IPSF SEP Travel Guide, First Edition 2014-15

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Your Personal SEP Travel Guide by IPSF

Transcript of IPSF SEP Travel Guide, First Edition 2014-15

SEP Travel Guideyour personalTravel Guide by IPSF

First Edition 2014-15

1. Prepare in advance all your important documentation and check their validity:-Passport or/and ID, Health I n s u r a n c eStudent Card: In some countries you can get discounts and free entry to museums, galleries, etc! Some banks offer it as prepaid card, so you can use it for shopping.

2. Before leaving, scan your ID and other documents and send it to yourself via email. Replacement procedure way simplified if it gets stolen!

3. Check which currency is in the country you are going to. Call your bank before your trip and enquire about your withdrawal.

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Trip Planning1

4. Check all types of transport you need to use on your trip and the timetables.

5. Sometimes it’s easier to buy tickets for buses and trains via Internet in advance. Take care of delays and picking your baggage and make sure you will have enough time to catch the next transport.

6. Check if you need any kind of vaccinations to enter the country.

7. Budget your trip. Be aware that you’ll spend more than what you planned.

8. Find out if your embassy is in the hosting city, just in case you would need it.

9. Read about the country culture you are visiting! to avoid awkward situations (your host SEO shall provide you with a guideline of do´s and don´ts)


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1. Check with the hosting SEO everything about the accommodation and if you need to bring stuff like hangers, bed linen, towels, etc.

2. Make sure you pack everything that is comfortable for every situation you can get in.

3. Don’t forget to check about the weather and if there is any law about how you have to dress.

4. Take enough clothes but not too much – try to make combinations in advance and think about different occasions and pack wisely.

5. Don’t forget your lab coat! Also be aware how you should dress at your working place.


6. Pack one going-out outfit and a pair of pretty shoes, you never know when a surprise restaurant date/classy rooftop party will come up.

7. Also pack sneakers - you never know what you will be exploring.

8. Don’t pack clothes that require ironing.

9. Pack some clothes in your hand baggage in case your checked baggage get lost or delayed.

10. Remember that the important stuff can be found in every supermarket

11. Limited checked luggage weight? Put the heavy stuff (shoes, books etc.) in your carry-on. As long as it fits the required dimensions, they usually don’t weigh it.

12. Pack at least two days before leaving. That way you have an extra day to figure out everything you forgot.

1. When your guidebook specifies it’s preferable not to drink water from the tap, do not drink water from the tap — Ice cubes are made from tap water. Ask for drinks without ice.

2. Be careful with all your documents and money – be aware of pick-pocketers

4. Don›t carry your passport with you. Keep it locked in a safe if possible or hidden away. Carry a copy of the passport.

3. Don›t keep all your cards and cash together. Use multiple pockets so if your cash gets ripped off, your ATM card doesn›t have to go with it.

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Safety Tips3

1. Bring an extra bag or backpack; it will be useful for day and weekend trips!

2. Bring an unlocked phone. It may be cheaper to buy a local SIM card to communicate with your host and the other SEP students.

3. Don’t forget your camera, laptop, phone chargers!

4. Bring a travel first aid kit with plasters, analgesics, etc. If you are using any other medication don’t forget to take it with you.

5. Find out what adapters you need for your trip and make sure those are packed. Also make sure your electronics meet the electricity standards of your destination .

6. Don’t forget to send messages to your parents but don’t be addicted to internet!

7. Check how much alcohol/cigarettes you’re allowed to bring into a country before going nuts at the duty-free shop.

8. Download an offline maps application.

9. Useful stuff: Padlock, beer/wine opener, cello tape, deck of cards, lighter.

10. Read Read Read, about the country and the places you are visiting, learn the history of this place (you can use hashtag #xSEPlore the world to read about famous places, if not found do us a favor and write those details in the photo description, use both hashtags #xSEPloretheworld and xSEPeriencelife)


1. Bring some typical food and drinks from your country, every SEP experience should have an International Night (or many, one night for every different SEP student!)

2. Meet the locals, no one can show the place as them.

3. Try local food, street food – typical dishes and drinks

4. Try to learn something traditional – how to cook a typical dish or sing and dance a traditional song.

5. Enjoy nature, try sports and activities that you haven’t done before.

Fun 5

1. Take the most of this experience, you MUST have fun with your SEP friends and discover the place, but also don’t forget to work hard and learn as much as possible.

2. Be punctual, treat your superior respectfully and act as a professional.

3. Go to your workplace during the time arranged, it was a lot of work for the hosting country to organise your internship, don’t miss it.

4. It may be interesting to ask for a reference letter at the end of your internship.

Academic Side6

1. Don’t forget to fill evaluation form in the database – your experience can help otherstudents. You can write a chapter about your SEP and share it with other students from your association.

2. Talk to the other pharmacy students about your SEP and encourage them to applynext year – your excellent experience can help a lot to the promotion of SEP and toenlarge the programme even more.

3. Stay in contact with friends you met on your SEP because you can make friends for a lifetime.

4. Give feedback to your host SEO what to change for next year if there was somethingthat was impropriate

After SEP7

1. Bring a notebook and write down words, phrases, let the locals teach you the language. Write down your thoughts, experiences, draw… it will be a beautiful trip book!

2. Bring a camera and take your own memories. And if you are photography obsessed, bring a second battery.

3. Best souvenir may be something hand-made for you while being there.

Best Memories8

1. Wake up early, go to bed late.

2. Get lost on purpose! Walk with no destination, wander the streets and get to know the place like a local.

3. Be a traveler, not a tourist.

4. Be open for new adventures, but don’t be reckless

5. Don’t be afraid to talk with local people

6. There›s a tendency sometimes to think «this place will always be here. I can do more here later.» Places change a lot faster than you can imagine. Whatever it is you need to do, do it now.


we wish you a lifetime experience, Share moments of your SEP journey with IPSF members worldwide. Take and post as many pictures as you can, but do not let taking pictures prevent you from enjoying your moments. Happy SEP!#xSEPerience lifehow to participate?use the hashtag #xSEPeriencelife in all your Instagram posts.for places you visited!

#xSEPloretheworld for the places you visited#xSEPeriencefood, for the best dishes yoh had

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Email: ipsf@ipsf.orgWebsite: www.ipsf.org