ISSUE #4 JULY 2013 NAR 33247 - 04, 2013  · You may be excused from...

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Transcript of ISSUE #4 JULY 2013 NAR 33247 - 04, 2013  · You may be excused from...


NAR 33247JULY 2013


"Together we stand together we rise"


Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship White Buffalo. Her five-year mission: to explore strange new

worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.



NAR 33247JULY 2013


We alwase enjoy having new members join the group, we have two new ones this month. We would like to welcome Darcie, and Kyle Johnson. Darcie is joining Medical, and Kyle has joined Security. Welcome to the crew.

All project idea's need to be submitted using the White Buffalo's Propsal form. We cannot alwase remember which projects were officially recognized and approved. This will go along way to keeping this organized, and offical.

If you have a problem with somebody in the ship please talk to them first. Please talk to Ed and Aaron as well, things can’t be fixed unless we know when there is a problem. We don’t want hurt feelings and fighting going on in the ship. This club was meant for fun. This can’t be stressed enough.

All department chiefs are required to hold department meetings. To help with this the entire first week of the month has been reserved for department meetings. Department Chiefs are requested to pick a day out of that week that works best with your departments schedual. Department Chiefs, please keep in contact with those in your Departments.

Toven Karu is just a character name that Matthew Keener has been using in the group, he request's that his friends call him by his name or even better he likes his friends to call him Gene, which is his middle name.

We understand that people's scheduals don't alwase sync well. We have tryed changing the days our activities fall on to make it easier for members to attend. We don't want anyone feeling bad for not being able to attend whatever the reasons. If you are a Department Chief who cannot attend please let the XO know. It is a requirement for Department chiefs to attend meetings, and activities. You may be excused from attending no matter the reason.

The PADD Project was put on hold till Gene can get a copy of the Fleets rules and regulations, and the elusive Awards information. The PADD is going to work in conjunction with the Basic Training system. Pending Testing the PADD may become an Online Form where the White Buffalo Command, and or Department Chiefs can keep it updated.

We love to get idea's to help with Artemis, be it appearance or even adding to the programming. Some idea's we've had are adding pressure pads that play a sound as people enter the room we would have Artemis setup in, and trying to get an image of an airlock on cloth which would hang from a PVC Pipe setup also for the entryway.

Engineering and Operations will be working together in using a website system called NOVA to help organize and maintain the White Buffalo's website. The Tooele Roleplaying group has been sucessfully using this system which looks absolutley amazing.

The Newsletter is going to be sent out monthly. We need Command, and Department Chiefs to please send in your reports before the last week in the month.Everyone else, anytime you just happen to create something funny cool interesting you'd like to see in the newsletter we are only an email away. Please feel free to submit things.



NAR 33247JULY 2013

Activities / Meetings / Events


Sun – Sat First week set aside for:Department Meetings30th - 6th

Tuesday Roleplaying Game - 1st Story Part 3Location: Holly's @ 6pm9th

Saturday Camping TripLocation: Middle Canyon @ 10am20th

Tuesday Ship Planning MeetingLocation: Kacie's @ 6pm30th

Name Position Department Rank

Aaron StevensEdward SchneiderAndrew BarlowKacie StevensTatiana SchneiderHolly BollandJoseph ReileyMatthew KeenerFreeman SchneiderClint HutsellFred ProvonchaSena SchneiderCheryl CarreauBillie Joe CarlieMylan HainsworthHarold GallowayChris PomeroyThomas BuntingJohn CarreauAdam WonchChris PuherKyle JohnsonJennifer CarreauDarcie Johnson

CaptainExecutive OfficerSSODepartment ChiefDepartment ChiefDepartment ChiefDepartment ChiefAssistant Dept. ChiefAssistant Dept. ChiefCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewmanCrewman

CommandCommandCommandEngineeringSecurity - TacticalOps - Comm - ConnMedical - ScienceOps - Comm - ConnEngineeringSecurityOperationsMedicalEngineeringEngineeringSecuritySecuritySecurityScienceEngineeringEngineeringSecuritySecurityMedicalMedical

LT. CommanderLieutenantEnsignLieutenantEnsignEnsignEnsignLieutenantEnsignCrewman 1st

Crewman 1st

Crewman 1st

Crewman 2nd

Crewman 2nd

Crewman 2nd

Crewman 2nd

Crewman 2nd

Crewman 2nd RecruitRecruitRecruitRecruitRecruitRecruit



NAR 33247JULY 2013


Captain's Log Stardate 66060.6

Another CONduit has come and gone. This year we had a lot better and Impressive Artemis setup then last year. All together we had 14 computers with us. We worked in Shift this year so when those who helped were off duty they could attend other activities. While at CONduit Admiral Stark made an important Announcement for the White Buffalo. The Admiralty have seen how far we've come since launching as a shuttle Craft, and how fast we're growing, so enable to keep up with us and be ready when we Launch as a full Chapter, they have gone and Registered our Registry Number for our Luna Class vessel. Our full Ship name and Registry will be USS White Buffalo NCC - 80116. This is an Exciting time for us. We have all worked hard to get where we are now, and will continue to work hard. The Admiralty would love to see us as a full Chapter in the next 1.5 years, if not sooner. To that end there is still much to be done, (Quite a bit on my part) but I am confident we can meet this Goal.

Now back to Artemis and CONduit. We had 7 different Missions that we ran ranging from Civilian Transport, to Maquis Invasion where we actually had someone board the bridge, to Borg Invasions. We ran a Mod this year that gave us the ability to fly 20 Starfleet Vessels, and go up against 50-60 different Enemy ships ranging from Dominion to Cardassians to Borg Tactical Cubes. We had a lot of people really impressed, including the con Chair for Salt Lake Comic Con in Sept. We are Currently in Negations with them as they are interested in having us at the con there as well. We have a lot in the works for the White Buffalo Artemis Simulation, from Dedicated Computers, to Lighting effects in the works, to an Airlock that is going to be built. We had so many comments on how professional we looked this year, and even have 2 people interested in Renting the Simulation. I personally look forward to what the Future holds for the Crew and the ship.

As we are now Finished with the Convention we are turning our efforts and focus to the next Major event for the White Buffalo. The White Buffalo Olympics (formally known as the Seventh Fleet Olympics.) The Fleet is Backing off for the time being and focusing on running the ships and helping the Ships improve and grow, and as such there are no Official Fleet events till Further Notice. The White Buffalo however is still hosting the Olympics and will be inviting all the Crews and ships in the Fleet to participate anyway. We look forward to this and it's going to be really fun. There will be a few planning meetings between now and the end of July to make sure things are ready and we're ready to go. If you have any Questions please check with your Department Head and they can Answer them for you.

Remember the Command Staff and your Department head are here to serve you. If you have any Questions or Concerns Please let us know.

Lieutenant Commander Aaron StevensCommanding OfficerUSS White Buffalo NAR -

I want to thank everyone who helped make Artemis a great success at Conduit. The reviews were great, everyone who watched or participated in the games had nothing but praise. We should all be proud of ourselves.The BBQ and movies at England Acres was a nice relaxing break which was attended by a good portion of the crew. I don’t know about others but I did over-eat a bit.We now look forward to the Camping Trip on July 20th. Hope all can attend.A final note, we would like to see as many people as possible at the Ship Planning Meetings each month, this is your ship, be involved in planning what we do.

Lt. Edward Schneider, XOExecutive OfficerUSS White Buffalo NAR –



NAR 33247JULY 2013


A medical scanner called the Scanadu Scout is bringing sci-fi to life.The small device is similar to the medical tricorder scanners featured in Star Trek, and is used by simply placing it against your forehead. A few seconds later you can see your blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels, respiratory rate, and body temperature.Read more at:

Greetings, shipmates! Chief Security Tatiana Schneider here. I’d like to welcome the newest member of our department Kyle Johnson! Other than that, I have nothing to report. Feel glad, as this means your ship is safe. And while we wait for something to happen, have a comic! (Yes, I do know Scotty’s hair is wrong, now be quiet.)

Hello everyone-

Not a whole lot going on in the Operations department as of lately. I have handed over the newsletter to Matthew who has more time available than I do. He is planning on putting out a newsletter every month. Please send him things that you come up with throughout the month. Please keep checking your e-mails and facebook for updates on upcoming events. And last, please feel free to do any merit sheets you want to do and turn them into the captain when you are done. This helps you move up in rank.Sincerely,

Holly BollandChief of OperationsUSS White Buffalo



NAR 33247JULY 2013


Engineering Report, Lt. Kacie Stevens ReportingArtemis at CONduit was a huge success for the most part, there were a few bumps and bruises, but for the most part it went off without a hitch. I want to address some of the “bumps and bruises” we ran into at CONduit in this report.

First we had several players who played engineering and as soon as the mission would start, would jump straight to Auto Destruct. This must not happen anymore, Techs and Assistants are to keep an eye on the player playing engineering to ensure this doesn’t happen. We will NO LONGER give out the auto destruct sequence. If the captain wants to do it, a Technician or Assistant will go over to the engineering station and input the sequence.

Second Crewman Adam Wonch came up with a good idea that we will be adopting. Before the start of each mission we will do a quick training mission/tuitorial for those who doesn’t know their stations so the Technicians and Assistants can help the players learn how to run their stations.

Third, it has come to my attention that some of our Technicians, Assistants, Game Masters, Runners/Advertisers didn’t know too much about the game or what they were doing. To this end, the engineering department is working on bringing an online Artemis Academy online that will be found on as a means of training our Artemis Staff. All, I repeat ALL, Artemis staff members must participate in the academy and become Artemis certified for the positions they are wanting to work in the future at Conventions or other venues we run Artemis at if they want to help with Artemis. This is our way in ensuring that all of the Artemis Staff knows what they are doing and are able to help where needed. The academy will be designed in a tiered structure, ie. You have to certify as an Assistant before you can take the course to certify as a Technician, and you have to certify as a Technician before you can take the course to certify as Game Master. Advertising/Runner doesn’t need to certify as a Technician or higher, but need to certify as an Assistant before certifying as a Runner so they know the game, and can explain it to the people they meet in the hallways and things like that. Once the academy is complete, and you have completed the course, the final step to certification for the position is a live test/run through where you will demonstrate you knowledge before the Chief Engineer and the XO/Captain, this way we can ensure you know the game and the positions and are able to help the players to ensure the maximum expierence possible for the players.

Forth, Players are not to play the same position for extended periods of time, unless there is no one else to play the simulation. If there are players waiting to play, then once the current simulation is done, players are to vacate the stations to allow those waiting to play.Fifth, the Artemis simulation is NOT a baby sitter, nor will we attempt to do so.Engineering Department Long range sensors.DMX Lighting effects and possible smoke/fog effects as wellDMX lighting effects are in the process of being designed by the engineering department, we have redesigned the control assembly and will be making our first test soon.



NAR 33247JULY 2013


Wilderness of MirrorsPart 1

Written By: Matthew Keener

"Zharaina Belar, Aki Chandra, Bakna, Toven Drey, please report to cargo bay 2." A strange voice announced.Aki was swimming when in walked two Jem'Hadar officers in Starfleet security uniforms. They pointed their Phaser Rifles at Aki and announced, "You were ordered to report to Cargo Bay 1. You will come with us, Aki Chandra. Aki looked stunned but she complied and followed the armed soldiers.

Aharaina, Bakna, and Toven were already in the bay when the three walked in. Each of them turned when another Jem'hadar started, "Finally you all are here we can proceed. Your assignment is to proceed to Vulcan to recover an artifact.""What kind of artifact?" Bakna asked. "The Romulans are after the same artifact, and your time is limited." The Jem'Hadar stated as he ignored the question. "Since when do we work with the Jem'Hadar?" Aki asked. "You don't, but this mission will go a long ways to make sure that you do." He replied. "What kind of Artifact is it?" Bakna asked again. "It is classified until you accept the mission, and we are en rout to recover it." He stated, "Why are you wearing so little? Is this a new form of vulgar Starfleet uniforms?" The man asked. "I was swimming." Aki replied. Zharaina asked "Where do these orders originate""They originate with me." He stated arrogantly. "And who are you?" Toven asked. "I am General Relos' Mirar, and the only thing else that you need to know for now is that your Captain has authorized this mission." And shows them a PADD with the orders displayed on it. "If any of you decided you don't want to proceed you may leave now." Mirar bellowed. His patience had clearly run out. "Well, I'm out." Toven replied, and promptly left. Relos' Mirar just growled, but turned away. "Anyone else?" He asked. "May I change into a uniform first?" Aki asked. "Yes yes, go get dressed. But make it quick.Aki departed and a Romulan Shuttle appeared out of nowhere. The two soldiers proceeded inside, and tossed two little triangle things into the back, as they continued to the front of the craft. Zharaina, and Bakna proceeded inside after them. They noticed that the two had taken seats at Tactical, and Helm, but all of the other consoles were inactive. Mirar proceeded in after them.Aki sends out a message from her quarters to the rest of the crew to see if anyone else has a modified tricorder, but only the Exocomp, 315 responded saying it was a modified tricorder, then asked why. Aki asked the Exocomp to meet her so she could explain, and only moments later the Exocomp arrived. After Aki explained 315 took her to Cargo Bay 1 where Toven was already waiting. "I thought you would come here before the mission." Toven said as he smiled. "Yes, well I need some modified equipment." Aki responded, without humor. "Right, Lets see here." Toven stated as he grabbed an Extra Phaser, three modified White Buffalo combadges, a phaser rifle, a personal cloaking device, and a personal shield. "All Section 31 equiptment from our little visit to their hidden base last month." Toven laughed. Aki smiled as she left to join the other two on the mission.She tripped on something on the way into the shuttlebay, mostly because she was supprised to see a Romulan scout sitting in the middle of the bay. As she tripped the Intruder alert started to sound. Quickly the two Jem'Hadar soldiers came out and dragged her inside before she could get her phaser or the phaser rifle raised to react. She noticed the other two of her fellow crew members were unconscious on the floor as she herself lost consciousness.

"Computer, activate Toven-omega-one." Toven ordered. A Type 11 Shuttle decloaked next to him as the White Buffalo's intruder alert sounded. Toven ran to cargo bay two and found the Jem'Hadar forcing Aki inside a Romulan scout. The scout transported outside the bay. Three officers arrived and asked Toven what was going on. Toven explained what he'd seen, then ordered them to follow him. As they entered cargo bay one they noticed that all of the Section 31 containers were gone. Everyone entered the Type 11 Shuttle and the vessel quickly transported out of the ship. Garev Vetra quickly sat at engineering, Vera Tivan sat at Security, and Vol Arock sat at Operations, as Toven hurried to the Conn console. "Computer activate Toven-Omega-two." Toven ordered. The Type 11 shuttle transported outside the White Buffalo. Vol quicly did a full scan for the Romulan scout and picked up on thier direction, and transferred the data to Conn. Toven plotted the course and engaged. Still outside the Romulans sensor range Toven ordered the vessel to engage cloak. The Romulan Scout appears on the screen for only a moment as the vessel disappears into some strange vortex. The shuttle proceeds through as well, and soon manages to catch up with the Romulan scout on the other side. But something else is wrong. The Romulans appear to be on a heading to a destination that Vol reports as being New Vulcan. "New Vulcan?" Toven asks." Yes, It appears we've entered into a parellel universe where Vulcan had been destroyed by an insane Romulan from the future. "We need to stop them before they arrive, we don't know if they intend to destroy New Vulcan. Vol hails the Romulans but gets no response. Vara locked on weapons as Toven disengages the cloak, and orderes her to fire. Her shots were expert as she disabled the Romulan ship. Garav transports their crew over but finds them unconscious. He attempts to lock onto the Jem'Hadar but cannot.Vol reports several Romulan ships on an intercept course. "Sir, the Romulan ship appears to have armed weapons, and shields. They are turning to fight." Vara reported. "Disable them." Toven ordered. Vara locked on weapons and fired. Unfortunately with the Romulan vessels weakened condition it buckled under the attack and then exploded. Toven quickly turned the shuttle and headed back through the vortex. Moments later it closed before the Vulcans could make arrive.

To be continued...PAGE 7


NAR 33247JULY 2013


Devout Followers of Q – IIINow is the time of our… SQUIRREL, Oh sorry where was I? Oh yes, well enough of the boring old same old, Friends

and followers, have you been following in the divine wisdom of the Almighty Q? YOU HAVEN’T??? WHAT THE H, er Well you need to start now. I’m telling you Qis going to return, and when he does only the righteous will, hmmn, well actually we don’t know that for a fact either. Just follow in the supreme wit of Q already will ya?

Let he or she who will praise the Q be not forever mocked, but be praised for rembering these godly trek beings.

(This publication is not based on a real religious organization, nor should it be mistaken as one.This was written as a fun fan fiction article, and should be taken lightly.)




NAR 33247JULY 2013


MERIT SHEET – Required#19Namesakes

Ships are often named for famous people, places and events. Give the historical significance of the Starship names below.

1. Al-Battani

2. Armstrong

3. Beagle

4. Biko

5. Eagle (2 answers* required out of at least 4 possibilities)

6. Intrepid

7. Pasteur

8. T’Pau 9. Yorktown

10. Zapata

11. Zhukov

12. Goddard

13. Lakota

14. Monitor

15. Crazy Horse

16. Buran

17. Cochrane

18. Akagi

19. Livingston

20. Tombaugh

Authenticated by: __________ Date: __________ PMP’s: 4 -5* Knowledge

Sources: Encyclopedia (i.e. Brittanica), Anderson Supplement to S.T. Encyclopedia, Addendum to Anderson.



NAR 33247JULY 2013