Is Your Digital Marketing Company Asleep at the Wheel? An SEO Horror Story.

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Is Your Digital Marketing Company Asleep at the Wheel? An SEO Horror Story.

December 2014 |

Johnson ManufacturingSEO and PPC Audit

Basic Questions

Just Some Background Questions

• Status of current website?• Goal of the website? Role in the sales process?• Staffing roles? Sales process?• Value of a lead?• Other vendors in the mix? Web company? CMS?• Past customer cultivation tactics?• Anything new/different for 2015?


Analytics Findings – SEO 101

• Demographics not set up. This feature gives us ages, genders, interests, and more.

• Only four goals set up. Plenty of opportunity to track more conversions, such as: Contact Us, Email us, Request Specific Equipment, etc.

• Huge potential revenue for a mobile site

Analytics Findings – SEO 101

• No Analytics on blog = no SEO credit.• No use of schema, the language of search engines.• Sitemap needs to be in XML, not ASPX.• Should have a filter set up that looks at US-only traffic.• Blog and website should NOT be considered referral traffic.d

Very Fast Time to Purchase

Search Plays Critical Role in Sales

Of 1,377 transactions since 10/1/14, 27% come from organic search, 16% paid, 28% returning customers.

Search Plays Critical Role in Sales

Over past two months, search has played a key role in 60% of sales.

Anemic Growth in Organic Traffic, 2013 vs. 2014

Paid Search Audit

PPC Findings

• All changes are being made by automated BBM software.• No use of paid-specific landing pages• Untended alerts have ignored opportunities• Not coordinating actual search queries with paid keywords –

3 of the top 4 matched search queries aren’t in your actual paid keywords

PPC Findings

• Remarketing? Display ads?• Do you want to be limited by budget on these campaigns?

Why Rockit Results?

Big Agencies Rockit ResultsOne of 10+ Clients One of 3-5 clientsNo transparency on work Complete transparency on workMassive team with lots of turnover No turnoverRarely Visits Commit to several days per month

on siteStrict limit on hours spent on your account

No limit to hours spent

Contact InfoMatt Fieldman, or (866) 480-9002