Issaquah Reputation Management Tips for Local Businesses

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Issaquah Reputation Management Tips for Local Businesses

10 Reputation Management

TipsFor Local Businesses

TIP #1Develop a Crisis Plan

A company’s worst nightmare is to discover that there are negative mentions about them floating around on the web.

Be proactive by setting up a plan that details critical information about how you will deal with this situation if it should occur.

TIP #2Put Customer Service FIRST

The basis for a positive reputation is to have a great business with excellent customer service.

If not, you are giving people a reason to post negative content about you on the internet.

TIP #3Find Out What People Are Saying

The internet is a huge field for people to discuss products, services, and businesses.

Therefore, be sure to consistently monitor social media, blogs, and customer review sites for comments about your business.

TIP #4Face the Negative Issues

Many of your unsatisfied customers may go to social media, review sites, or blogs to air their feelings about your brand.

Whenever you see this, respond to them promptly and try to remedy the situation to show that customer service is a top-priority.

TIP #5Develop and Distribute Great Content Consistently

Publishing relevant, useful keyword optimized content on a consistent basis will help your business get more “positive” search engine exposure.

This leaves less room for negative mentions to show up, which are usually out of your control.

TIP #6Build Loyalty and Trust

Building a social media community can go a long way in helping your online image.

Social followers tend to be loyal and post “positive” feelings about businesses they enjoy.

Leverage this fact by engaging with your social audience regularly.

TIP #7Ask Happy Customers for Reviews

Simply asking your satisfied customers for reviews – without bribing or giving incentives – is a great way to build a positive online reputation.

In most cases, if you don’t ask, you won’t receive.

TIP #8Post Positive Reviews on Your Website

Your website is your internet “home.” This is where many consumers go to learn more about your company.

So having positive reviews posted on your website is a great way to put potential customers at ease when it comes to doing business with you.

TIP #9Be Careful with Your Online Comments

One way to damage your reputation is by commenting on controversial issues, trash talking, or talking about unprofessional details of your private life.

There is a lot you can say online that is related to your industry and will help your target audience – so stick to these types of posts and comments.

TIP #10Work to Repair Any Damage

If your company is suffering due to damaging online information, whether it’s true or not, take immediate steps to address it.

This may involve the services of a professional, but if you do not handle it, it is definitely hurting your ability to generate new customers.