Is there a difference between: O TheatRE O TheatER.

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Is there a difference between: O TheatRE O TheatER.

Is there a difference between:

OTheatRE OTheatER

According to those who practice itTheate


eO A building where

performances or movies happen.

O The stuff that happens there.

O The foundation of Theatre is Dramatic Literature.

O Dramatic Literature is unique in the sense that it is meant not just to be READ but to be SEEN

Introduction to Theatre

Why we study it, and what it takes to practice the art form.

What power does Theatre have?

O Theatre can be the study of History.O Theatre can be a form of

communication.O Theatre can be educational.O Theatre can be pure entertainment.

Pair and Share

OGet with a partner and brainstorm a list of:OJobs in the Theatre

What are the habits of mind of theatre practitioners?O ResearchingO SourcingO ReconstructingO ContextualizingO VisualizingO Creating

ResearchingO Investigating the cultural and/or

historical aspects of a situation or a script.

O This can include:O Historical EventsO ClothingO ArchitectureO Societal Influences

SourcingO Evaluating the perspective of the

playwright, and analyzing the intent of their work.

O Why did they write the play?O What are they trying to say?

ReconstructingO Adopting the mind set of a character.O Connecting to the mindset of the


ContextualizingO Evaluating the play in regards to:

O The time it was writtenO The time it is setO The time is to be performed

VisualizingO Creating a mental image of the world

created by the play.

CreatingO Crafting a tangible product from the


What do these things mean to the various jobs we’ve already mentioned?

O ResearchingO SourcingO ReconstructingO ContextualizingO VisualizingO Creating