ISIS 2015. Islamic State militants bulldoze ancient Nimrud city Archaeologists round the world have...

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ISIS 2015

Islamic State militants bulldoze ancient Nimrud city

Archaeologists round the world have warned that Islamic State jihadists are attempting to destroy all traces of ancient civilisations across territory they control after they took bulldozers to the capital of the biblical kingdom of Assyria, Nimrud. The Iraqi government said the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant fighters arrived on Thursday night at Nimrud, and began looting and levelling the site. "Daesh terrorist gangs continue to defy the will of the world and the feelings of humanity," its antiquities ministry said, referring to Isil by its Arabic acronym. "In a new crime in their series of reckless offences they assaulted the ancient city of Nimrud and bulldozed it with heavy machinery, appropriating the archaeological attractions dating back 13 centuries BC."

Daily Telegraph, March 6, 2015



Nimrod began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before (against) the LORD.: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the might hunter before (against) the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom with Babel…


(Genesis 10:8-10)

ISIS cause death and destruction wherever they go. Merciless killings, beheadings and crucifixions. They slaughter man, woman and child. They also try to erase anything that they say are idols. This often involves destroying ancient sites and buildings.This week ISIS bulldozed the ancient city of Nimrud. Nimrud is a city in Iraq. Archaeologists believe that the city was given the name Nimrud in modern times after Nimrod who is mentioned in the Bible. Nimrod established the first kingdom on earth – the kingdom of Babel based in the plain of Shinar (modern day Iraq). It was the first kingdom of men. It was where the famous tower of Babel was built which God destroyed. Babel was home of false worship and godless human pride. God’s antidote to Babel was Israel. God called out Abraham from that very godless kingdom. God led him to Canaan (Israel) and a new kingdom was eventually established through him. Israel will one day overcome all the kingdoms of men. God will prevail….

Two rockets fired from Egypt's violence-plagued Sinai Peninsula exploded inside Israeli territory on Friday without causing casualties."Two rockets fired from Sinai struck southern Israel, but without causing casualties or material damage," the spokesman said, without elaborating. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant jihadist group's affiliate in Egypt, "Sinai Province", said it had fired three Grad rockets at Israel. It said this was in retaliation for alleged Israeli support for Egypt's armed forces on Wednesday when the jihadists attacked army checkpoints in northern Sinai. Egypt is reeling from a string of deadly attacks by Isil on its security forces in the Sinai. Jihadists led by Isil have killed scores of troops, challenging President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's efforts to restore security and economic stability.

Daily Telegraph, July 3, 2015



They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: …; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot


This week ISIS launched a full-scale military offensive, starting with mortar fire and suicide bombings against five Egyptian military checkpoints in the Sinai Peninsula.In a fierce 10-hour battle for the town of Ramadi, at least 200 Egyptian soldiers, terrorists and civilians were killed. Egypt responded by deploying F-16 warplanes to bombard ISIS fighters. And so ISIS has moved ominously close to Israel’s borders.Then two days later rockets were fired at Israel by ISIS. Though no one was hurt and there was no material damage how long will it be before Israel is itself at war with this group? ISIS is unmerciful to fellow Muslims – what would they be like to Jews…ISIS was spawned out of the ruins of Iraq. Their main territory covers the same territory as the ancient Assyrians. And they behave in the same way as well. In Psalm 83 we read of Assur helping Israel’s surrounding neighbours who want to destroy Israel. Assur is actually Assyria. ISIS may be the fulfilment of Assur in this context.

Islamic State claims it fired rockets at Israel

(Psalm 83:4-8)


ISIS extends reach to Russia

The Islamic State has expanded its reach to Russia after it declared a governorate in the country's North Caucasus region last week, opening a new front in the competition between ISIS and al-Qaeda for the top post in the world's jihadist movement. According to the Institute for the Study of War, ISIS has declared a governorate called Wilayat Qawqaz (Caucasus) on June 23 following a pledge of allegiance to ISIS by some senior militants in the Muslim-dominated area. "ISIS has been setting conditions to establish this governorate in support of its regional expansion campaign since at least January 2015. ISIS's statements and actions over the next few weeks will indicate whether the organisation intends to launch operations through its new Caucasus affiliate, or whether it simply intends to use the pledge as an opportunity to assert its global vitality and reach," said the Institute.

Institute for the study of war, July 1, 2015



Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. I will send him against an hypocritical nation, and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the prey,


(Isaiah 10:5-6)

Not only is ISIS pushing south into Northern Africa and Egypt but it is also pushing north. The Islamic State group announced the creation of its northernmost province this week, after accepting a formal pledge of allegiance from former al Qaeda militants in the North Caucasus region of Russia. ISIS has now declared it has provinces in nine countries outside Iraq and Syria.

The Caucasus region is interesting because it is a land bridge from southern Russia through to Israel. Russia does not like having threats on its southern border. It has launched wars with Chechnya and Georgia in recent years. Last year ISIS threatened that it would come to Russia to free Chechnya. If ISIS do stir up trouble in this area Putin will not stand by. We see therefore ISIS pushing towards Russia and Israel.

These latter day Assyrians have surely been raised up to bring about Armageddon …

Britain could launch Isil air strikes in Syria

Britain could launch air strikes against Isil in Syria within months after Labour signalled that it is prepared to back the Conservatives in the wake of the Tunisia terrorist attack.The Conservatives are preparing to put the issue to a vote despite a backlash from some Tory back-benchers, who have warned that military action could bolster the regime of Bashar al-Assad, the Syria dictator. David Cameron has said that Isil must be "crushed" in its Syrian heartland, adding that a "full spectrum" response is needed.Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, said that the government will only put air strikes in Syria to to a vote in Parliament if it can secure "sufficient consensus".Vernon Coaker, the shadow defence secretary, said that Labour "stands ready to work with the government" to defeat Isil and will carefully assess any proposals.Mr Cameron is likely to wait until after Labour appoints a new leader in September, however, to ensure he can rely on the support of its MPs.

Daily Telegraph, July 2, 2015



Then at the time of the end, the king of the south will push the king of the north. The king of the north will storm out with chariots, charioteers, and a vast navy. He will invade various lands and sweep through them like a flood. He will enter the glorious land of Israel The king of the south = US/UK . The king of the north = Russia. There is push from the king of the south against the king of the north.

Last week saw a terrible attack on a beach in Tunisia. 30 British tourists were massacred by a gunman inspired by ISIS. Isis claimed responsibility for the attack aimed at Western tourists and claimed it was only the “first drop of the rain”.This has in turn spurred the UK government to reconsider launching airstrikes on Syria to attack ISIS bases there. The UK came very close before to attacking the Assad regime but the government lost a vote to do so. However it looks like the UK’s involvement in attacking parts of Syria is back on the agenda. This will be highly sensitive for Russia who previously blocked any attack on Syria. What is certain is that events are moving quickly now with ISIS pushing in so many directions…


(Daniel 11:40)


ISIS threat 'nothing' compared to nuclear Iran

As the Iranian nuclear negotiations teeter on the brink, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is saying the world has more to fear from a nuclear-capable Iran than ISIS terrorists. The statement comes after the jihadists threatened to “uproot” the Jewish state. Netanyahu’s statement was made on Thursday, as the talks over Iran’s nuclear program held in Vienna showed no clear sign of progressing to a solution acceptable to all sides. The Israeli PM, famous for showing a cartoon with a bomb at the UN to illustrate his fears, made the warning during a visit to Israel’s cyber park in Beersheba.He sent his condolences to Egypt for the recent terrorist attacks in Sinai that killed dozens of troops, along with nearly 100 attackers, and that the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) claimed responsibility for. Having declared that the two countries are partners in the fight against the terrorist group, Netanyahu went on to claim that its actions are “nothing” compared to the prospect of a nuclear Iran.

RT, July 3, 2015



A grievous vision is declared unto me; the treacherous dealer dealeth treacherously, and the spoiler spoileth. Go up, O Elam: besiege, O Media; all the sighing thereof have I made to cease. Therefore are my loins filled with pain: pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman that travaileth:


July 7th is now the new deadline to reach agreement with Iran. It’s not just Israel that is deeply concerned about a possible deal. Many in America are also alarmed at Obama’s appeasement of this state that backs terrorism and seeks Israel’s destruction.As one writer put it – this deal would be the worst agreement in US diplomatic history. If the deal proceeds Iran would get an upfront signing bonus of $150bn! That’s 25 times the annual budget of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. The Bible says that there will be a treacherous dealer in Iran at the time of the end. It also says Iran will create great destruction and destroy many. Obama does not realise the role Iran will play in the future – but God does. God foretold in his Word that Iran would be stirred up and come against Israel with Russia at the time of the end.

(Isaiah 21:2-3)

Palmyra's Temple of Bel destroyed by ISIS, says UN

Something incalculably precious has been wiped off the face of the Earth. Satellite photos have confirmed that the temple of Bel, a monument that for almost 2,000 years had stood resplendent amid the ruins of Palmyra, is no more. Scholars had been dreading the worst since the fighters of Islamic State annexed the ancient city back in May. The temple of Bel was a monument fit to be ranked alongside the Parthenon or the Pantheon as one of the supreme architectural treasures to have survived from classical antiquity. It was dedicated in 32AD, at a time when Tiberius ruled the empire, and Jesus still walked the Earth. The god to whom it was dedicated, though, was older by far than the Pax Romana. “Bel” in Akkadian meant “Lord”, and as such it was a title the Babylonians in their own imperial heyday had bestowed upon Marduk, the deity who reigned as their lord of lords.

BBC News, September 1, 2015



Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her: Then the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein, shall sing for Babylon: for the spoilers shall come unto her from the north, saith the LORD.


(Jeremiah 51:47-48)

This week ISIS destroyed the Temple of Bel in Syria. Bel is mentioned in the Bible 3 times. In Strong’s concordance is says Bel means Lord and was the chief Babylonian deity. Bel is actually none other than Baal which also means Lord. Baal was the title given to Nimrod himself who set himself up as a god on earth. Someone to be worshiped. He established the very first kingdom of men on earth in Babylon.We read in Jeremiah 50:2 that “Bel is confounded” – which means withered or dried up. We also read “her images are broken in pieces”. It is amazing that the graven images of Babylon are being physically destroyed by ISIS. Jeremiah 51:47 speaks of this happening. These are signs that Babylon (both political and religious) are about to come to an end. To watch a Christadelphian video on this please click here

Germany's lower house of parliament on Friday approved government plans to join the military campaign against Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) in Syria.Of the 598 politicians who took part in the vote, 445 voted for, 146 against and seven abstained. The mission will include sending six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to help protect the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, refuelling aircraft and up to 1,200 military personnel. Germany will not join countries like Britain, France, the United States and Russia in conducting air strikes. The green light for the mission that could become Germany's biggest deployment abroad comes three weeks after jihadists killed 130 people in a series of attacks in Paris. The atrocities prompted France to invoke a clause requiring EU states to provide military assistance to wipe out Isil in Iraq and Syria.

Daily Telegraph, December 4, 2015



The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. The beast here is the 4th Reich – the revived Holy Roman Empire led by Germany


In the same week Germany has also answered the call to join the war. Unlike the UK, Germany will not actually attack Syria but instead will support those nations who are attacking. This is interesting because Germany has another leading role to play in the future. Germany is the head of the beast. The beast spoken of in Revelation 17 that rises out of the bottomless pit is the 4th Reich. The Holy Roman Empire was ruled over by German kings. It was known as the first Reich (Empire). That came to an end with events of the French Revolution. Next came the Germanic Empire - the 2nd Reich. That came to an end with WW1. Next came Hitler and the 3rd Reich. That came to an end with WW2. Coming soon will be the 4th Reich. It will rise out of the European Union and be led by Germany as all the others were. But the beast (4 th Reich) will make war against a returned Christ and the judged saints. Germany’s role is reserved for that.

Germany joins fight against Isil after parliament approves military action in Syria

(Revelation 17:8)

Britain to support newly-formed Muslim nations' 'ground army' against Isil

Britain faced the prospect of being dragged further into the war in Syria on Tuesday night, as it was poised to support a newly-formed "ground army" from Muslim nations who could attack Isil within weeks. The coalition of 34 largely Sunni Muslim nations on Tuesday night said it was planning to send special forces into Syria to help defeat Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. British forces, alongside the United States and other Nato allies, are already bombing Isil in both Iraq and Syria, but military sources said they would have to provide command and control, intelligence and air support to troops from the new coalition. On Tuesday night Downing Street welcomed the proposals from the Gulf-led nations but declined to comment on military support.British military sources told the Telegraph that while the UK would not provide boots on the ground, they were on standby to provide air support and "command and control".

Daily Telegraph, December 15, 2015



Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: The vacuum created is mentioned in Isaiah 17. After Damascus falls many people rush in the void that is left. Saudi is preparing for this.

And here we have Tarshish (Britain) joining the Saudi Arabia alliance! Notice how the Saudi alliance is forming a ground army. Where will this ground army go? We are told to attack ISIS. But where is ISIS? Answer – Iraq and Syria. So now we have an invasion (supported by Britain) by Saudi Arabia – using ground troops into Syria.But of course the stated aim of Saudi Arabia is for Assad to be removed. So any incursion into Syria by Saudi Arabia will hugely anger Iran (and Russia). Analysts believe that the Saudis and their Sunni Muslim allies would also be intent on preventing any vacuum being filled by the Bashar al-Assad regime. We can now see how the roadmap to Syrian peace is doomed to fail. Far from the situation getting calmer we see more and more nations getting involved.


(Isaiah 17:12-13)