Issue 5 April 30 2014 - Ballarat Clarendon College · editorial Welcome Last Tuesday (Day 7) we...

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Transcript of Issue 5 April 30 2014 - Ballarat Clarendon College · editorial Welcome Last Tuesday (Day 7) we...

Table of Contents

editorial ....................................................................................................................... 1

sport ............................................................................................................................ 3

elc................................................................................................................................. 5

Performing arts .......................................................................................................... 7

jspg .............................................................................................................................. 8

dobsons ....................................................................................................................... 9

library ........................................................................................................................ 10

notices ....................................................................................................................... 11

Issue 5

April 30 2014



Last Tuesday (Day 7) we welcomed all of the students back to school for the commencement of Term 2. A special welcome is extended to Mahdi Uddin and Gus Burgess who have joined Year 1 and Charlotte Damcevski on joining Year 2.

Editorial – New ELC-JS Link

In the first week of term we were able to move our Prep classes into their new classrooms in the lower east wing and Year 1s into the rooms vacated by the Preps. The ELC-JS Link is also complete and will provide us with an impressive additional ‘break-out’ and Home Reading resource space. This space will provide access for Prep parents dropping off students each day from 8am until 8.34am. As soon as students are expected to be in their 8.35 Homeroom session these doors will be locked. This is to ensure that the Junior School Office staff are able to track late students and have accurate attendance lists each day. In the afternoons, the Link will be open for pick-up from 3pm.

To keep this new facility in good condition, parents are reminded that all children must be supervised in this space and it is not an area for running games. Prep classes will also be continuing in the adjoining rooms until our 3.25pm dismissal. Home Reading resources will be moved into the internal library shelving so that the children can change their home readers each day.

I’d like to thank the wonderful team of parents who made themselves available to assist with our shift last week and Michelle Ward (JSPG President) for organising such a willing and efficient team. Our thanks are also extended to Michelle Chapis and her staff from McLeans Services for their support.

ANZAC Service

Last Thursday, we were able to stage our Junior School ANZAC Commemoration Service in the courtyard. We were fortunate to be able to pay our respects in such a beautiful setting. The service was led by our new chaplain, Andrew Boatman, and our students made valuable contributions.

NAPLAN Assessments for Year 3 from 13 – 15 May inclusive

Parents are advised that the Year 3 children will be involved in NAPLAN assessments over three days commencing on Tuesday 13 May. The assessment schedule for the 3 days is as follows:

Tuesday 13 May – Writing and Language Conventions (incorporating Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation)

Wednesday 14 May – Reading Comprehension

Thursday 15 May – Mathematics

It is critically important that during this period, all of our Year 3 students are in attendance at school. All of the NAPLAN testing will be conducted in the early part of each day. These assessments are to be seen as ‘performance opportunities’ for the students and they provide us with additional information on student achievement and progress over time against a national cohort.

JSPG Mother’s Day Stall

Parents are advised of the change to this year’s Mother’s Day stall scheduled for Thursday 8 May. Please see the separate notice explaining the change in the JSPG component of this week’s Echo.

Book Fair

This Thursday, 1 May, we will be staging the annual JS Book Fair from 2.30 to 5.00pm. Our Librarian, Michelle Thomason, has provided details of this event in the Library component of this week’s Echo. Please support this initiative, as we receive some valuable funds to extend our library purchases based on the sales. The Book Fair will be set up in what was Hannah Williams’ Year 1 Homeroom.

Winter School Uniform

Parents are advised that winter uniform should now be worn to school from this point onwards. This also includes the wearing of the school blazer to and from school.

Traffic Safety

After drawing attention to issues regarding traffic safety in and around the Junior School precinct, we have been advised that City of Ballarat Traffic Officers and Victoria Police will be in attendance at different times again from the commencement of this term.

Next Day 10 Assembly Hosted by Prep classes

Our next Day 10 assembly will be held in Watson Hall on Friday 9 May from 2:30pm and will be hosted by our Prep classes.

Chris Brown

Head of Junior School

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Llanberris Athletics Track

A collective gasp was heard as the bus slowly passed through the gates at Llanberis as one excited athlete commented to herself… “It’s a real running track!”

What a great day and treat for those students who excelled at our school aths carnival.

Our JS Sportsmanship badges contain a quote. “Sportsmanship! It’s what makes a good sportsman great!”

No truer words have been spoken as it envelopes ALL of our students at Clarendon. Everyone from Zoe Cowan, who was crowned the female athlete of the carnival, winning 5 first ribbons and a second as well as the medal for the Championship 100 metre sprint through to those who tried their best but did not win a ribbon were seen cheering, barracking and encouraging, not only their teammates, but friends and athletes from other schools.

Thank you to the parents who assisted on the day making sure students got to the correct event on time. A special thanks to Paula Grylewicz who kept accurate records of how all students went in their events throughout the day.

We look forward to the next stage latter in the year.

Attached are the results for first to fourth for each event. ENJOY!

Click here for Athletics results

Click here for photos

Regional Swimming Championship at Warrnambool

The sun had yet to glow over Mt Warrenheip. The bird life around Lake Wendouree still had their heads tucked under a wing. Poppy Douglass was still snuggled up under her doona. Car lights were like spotlights as they rounded the corner into Wanliss St. Weary eyed mums and dads fell out of car doors while the exuberance of youth saw some excited swimmers congregate around the bus door full of wonderment added with a little bit of anxiousness.

2 hours and 20 minutes later…

The water sparkled under the sunshine and blue sky. Surprisingly there was no… wind in Warrnambool. The scene was set for a productive day in the pool.

Twenty four swimmers from Year 3 – 6 and just as many parents, grandparents and friends once again congregated under the JSPG BCC tent to cheer, encourage, smile and do some fist pumping into the air.

As the events swam by the medal count began to climb. In between collecting a treasure trove of gold, silver and bronze many individual swimmers and relay team not only broke, but SMASHED their PBs. Not only were swimmers trying to beat their opponents and PBs but they ALL had, in the back of their mind, this may be their only chance to swim at MSAC, (Melbourne Sports Aquatic Centre).

There were many extraordinary tussles in the pool and one that really stood out was Sophie Gs breast stroke heat. There wasn’t a great deal riding on the swim: however, the diminutive but ultra-competitive Sophie was not to be beat, even when before the race she nonchantonly whispered she didn’t mind how she went and was more looking forward to the relay. How things change when competition is added. Sophie and her main competitor went head to head, stroke for stroke up the pool. With about 7 metres to go Sophie took a sneaky peak across the pool and those super competitive juices kicked in and she came from behind to touch her opponent out by a couple of 100ths of a second. No ribbon. No medal. Just the pure satisfaction of doing her best at all times.

Isabela Chalmers was a reluctant participant at Eureka and surprised herself by qualifying for the Regionals and then swam out of her skin and picked up a third place ribbon. This is what we often see and ask of students. Put in the effort and see what happens. You might even enjoy yourself. Not only that, Isabella booked herself a seat on the bus to swim at MSAC. As Mr Shepard often says, Effort Count!

Ben Grima. If you want to play HARD but FAIR watch this lad. Whether it’s on the footy field or in the pool Ben he is as hard as a cat’s head and as fair as… well, he is just fair. To his mother’s disbelief as Ben was on the blocks for the 50 m breaststroke he was casually chatting and laughing with his nemesis. Kate could be heard “BEN! BEN!” I think she thought he was going to miss the start. The competitive ones in the crowd thought that he was “psyching out” his biggest threat. Whatever he was doing it worked as Ben muscled his way with superb technique to touch the wall first and qualify for an individual race at MSAC.

Without the muscles but with good technique Paige Livingstone and Juliette Parlange also grabbed a spot in an individual event at MSAC with wins in the U10 backstroke and U 10 butterfly.

Talk about muscled. Shogo and Takumi Trevena muscled their way to emphatic wins in their respective heats. Shogo cleaned up and was brilliant in the backstroke and breaststroke while Takumi was fantastic in winning the freestyle and was at his bustling best in the backstroke.

Our strength. Our relay teams. Well they continued to churn through the water and opponents. Our U9 boys had listened to music, wrestled and rolled on the grassy slopes like Labrador pups (quite a bit), screamed and yelled on the pool deck, eaten their way through packets and packets of lollies and even had time to work on their tans. Although they didn’t qualify for MSAC they are now primed and all set to embark on a rigorous campaign to get there next year after tasting what it is like taking on the big boys in the big pool.

Our 12/13 YO boys freestyle and medley relay teams powered through the water leaving quite a sizeable wake. In fact one amazed spectator was heard to say, “I could surf on that thing.” Others wanted them tested to see if they were wearing turbo charged Speedos. The parochial and proud BCC crowd just sat back, smirked and nodded at each other. In fact one dad, who will remain nameless as he is a board member and had 2 children swimming (Flynn and Amaya) whispered to himself out of the corner of his mouth, just audible enough for me to hear, “Hard work and effort count mate. Hard work and effort count!”

We probably need to add luck to that whisper as our 12/13 YO girls medley team had a fair slice of “IT” to qualify for MSAC. Grammar’s girls had a resounding win at Eureka beating our girls by 17 seconds. At Warrnambool the BCC girls all clipped a little off their individual times but were still no match for the talented Grammar girls. To our amazement and shock when the results blurted out over the tiring PA system Grammar had unfortunately been disqualified and our girls had qualified for MSAC. There are lots of lessons to be learnt out of such a circumstance and hopefully lots of people learnt something: sportsmanship; you don’t clap a mistake, humility, never give up, there’s a fine line between winning and losing and experiencing 2 vastly different emotions. The Grammar 12/13 YO girls’ medley team is by far the best medley team in our district and hopefully through the appeals system they can get to MSAC and our friendly rivalry can continue on the biggest stage yet.

Click here for photos

Click here for Swim team photo

Paul Stephens

Head of Junior School Sport & PE

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Welcome back to Term 2. It has been wonderful to see all the children back at the ELC and to listen to their holiday adventures. Coming back on a rainy Tuesday was made a lot more comfortable with the new entrance into the ELC and we can’t wait for the link between the ELC and JS to officially open.

Please find below a reflection on what learning has occurred within the 3YO and 4YO programs.

In the 3YO kindergarten programs, the children have continued to enjoy a variety of indoor activities. They have role played with the Dinosaur Duplo and a collection of African animals. The washing corner has been popular as the children have used their sensory and motor skills to wash, dry and peg the washing on the line. Problems have been solved with the tower block building kit and the effect of light has been explored with shapes and x-ray shapes on the light box. One of the recent highlights was an exciting visit to the Junior School playground. The children enjoyed exploring the tunnels of greenery, tackling the challenge of the climbing wall, walking along the trail of logs and playing hide and seek amongst the large coloured blocks.

In the 3YO Sessional program, the children have enjoyed reading the series of “This is the Bear” books by Sarah Hayes. They have discovered many features that are the same about each of these stories and have enjoyed the rhythm and rhyme of the text. The children have also enjoyed sharing all about their favourite Kinder activities and have drawn pictures to accompany their ideas.

In the 3YO Extended program, the children have enjoyed reading “Who Sank the Boat?” by Pamela Allen. They have used magnetic pictures to retell the story and to discuss the sequencing of the events of the story. The children have used role play and simple props to act out a collection of counting songs, including ‘Five Little Ducks’ and ‘Five Speckled Frogs’. The children have also enjoyed listening to stories and making predictions by thinking about what might happen next.

In the final week of Term 1 the 4YO children invited a parent or other special person to come into the room to share their learning. The children reflected on and shared the work in their portfolios and displays of work in their room. It was wonderful to see the children celebrate and share their achievements with their parent(s) or special person.

This term the 4YO groups will develop their sense of belonging when exploring the communities they are a part of. These include their home, school and local community. The children will explore their roles and responsibilities within these communities and develop an understanding of the rights and responsibilities necessary for active civic participation within communities.

The children in the 4YO Sessional group returned from the school holidays full of tales about the trips they took, the places they visited and the times they enjoyed at home during the break. We used this opportunity to view a map of Australia and locate where we live and where the children travelled to during the holiday or at other times. As well as developing an awareness of where we live from a global perspective, we will extend the concept that maps represent information this term, as introduced in Term 1.

The children in Room 1 have engaged in a variety of experiences this week. The new role play area, which features a restaurant, has been a busy place with children exploring the different roles. The children have engaged in respectful conversations, deciding who will do what and during their role play. At the number table the children have played in pairs making sets of pebbles with more, less or the same number as a given set. During a sunny day, the children went outside and looked for signs of Autumn. Their findings will be further discussed this week and the children will bring the season of Autumn alive in the room.

In Room 2 the children have been introduced to Elizabeth and Elliott, the two class teddy bears, who have already been taken home by two children. Each week two children will discuss the activities the bears encountered during their stay. Children will build confidence when speaking within a group and their peers will practise listening attentively as well as have the opportunity to ask questions. In preparation for Mother’s Day evening, the children have listened to a range of stories about mums. In the coming days they will be voting on which story they enjoyed the most; the winner will be read at the Mother’s Day evening! Finally, the children have been studying a world map, identifying various countries, including Australia, as an introduction for our project about communities this term.

Click here for Room 1 photos

Click here for Room 2 photos

Click here for 3YO Extended photos

Click here for 4YO Sessional photos

Annie Jacox

Head of ELC

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Performing arts

Junior Choir

Our choir captains Charlie Goldsworthy and Jane Pekin are commended for their active role in conducting the Junior Choir last term’s Harvest Service at the Uniting Church. Please find photos attached.

Save the date! We will sing again at the Church on Sunday 8 June for the special 150th celebration service, which will include performances from all of Clarendon’s choir as well as the string and brass ensembles. A notice will be sent home shortly with further details.

Boite Chorus 2014 I have started speaking to the students about this year’s Boite Chorus. Clarendon College has been involved in this event for the past few years. The Boite is a World Music organisation who present a massed choir performance each year based on a particular culture’s music. The choir is made up of different schools from across the region and is accompanied by musicians from the chosen culture. The cost is $40 and is optional for choir members (covering the cost of administration for the Boite and a t-shirt); however, I would strongly encourage students to get involved as it is such a unique learning opportunity. A notice will be sent home soon with the special rehearsal dates. The main rehearsal and performance will take place on the the weekend of 6 and 7 September.

Year 3 and 4 classroom program

Many students have made an excellent start to the year on their new instruments, whether it be, recorder, a string, woodwind or brass instrument. However, some children are still struggling with their organisation and sometimes forget to bring their instrument and music to class. This is impacting on their enjoyment and progress. Music day needs to be highlighted on the child’s timetable at home so that they remember to bring their equipment. Some students are also forgetting to practise their instruments and it would be great if parents could remind them or draw up a practice chart of 2 x 10 minutes or 4 x 5 minute sessions.

Click here for photos

Fiona Lyons

Head of Junior School Music

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Easter Raffle

Thank you to everyone who donated the delicious Easter eggs and sold raffle tickets for the Easter Raffle this year. It was wonderful to receive so many eggs which then enabled us to have approximately 96 prizes. Sophie Pinder in 3 year old extended kinder won the Easter egg hamper kindly donated by Catherine King MP. The Grade 2 parents who helped organize this event did a wonderful job. Thanks are due to Chris Brown and Kate Thompson for taking the time out from their busy end of term schedule to draw the Raffle. Thank you also to Helen and Ken Rylands, Rochelle Murphy, Ingrid Irwin, Stephanie and Neil Wilson, Mandy Loyal, Nikki Townsend, Jocelyn Goldsworthy, Deb Ellis, Kate Grima, Natalie Ortiz, Lisa Duffin, Jo Dixon, Rebekah Bailey and Siobhan Dent. With everyone’s support we raised $1915 for the Junior School. A fantastic achievement.

Mother’s Day Stall

In Term 2 the children and I’m sure the Mum’s look forward to our Mother’s Day Stall. This year we are trialling something new. The JSPG are purchasing all the gifts to put on display for the children to choose something special for their wonderful Mum’s. There will be a range of gifts available including home wares, gardening, beauty products, books, magazines and consumables. If your child/ren would like to participate please place $12 (per child) in an envelope marked with child’s name and class and hand in at the Junior School Office before 9am Tuesday 6 May. On Thursday 8 May, students will shop at school for that special present. Any Grade 3 parents who would like to help with this event please contact your class representative and they can let you know were help is needed. Grade 3 Reps – Jamie Dwyer, Kerry Cruickshank and Sally Howe.

Prep/Grade 1 classroom moves

A very big thank you to the parents who generously volunteered their time in helping the Prep and Grade 1 teachers move into different classrooms last week. The move went very smoothly with minimal disruption to the children’s learning thanks to all your help. Thank you Sarah Munt, Rebekah Bailey, Julia Stansbie, Linda Fraser, Mark Beardmore, Robyn Gibson, Scott McQueen, Max Crawford, Belinda Lock, Siobhan Dent, Angela Sutcliffe, Mihirj Yeluri, Angela Sutcliffe, Carman Knight, Nicole Lee, Eileen Bennet, Keiran King, Dee Smith, Nikki Bennett and Christina Halvy.

Next Meeting

The next JSPG meeting is on Wednesday 21 May at 7.30pm in the Junior School Staff room. I look forward to seeing those who can attend there.

Michelle Ward

JSPG President

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Ballarat Clarendon College has an onsite uniform shop run by Dobsons. A percentage of every purchase is returned to the School.

Location and contact details

The Uniform Shop is located at 1425 Sturt Street, Ballarat. The Uniform Shop is in the building in front of the Girls Boarding House adjacent to the Tennis Courts.

Telephone: (03) 5330 8305


Normal Trading Hours (during School Term)

Tuesdays 1.00pm – 4.30pm

Wednesdays 8.30am – 11.30am

Fridays 1.00pm – 4.30pm

We also offer individual fitting appointments. Please contact Leanne on (03) 5330 8305 during Trading Hours or via email to arrange a suitable time.

Winter Uniform

Currently available, a full size range of Kilts, Trousers, Pullovers, Long Sleeve Shirts and Blouses.

Payment Facilities

EFT and Credit Card facilities are available. You can also apply, in store or online, for a Dobsons Account. Credit Card Authority forms are available at the Uniform Shop. Cheques are not accepted.

JSPG, Parents & Friends and 1920s Club Merchandise

We have various items for cash sale on behalf of the Junior School Parents Group, Parents & Friends and 1920s Club. The items available include Organisational Bags, Parents & Friends Caps and Rowing Caps.

Buying or Selling Second-hand Items

Dobsons also sell, in store, a range of second-hand uniforms on behalf of parents. A donation will be given to the Parents and Friends for each sale of second-hand uniforms. Please contact us to discuss. For online buying or selling, please visit

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For buying and selling your child’s requirements for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary levels


Buy and sell: uniforms, books, sports equipment, musical instruments, camera and film, art supplies, electronics, CD and DVDs.

All sales assist YOUR School community and The Alannah and Madeline Foundation.

Easy to navigate, easy to buy, easy to sell. 24 hour access to goods.

No commissions - 100% of money received by the seller.

Try it today:

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Library Timetable – term 2

There have been some changes made to the library timetable for term 2. Please use this new timetable to remind your child to bring their books back on their designated library day so they can borrow new books.

ELC Room 1 – Tuesday ELC Room 2 – Wednesday ELC Room 3 - Friday

Prep K – Wednesday Prep P – Friday Prep S – Monday

1O – Monday, Day 6 1V – Wednesday, Day 3 & 8 1W – Tuesday, Day 2

2B – Friday, Day 10 2L – Friday, Day 5 2S – Monday, Day 1

3 Mr Eppingstall’s Emu’s – Tuesday, Day 7

3 Ms McCracken’s Monkeys – Thursday, Day 9

3 Ms Watson’s Wallabies – Thursday, Day 4

4E – Thursday, Day 4 4M – Monday, Day 1 4W – Monday, Day 6

Please note:

The ELC and Prep classes attend weekly, all other year levels are fortnightly. The library is open every morning before school from 8am so the students are able to return/borrow books then if they wish.

Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2014

The 2014 Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge has begun! If your child is interested in participating in this year’s challenge please download the consent form from the Junior School page on connect@clarendon and return the completed the form to the library or Kate and Penny at reception. Your child will then be allocated a login so their reading can be recorded on the Challenge website. If your child participated last year their login details will be the same and they can start recording their books here

To complete the Challenge your child must read the following number of books by August 31 2014. This is the minimum requirement. You can enter up to a maximum of 100 books on the website.

Year Level Number of books Number from the Challenge book list

Prep – Year 2 30 books 20 or more

Year 3 – Year 9 15 books 10 or more

Year 10 15 books 5 or more

If you have any questions about the Challenge please contact me.

Scholastic book fair

A reminder that the book fair is happening THIS WEEK! Come to our Reading Oasis book fair in room 115 on Thursday 1 May from 3.00–5.00pm.

Please note: Payment on the day is required. Cash/EFTPOS/Credit Card payments accepted

Michelle Thomason


03 5330 8241

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School Banking

Tuesday is School Banking day, and is open to all students from ELC to Year 4. Bank books should be given to Homeroom Teachers Tuesday morning. If you would like to get started, information packs can be collected from the JS Office.

For every deposit in the School Banking program a Dollarmites token is given, and once you have 10 tokens you can redeem then for a reward as a whale shark pencil case, penguin or shark plush toy key ring, scented pencils or a handball.

Make Cancer History Walk

Sovereign Hill is hosting the Make Cancer History Walk on Sunday, 25 May 2014. This annual event is a great opportunity to support the work of the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute and enjoy a day at Sovereign Hill at the same time.

Click here for Make Cancer History Walk Entry Form

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