Issue No. 29 - October 2013 - NBG October... · Issue No. 29 - October 2013 ... Centralized Back...

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Transcript of Issue No. 29 - October 2013 - NBG October... · Issue No. 29 - October 2013 ... Centralized Back...

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013

Issue No. 29 - October 2013

Leading AheadLeading AheadLeading Ahead Leading AheadLeading AheadLeading Ahead

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 2


Page Subject

3 Editorial

4 Centralized Back Office Operations: support to Retail Banking lending

7 Summer internship programme

9 Triple award to NBG’s IT

11 go National profit from NBG credit cards

13 Junior Achievement Greece

17 Together for children: report on September actions

18 CSR: New GRI G4 standard

20 Delivery of NBG Staff Insurance Organizations’ (AOPETE) records to the Bank’s Historical Archive

21 NBG’s Historical Archive at the Parko Eleftherias festival

22 The European Association for Banking and Financial History

24 Vojvodjanska Banka: Σύστημα i-Apply

26 Finansbank:

28 MIET: Book presentation

29 MIET: Latest book recommendations

30 From the NBG Art Collection

31 Publication ID

Leading AheadLeading AheadLeading Ahead

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 3


This issue of Leading ahead welcomes autumn with a variety of articles that will interest all our colleagues working in the NBG Group and provide ready and reliable information on the Group’s activities, in Greece and abroad. Of course, we kick off with a topical issue that interests our customers, the support lent by the Centralized Back Office Operations to Retail Banking financing, while the HR Strategy division gives information on the Summer Internship Programme. It is always a pleasure to find out that NBG units are awarded by external organizations for the services they provide. This time it was IT which received a triple distinction! Our news include services and products by the Card Issuing and Acquiring division, the notable voluntary participation of NBG staff in Junior Achievement Greece seminars and their impressive participation in the “Together for Children” social action. Reading the latter’s report we all feel proud not only because of our colleagues’ contribution, but also for the outcome – a major social contribution to people, especially children, in need. In this issue, the Historical Archive is the centre of the attention, with its participation in the Parko Eleftherias festival, taking delivery of important archive material from NBG Staff Insurance Organizations’ (AOPETE), as well as international acknowledgment of its role in the Bank by the European Association for Banking and Financial History. In each issue of Leading ahead, we host an article on activities related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the new GRI G4 standard. With respect to the Group’s activities abroad, this issue includes innovative actions by Finansbank and Vojvodjanska Banka. Lastly, as usual, we give you an update on some of the recent publications of the Bank’s Cultural Foundation, MIET, and on the Bank’s rich artwork collection.

Nikos Kanellopoulos

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 4

Centralized Back Office Operations

Operations supporting our Operations supporting our Operations supporting our Retail Banking lending activitiesRetail Banking lending activitiesRetail Banking lending activities

Granting housing and consumer loans to households is one of the key operations of every Bank. However, completion of the financing requires a series of back-up –but nevertheless essential– operations.

With a view to facilitating the Bank’s Network Branches and to achieving economies of scale, through controlling the costs and mitigating failures, since 2008 such support operations have been standardized and systematized and carried out by the Centralized Back Office Operations division (CBO 038). The adoption of state-of-the-art technology is CBO’s key strategic tool in carrying out its tasks within the deadlines set, and in ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal controls applied to the corresponding procedures. Specifically: Legal – Technical Control (LTC) & Legalization and WAVE IT applications, for managing

and monitoring Legal and Technical support requests in financing (as of 1/7/2008), and communication/management of technical issues to associated technicians (as of 1/3/2013) respectively.

File Transmission System, for managing the transmission of housing loan files between their storage facilities (MAD DOG company) and the Bank’s units (CBO/Branches/Central Units).

Collateral System, for keeping loan securities data. Document digitization application, for direct and final storing of loan files and,

henceforth, transmission of documents in the form of digital image. A key day-to-day concern of CBO is the timely processing of related supporting operations, such as: 1. Carrying out the technical control. . . This concerns the evaluation of the property offered

in security of the loan. 2. Carrying out the legal control... This concerns the legal control of the ownership deeds

of the property offered in security of the loan. In both the above controls, CBO –through the LTC application– receives a request from the Branch, assigns it to an associated engineer or lawyer, respectively, monitors the delivery of the related report within the agreed deadline, and finally finalizes the fees for the services provided by the said associates on the basis of the predetermined pricelist.

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3. Preparation for updating the Securities System. Preparation for updating the Securities System. Preparation for updating the Securities System. CBO creates a new Register Number of Property in the Securities System or enriches an already existing one with the data from the above controls and – if required – communicates with the Branch, the lawyer or the valuer, in order to investigate any discrepancies (e.g. due to wrong entries or discrepancies between technical and legal control) and to ensure that the proper data are entered.

4. Preparation of the loan agreement.Preparation of the loan agreement.Preparation of the loan agreement. After the above controls are completed and the Branch receives approval to go on, the CBO prepares the loan agreement in the IRIS system, while the Branch, which is finally in charge of signing the agreement, completes only the details absolutely necessary and known only to it (e.g. signing officers).

5.5.5. Registration of liens.Registration of liens.Registration of liens. In order to register a lien on the property offered, after signing the loan agreement, CBO assigns such registration, through LTC, to an associated lawyer, monitors timely processing, prices and finalizes lawyers’ fees on the basis of the predetermined pricelist as the case may be. In addition, it enters the details in the Securities System (number and date of judicial order, date of transfer, volume and number).

6. Monitoring and Transfer of stored housing loan files. Monitoring and Transfer of stored housing loan files. Monitoring and Transfer of stored housing loan files. After each housing loan is disbursed, the relevant file is sent to MAD DOG company for storage. Whenever physical presence of the file is required (e.g. lien release, debt rescheduling etc.), it is recalled through the File Transmission System. In any event, CBO is involved in searching the Archive for the file, transmitting it, managing it whenever the file is recalled by CBO, and, naturally, reviewing the total cost of filing, recalling and transmitting housing loan files.

7. Release of lien. Release of lien. Release of lien. Following full repayment of a housing or consumer loan, at the customer’s request, the Branch sends to CBO a request to release the lien. BCO recalls the relevant file and, on the basis of the lien registration documents, assigns this task to the Legal Services Division or an associated lawyer or notary, depending on the type of security. Then, it monitors the completion of the process within a predetermined timeframe, ensures that the relevant supporting documents are received, updates the Securities System accordingly (number and date of judicial order, date of transfer, volume and number) and finalizes the fee of the associated legal professional.

8. Issuance of fees statement. Issuance of fees statement. Issuance of fees statement. At the end of each month – or extraordinarily, if so requested- CBO issues and dispatches to all associated engineers and lawyers a statement containing finalized fees for all operations assigned and completed within the reported period. Then, unless they have any objection, the associated professionals issue and send to the Purchasing Division a relevant Receipt or Invoice, on the basis of which the said Division pays them.

Centralized Back Office Operations

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Centralized Back Office Operations

9. Digitization of consumer loans to be adjudicated. . . As of December 2012, CBO has undertaken to digitize the

consumer loan file documents required to be adjudicated, in order to be delivered to associated law firms for further action. Thus, CBO provides high quality and rapid in-house digitization services.

To sum upTo sum upTo sum up The participation of CBO, as of 2008, in the Bank’s Retail financing, has resulted in numerous benefits, the most significant being the following:

I. Relieving NBG Branches’ workload, providing time for quality customer services. II. Ensuring the correctness and fullness of the required data entered in the Bank’s

IT systems, to be used by the Bank itself as well as for the information of regulatory, audit and other authorities.

III. Rationalization, simplification and more rapid payment of associated engineers’ and lawyers’ fees, through uniform cost management, regular check of parameters and central pricing.

IV. Ensuring competitive prices for NBG customers,due to economies of scale achieved by CBO’s participation and centrally managed rationalization of cost parameters.

In the near future, CBO’s plans to expand its reach by: placing relevant Business Financing operations under its competence and support; using, to an ever greater extent, the potential of digitization and, accordingly,

the ability to keep mortgage loan files permanently in a single location. facilitating rational management of archive material etc.

CBO aims at further improving the services it provides to customers and NBG Units while working in their best interests. Accordingly, it provides substantial momentum to efforts to rationalize and reduce costs, as well as offering further support above all to NBG Branches that are charged with handling this key link in our chain of activities: the Customer.

Activity in numbers

Jan-Aug 2013


Registration of liens 6,058

Change in / release of lien 7,572

Other technical controls 1,555


Technical/Legal controls 17,048

Other operations:

Drafting of agreements 5,145

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 7

Summer Internship Programme Summer Internship Programme Summer Internship Programme

The Group HR Strategy Division has prepared and launched, on a pilot basis, a three-month summer Internship Programme for Postgraduate Students. The Programme aims at enhancing the Bank’s corporate image regarding issues concerning youth employment and training, its link to top educational institutions and the transfer of specialized know-how. Likewise, it offers graduate students the opportunity to acquire practical experience in their academic field – a useful qualification when seeking to enter the labour market. During the pilot implementation of the Programme (July–September 2013), 10 graduate students of targeted postgraduate studies at the Economic University of Athens and ALBA, to which the NBG internships were announced, participated. With a view to ensuring objectivity and transparency at selection, the HR Strategy Division assessed the candidates’ CVs on the basis of their academic performance and, along with Selection officers from the HR Development Division, used skill tests and panel interviews to choose the most suitable candidates. The final selection was made by the Heads of the receiving units (International Credit, Global Transaction Services, IT, Risk Control & Structure, Project Management, Project Finance and Structured Finance). The postgraduate students attended a one-day training event to gain insight into the Bank’s operations and products and to be smoothly integrated into NBG’s work environment. At the units, they were received by the Heads and competent officers who trained them in their work positions, provided guidance and played a significant part in enhancing their knowledge and developing their skills. The Group HR Strategy Division, in charge of the Programme’s coordination and monitoring, throughout its duration provided systematic support to everyone involved and constructive feedback to the participating students.

Group HR Strategy Division

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Upon completion of the Programme, the participants presented before NBG top executives the work undertaken and the benefits for themselves as well as for the Units that employed them. The positive response and contribution by all resulted in the Programme’s successful implementation and goal achievement, as confirmed by the positive feedback from everyone involved. The participants stressed the value added by their work experience at NBG, where they had the opportunity to work in a dynamic environment with experienced officers, to enhance their technical knowledge and to develop professional skills that would be of value in their future career. Likewise, the Heads of the receiving Units proposed that the Programme be continued long-term and pointed out its dual benefit, undoubtedly for the participating students, but also for the Units hosting the students.

Group HR Strategy Division

Through its Summer Internship Programme for Postgraduate students,

NBG proves once again its concern for the community at large by supporting young people

who are just beginning their career.

From the internship students’ presentation. Among NBG executives: Ms N. Lambropoulou-Tzakou, General Manager of Retail Banking, Mr N. Christodoulou, Group CIO, Mr A. Antonopoulos, Assistant General Manager, Group HR,

Mr V. Gavroglou, Group HR Strategy Manager, Messrs S. Petroulas and G. Kametas, Heads of the Project Monitoring Team, Mr S. Arsenis, Project Monitoring officer, Mses Chr. Tourni, F. Babiolaki

and P. Zanni, Group HR Strategy Deputy Manager and officers respectively.

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Group IT Governance Sector

NBG Group’s IT unit took part in this year’s Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards with particular success. These awards, launched by Netweek magazine with the academic support of ELTRUN, the E-Business Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business, are given to companies promoting IT and communication systems thereby contributing to the technological progress of the country. The award ceremony, held on Wednesday 10 July 2013 in Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel, was attended by more than 250 key representatives of the market, the government and the academic community.

NBG Group’s IT unit won the following three awards:

In the Governance, Risk & Compliance category, NBG won an award for adopting the new IT Governance Model, which facilitates the transformation of IT systems into an service-oriented unit. In the context of the transformation, the Group’s newly-launched Group IT Governance Sector developed a Management & Operation Framework based on international standards and best practices.

Triple award for NBG’s IT systems at the Triple award for NBG’s IT systems at the Triple award for NBG’s IT systems at the Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards 2013Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards 2013Business IT Excellence (BITE) Awards 2013

Mr M. Mavroforakis, Head of Group IT Governance (968) receiving the Governance, Risk and Compliance award

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Group IT Governance Sector

In the Data Center & Green IT Infrastructures category, the award went to NBG’s Athens Data Center (ADC) in Gerakas, Attica, one of the largest data processing centers in SE Europe and a major communications hub.

In the System Integration category, the award was given in recognition of successful completion of the NBG Model Bank programme designed for our overseas subsidiaries. This is a set of IT applications aiming at ensuring provision of bank services by overseas subsidiary banks by using a shared operational model that supports a network of more

than 570 branches in 8 countries.

Mr I. Dinas (left), Head of Group IT System Operation Sector (035-53), receiving the

Data Center & Green IT Infrastructures award from Mr Krikor Marukian, ITSM Forum Hellas

Mr A. Divaris (right), Group IT Unit Coordination Manager, ETHNODATA, and Mr C. Ermeidis (left), Senior Manager of SAP & T24 Competence Centers, ETHNODATA, receiving the System Integration award

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NBG’s go credit cards (MasterCard, VISA, Gold & Platinum MasterCard, Toyota VISA) offer you the transaction reward programme, go National, which ensures cash back from purchases made with credit cards. The partner businesses in the go National programme comprise a network that covers a wide range of consumer goods and services. In the context of this programme, the Bank has set up special marketing themes, in cooperation with selected retailers, provided to card holders either as seasonal offers or as long-term or revolving programmes. Some of the themes include the following:

go healthgo healthgo health This is a comprehensive programme which offers first level health and hospital care and treatment, in cooperation with top health organizations. Under the programme, go card holders enjoy high-quality medical services for diagnostic tests, visits to physicians of all specialties and hospitalization expenses with cash back, as well as special prices for check-ups and health test packages.

go schoolgo schoolgo school Since the beginning of the school term, the go school programme offers up to 30% cash back at retailers meeting the needs of children, adolescents and students in school and the education in general, such as bookstores, clothe stores, optical stores, secondary education and foreign language tutorial schools, electronics and electrical devices for pupils, students etc.

go travelgo travelgo travel Under the go travel programme, go credit card holders earn instant 5% or 6% cash back at selected travel agencies. In addition, NBG offers to go credit card holders a travel insurance programme for accidents during their trips.

Benefits to be gained from making purchases Benefits to be gained from making purchases Benefits to be gained from making purchases with NBG’s go National credit cards with NBG’s go National credit cards with NBG’s go National credit cards

Card Issuing & Acquiring Division

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Card Issuing & Acquiring Division

go for kidsgo for kids

In the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility, the Bank has implemented the go for kids programme since 2007, which offers financial and moral support to non-profit organizations active in aiding children and teenagers.

The programme is linked to the use of go credit cards; for every transaction carried out with go credit cards, NBG offers an amount to institutions who are partners in the programme. During the period April-May 2013, by withholding €0.05 on each transaction, an amount of circa €21,000 was gathered, which the Bank distributed equally to the institutions participating in the programme. Moreover, throughout September, NBG will allocate €0.05 from each transaction via go credit cards for the purchase of school exercise books for children of poor families and institutions.

Εστιατόρια; Εστιατόρια; gogo With the go restaurants programme, go credit card holders can earn up to 20% cash back on their dining choices at selected restaurants participating in the programme.

Issuance of Platinum MasterCard & Personal Banking staff eward programmes In line with ongoing upgrade in the level of customer service and with a view to enhancing customers’ relations with the Bank, a Platinum MasterCard Issuance programme was offered to Personal Banking customers with parallel implementation of a reward programme for Personal Banking staff. Under this programme, 21 Personal Banking employees meeting the terms of participation were rewarded and offered TVs, laptops and i-pads.

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For yet another year, NBG staff demonstrated their social awareness and professionalism by participating in volunteer programmes organized by Junior Achievement Greece, focusing on economic issues and aimed at students. Over the last 3 years, 112 colleagues throughout Greece participated as trainers of primary and secondary level students in vocational guidance programmes under the following issues: “The Economy and Me”, “Under the wing of a member of staff”, “Virtual Enterprise”, “Enterprise in Action” and “Banks in Action”. The programme was coordinated by the NBG Group HR Development Division, in cooperation with Junior Achievement Greece. More specifically, 37 bank officers participated this year in the programmes as volunteers-trainers, sharing their experience and knowledge acquired from their employment. The programmes were carried out in 32 schools – 67 departments – throughout Greece, most of them public ones. In the “Virtual Enterprise” programme, the team of Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, where Messrs Apostolos Aigyptiadis and Stefanos Photopoulos, NBG officers, participated as volunteers-trainers, received the first prize in the Greek competition “Best Virtual Enterprise 2013”. This team also excelled in the European competition “Best Company of the Year Competition 2013” organized in London among teams from 34 European countries and received the “Sage’s Financial Management in Business Award”. The prize-winning students’ enterprise “RevoRootion Inc.” was based on the design, construction and marketing of an automated water-saving watering system, with sensors measuring temperature and humidity.

The participation, sound preparation and enthusiasm of the participants played a d ecisive role in the success of the programmes. In recognition of the significant contribution of our colleagues in the success of the programmes, Junior Achievement Greece awarded to NBG – for the third year in succession – the “Volunteerism” prize. The prize was received by Mr Georgios Kollias, Manager of NBG Group HR Development Division, who stressed the professionalism

and the social awareness of the Bank’s staff.

The training programmes –which have been approved by the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs– help students become familiar with concepts concerning

the world of business and entrepreneurshjp and increase their awareness with regard to values such as creativity, innovation and competitiveness.

Volunteer award to NBG Volunteer award to NBG Volunteer award to NBG by Junior Achievement Greeceby Junior Achievement Greeceby Junior Achievement Greece

NBG Group HR Development Division

From the award ceremony: Mr O. Kyriakopoulos (on the right), Chairman and CEO of the “S&B” Group and member of the JA/Greece BoD, Mr G. Kollias (second from right), Manager of NBG Group HR Development Division. Also, Mr C. Tsakos (back row), President of JA/Greece, Mr I. Rizopoulos (left), journalist, member of the JA/Greece BoD and NBG staff.

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 14

NBG Group HR Development Division

“The Economy and Me” programme introduces concepts such as budgeting, family and personal financial management, enabling students to learn about the prudent use of credit cards.

The “Under the wing of a member of staff” programme informs students about the structure of the working place. They learn that each individual and department play a significant role in the production of a product or in the process of providing services. They also lean how school courses and school work can lead to success in the workplace, and take part in a discussion on business culture, labour ethics and professional career issues.

The “Virtual Enterprise” programme shows to secondary school level students how they can launch their own enterprises, and devise and sell products and services.

The “Enterprise in Action” programme gives guidance to students about the stages of organizing an enterprise, as well as the production and sale of a product. They also study the social responsibilities of an enterprise and the role of the State in a free economy.

The “Banks in Action” programme introduces students to an understanding of economics and the competences required to maximize their financial resources and their functioning in the economy.

The JA/Greece programmes are organized following invitations to schools and are implemented in the context of the Cooperation Agreement entered into between JA/Greece and the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, with a view to training young people in the principles and values of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and therefore to enhancing the competitiveness of the Greek economy. Below are listed the names of the colleagues-volunteers who participated in the JA/Greece programmes during the school year 2012-2013. The Bank wishes to thank them for their contribution to ensuring the success of the programme:

Olga Athanasiou Dimitris Kontouris Michalis Nikolaou

Dimitra Athanasopoulou Laskarina Korou Aggeliki Xona

Apostolos Aigyptiadis Maria Koulentaki Christos Patrikakos

Dimitris Alexakos Vasilios Kyriakakis Vasiliki Perdikaki

Vivi Apostolopoulou Georgia Kotsopoulou Efthymios Pournaras

Maria Apostolou Spyridon Litsas Ioannis Redoumis

Ioannis Zafeiropoulos Stavros Mantzaris Eleni Siouna

Georgios Kalapothakos Pavlos Balatsoukas Giorgos Stamou

Apostolos Kapetanakis Chrysanthi Balomenou Kostas Stenimahitis

Christos Karakatsanis Eleni Bisbiki Nikolaos Tsalikis

Christos Karamoutsos Ioannis Nikolaidis Eleni Tsalouhidou

Michalis Karabelas Ioannis Nikolaou Dimitris Tsoukas

Stefanos Fotopoulos

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 15

My voluntary participation in “The Economy and Me” programme of Junior Achievement, Greece, as I experienced it

My previous experience with “The Economy and Me” programme of Junior Achievement, Greece during 2011-2012 was what made me decide to participate once again in the Bank’s learning activities in 2013. Spending time with students proved a very useful experience. By means of this interactive and at the same time enjoyable process we managed to communicate constructively and satisfy the needs of students as they seek to explore and understand their future choices and dreams.

I confess that the 4-year economic crisis has caused me to become somewhat narrowly locked in my daily routine. My post of Affluent Customer Advisor and, in particular, of Housing Loans officer mean that I am the focus of much customer distress because of the prevailing economic hardship. Dealing with frustrated customers every day at work has not been easy. I had to find a way to maintain my ability to be calm and efficient at work. Students, young and naive as they are, helped me relax and handle all the negative messages I kept receiving at work. I believe that students found my contribution positive not just in terms of the quality of the knowledge I could provide or in terms of my teaching skills but also because our lesson met their expectations, as they were offered access to real and not just theoretical knowledge. The rapid pace of developments, the large volume of accessible information and competitiveness in the job market requires multi-level knowledge and expertise. This is where we come in to turn words into practice focusing on business, banking, management nd other related fields. Most students often ask: “You talk about setting up or managing a business. However, you are not a businessman and you have never been involved in business. How do you know what it takes for a successful business story?” The wisdom stored in volumes of books tightly packed on bookshelves cannot replace experience. If someone managed to record each and every detail we would probably obtain an extremely expensive but flawless, printed guide to success. Apart from that, an experienced person who is involved in the market can inspire people in a different way. Even without sharing his knowledge, the way he conducts himself, supports his views, the kind of arguments he uses together constitute an unintentional but constant branding of himself and his occupation. It is important that people with potential should have the opportunity to exploit the seeds of knowledge or experience that otherwise might go to waste. Seminars cover a wide range of fields including basic finance and banking as well as personal profile management starting from the first job interview through one’s entire career.

NBG Group HR Development Division

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 16

Specific guidelines have been prepared and provided on how the seminars could be conducted but I preferred to introduce changes whenever I felt that the class “pulse” required a different approach. To my mind, the programme addresses colleagues who are more “I” and less “C” (DISC model, William M. Marston) and under no circumstances “S” or “D”. People who have difficulty speaking before an audience as well as those whose characters are more self-imposing are not always easily accepted by youngsters nowadays. If teachers use only “hard power” they may come up against immediate reactions, while if they use “soft power” they may not be able to hold their students’ interest. Youngsters need guidance by people who are not only educated but also skilled and able to manage situations efficiently (“smart power” J.S. Nye “The powers to lead”, OUP). Within the context of my participation in the programme for the second time I collected considerable information and experience to compare private and public schools and understand the weaknesses of each. Given the fact that they comprise “small communities”, I suggest that colleagues who meet customers -- especially Personal Banking staff -- also take part in this programme in the future. The information they can elicit from the world of young people is of key importance and can affect the way we deal with customers. Personally, I believe that I work at the same pace but my managing skills as regards customers and productive stress have improved. I hope that my experience can encourage more NBG staff to participate in this voluntary initiative, which reflects NBG’s long-standing tradition as a Bank with a notable and more than just material contribution to Greek society in general. Efthymios P. Pournaras, MSc Personal Banking Officer Team member, Housing Loans Megarou Voulis Branch (054)

NBG Group HR Development Division

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 17

Under our motto of “Let’s pack their bags with smiles”, NBG -alongside SKAI TV Network- held a series of actions in September aiming at the collection of as many school supplies as possible. The action plan included 12 events which were hosted in central areas and shopping spots in Athens and Thessaloniki, on the first three Saturdays of September. We managed to collect a total of 705 boxes containing school bags, notebooks, pens, pencils and anything else that a student might need during the school year, which were distributed to thousands of poor and multi-child families in Athens and Thessaloniki, as well as to institutions supported by the “Together for Children” charity.

The supplies were collected by volunteers of “Together for Children” and associations of multi-child families in Attica and Thessaloniki as well as by NBG employees who participated on a voluntary basis. Once again, the NBG family generously and willingly responded to such invitations thereby contributing to the success of the said actions.

All NBG personnel that visited the events held in Athens and Thessaloniki eagerly offered to help with the collection, distribution and packing of school supplies, thereby demonstrating the Bank’s strong social awareness. Notably, within the context of the action and apart from the supplies collected during the events, the Bank decided to offer another 10,000 notebooks to institutions supported by “Together for Children” as part of the efforts to stand by the children who are really in need.

Group Marketing & Communications

Thousands of bags packed with smilesThousands of bags packed with smilesThousands of bags packed with smiles Athens and Thessaloniki,September 2013Athens and Thessaloniki,September 2013Athens and Thessaloniki,September 2013

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 18

Corporate Social Responsibility

The new set of instructions on Corporate Social Responsibility The new set of instructions on Corporate Social Responsibility The new set of instructions on Corporate Social Responsibility from Global Reporting Initiative and GRI G4Modelfrom Global Reporting Initiative and GRI G4Modelfrom Global Reporting Initiative and GRI G4Model

Global Reporting Initiative presented model GRI G4 in May 2013, in Amsterdam, within the context of a 3-day international conference where more than 1,700 individuals participated representing businesses, NGOs, governments, unions, business associations and investment bodies and others.

The GRI 4 model is the next generation that follows GRI G3 and GRI G3.1 and includes 149 indices with regard to which businesses and bodies should disclose relevant information. These indices refer to the total of businesses and bodies regardless of sector and line of activity and are arranged in the following categories: Organization profile (58) Economic indices (9) Environmental indices (34) Social indices (48)

Besides the said indices, within the context of GRI G4 model, 10 additional annexes have been developed (sector supplements), which refer to the following industrial sectors: airports, food processing, construction and real estate management, Media, NGOs, event management, mining and metals, power supply, financial services, petrol and natural gas.

Key Principles of the GRI G4 Model The new model provides for the following two basic categories of principles with reference to the preparation of CSR reports by businesses and organizations: Principles with regard to the contents of the report: these refer

to stakeholder inclusiveness. Principles with regard to the quality of reports: these refer to

the balanced development of the contents and of other individual issues included, such as sustainability issues, comparability of content with previous years’ reports, materiality, accuracy, completeness, clarity, timeliness and, last, reliability.

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Standard Disclosures According to Model GRI G4 and within the context of reporting on CSR, businesses and organisations should report on a wide range of issues focusing on the analysis of material issues, as they arise through their consultation with the stakeholders. The new GRI G4 model places special emphasis on issues related to corporate governance, business ethics and integrity, cases of corruption, management of the supply chain and greenhouse gas emissions.

Changes in the evaluation of CSR Reports Within the context of GRI G4 model the three model implementation levels (A, B, C) according to which businesses used to state their voluntary compliance are discontinued. Instead of the earlier system, GRI G4 and its guidelines introduce a new “in accordance” system which provides for two levels of implementation: Core, in accordance with which the organization discloses key GRI G4 indices. Comprehensive, in accordance with which the organization discloses all major

GRI G4 indices. Each business needs to justify why it does not disclose data related to certain model indices.

Training and adaptation As part of NBG’s efforts to adapt to the said changes and for the purposes of its appropriate and timely preparation, the Bank plans the training framework of CSR officers who are involved in the process of collecting and processing data as well as in the preparation of the Bank’s Annual CSR Report. In this way the Bank is able to upgrade the content of the Report, swiftly adapting to the new model as required.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 20

Since its establishment in 1841, NBG has had a significant presence throughout Greece and among the Greek public in general, and has always shown great interest in promoting the country’s economic and social growth. NBG employees have played a key role in the efforts of this major credit institution to achieve growth and serve effectively corporate social responsibility. Their significant contribution demonstrates that they are the key driving force behind the Bank’s growth.

Accordingly, the Bank has provided for the protection of its employees’ insurance rights by setting up: a. The NBG Staff Pension Fund, April 28 1867 b. The NBG Staff Self-Insurance Fund, April 6 1927 c. The NBG Staff Health Fund (TYPET), March 14 1930 d. The NBG Staff Auxiliary Fund, November 18 1949 e. The Special Auxiliary Fund, October 31 1953 f. The Supplementary Staff Insurance Co., former EAEDO The role of NBG staff in the country’s economic and social progress as well as the history of NBG’s staff insurance funds, which is closely related to the Bank’s progress, is reflected in the records currently held in the Funds’ archives.

The said archive material was recently delivered to the Bank’s Historical Archive, which is the custodian of the Bank’s historical documents and covers, from 1841 onwards, important aspects of our country’s economic, political, social and cultural heritage. Once it has appropriately processed the archive material the Historical Archive will enable access to the records, which not only stand as a record of the Bank’s and its employees’ collective history, but also serves as an important tool for the scientific community and other interested parties.

Delivery of the NBG Staff Insurance Organizations (AOPETE) Delivery of the NBG Staff Insurance Organizations (AOPETE) Delivery of the NBG Staff Insurance Organizations (AOPETE) archive material to the NBG Historical Archivearchive material to the NBG Historical Archivearchive material to the NBG Historical Archive

NBG’s Historical Archive -NBG Staff Insurance Organizations

Ms M. Voltera and M. Vouleli-Botouna and Messrs G. Notaras, V. Mitrakos & C. Baniotopoulos

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 21

Why did Eleni Mitrogianni suddenly disappear?

How can we track her down? Starting from her personal notes and her diary-record, how can we end up looking for answers in NBG’s Historical Archive?

Through the learning programme titled “Looking for Eleni Mitrogianni by means of her records”, the NBG Historical Archive took part in the event held by the Athens Museums and Cultural Institutions Network in on Sunday, 15 September 2013 at Parko Eleftherias. Children aged 8 to 12 taking part in this learning game answered such questions through creative activities. Within the limits of the park area, the young explorers conducted their own investigation, pondered the problems, speculated, inferred, and played creatively always working together to put the pieces of the story together. Children thus had the opportunity to find the detective inside them by solving a mystery and gain an understanding of the ideas of history, memory and evidence, and the need to preserve the past, which includes our personal records.

NBG’s Historical Archive

NBG’s Historical Archive NBG’s Historical Archive NBG’s Historical Archive attends the event at Parko Eleftherias!attends the event at Parko Eleftherias!attends the event at Parko Eleftherias!

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 22

The Annual General Meeting of the Members (GMM) of the European Association for Banking History (EABH) was held on 6 June 2013, in Warsaw. The meeting, following the BoD’s proposal, unanimously elected NBG’s Board Chairman, professor Mr Georgios Zanias as a member of the EABH Board of Patrons. The Board of Patrons comprises a small body of leading personalities from European banks, selected from the 104 banks-EABH members and some personalities from the academic world active in scientific fields related to the interests of the Association. According to the EABH “its members are figures with experience and interest in banking, public finance and insurance operations”. The Board of Patrons supports the Association’s activities in cooperation with the Academic Council. In practice, during the 23 years of EABH’s operation, the Board of Patrons has played a key role in the development of the organization, selecting and proposing new banking members to join the Association. NBG Board Chairman Mr Zanias is the fourth NBG Governor or Board Chairman to participate in this body since 1997.

Our News

Election of the NBG BoD Chairman Election of the NBG BoD Chairman Election of the NBG BoD Chairman as member of EABH’s Board of Patronsas member of EABH’s Board of Patronsas member of EABH’s Board of Patrons

The GMM of the EABH, held on 6 June 2013

Mr Georgios Zanias, Chairman of the Board of NBG

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 23

Our News

This election acknowledges the role played by the primary credit institution in our country in the preservation of the past, the development of scientific research in the field

of economic and financial history, and the implementation of cultural and innovative learning programmes through its Historical Archive whose head

is an active member of the Academic Council and auditor of the EABH.

Members of the Board of Management during the meeting held on 6 June 2013. From left to right: Harold James – Princeton University, Hugo Benziger – Chairman of EABH Board of Management,

Carmen Hofmann – Signor Project Manager, Manfred Pohl – Founder & Deputy Chairman, Wlodzimierz Dabkowski – National Bank of Poland)

List of the members of the Board of Patrons in 2013

EABH’s letter to the NBG’s Board Chairman, Mr Georgios Zanias, announcing his election

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 24

Vojvodjanska Banka

i-Apply is an Application Workflow Management system that has been exclusively designed and developed as a component solution to fit the needs of the Banks. It is a combination of loan origination system and document management system which allows users to submit and process applications quickly and easily. i-Apply eliminates all unnecessary paperwork and allows Bank to reach customers through branch network or external partners, routing application between various roles at the Branch and Head Office levels, automated checks such as basic verifications and queries in external and internal databases, automatic calculations, on-line or batch interfaces with Bank systems, automatic generation of documents, automatic disbursement in Core system, archiving etc. All application processing flows are based on business rules. All products, pricing and rules are setup parametrically. Before implementation of i-Apply APS, Vojvodjanska bank used external application with limited functionalities, e.g. documentation was sent by post, Credit bureau Report extraction was separate process, etc. Choosing this multiproduct application solution, which is easy to learn and use, Vojvodjanska bank improved efficiency and customer service.

iii---Apply implementation and achievements Apply implementation and achievements Apply implementation and achievements in Vojvodjanska bankin Vojvodjanska bankin Vojvodjanska bank

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 25

Project chronology Project for New application processing system in Vojvodjanska banka

started in January, 2012 Contract with vendor Relational Greece was signed in March, 2012 Phase I – Implementation of unsecured loans, overdrafts

and credit cards end of April 2012 Phase II – Implementation of Housing loans - December, 2012 Phase III – Implementation of debit card, supplementary cards,

and credit card renewals - March 2013 Current phase – the implementation of SBB successfully

went live on the Third of June, 2013

With the implementation of i-Apply APS Vojvodjanska bank achieved: Standardization of application processing Decreased time of processing at several levels: input at branches, decision making

process at Credit Centre level, disbursement at HO Operations level by incorporation of Credit Bureau report, scoring, electronic submission of basic document for credit evaluation, basic authorizations through application, link with T24 core application system and with the current Card management system Tieto Card Suite. A good example of this is the average time needed for the approval of consumer application, which was decreased from 10 to 1.5 days.

Reliable statistical data on application status and other elements and at the same time the increase in accuracy of qualitative credit evaluation data.

Rationalization in archiving by implementing the electronic storage of critical documentation and at the same time a more efficient process of retrieving and updating documentation.

Vojvodjanska Banka

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 26


In October 2012, Finansbank launched in order to attract ‘tech-savvy, time-strained young professionals’ segment to the bank.

To achieve this objective, was designed from scratch to address the specific needs of (only) this segment, namely; convenience & simplicity, transparency & sincerity and sustainable financial benefits. was the first in the market to offer all basic retail banking products and services through non-branch channels only (i.e., internet, mobile and call center). promises its customers to never send them to a physical bank branch whatsoever, not even for customer registration process. All products, services and channels have been redesigned in order to fulfill this promise. This clear disassociation from physical branches also ensures a low cost base for, which creates a sustainable platform to offer its customers distinct financial benefits (e.g. high deposit interest rates, fee/commission-free banking).

In less than 10 months, has acquired ~100,000 customers and has started to account for almost 20% of the total deposits that the bank generates from the overall consumer segment.’s 100+ field employees and 50+ call center agents have been recruited, trained and managed with great care in order to ensure sincere and transparent service, as these employees are the true face and voice of the brand. Similarly, a transparent and sincere language is used in all customer communication (website texts, brochures, SMS/email texts, social media posts etc.) in line with the brand’s promise.

Finansbank A direct bank Finansbank A direct bank Finansbank A direct bank that aims for 100% customer satisfactionthat aims for 100% customer satisfactionthat aims for 100% customer satisfaction

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 27


The field team has conducted ~65,000 customer visits to date in 63 cities. The service center has answered and resolved ~475,000 calls, ~10,000 emails and ~2,000 Facebook and Twitter posts in 10 months. Post-service surveys indicate that 99.8% of the customers satisfied or extremely satisfied with the service they receive from those channels. More than 250 customers have written special “thank you” notes only to praise employees and the service they received. In additional, won the “Golden Effie in Banking – 2012”, “Gold Spider - best banking website – 2012” awards, the latter by nationwide popular vote. And finally won 7 Stevie International Business Awards in different categories. currently offers all basic retail banking services except for credit cards and consumer loans. There is a constant development of new products and services. changed the description of banking system and still continues to enhance its services day by day.

Elsa Atan ( Director) & Temel Güzeloğlu (Finansbank General Manager)

The team

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 28

Classical Athens was the cradle of a unique achievement in history. Throughout ancient times the city was adorned with significant public buildings whose construction was financed initially by the Athenians and subsequently by the leaders of the Hellenistic kingdoms and Roman emperors. The historical course of Athens is nowhere better reflected than in the Agora, the commercial center and core of public life of the city. The Agora was a large open square surrounded on all four sides by public buildings and constituted the city center in all respects. The buildings, the monuments and the portable objects brought to light by the archaeological excavations have revealed the significant role of the Agora in all sectors of public life. This guide is aimed at visitors to the Athenian Agora and presents the monuments in the order they are encountered as you walk around the site. The reader will also find a review of the development of the Athenian Agora and a short description of the excavations. At the end of the book, a topographical large scale map of the area is enclosed in a special sleeve, including numbers that correspond to the description and designs of all currently visible monuments, starting with one of the most prominent features of the Agora, the Temple of Hephaistos, and ending with the “Great Drain”. This Greek edition, for the first time includes colored illustrations provided by Craig A. Mauzy. Archive photos have been taken by photographers involved from time to time in the excavations such as Alsion Frantz, James Heyle, Eugene Vanderpool Jr., Robert K. Vincent and Craig A. Mauzy. Most designs were made by the successive architects working for the excavation’s scientific team, Ioannis Travlos, William Bell Dinsmoor Jr. and Richard Anderson. The excavation works carried out in the Athenian Agora are financed by the American School of Classical Studies and Packard Humanities Institute, with the support of Randolph-Macon College, Samuel H. Kress Foundation and private sponsors. The findings herein presented have been generated by the efforts of hundreds of people. The views included in the guide are based on a synthesis of the scholarly views of the various researchers involved in the Agora excavations over the past 80 years.

NBG Cultural Foundation (MIET) NBG Cultural Foundation (MIET) NBG Cultural Foundation (MIET) Book presentation Book presentation Book presentation

John Mck. Camp IIJohn Mck. Camp II

““The Athenian Agora: Site Guide”The Athenian Agora: Site Guide” Translated by Mary Cleopas, MIET, 2013, 197 pp

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 29

Die Idee der republikanischen Verfassung. Author : Ernst Cassirer Translated by : Georgios Androulidakis, Georgios Xiropaidis Athens, MIET 2013, 77 pp

Codex in crisis Author : Anthony Grafton Translated by : Panagiotis Soultanis Athens, MIET 2013. 107 pp

The glory of rails Author :Tony Judt

Translated by: Kostoula Sklaveniti Postscript: Stavros Zoumpoulakis

Athens, MIET 2013 78 pp incl. 1 colour and 12 b&w images

Introduzione alla bibliografia testuale Author: Conor Fahy

Translated and postscript by: Stefanos Kaklamanis

Athens, MIET 2013 134 incl. 4 b&w images

The NBG Cultural Foundation recommends … The NBG Cultural Foundation recommends … The NBG Cultural Foundation recommends … Selection of its recent publicationsSelection of its recent publicationsSelection of its recent publications

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 30

From the NBG Art Collection From the NBG Art Collection From the NBG Art Collection

Konstantinos ParthenisKonstantinos Parthenis (Alexandria, Egypt, 1878 – Athens, 1967) “Road with trees”, oil on canvas 55 x 68 cm

Konstantinos Parthenis was one of the key Greek painters of his times, introducing a significant change in Greek visual arts of the 20th century. The Hellenic spirit and

the influence of his works on the future generations of Greek painters make him one of the pioneers of the generation of the 1930s.

Leading Ahead - Issue 29 - October 2013 31

Leading Ahead Newsletter for the employees of the NBG Group Editing and Layout: Nick Kanellopoulos, Alexandros Vassiliadis, Fotini Skarlatou BoD Secretariat & Shareholder Services Division Internal Communications Eolou 93 (Megaro Mela), 2nd floor, Office 19, Athens 102 32, Greece Tel.: +30 210-3342918, +30 210-3342919 e-mail: Intended for internal distribution No part of this publication may be republished, reproduced or altered, in any way or by any means, mechanical, electronic or photocopying, without the prior written consent of the publisher (under Greek Law 2121/1993 and international copyright laws). You can access this publication on the Internet at: Greek edition: Εταιρική Κοινωνική Ευθφνη/ Πρώτοι Εμείς English edition: Corporate Social Responsibility/ Leading Ahead

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