ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep

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    Quality Management SystemsQuality Management Systems


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    Process Based ApproachProcess Based ApproachMANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT




























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    ISOISO--9000:2000 Family Structure9000:2000 Family Structure

    Quality Management SystemQuality Management System


    QualityQualityManagementManagementSystemsSystems --RequirementsRequirements

    ISO 9001ISO 9001


    QualityQualityManagementManagementSystemsSystems FundamentalsFundamentals& Vocabulary& Vocabulary

    ISO 9000ISO 9000

    ISO 9004ISO 9004



    ISO 10012ISO 10012

    RequirementsRequirementsforforMeasurementMeasurementProcesses &Processes &MeasuringMeasuringEquipmentEquipment

    OTHER STANDARDSOTHER STANDARDS ISO 19011ISO 19011GuidelinesGuidelineson Qualityon Quality& EMS& EMSAuditingAuditing

    ISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC 17025

    Competence ofCompetence ofTesting &Testing &CalibrationCalibrationLabsLabs

    ISO/TS 16949ISO/TS 16949

    Quality MgmtQuality MgmtSystemsSystems --AutomotiveAutomotive

    ISO 13485ISO 13485MedicalMedicalDevicesDevices --Quality MgmtQuality MgmtSystemsSystems

    ISO 14001ISO 14001


    ISO 15189ISO 15189

    Medical LabsMedical Labs Quality &Quality &CompetenceCompetence

    ISO 10013ISO 10013


    ISO 10014ISO 10014GuidelinesGuidelinesManagingManagingthetheEconomicsEconomicsof Qualityof Quality

    ISO 10017ISO 10017


    ISO 10005ISO 10005

    GuidelinesGuidelinesfor Qualityfor QualityPlansPlans

    ISO 10006ISO 10006

    GuidelinesGuidelinesin Projectin ProjectMgmtMgmt

    ISO 10007ISO 10007

    GuidelinesGuidelinesfor Config.for Config.MgmtMgmt

    ISO 10015ISO 10015

    GuidelinesGuidelinesfor Trainingfor Training


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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    4 Quality Management System4 Quality Management System

    General RequirementsGeneral Requirements

    Documentation RequirementsDocumentation Requirements

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:20004.1 General Requirements4.1 General Requirements

    Establish, Document, Implement &

    Maintain a QMSQMS and Continually ImproveContinually Improve

    its Effectivenessits Effectiveness

    Identify the ProcessesProcesses and their application

    throughout the organization

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    4.1 General Rs Continued

    Determine the sequence and interaction ofthese processesthese processes;

    Determine criteria and methods to ensure

    the operation and control ofthesetheseprocessesprocesses are effective;

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:20004.1 General Rs Continued

    Ensure necessary resources and informa-

    tion are available to support the operationand monitoring ofthese processesthese processes;

    Monitor, Measure and analyze thesethese

    processesprocesses;Implement actions necessary to achieve

    planned results and continual improvement

    ofthese processesthese processes.

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:20004.1 General Rs Continued

    Outsourced processes shall beshall beidentified and controlledidentified and controlled

    Outside processes that affect productOutside processes that affect product

    conformity with requirements;conformity with requirements;

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    4.2 Documentation Requirements4.2 Documentation Requirements

    A QMS documentation shall include:StatementsStatements of a Quality PolicyQuality Policy and QualityQuality


    A Quality ManualQuality Manual;ProceduresProcedures required by ISO (6);

    RecordsRecords required by ISO (21);

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    4.2 Documentation Requirements-Continued

    Quality ManualScopeScope of QMS

    Detailed ExclusionsExclusions and their justification;

    Documented ProceduresDocumented Procedures, or reference tothem; and

    A description of the interactionA description of the interaction between the

    QMS processes.

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    Exclusions to ISO-9001:20001.2 Application

    All Requirements are generic and are intended

    to be applicable to all organizations.

    Where any requirements cannot be applied

    due to the nature of an organization and its

    product an exclusion can be considered.Exclusions are limited to requirements within

    clause 7 Product Realization.

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    Procedures Required by ISOProcedures Required by ISO4.2.3 Control of DocumentsControl of Documents

    4.2.4 Control of RecordsControl of Records8.2.2 Internal AuditsInternal Audits

    8.3 Control of Nonconforming ProductControl of Nonconforming Product

    8.5.2 Corrective ActionCorrective Action

    8.5.3 Preventive ActionPreventive Action

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    Records Required by ISORecords Required by ISO (21)(21)4.2.4 Records shall be established andRecords shall be established and

    maintained to provide evidence of conformity tomaintained to provide evidence of conformity to

    requirements and of the effective operation of therequirements and of the effective operation of the


    5.6.1 Management Review General, Records fromRecords from

    Management ReviewsManagement Reviews shall be maintained ;

    6.2.2 (Human Resources) Appropriate records ofrecords of

    education, training, skills and experienceeducation, training, skills and experience;

    7.1 (Planning of Product Realization) Records to

    provide evidence that the realization processes andevidence that the realization processes and

    resulting product meet requirementsresulting product meet requirements;

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    Records Required by ISORecords Required by ISO7.2.2 (Customer Related Processes - Review of

    Requirements related to the Product) Records of theRecords of the

    results of the review and actions arising from it shall beresults of the review and actions arising from it shall be

    maintainedmaintained;7.3.2 (Design & Development Inputs) Inputs relatingInputs relating

    to product requirements shall be determined andto product requirements shall be determined and

    records maintainedrecords maintained;

    7.3.4 (Design & Development Review) Records ofRecords of

    the results of the reviews and any necessary actionsthe results of the reviews and any necessary actionsshall be maintainedshall be maintained;

    7.3.5 (Design & Development Verification) RecordsRecords

    of the results of the verification and any necessaryof the results of the verification and any necessary

    actions shall be maintainedactions shall be maintained.

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    Records Required by ISORecords Required by ISO7.3.6 (Design & Development Validation) Records ofRecords of

    the results of validation and any necessary actionsthe results of validation and any necessary actions

    shall be maintainedshall be maintained;

    7.3.7 (Control of Design & Development Changes)Records of the results of the review and any necessaryRecords of the results of the review and any necessary

    actions shall be maintainedactions shall be maintained;

    7.4.1 (Purchasing Process) Records of the results ofRecords of the results of

    evaluations and any necessary actions arising from theevaluations and any necessary actions arising from the

    evaluation shall be maintainedevaluation shall be maintained;

    7.5.2 ( Validation of Special Processes) The

    organization shall establish arrangements for these

    processes including requirements for recordsrequirements for records;

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    Records Required by ISORecords Required by ISO7.5.3 (Identification & Traceability) Where traceability is

    a requirement, the organization shall control and

    record the unique identification of the productrecord the unique identification of the product;

    7.5.4 (Customer Property) If any customer property islost, damaged or otherwise found to be unsuitable for

    use, this shall be reported to the customer and recordsthis shall be reported to the customer and records


    7.6 (Control of Monitoring & Measuring Devices)

    If calibrated/verified to nonIf calibrated/verified to non--national or international standardsnational or international standards

    the basis shall be recorded.the basis shall be recorded.

    Equipment found nonEquipment found non--conformingconforming validity of previousvalidity of previous

    measurements shall be assessed & recorded;measurements shall be assessed & recorded;

    Records of the results of calibration and verification shall beRecords of the results of calibration and verification shall be


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    Records Required by ISORecords Required by ISO8.2.2 (Internal Audit) The responsibilities and

    requirements for planning and conducting audits and

    for reporting results and maintaining recordsand maintaining records;

    8.2.4 (Monitoring & Measurement of Product) Evidence

    of conformity with the acceptance criteria shall be

    maintained. Records shall indicate the person(s)Records shall indicate the person(s)

    authorizing release of productauthorizing release of product;

    8.3 (Control of Nonconforming Product) Records of theRecords of thenature of nonconformities and any subsequent actionsnature of nonconformities and any subsequent actions

    taken, including concessions obtained, shall betaken, including concessions obtained, shall be


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    Records Required by ISORecords Required by ISO8.5.2 (Improvement Corrective Action) Records of theRecords of the

    results of action takenresults of action taken;

    8.5.3 (Improvement Preventive Action) Records ofRecords of

    the results of action takenthe results of action taken.

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:20004.2 Documentation Requirements-Continued

    Control of DocumentsControl of Documents

    A documented procedure to define the

    following controls:

    Approve adequacy of documents prior to issueApprove adequacy of documents prior to issue;;

    Review and update as necessary & ReReview and update as necessary & Re--approveapprove;

    Ensure changes and current revision status ofEnsure changes and current revision status of

    documents are identifieddocuments are identified;

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Control of Documents-Contd

    A documented procedure to define thefollowing controls: - Continued

    Ensure relevant versionsrelevant versions of applicable

    documents are available at points of useare available at points of use;

    Ensure documents remain legible and readilyremain legible and readily


    Ensure documents ofexternal originexternal origin areidentified and their distribution controlled; and

    Prevent the unintended use of obsoletePrevent the unintended use of obsolete

    documentsdocuments, AND apply suitable ID if they areapply suitable ID if they are

    retained for any purposeretained for any purpose;

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    QMS per ISOQMS per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    4.2 Documentation Requirements-Continued

    Control of RecordsControl of RecordsA documented procedure to define the

    controls needed for the identificationidentification,,

    storagestorage,, protectionprotection,, retrievalretrieval,, retention timeretention time

    andand dispositiondisposition of records.of records.

    4.2 Documentation Requirements-Continued

    Control of RecordsControl of RecordsA documented procedure to define the

    controls needed for the identificationidentification,,

    storagestorage,, protectionprotection,, retrievalretrieval,, retention timeretention time

    andand dispositiondisposition of records.of records.

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    Process Based ApproachProcess Based ApproachMANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT




























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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    5 Management Responsibility5 Management Responsibility

    Management CommitmentManagement Commitment

    Customer FocusCustomer Focus

    Quality PolicyQuality Policy


    Management ReviewManagement Review

    5 Management Responsibility5 Management Responsibility

    Management CommitmentManagement Commitment

    Customer FocusCustomer Focus

    Quality PolicyQuality Policy


    Management ReviewManagement Review

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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.1 Management Commitment5.1 Management Commitment

    Evidence of CommitmentEvidence of Commitment

    Communicate to the Organization the

    Importance of meeting CustomerCustomer, StatutoryStatutory,

    and RegulatoryRegulatory RequirementsRequirements

    Establish the Quality PolicyQuality Policy

    Ensuring Quality ObjectivesQuality Objectives are Established

    Conduct Management ReviewsManagement Reviews

    Ensure the Availability of ResourcesAvailability of Resources

    5.1 Management Commitment5.1 Management Commitment

    Evidence of CommitmentEvidence of Commitment

    Communicate to the Organization the

    Importance of meeting CustomerCustomer, StatutoryStatutory,

    and RegulatoryRegulatory RequirementsRequirements

    Establish the Quality PolicyQuality Policy

    Ensuring Quality ObjectivesQuality Objectives are Established

    Conduct Management ReviewsManagement Reviews

    Ensure the Availability of ResourcesAvailability of Resources

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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.2 Customer Focus5.2 Customer Focus

    Ensure Customer Requirements are determinedand met, with the aim of enhancing customeraim of enhancing customer


    5.3 Quality Policy5.3 Quality Policy

    Established, Appropriate, Framework for QualityFramework for Quality

    ObjectivesObjectives, Communicated & UnderstoodCommunicated & Understood, and

    Reviewed for Continued Suitability

    5.2 Customer Focus5.2 Customer Focus

    Ensure Customer Requirements are determinedand met, with the aim of enhancing customeraim of enhancing customer


    5.3 Quality Policy5.3 Quality Policy

    Established, Appropriate, Framework for QualityFramework for Quality

    ObjectivesObjectives, Communicated & UnderstoodCommunicated & Understood, and

    Reviewed for Continued Suitability

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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.4 Planning5.4 Planning

    Establish Quality ObjectivesEstablish Quality Objectives at relevant levelsat relevant levels

    and functions within the Organizationand functions within the Organization

    Ensure that the planning of the QMS is carriedEnsure that the planning of the QMS is carried

    outout to meet the General Requirementsto meet the General Requirements (4.1)(4.1)

    Maintain Integrity of the QMSMaintain Integrity of the QMS when changes arewhen changes areplanned & implementedplanned & implemented

    5.4 Planning5.4 Planning

    Establish Quality ObjectivesEstablish Quality Objectives at relevant levelsat relevant levels

    and functions within the Organizationand functions within the Organization

    Ensure that the planning of the QMS is carriedEnsure that the planning of the QMS is carried

    outout to meet the General Requirementsto meet the General Requirements (4.1)(4.1)

    Maintain Integrity of the QMSMaintain Integrity of the QMS when changes arewhen changes areplanned & implementedplanned & implemented

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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.5 Responsibility, Authority and CommunicationResponsibility, Authority and Communication

    Ensure that responsibilities & authorities are

    defined and communicateddefined and communicated within the


    Appoint a Management RepresentativeManagement Representative

    Ensure appropriate communication processescommunication processesare established and Communication on the

    Effectiveness of the QMS takes placeEffectiveness of the QMS takes place

    5.5 Responsibility, Authority and CommunicationResponsibility, Authority and Communication

    Ensure that responsibilities & authorities are

    defined and communicateddefined and communicated within the


    Appoint a Management RepresentativeManagement Representative

    Ensure appropriate communication processescommunication processesare established and Communication on the

    Effectiveness of the QMS takes placeEffectiveness of the QMS takes place

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    Management RepresentativeManagement RepresentativeIrrespective of other responsibilities, shall

    have the following responsibility & authority

    Ensure that processesprocesses needed for the QMS areestablished, implemented & maintained

    Reports to Top Management on the performanceperformance

    of the QMS and any need for improvementneed for improvement

    Ensure the promotion & awarenesspromotion & awareness of Customerrequirements throughout the Organization

    Can include being the liaison with external parties

    on QMS matters

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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.6 Management Review

    Review the QMS at planned intervalsat planned intervalsEnsure ContinuedContinued Suitability, Adequacy, &Suitability, Adequacy, &


    Include Assessing Opportunities forOpportunities for

    ImprovementImprovement & the need for changesneed for changes

    including the Quality Policy and Quality


    5.6 Management Review

    Review the QMS at planned intervalsat planned intervalsEnsure ContinuedContinued Suitability, Adequacy, &Suitability, Adequacy, &


    Include Assessing Opportunities forOpportunities for

    ImprovementImprovement & the need for changesneed for changes

    including the Quality Policy and Quality


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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.6 Management Review

    Review InputReview Input

    Results of AuditsResults of Audits

    Customer FeedbackCustomer Feedback

    Process Performance & Product ConformityProcess Performance & Product Conformity

    Status of Corrective & Preventive ActionsStatus of Corrective & Preventive Actions

    FollowFollow--up Actions from Previous Reviewsup Actions from Previous Reviews

    Changes that could affect the QMSChanges that could affect the QMS

    Recommendations for ImprovementRecommendations for Improvement

    5.6 Management Review

    Review InputReview Input

    Results of AuditsResults of Audits

    Customer FeedbackCustomer Feedback

    Process Performance & Product ConformityProcess Performance & Product Conformity

    Status of Corrective & Preventive ActionsStatus of Corrective & Preventive Actions

    FollowFollow--up Actions from Previous Reviewsup Actions from Previous Reviews

    Changes that could affect the QMSChanges that could affect the QMS

    Recommendations for ImprovementRecommendations for Improvement

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    Management ResponsibilityManagement Responsibility

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20005.6 Management Review

    Review OutputReview OutputDecisions & Actions takenDecisions & Actions taken related to:

    Improvement on the effectiveness of the QMS & itsImprovement on the effectiveness of the QMS & its


    Improvement of product related to customerImprovement of product related to customerrequirementsrequirements

    Resource NeedsResource Needs

    5.6 Management Review

    Review OutputReview OutputDecisions & Actions takenDecisions & Actions taken related to:

    Improvement on the effectiveness of the QMS & itsImprovement on the effectiveness of the QMS & its


    Improvement of product related to customerImprovement of product related to customerrequirementsrequirements

    Resource NeedsResource Needs

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    Process Based ApproachProcess Based ApproachMANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT




























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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20006 Resource Management6 Resource Management

    Provision of ResourcesProvision of Resources

    Human ResourcesHuman Resources


    Work EnvironmentWork Environment

    6 Resource Management6 Resource Management

    Provision of ResourcesProvision of Resources

    Human ResourcesHuman Resources


    Work EnvironmentWork Environment

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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20006.1 Provision of Resources6.1 Provision of Resources

    Determine and ProvideDetermine and Provide Resources needed to:Resources needed to: Implement & Maintain the QMSImplement & Maintain the QMS

    Continually Improve Effectiveness of QMSContinually Improve Effectiveness of QMS

    Enhance Customer Satisfaction by meetingEnhance Customer Satisfaction by meetingcustomer requirementscustomer requirements

    6.1 Provision of Resources6.1 Provision of Resources

    Determine and ProvideDetermine and Provide Resources needed to:Resources needed to: Implement & Maintain the QMSImplement & Maintain the QMS

    Continually Improve Effectiveness of QMSContinually Improve Effectiveness of QMS

    Enhance Customer Satisfaction by meetingEnhance Customer Satisfaction by meetingcustomer requirementscustomer requirements

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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20006.2 Human Resources6.2 Human Resources

    Personnel performing work affecting productPersonnel performing work affecting product

    quality shall be competent on the basis ofquality shall be competent on the basis of

    appropriate education, training, skills andappropriate education, training, skills and


    6.2 Human Resources6.2 Human Resources

    Personnel performing work affecting productPersonnel performing work affecting product

    quality shall be competent on the basis ofquality shall be competent on the basis of

    appropriate education, training, skills andappropriate education, training, skills and


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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20006.3 Competence,6.3 Competence,

    Awareness and TrainingAwareness and Training

    Determine the necessaryDetermine the necessary


    Provide Training or takeProvide Training or take

    other actions to satisfyother actions to satisfyEvaluate the EffectivenessEvaluate the Effectiveness

    of actions takenof actions taken

    6.3 Competence,6.3 Competence,

    Awareness and TrainingAwareness and Training

    Determine the necessaryDetermine the necessary


    Provide Training or takeProvide Training or take

    other actions to satisfyother actions to satisfyEvaluate the EffectivenessEvaluate the Effectiveness

    of actions takenof actions taken

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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20006.3 Infrastructure6.3 Infrastructure

    Determine, provide and maintain theDetermine, provide and maintain the

    infrastructure needed to achieve conformity toinfrastructure needed to achieve conformity to

    product requirementsproduct requirements

    6.3 Infrastructure6.3 Infrastructure

    Determine, provide and maintain theDetermine, provide and maintain the

    infrastructure needed to achieve conformity toinfrastructure needed to achieve conformity to

    product requirementsproduct requirements

    Buildings, Workspace &Buildings, Workspace &

    associated utilitiesassociated utilities

    Process equipmentProcess equipment

    (Hardware & Software)(Hardware & Software)

    Supporting services (i.e.Supporting services (i.e.

    transport ortransport or


    Buildings, Workspace &Buildings, Workspace &

    associated utilitiesassociated utilities

    Process equipmentProcess equipment

    (Hardware & Software)(Hardware & Software)

    Supporting services (i.e.Supporting services (i.e.

    transport ortransport or


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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20006.4 Work Environment6.4 Work Environment

    Determine & Manage the workDetermine & Manage the work

    environment needed to achieveenvironment needed to achieveconformity to product requirementsconformity to product requirements

    [Factors that influence motivation,[Factors that influence motivation,satisfaction, development andsatisfaction, development and

    performance of people.]performance of people.]Psychological FactorsPsychological Factors

    Physical FactorsPhysical Factors

    6.4 Work Environment6.4 Work Environment

    Determine & Manage the workDetermine & Manage the work

    environment needed to achieveenvironment needed to achieveconformity to product requirementsconformity to product requirements

    [Factors that influence motivation,[Factors that influence motivation,satisfaction, development andsatisfaction, development and

    performance of people.]performance of people.]Psychological FactorsPsychological Factors

    Physical FactorsPhysical Factors

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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Work EnvironmentWork Environment -- ContinuedContinued

    Psychological FactorsPsychological Factors

    Greater Involvement & Understanding ofGreater Involvement & Understanding of

    Objectives to be AchievedObjectives to be Achieved

    Safety Rules & ProceduresSafety Rules & Procedures

    Recognition & Reward for Achievement,Recognition & Reward for Achievement,Improvement & InnovationImprovement & Innovation

    Career Planning & DevelopmentCareer Planning & Development

    Work EnvironmentWork Environment -- ContinuedContinued

    Psychological FactorsPsychological Factors

    Greater Involvement & Understanding ofGreater Involvement & Understanding of

    Objectives to be AchievedObjectives to be Achieved

    Safety Rules & ProceduresSafety Rules & Procedures

    Recognition & Reward for Achievement,Recognition & Reward for Achievement,Improvement & InnovationImprovement & Innovation

    Career Planning & DevelopmentCareer Planning & Development

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    Resource ManagementResource Management

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Work EnvironmentWork Environment -- ContinuedContinued

    Physical FactorsPhysical Factors




    NoiseNoise CleanlinessCleanliness

    Work EnvironmentWork Environment -- ContinuedContinued

    Physical FactorsPhysical Factors




    NoiseNoise CleanlinessCleanliness

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    Process Based ApproachProcess Based ApproachMANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT




























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    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007 Product Realization7 Product Realization

    Planning of Product RealizationPlanning of Product Realization

    CustomerCustomer--related Processesrelated Processes

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development


    Production and Service ProvisionProduction and Service ProvisionControl of Monitoring and MeasuringControl of Monitoring and MeasuringDevicesDevices

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    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.1 Planning of Product Realization7.1 Planning of Product Realization

    Plan & Develop the processes needed forPlan & Develop the processes needed forProduct RealizationProduct Realization

    Planning shall determine the following asPlanning shall determine the following asappropriate:appropriate:

    Quality ObjectivesQuality Objectives && RequirementsRequirements for thefor theProduct;Product;

    Need to establish processes, documents andNeed to establish processes, documents andprovide resources specific to the product;provide resources specific to the product;

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    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Planning shall determine the following:Planning shall determine the following:


    RequiredRequired vverification,erification, vvalidation,alidation, mmonitoring,onitoring,

    inspection & testinspection & test activities specific to theactivities specific to the

    productproduct and the criteria for productand the criteria for product


    RecordsRecords needed to provide evidence thatneeded to provide evidence that

    the realization processes and resultingthe realization processes and resulting

    product meet requirementsproduct meet requirements

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 46

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000TheThe outputoutput of this planning shall be in aof this planning shall be in a formform

    suitablesuitable for the organizations method offor the organizations method of


    NOTE 1: A document specifying the QMS processesNOTE 1: A document specifying the QMS processes

    (including the product realization processes) can be(including the product realization processes) can be

    referred to as a Quality Planreferred to as a Quality Plan

    NOTE 2: The Design & Development RequirementsNOTE 2: The Design & Development Requirements

    (7.3) may also be applied to the development of the(7.3) may also be applied to the development of the

    product realization processesproduct realization processes

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 47

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.2 Customer7.2 Customer--related Processesrelated Processes

    DeterminationDetermination of requirementsof requirements related to therelated to theproductproduct

    ReviewReview of requirementsof requirements related to the productrelated to the product

    Customer CommunicationCustomer Communication

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 48

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Determination of requirementsDetermination of requirements related torelated tothe productthe product

    RequirementsRequirements specified by the customer,specified by the customer,including delivery & postincluding delivery & post--delivery activities;delivery activities;

    RequirementsRequirements necessary for specified ornecessary for specified orintended use, where known;intended use, where known;

    Statutory and regulatory requirementsStatutory and regulatory requirements relatedrelatedto the product;to the product;

    Any additional requirementsAny additional requirements determined by thedetermined by theOrganization.Organization.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 49

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Review of requirementsReview of requirements related to therelated to the


    Shall be conducted prior to the commitment toShall be conducted prior to the commitment to

    supply a product to the customer;supply a product to the customer;

    Ensure that product requirements are defined;Ensure that product requirements are defined;

    Ensure contract or order requirements differingEnsure contract or order requirements differingfrom those previously expressed are resolved;from those previously expressed are resolved;

    Ensure capable of meting the definedEnsure capable of meting the defined


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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 50

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Review of requirementsReview of requirements related to the productrelated to the product


    Customer Requirements shall beCustomer Requirements shall be confirmedconfirmed by theby the

    organizationorganization before acceptancebefore acceptance, where no, where no

    documented statement of requirements isdocumented statement of requirements is

    provided by the customerprovided by the customer

    Where Product Requirements are changed, theWhere Product Requirements are changed, theorganization shallorganization shall ensure that relevant documentsensure that relevant documents

    are amended and that relevant personnel areare amended and that relevant personnel are

    made aware of the changed requirementsmade aware of the changed requirements

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 51

    Product Realization

    per ISO-9001:2000Customer CommunicationCustomer Communication

    Determine and ImplementDetermine and Implement effectiveeffective

    arrangements for communicatingarrangements for communicating with customerswith customersin relation to:in relation to:

    Product information;Product information;

    Enquiries, contracts or order handling, includingEnquiries, contracts or order handling, includingamendments;amendments;

    Customer feedback, including customerCustomer feedback, including customercomplaints.complaints.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 52

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.3 Design & Development7.3 Design & Development

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development PlanningPlanning

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development InputsInputs

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development OutputsOutputs

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development ReviewReview

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development VerificationVerification

    Design & DevelopmentDesign & Development ValidationValidation

    Control ofControl ofDesign & DevelopmentDesign & Development ChangesChanges

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    7.3.5 & & 7.3.6

    RRevieweviewat Suitableat Suitable

    Stages of DesignStages of Design& Development& Development


    7.3.5 & & 7.3.6



    Design &Design &


    End ItemProduct



    Application of DesignControl in Waterfall or Stair

    Step Design Process[with ISO-9001 Clauses]

    PlanPlanDesign &Design &


    Stages, AND theStages, AND the


    & Validation for& Validation for

    each Stage 7.3.1each Stage 7.3.1



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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 54

    Purchasing in ISOPurchasing in ISO--9001:20009001:20007.4 Purchasing7.4 Purchasing

    PurchasingPurchasing ProcessProcess

    PurchasingPurchasing InformationInformation

    VerificationVerification of Purchased Productof Purchased Product

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 55

    Purchasing in ISOPurchasing in ISO--9001:20009001:2000PurchasingPurchasing ProcessProcess

    Ensure purchased product conforms toEnsure purchased product conforms to

    specified requirements.specified requirements.

    Type and Extent of control shall be dependentType and Extent of control shall be dependent

    upon the effect of the purchased product onupon the effect of the purchased product on

    subsequent product realization or the finalsubsequent product realization or the final


    Suppliers shall be evaluated and selectedSuppliers shall be evaluated and selected

    based on their ability to supply product IAW thebased on their ability to supply product IAW the

    organizations requirements.organizations requirements.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 56

    Purchasing in ISOPurchasing in ISO--9001:20009001:2000PurchasingPurchasing ProcessProcess -- ContinuedContinued

    Criteria for selection, evaluation, & reCriteria for selection, evaluation, & re--

    evaluation shall be established.evaluation shall be established.

    Records of the results of evaluations and anyRecords of the results of evaluations and any

    necessary actions arising from the evaluationnecessary actions arising from the evaluation

    shall be maintainedshall be maintained

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 57

    Purchasing in ISO-9001:2000PurchasingPurchasing InformationInformation

    Shall describe the product to be purchased,Shall describe the product to be purchased,

    including where appropriate:including where appropriate:

    Requirements for approval of product, procedures,Requirements for approval of product, procedures,

    processes and equipment;processes and equipment;

    Requirements for qualification of personnel, andRequirements for qualification of personnel, and

    Quality Management SystemsQuality Management Systems

    The organization shall ensure the adequacy ofThe organization shall ensure the adequacy ofspecified purchase requirementsspecified purchase requirements priorpriorto theirto their


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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 58

    Purchasing in ISO-9001:2000VerificationVerification of Purchased Productof Purchased Product

    Shall establish and implement the inspection orShall establish and implement the inspection or

    other activities necessary for ensuring theother activities necessary for ensuring theproduct meets specified purchaseproduct meets specified purchaserequirements.requirements.

    Where the organization or its customer intendsWhere the organization or its customer intendsto perform verification at the suppliersto perform verification at the suppliers

    premises, the intended verificationpremises, the intended verificationarrangements and the method of productarrangements and the method of productrelease shall be stated in the purchasingrelease shall be stated in the purchasinginformation.information.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 59

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.5 Production and Service Provision7.5 Production and Service Provision

    Control of Production & Service ProvisionControl of Production & Service ProvisionValidation of Processes for Product &Validation of Processes for Product &

    Service ProvisionService Provision

    Identification & TraceabilityIdentification & Traceability

    Customer PropertyCustomer Property

    Preservation of ProductPreservation of Product

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 60

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Control of Production & Service ProvisionControl of Production & Service Provision

    Plan & carry out provisions under controlledPlan & carry out provisions under controlled

    conditions, including as applicable:conditions, including as applicable:

    Availability of information that describesAvailability of information that describes thetheproduct characteristicsproduct characteristics ;;

    Availability ofAvailability ofWork InstructionsWork Instructions, as necessary;, as necessary;

    Use ofUse ofsuitable equipmentsuitable equipment;;

    Availability & use ofAvailability & use ofMonitoring and MeasuringMonitoring and MeasuringDevicesDevices;;

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 61

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000PlanPlan & carry out provisions under controlled& carry out provisions under controlled

    conditions, including as applicable:conditions, including as applicable: ContdContd

    Implementation ofImplementation ofMonitoringMonitoring andand


    Implementation ofImplementation ofReleaseRelease,, DeliveryDelivery

    andand PostPost--Delivery Activities.Delivery Activities.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 62

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Validation of Processes for Product &Validation of Processes for Product &Service ProvisionService Provision

    Validate any process for a provision whereValidate any process for a provision wherethe resulting outputthe resulting output cannot be verified bycannot be verified bysubsequent monitoring or measurementsubsequent monitoring or measurementwherewhere deficiencies become apparent onlydeficiencies become apparent only

    after the product is in useafter the product is in use or the service hasor the service hasbeen deliveredbeen delivered

    ValidationValidation demonstrates the abilitydemonstrates the ability of theof theprocessprocess to achieve planned resultsto achieve planned results

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 63

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Validation of ProcessesValidation of Processes ContdContd

    Establish Arrangements for these processes (asEstablish Arrangements for these processes (as

    applicable):applicable):DefinedDefined Criteria for Review & ApprovalCriteria for Review & Approval of theof theprocess;process;

    Approval ofApproval ofEquipmentEquipment & Qualification of& Qualification of

    PersonnelPersonnel;;Use ofUse ofSpecific Methods & ProceduresSpecific Methods & Procedures;;

    Requirements forRequirements forRecordsRecords; and; and


  • 8/3/2019 ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep


    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 64

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Identification & TraceabilityIdentification & Traceability

    WhereWhere applicableapplicable,, product shall be identifiedproduct shall be identified

    by a suitable means throughout itsby a suitable means throughout itsrealization process.realization process.

    It shallIt shall identify the product statusidentify the product status withwithrespect torespect to monitoring & measurementmonitoring & measurement

    requirements.requirements.WhereWhere traceabilitytraceability is a requirement, theis a requirement, theunique identification of the product shall beunique identification of the product shall becontrolled and recordedcontrolled and recorded..

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 65

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Customer PropertyCustomer Property

    Care shall be exercisedCare shall be exercised with customerwith customer

    property while under the organizationsproperty while under the organizationscontrol or being used by the organization.control or being used by the organization.

    Customer Property shall beCustomer Property shall be identifiedidentified,,verifiedverified,, protected and safeguardedprotected and safeguarded while inwhile in

    use or being incorporated into the product.use or being incorporated into the product.IfIflostlost,, damageddamaged or otherwiseor otherwise found to befound to beunsuitableunsuitable, it shall be reported and records, it shall be reported and recordsmaintained.maintained.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 66

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:2000Preservation of ProductPreservation of Product

    ConformityConformity of the product shall beof the product shall be preservedpreserved

    during internal processing and delivery to theduring internal processing and delivery to the

    intended destination.intended destination.

    PreservationPreservation shall includeshall include identificationidentification,,

    handlinghandling,, packagingpackaging andand protectionprotection..

    PreservationPreservation also applies to thealso applies to the constituentconstituent

    parts of a productparts of a product..

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 67

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring


    Determine theDetermine the monitoringmonitoring andand

    measurementmeasurement to be undertaken toto be undertaken to

    provideprovide evidence of conformityevidence of conformity toto

    determined requirements, AND thedetermined requirements, AND themonitoring and measuringmonitoring and measuring devicesdevices

    needed to ensure valid results.needed to ensure valid results.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 68

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices ContdContd

    EstablishEstablish processesprocesses to ensure thatto ensure that

    monitoring and measurement can bemonitoring and measurement can be

    carried out and in a mannercarried out and in a manner

    consistent with the monitoring andconsistent with the monitoring and

    measurement requirements.measurement requirements.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 69

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices ContdContd

    When necessary, measuring equipmentWhen necessary, measuring equipment

    shall:shall:BeBe calibrated or verifiedcalibrated or verified at specified intervals,at specified intervals,

    or prior to use,or prior to use, against measurementagainst measurement

    standards traceablestandards traceable to international or nationalto international or national

    measurement standards;measurement standards;Where no such standards exist, the basis use forWhere no such standards exist, the basis use for

    calibration or verification shall be recorded.calibration or verification shall be recorded.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 70

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices ContdContd

    When necessary, measuring equipmentWhen necessary, measuring equipment

    shall:shall: -- ContinuedContinuedBeBe adjustedadjusted ororrere--adjustedadjusted as necessary;as necessary;

    BeBe identifiedidentified to enable theto enable the calibration statuscalibration status toto

    be determined;be determined;

    BeBe safeguardedsafeguarded from adjustments that wouldfrom adjustments that would

    invalidate the measurement result;invalidate the measurement result;

    BeBe protectedprotected from damage and deteriorationfrom damage and deterioration

    during handling, maintenance and storage.during handling, maintenance and storage.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 71

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:20007.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices7.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices ContdContd

    When the equipment isWhen the equipment is found not tofound not to

    conformconform to requirements, theto requirements, the validity of thevalidity of theprevious measuring resultsprevious measuring results shall beshall beassessed and recorded.assessed and recorded.

    Appropriate action shall be taken on theAppropriate action shall be taken on the

    equipmentequipment and anyand any product affectedproduct affected..

    Records of the results of calibration andRecords of the results of calibration andverification shall be maintained.verification shall be maintained.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 72

    Product RealizationProduct Realization

    per ISOper ISO--9001:20009001:200077.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices.6 Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices ContdContd

    Computer softwareComputer software to be used in theto be used in the

    monitoring and measurement of specifiedmonitoring and measurement of specified

    requirements,requirements, shall be confirmedshall be confirmed as to itsas to its

    ability to satisfy the intended application.ability to satisfy the intended application.

    This confirmation shall be undertaken priorThis confirmation shall be undertaken priorto initial use and reconfirmed asto initial use and reconfirmed as


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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 73

    Process Based ApproachProcess Based Approach





























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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 74

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    8 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement8 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement


    Monitoring and MeasurementMonitoring and Measurement

    Control of Nonconforming ProductControl of Nonconforming Product

    Analysis of DataAnalysis of Data


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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 75

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:20008.1 General8.1 General

    Plan & Implement the monitoring,Plan & Implement the monitoring,

    measurement, analysis and improvementmeasurement, analysis and improvementprocesses needed to :processes needed to :

    DemonstrateDemonstrate conformity of the product;conformity of the product;

    EnsureEnsure conformity of the QMS;conformity of the QMS;

    Continually improveContinually improve the effectiveness of the QMSthe effectiveness of the QMS

    Determine the applicable methods, includingDetermine the applicable methods, includingstatistical techniques, and the extent of theirstatistical techniques, and the extent of theiruseuse

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 76

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    8.2 Monitoring and Measurement8.2 Monitoring and Measurement

    Customer SatisfactionCustomer Satisfaction

    Internal AuditInternal Audit

    Monitoring and Measurement of ProcessesMonitoring and Measurement of Processes

    Monitoring and Measurement of ProductMonitoring and Measurement of Product

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 77

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    Customer SatisfactionCustomer Satisfaction

    A QMS measurement of performanceA QMS measurement of performanceMonitor information relating toMonitor information relating to customercustomer

    perceptionperception as to whether customeras to whether customer

    requirements are being met;requirements are being met;Determine the methods for obtaining andDetermine the methods for obtaining and

    using this informationusing this information

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 78

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    Internal AuditInternal Audit

    Conduct internal audits at planned intervals toConduct internal audits at planned intervals todetermine whether the QMS:determine whether the QMS:

    ConformsConforms to the planned arrangements, toto the planned arrangements, to

    the requirements of ISOthe requirements of ISO--9001, and QMS9001, and QMS

    requirements established by therequirements established by theorganization;organization;

    Is effectively implementedIs effectively implemented and maintainedand maintained

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 79

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Internal AuditInternal Audit ContCont

    An audit program shall be planned,An audit program shall be planned, consideringconsidering

    the status and importance of the processes andthe status and importance of the processes andareas to be auditedareas to be audited, as well as the results of the, as well as the results of theprevious audits.previous audits.

    The auditThe audit criteriacriteria,, scopescope,, frequencyfrequency andand methodsmethodsshall be defined.shall be defined.

    Selection of auditors and conduct of the auditsSelection of auditors and conduct of the auditsshallshall ensure objectivity and impartialityensure objectivity and impartiality of theof theaudit processaudit process

    Auditors shall not audit their own workAuditors shall not audit their own work

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 80

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Internal AuditInternal Audit ContdContd

    TheThe management responsible for themanagement responsible for the

    areas being auditedareas being audited shall ensure thatshall ensure thatactions are takenactions are taken without undue delaywithout undue delay totoeliminate detected nonconformities andeliminate detected nonconformities andtheir causes.their causes.

    FollowFollow--up activitiesup activities shall include theshall include theverification of the actions taken and theverification of the actions taken and thereporting of verification results.reporting of verification results.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 81

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Monitoring and Measurement of ProcessesMonitoring and Measurement of Processes

    Apply suitable methods for monitoring and,Apply suitable methods for monitoring and,

    where applicable, measurement of the QMSwhere applicable, measurement of the QMSprocesses.processes.

    These methods shall demonstrate the ability ofThese methods shall demonstrate the ability ofthe processes to achieve planned results.the processes to achieve planned results.

    When planned results are not achieved,When planned results are not achieved,correction and corrective action shall be takencorrection and corrective action shall be takenas appropriate to ensure conformity of theas appropriate to ensure conformity of theproduct.product.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 82

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    Monitoring and Measurement of ProductMonitoring and Measurement of Product

    Monitor and measure theMonitor and measure the productproductcharacteristicscharacteristics to verify thatto verify that productproduct

    requirementsrequirements have been met.have been met.

    This is to be carried out at appropriateThis is to be carried out at appropriate

    stages of the product realization processstages of the product realization process

    IAW the planned arrangementsIAW the planned arrangements

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 83

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Monitoring and Measurement of ProductMonitoring and Measurement of Product ContCont

    Evidence of conformityEvidence of conformity with thewith the acceptanceacceptance

    criteriacriteria shall be maintainedshall be maintainedRecords shall indicate theRecords shall indicate the person(s)person(s)authorizing release of productauthorizing release of product

    Product Release and Service DeliveryProduct Release and Service Delivery shall notshall not

    proceedproceed until the planned arrangements haveuntil the planned arrangements havebeen satisfactorily completed, unlessbeen satisfactorily completed, unless otherwiseotherwiseapproved by a relevant authorityapproved by a relevant authority and whereand whereapplicable by the customer.applicable by the customer.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 84

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:20008.3 Control of Nonconforming Product8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product

    Ensure that product whichEnsure that product which does not conformdoes not conform

    to product requirements isto product requirements is identifiedidentified andandcontrolledcontrolled to prevent its unintended use orto prevent its unintended use

    The controls and related responsibilities andThe controls and related responsibilities and

    authorities for dealing with nonconformingauthorities for dealing with nonconformingproduct shall be defined in a documentedproduct shall be defined in a documentedprocedure.procedure.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 85

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:20008.3 Control of Nonconforming Product8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product ContdContd

    Nonconforming product shall be dealt with inNonconforming product shall be dealt with in

    one or more of the following ways:one or more of the following ways:TakingTaking action to eliminateaction to eliminate the detectedthe detectednonconformity;nonconformity;

    Authorizing its useAuthorizing its use, release or acceptance under, release or acceptance under

    concession by a relevant authority and, whereconcession by a relevant authority and, whereapplicable, by the customer;applicable, by the customer;

    TakingTaking action to preclude its original intended useaction to preclude its original intended useor applicationor application

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 86

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:20008.3 Control of Nonconforming Product8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product ContdContd

    When nonconforming productWhen nonconforming product is correctedis corrected itit

    shall beshall be subject to resubject to re--verificationverification totodemonstrate conformity todemonstrate conformity to the requirements.the requirements.

    When detected after delivery or use hasWhen detected after delivery or use hasstarted,started, actions shall be takenactions shall be taken with thewith the

    nonconforming product , appropriate to thenonconforming product , appropriate to theeffects, or potential effects, of theeffects, or potential effects, of thenonconformity.nonconformity.

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 87

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product


    RecordsRecords of the nature of nonconformitiesof the nature of nonconformities

    and any subsequent actions taken,and any subsequent actions taken,

    including concessions obtained, shall beincluding concessions obtained, shall be


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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 88

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:20008.4 Analysis of Data8.4 Analysis of Data

    Determine, collect and analyze appropriateDetermine, collect and analyze appropriate

    datadata to demonstrateto demonstrate thethe suitabilitysuitability andandeffectivenesseffectiveness of the QMS andof the QMS and to evaluateto evaluatewherewhere continual improvementcontinual improvement of theof theeffectiveness of the QMS can be madeeffectiveness of the QMS can be made

    This shall include data generated as a result ofThis shall include data generated as a result ofmonitoring and measurement and from othermonitoring and measurement and from otherrelevant sourcesrelevant sources

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 89

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:20008.4 Analysis of Data8.4 Analysis of Data ContdContd

    Analysis of Data shall provide informationAnalysis of Data shall provide information

    relating to:relating to:Customer satisfaction;Customer satisfaction;

    Conformity to product requirements;Conformity to product requirements;

    Characteristics and trends of processes andCharacteristics and trends of processes and

    products including opportunities for preventiveproducts including opportunities for preventive



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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 90

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    8.5 Improvement8.5 Improvement

    Continual ImprovementContinual ImprovementCorrective ActionCorrective Action

    Preventive ActionPreventive Action

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    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 91

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Continual ImprovementContinual Improvement

    Continually improve the effectiveness of theContinually improve the effectiveness of the

    QMS through the use of the:QMS through the use of the:Quality PolicyQuality Policy;;

    Quality ObjectivesQuality Objectives;;

    Audit ResultsAudit Results;;

    Analysis of DataAnalysis of Data;;Corrective & Preventive ActionsCorrective & Preventive Actions

    Management ReviewManagement Review

  • 8/3/2019 ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep


    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 92

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    Corrective ActionCorrective Action

    Actions takenActions taken to eliminate the causeto eliminate the cause ofof

    nonconformity in order tononconformity in order to preventprevent


    They shall be appropriate to the effects ofThey shall be appropriate to the effects of

    the nonconformities encountered.the nonconformities encountered.

  • 8/3/2019 ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep


    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 93

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Corrective ActionCorrective Action-- ContdContd

    A documented procedure shall be establishedA documented procedure shall be established

    to define requirements for:to define requirements for:Reviewing nonconformities (including CustomerReviewing nonconformities (including CustomerComplaints);Complaints);

    Determining the causes of nonconformities;Determining the causes of nonconformities;

    Evaluating the need for action to ensure thatEvaluating the need for action to ensure that

    nonconformities do not recur;nonconformities do not recur;Determining & implementing action needed;Determining & implementing action needed;

    Reviewing corrective action taken;Reviewing corrective action taken;

    Records of results of action taken.Records of results of action taken.

  • 8/3/2019 ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep


    10/10/2003 ISO-9001:2000 Requirements 94

    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000

    Preventive ActionPreventive Action

    Actions takenActions taken to eliminate the causeto eliminate the cause ofof

    potentialpotential nonconformities in order tononconformities in order to

    prevent their occurrenceprevent their occurrence

    They shall be appropriate to the effects ofThey shall be appropriate to the effects of

    thethe potential problemspotential problems..

  • 8/3/2019 ISO-9001 2K Requirements 101003 Dep


    Measurement, Analysis &Measurement, Analysis &

    Improvement per ISOImprovement per ISO--9001:20009001:2000Preventive ActionPreventive Action ContdContd

    A documented procedure shall be establishedA documented procedure shall be established

    to define requirements for:to define requirements for:Determining potential nonconformities and theirDetermining potential nonconformities and theircauses;causes;

    Evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrenceEvaluating the need for action to prevent occurrence

    of nonconformities;of nonconformities;Determining & implementing action needed;Determining & implementing action needed;

    Reviewing preventive action taken;Reviewing preventive action taken;

    Records of the results of action taken.Records of the results of action taken.