Artemis He killed the serpent that killed his mother that Hera sent in revenge for Zeus sleeping with Leto(his and Artemis mom) He has a golden bow and arrows for his weapons and a lyre for his favorite instrument Since he is the god of light no lie leaves his mouth. In one myth is said that crows were white until Apollo cursed them for bringing him bad news His bird is the crow
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  • Aphrodite Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty She married Hephaestus(the smith god) as punishment for not choosing a suitor. But her and Ares had a affair behind Hephaestus back Eros is said to be Aphrodite and Ares son cause he makes people fall in love with a bow and arrows The main story of where she came from was when Cronus killed Uranus and Uranus blood fell into the sea and foam started to appear and she emerged from the foam and rose to the heavens Her animals are the dove and the swan her plant is a rose
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  • Hermes Hermes is the god of trade, lies, thievery and mastiff he is also Zeus messenger and leads the dead to the Underworld Because of his winged sandals and hat he is the fastest god. He carries around a caduceus or a shepherds staff His symbols are winged sandals and hat, caduceus, lyre and pipes, shepherds staff, and his animals vary
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  • Artemis Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and one of the virgin goddesses She is said to be the gods game maker It is said that she was in love with a hunter named Orion but he was kill so she stayed a virgin Her twin is Apollo and they are said to be the disease bringers to men and women The deer and the dog are her sacred animals
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  • Hephaestus Hephaestus is the smith god His symbols are the hammer and the tongs which are a smiths tools. Though the gods were seen as perfect Hephaestus was a lame god Its said he was casted down from the heavens after Hera seen him being lame He married Aphrodite but later Homer hints that they get a divorce after Hephaestus caught Aphrodite and Ares in his bed Some sources say his animal was a donkey, which makes sense since its a labor animal
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  • Greek concept of the underworld/afterlife When someone died in Greece the put two coins on their eyes so they can pay for the boats-man to across the River Styx. If they didnt have the money they were doomed to walk in between the living and the dead. After the dead crossed Styx they would forget how great live was. The underworld was split into two parts: Tartarus(hell) and Elysian(heaven). After the Great War between the Gods and Titans the titans were sent to Tartarus as a punishment. A selected few got to stay with the gods and werent sent to hell.
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  • The cause of the Trojan War The gods had a great feast. Eros threw a golden apple that said for the fairest. Three goddess claimed this for themselves: Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. They wanted Zeus to choose between them but he didnt want any part of it so he sent Hermes to go and get Paris, a Trojan prince, to choose. The goddess offered him things if they chose them. Hera offered great power over his kingdom. Athena offer him to be undefeatable in wars. Finally Aphrodite went and touched him and said I offer the most beautiful woman on earth. Which was Helen the wife of the Spartan King. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite and was got Helen for a wife in return. The Spartan King had a oath with other king of different kingdoms.
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  • Trojan War Hero's Menelaus- the husband of Helen used the oath to get the best worriers of Greece. He and Paris had a 1-on-1 fight to see who gets Helen but just before he killed Paris Aphrodite saved him Odysseus- a wise king of Ithaca was forced to fight the war cause of the oath he swore. It was his idea that ended the war. It took him another 10 years to reach home. Achilles- a great warrior was in hiding but was found by Odysseus. He kill Hector who was the greatest Trojan warrior plus others. But was killed by the coward Paris with a arrow in the ankle. Agamemnon- was named Master-in-chief of the Greek army. He was killed at end by a girl he had as a slave Priam-King of Troy at the time of its fall. He convinced Achilles to give Hectors body back for proper burial. Hecuba- Priams wife and queen of Troy Patroclus-he took Achilles armor and help rally the Greek forces, Odysseus idea, but was killed by hector in battle Hector-prince of Troy and a great warrior. He is Paris bother. He killed Patroclus and in return Achilles killed him and drug his body around Troy with a chariot Ajax-a fierce warrior of Greece. He used Ares spear after he was injured and dropped it. He save the Greek ships by crushing Trojan heads with a ships mast. He died after Odysseus tricked him for Achilles armor. The Trojan Horse- the idea Odysseus got from Poseidon to defeat the Trojans
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  • Brief Trojan War timeline Before you look at this timeline keep in mind war was different back then. It was from dawn to dusk Helen is brought to Troy and the Greek army is assembled Paris and Menelaus fight. Paris was saved from death by Aphrodite Hector and Ajax fight and it was a tie between them Ajax saves the Greek ships(dont know when Ajax dies) Apollo put a plague on the Greek forces Odysseus come up with the Giant wooden horse idea and construction last the whole night and is finish by morning Trojans bring the horse in the legendary walls Troy falls from the secret attack
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  • Understanding Greek Mythology If you understand Greek mythology you can understand why some companies choose some of the names they do. Like Ajax for stain fighter. It can help with a lot of things today.
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  • The End