IPv6 Host Configuration

Post on 19-Jan-2017

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Transcript of IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 Host Configuration

Deepak Sharma Network Engineer

Indian Institute of Technology KanpurKanpur INDIA

IPv6 on Windows

Available:- For NT4 Beta Version(Microsoft REsearch)- For Win2000 technology preview (Windows 2000 IPv6 -

SP3/IE IPv6 enabler)- Windows XP – you can install- Windows .Net server 2003 – you can install

Supported features:- Autoconfiguration, IPv4 tunnel, 6to4 tunnel, 6to4 relay,

ISATAP tunnel, IPSec (manual Keying)

IPv6 Host Configuration

Windows XP -1

● Installing (after SP1 You can install from network module installer)

● ipv6 install● You are ready !

● Autoconfiguration is working● ipv6 if 4● Ipconfig eg.

IPv6 Host Configuration

Windows XP -2

C:\Documents and Settings\deepak>ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:e30:1401:2:d46e:b891:3082:b939

IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : fe80::202:b3ff:fe3e:12b6%6

Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :


IPv6 Host Configuration

Windows XP -3

● Manual address configuration.● to configure the global address use netsh interface ipv6 add address InterfaceNameOrIndex IPv6Address

● Eg. netsh interface ipv6 add address "Local Area Connection" 2001:e30:14001:1::10

● To change address use netsh interface ipv6 set address● To remove address use netsh interface ipv6 delete


IPv6 Host Configuration

Windows XP -4

● Applications supported :● ping6, tracert6, pathping● All Wininet.dll based applications eg. ftp, telnet,

IExplorer● www.threedegrees.com – instant messaging +

p2p stream sharing● More Windows applications for downloads at


IPv6 Host Configuration

Windows 2003 Server - 1● Windows 2003 of course also includes IPv6 support out of the

box. But it still isn't switched on by default. Next to the command line option to install IPv6, this version of Windows also includes the option to install the IPv6 protocol through the graphical user interface.

● IPv6 is installed by opening the network properties of the current LAN connection. The tab "General" includes the functionality to install additional network protocols. Just click on "Install" and search for "Microsoft TCP/IP Version 6" in the list of protocols. Select it and click "Ok". IPv6 is now installed and enabled.

● Uninstallation of IPv6 works just like with any other network protocol. Just select it in the list of installed protocols and click "Uninstall".

IPv6 Host Configuration

Windows 2003 Server - 2

all configuration options for IPv6 have been included into the normal netsh command. All interface specific IPv6 options as well as ISATAP and 6to4 configuration settings are accessed through :

- c:\ netsh interface ipv6 ?- File/print sharing-et (site-local) supported over IPv6- IIS and media server also support IPv6

IPv6 Host Configuration

Further Information

● Further Information.http://www.microsoft.com/ipv6

● For New Networking Features in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2


IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 on Linux

● Supported:● autoconfiguration, IPv4 tunnel, 6to4● Since Kernel 2.2.x recommended at lease 2.4.8

IPv6 Host Configuration

Fedora Redhat

● Enabling gloabal IPv6 support:/etc/sysconfig/network file: NETWORKING_IPV6=“YES”

● Enabling IPv6 support on a particular interface:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-etho file: IPV6INIT=“yes”

● Configure IPv6 interface address:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-etho file:

IPV6ADDR=“2001:e30:DEAD:BEEF”● Default Gateway:

/etc/sysconfig/network file: IPV6_DEFAULTGW=IPv6 address[%interface]● Default route configuration:

/etc/sysconfig/static-routes-ipv6 file:

eth0 2001::/3 3ffe:ffff:1234:0002:0:0:0:1

IPv6 Host Configuration

Fedora Redhat

● ifconfig[root@mail sysconfig]# ifconfig

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:12:79:95:D2:1B

inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

inet6 addr: 2001:e30:1400:1:212:79ff:fe95:d21b/64 Scope:Global

inet6 addr: fe80::212:79ff:fe95:d21b/64 Scope:Link


RX packets:2088779 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

TX packets:123384 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

RX bytes:1243359878 (1.1 GiB) TX bytes:14476453 (13.8 MiB)


IPv6 Host Configuration

Fedora Redhat

● Applications.ping6, traceroute6, tcpdump, tracepath6, apache, bind, imp(xinetd), sendmail, openssh, telnet, ftp, mozilla, lynx, wget, kde, xchat, postfix, exim, sylpheed……..

IPv6 Host Configuration

Fedora Redhat

● Further Information:http://www.bieringer.de/linux/IPv6/http://www.hs247.comhttp://linux-ipv6.orghttp://www.ipv6.ernet.inhttp://www.iitk.ernet.in/ipv6

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 Server Configuration

Indian Institute of Technology KanpurKanpur INDIA


● Bind is available on the following url http://www.isc.org/prodcts/BIND/

● The configuration files of bind are :/etc/named.conf/var/named/zonefiles

IPv6 Host Configuration


● The default behaviour of bind is that it listens by default on IPv4 requests only. To have bind listen to IPv6 requests as well, the following configuration statements must be added in named.conf:options {

listen-on {any; }; listen-onv6 {any; };


IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 DNS A sample /etc/named.conf file//// named.conf for Red Hat caching-nameserver//

options { directory "/var/named"; dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db"; statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";listen-on-v6 { any; };query-source address * port 53;};zone "iitk.ipv6.ernet.in" { type master; file "hosts.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in"; allow-query {any;}; allow-transfer {any;};

};zone "0.3.e." { type master; file "reverse-2001-0e30_32.IP6.ARPA";};

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 DNS A sample zone file

$TTL 86400$ORIGIN iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.@ IN SOA ns.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in. navi@iitk.ac.in. ( 2005031701 ; serial 3H ; refresh 15M ; retry 1W ; expiry 1D ) ; minimum

IN NS ns.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.; IN NS ns.iitk.ernet.in IN MX 10 mail.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.;*.ipv6.ernet.in. IN MX 0 mail.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.$ORIGIN iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.proxy IN A IN A IN AAAA 2001:e30:1400:1:212:79ff:fe95:d21bns IN CNAME mail

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 DNS A sample reverse zone file$TTL 3d ; Default TTL@ IN SOA 0.3.e. navi.iitk.ac.in. ( 200503160 ; Serial number (YYYYMMdd) 24h ; Refresh time 30m ; Retry time 2d ; Expire time 3d ; Default TTL) ; Name server entries IN NS ns.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.; IPv6 PTR entries

; Subnet #1 IIT - Kanpur$ORIGIN

b.1.2.d.5.9.e.f.f.f. IN PTR mail.iitk.ipv6.ernet.in.

; Subnet #2 ERNET Delhi$ORIGIN

3.0.2.f.5.9.e.f.f.f. IN PTR mail.eis.ipv6.ernet.in.; End of zone file.

Hint: IPv6 Reverse DNS Zone Builder for BIND 8/9 http://www.fpsn.net/tools&tool=ipv6-inaddr

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 DNS More in depth:

The IPv6 DNS resolution is independent from the protocol used for transport of DNS requests. For example it is possible to use IPv4 to request AAAA records.

The hosts choose a server based on the DNS address server given in the /etc/resolv.conf file. If the address of the name server in the /etc/resolv.conf is an Ipv6 one, then the hosts will make only IPv6 DNS requests.

For PCs under Windows (2000 and XP), it is not possible to use Ipv6 for DNS transport.

IPv6 Host Configuration


Test the DNS server using:nslookup -type=AAAA hostname

ping6 –H addressv6

traceroute6 addressv6

hosts –t or dig

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6/v4 Dual Stack web server The server configuration has no diference with the classical set up

of an IPv4 server. The main configuration file is in the directory /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

The admin also has to specify the addresses and ports on which ther serverlistens, for example:

Listen [2001:e30::DEAD:BEEF]:80Listen 80

Many other parameters can be added to configure the dual stack web server. The server can then be configured without taking into account the IP protocol version.

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6/v4 Dual Stack web server

To test the web server installed, we can use any IPv6 enabled web client. There are many browsers already availble with an Ipv6 support. Mozilla, Opera or Konqueror can be used for example on computers with UNIX. For windows, IE now fully supports IPv6.

The IPv6 support in Mozilla is automatic. To be sure that Ipv6 is used for communication with a dual stack web server, it is possible to add the IPv6 addres in url using the textual format with the brackets.

Eg. http://[2001:e30::DEAD:BEEF]

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 Mail Most used SMTP servers support IPv6. Sendmail

(http://www.sendmail.org) that supports IPv6 since release 8.10, Exim (http://www.exim.org ) from release 4.10 and Postfix (http://www.postfix.org ) can be patched to support IPv6.

Over the years, Sendmail has matured to the point that every feature available with IPv4 can now also be used with IPv6, for example, transfer to and from an IPv6-enabled host or server, filtering, and redirection.

We have used sendmail-8.12.11-4.6 for this Task.

IPv6 Host Configuration

IPv6 Mail

Edit your sendmail.cf located in /etc/mail directory Uncomment The following lines with the appropriate

IPv6 interface address just below the section SMTP daemon options DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Name=MTA-v4, Family=inet, Name=MTA-v6, Family=inet6')dnl

Run “make –C /etc/mail” command to compile sendmail.mc file.

Restart or HUP sendmail and watch for errors Test your smtp server using telnet ::1 25

IPv6 Host Configuration


IPv6 IMAP an POP have been supported by many MTA’s eg. UW Imap, Courier Imap, Cyrus Imap, Dovecot, Popper etc.

For our testings we have used Dovecot IMAP Server.

Simply edit /etc/dovecot.conf file and add these two lines

imap_listen = [::]

pop3_listen = [::]

IPv6 Host Configuration


Simply restart the dovecot demon and test your IPv6 IMAP or POP3 server by using and IPv6 compliant MUA.

There are still few IPv6 enabled SMTP, POP3 and IMAP clients. Sylpheed is a client with a graphical interface under Unix & windows that supports all these features since release 0.4.4. More info about this software can be found at http://sylpheed.good-day.net/index.cgi.en

IPv6 Host Configuration


Some Ipv6 NTP servers already exist. NTP is very important as time is required for most management functions (logs, one way delay calculation….).

There is an list of IPv6 NTP servers available at: http://eng.hexago.com/services/ntp.shtml

An IPv6 release of ntpdate can be found at the following url:http://www.viagenie.qc.ca/en/ipv6/ntpv6

IPv6 Host Configuration


IPv6 Host Configuration


IPv6 Host Configuration