Irish Activities in Energy Efficiency: Prof. J. Owen Lewis, Chief Executive, Sustainable Energy...

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Irish Activities in Energy Efficiency: By Prof. J. Owen Lewis, Chief Executive, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Transcript of Irish Activities in Energy Efficiency: Prof. J. Owen Lewis, Chief Executive, Sustainable Energy...

Irish Activities in Energy Efficiency

Prof J Owen Lewis

Chief Executive SEAI

Alliance to Save Energy

Driving Energy Efficiency as the Next Big Thing

Capitol Hill, Washington DC, 4 October 2011

SEAI Vision and Mission

• Ireland a recognised global leader in sustainable energy, a society that is fully engaged in the sustainable energy agenda and an economy that is fully exploiting the global opportunities in clean, low-carbon solutions

• SEAI mission is to play a leading role in the transformation of Ireland to a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices

Key SEAI priorities

• Energy efficiency first: implementing strong energy efficiency actions that radically reduce energy intensity and usage

• Low carbon energy sources: accelerating the development and adoption of technologies to exploit renewable energy sources

• Innovation and integration: supporting evidence-based responses that engage all actors, supporting innovation and enterprise for our low-carbon future

National contextImport dependencyIreland and EU 1990-2010Ireland 2010

National Energy Efficiency Action Plan

Gap to target addressed by Better Energy

Total identified savings (28 actions)


20% National Target 31,925

Gap to target 8,195 GWh















Energy savings potential by sector


Benefits of building energy efficiency

Fewer energy subsidies

Reduced energy infrastructure costs

Reduced emissions

Health dividend

Local employment

Improved community appearance

Local spending

Higher property values

Social dividend

Better Energy programme –potential benefits

• 8000 GWh

• 2.3 Mt CO2

• Net societal benefit of around €6 billion

• 5000+ jobs supported• Reduced exposure to

future price increases• Increased


1 million building upgrades

across the residential, commercial and public

sectors by 2020

Programme aims

• Unlock significant energy efficiency potential by enabling owners and

occupiers of existing buildings to be more energy efficient

• Protect the energy poor

• Generate employment

• Improve energy security and environmental performance

• Address accredited supply chain, skills, business models in market-

based programme

• Engage a wider range of market players under one brand

• Explore new ways of financing energy efficiency

• promote whole life appraisal

• engage financial institutions, ESCOs, energy utilities

Better Energy Homes

• Over 150,000 homes have completed upgrade works

• Spending over €300m in total

• Saving 300 GWh in 2010 alone

• Supporting 5,000 jobs

• Benefiting Government through PAYE, VAT and Corporation Tax

Technology Conversion rateCavity 82%Roof Insulation 79%Dry-Lining Insulation 56%High Efficiency Gas with Controls Upgrade 73%High Efficiency Oil with Controls Upgrade 54%External Insulation 70%Heating Controls Upgrade only 54%

Cost Benefit AnalysisHES:Every euro spent by SEAI delivers €5 net benefit to societySME:Every euro spent by SEAI delivers €15 net benefit to society

2050 Roadmap

Average dwelling energy intensity

Better Energy Homes

• Optimal level of improvement ~50% -or twice what leading retrofit programmes now achieve

• Demands comprehensive, ‘whole-building’ approach

• Averaging min 5% annual residential market penetration

• “no jurisdiction currently reaching even 2% per annum” RAP May 2011

Climate and building characteristics alone don’t determine energy demand -occupant behaviour and socio-economic factors are important componentsSteemers & Yun 2009

Better Energy Workplaces examples

Energy Efficient Design (EED)•Eli Lilly Kinsale undertook EED project

- realised €600k+ annual energy savings

- payback two years

Heat Recovery•Green Isle Foods heat recovery project on refrigeration

-generates all hot water requirements for cleaning

-reduces gas requirement by over 80%

The Challenge –and Responses

Developments in the Market

Energy Suppliers Partners/Accumulators New Emergents Horizontal Diversification Communities

POLICY MARKETTransformation

Moving along the Value Chain


Driving Quality

Establish new norms in construction Research is key Build good customer experiences

New market offers

Further development in the offerings to the consumer


• Opportunity for fresh thinking• Joined-up industry, business,

agencies, Government• Re-invent construction• Focus on consumer• Only one chance

…and we must do it right!• Lots of work –more than most

imagine• Rewards will be great


“The next great industry will be Energy Technology.” -Thomas Friedman, New York Times

“This may sound too good to be true, but the US has a renewable energy resource that is perfectly clean, remarkably cheap, surprisingly abundant and immediately available .... This miracle juice goes by the distinctly boring name of energy efficiency.”

-Michael Grunwald, ‘America’s Untapped Energy Resource’, Time Magazine

Lifecycle Carbon Minus -Misawa Homes

Thank You