Issue.945 Issue.945 Mar.26,2012 Mar.26,2012 P.7: Culture P.7: Culture P.12: hotshots P.12: hotshots...

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Transcript of Issue.945 Issue.945 Mar.26,2012 Mar.26,2012 P.7: Culture P.7: Culture P.12: hotshots P.12: hotshots...



P.P.77 : Culture: Culture P.1P.122 : : hotshotshotshots


Chick-lit Chick-lit Passes AwayPasses Away

General Questions

Warming-up Discussion

Detailed Study

Warming-up Discussion Chick-lit passes away

1. Have you ever seen the film “Bridget Jone’s Diary” or “Vampire Diary”? And do you love them?

2. Why do you think these novels are popular? And What kind of people would love storyies like these?

Go over the passage in 3 minutes and answer the following questions concerning general comprehension.


General Questions Chick-lit passes away

1. What is Bridget Jones’s Diary about?

2. What is chick-lit?

It’s about Bridget’s job, her poor self-image, her vices (overeating, getting drunk, smoking), her friends, family and love life.

General Questions

It’s literature for young women (and young men interested in finding out how young women think).

Chick-lit passes away

3. What kind of main characters does chick-lit portray?

4. Why is chick-lit dying?

Ambitious, materialistic, upwardly-mobile young women.

General Questions

Britain is suffering form economic crisis and  The Shopaholic stories  seem irrelevant, even distasteful to many readers living in austerity-hit Britain

Chick-lit passes away

5. What are women readers reading according to Literary experts?

6. According to Kathy Lette, what kind of character will be liked by women readers today?

more complex, psychological novels by women.

General Questions

literary lionesses 

Chick-lit passes away

Detailed Study

Read the passage closely and find out the following sentences.


Chick-lit passes away

1. We learn about Bridget’s job, her poor self-image, her vices (overeating, getting drunk, smoking), her friends, family and love life.

vice : a bad or immoral quality in a person, or bad or immoral behavior 。

Jealousy is a vice.

Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study


2. The male love interest in both books is a character called Darcy.

male love interest: (also called romantic interest), a man who enjoys admiration.

Detailed Questions

Chick-lit passes away

3. It is fun with a dash of romance.

a dash of romance : a small amount of romantic atmosphere.

They seem the perfect couple , full of glamour and bringing a dash of romance to the White House

Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study


4. The female characters are well-groomed, sassy, urban women obsessed with fashion and finding eligible men

eligible : an eligible man or woman would be good to marry because they are rich, attractive, and not married

Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study

5. She gets into all sorts of amusing scrapes because of her extravagance.

extravagance the trait of spending in a wasteful way.

His extravagance kept him always in debt


Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study


6. Miller says chick-lit flourished at a time when ambitious young women “poured into a robust job market

flourish : to develop well and be successful

When railroads adopted the technology of steam , they too began to flourish


Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study


7. During its heyday publishers created imprints specifically for chick-lit.

heyday : the time when someone or something was most popular, successful, or powerful

The analyst 's heyday would

seem to be long gone .

Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study


8. Perhaps in this economic downturn a creative cull may ensure only literary lionesses prevail.

downturn : a period or process in which business activity, production etc is reduced and conditions become worse

经济衰退时期: economic downturn economic recession 经济危机: economic crisis

It is a terrible mistake to raise taxes during an economic downturn .

Chick-lit passes awayDetailed Study


Read the short passage and discuss with your group members on the following topic:

How do you view Cheung winning this award?

金扫帚奖,是由《青年电影手册》办的,华语电影史上首个为年度最差影片颁发的奖项。是由网友和独立影评人参与评选,从电影文本出发,以专业的立场,独立的身份,以电影批判影响电影创造,为鞭策中国电影而设立的奖项 .

The Golden Raspberry award (or Razzie for short 金酸莓奖 ) is a recognition for a motion picture that had a poor outcome.

The annual Razzie Awards ceremony in Los Angeles precedes the corresponding Academy Awards ceremony by one day.

It is founded by American copywriter and publicist John J. B. in 1981.

The awards themselves typically cost $4.97 each, in the form of a “golf ball-sized raspberry” which sits atop a Super 8 mm film reel, the whole of which is spray-painted gold.

Debate: whether there should be such an award.

Thank you!