IS 360 Web Site Design. Slide 2 Overview Types of Web Site Organization.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of IS 360 Web Site Design. Slide 2 Overview Types of Web Site Organization.

IS 360Web Site Design

Slide 2

Overview Types of Web Site Organization

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Types of Web Site Organization Hierarchical

Pages nested under pages nested under pages

Shallow or deep hierarchies Linear

A sequence of steps (Similar to a Microsoft Wizard)

Random No clear path through the application A directed graph

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Navigation (Best Practices) Do use breadcrumbs

Where are we in the hierarchy Do use navigation bars (menus)

Horizontal / vertical / or both Do create a link to get home

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Page Layout (Best Practices) Do keep pages short If pages get long, do create named

anchors to implement a table of contents

Do create site maps

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Page Design (Best Practices) Do use a consistent design throughout

the site CSS helps with this

Make sure visual items have adequate contrast

Group related items together

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Page Design (Best Practices) Minimize load time by

Paying attention to graphics resolution Keeping pages as small as possible Content “above the fold” Put important material at the upper left

side of the page Avoid horizontal scrolling Do use adequate whitespace

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Page Design (Best Practices) Color

It depends on the target audience Usually, use light background and dark

text colors Browser independent

Try to support the widest range of browsers

More later Design for the lowest denominator

(screen resolution)

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Page Design (Worst Practices) Mystery Meat navigation A list of big mistakes

Oh my ###

Too much

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Design Styles (Introduction) There are several and I’ll go way beyond

your book (Ice, Jello, Liquid) These are well-known design styles Each has their plusses and minuses

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Organization of Colors Three Primary Colors

Red, Green, Blue In print, we use CMYK Relationships

Complimentary colors live at opposite sides of the color wheel

Analogous colors are located next to each other

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Color Groups (1) Warm colors evoke warmth (red, yellow,

orange) Red symbolizes fire, power, and passion Orange symbolizes happiness, joy and

sunshine Not as aggressive as red

Bright yellow is happy but dingy yellow brings about caution, laziness and jealousy

Neutral colors don’t evoke much emotion (grey, brown)

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Color Groups (2) Cool colors are (blue, green and purple)

Green symbolizes growth, harmony, and money OR

Beginner, greed jealousy Blue is peaceful and calming (stability,

trust, dependability) Purple brings about feelings of wealth and


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Black It’s not part of the color wheel Black is the absence of color

Evokes feelings of power, sophistication and depth

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Layouts (1) Absolute

Everything is displayed using absolute measurements (cm, in)

Use for printer-friendly style sheets Relative

Layout adjusts in size based on the browser’s viewport size

Fixed Similar to absolute

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Layouts (2) Elastic

Content is of a fixed width Gutters appear to the left and right to fill

available space Liquid

Use percentage measurements for everything

The total opposite of fixed layout Equated

Requires CSS3 (calc function) A hybrid between fixed and relative layout

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Layouts (3) Fluid Min-Max

We set up hard minimum and maximum widths

Conditional Serve different styles based on the

viewport width and height Popular with mobile devices


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Text Design Don’t use obscure fonts Do use sans serif fonts Be aware that font sizes differ between

browsers Keep links short

Don’t link entire phrases or sentences

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Graphics Design Do use the 216 Web colors

Low resolution configurations will not render other colors correctly

In practice, this is not much of a problem anymore

Keep images as small as possible ADA

Use alternate text for images Limit animations

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Performance A shopper expects a page to load in 2

seconds or less (Forrester Consulting) Amazon found that it increased revenue

by 1% for every 100 milliseconds of improvement. [Source: Amazon]


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Methodologies The 960 Grid System

Uses 12 or 16 column We don’t write the CSS. Use the grids

created by Nathan Smith The 1140 Grid System for wide screen

monitors We often use these to fit fixed-size ads.

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A 12 Column Grid

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A 16 Column Grid