IPSERA job ads paper w136

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Transcript of IPSERA job ads paper w136

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 1

Challenges for Educators in PSM curriculaQuest for closing the gap with employers’ requirements

Klaas Stek, Volker Koch, Bernd Markus Zunk and Holger Schiele

This report is intended exclusively for employees of the client. Its distribution, quoting of its contents and reproduction – complete or in part – for the purpose of conveying it to a third party requires the prior written consent of Universiteit Twente.

The text and graphics summarised here have been used in the course of a presentation; they do not represent a full documentation of the event.

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 2

Context : P/SM Competencies

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Methodology: 300 European job ads & literature review

Results: Similarities and cultural / structural differences

Conclusions & recommendations



Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 3

Explicit knowledge Tacit Knowledge

• explicit, codified, ‘hard’ book knowledge • “know-what”• ‘public goods’• e.g. knowledge of subjects like ‘cost management’, ‘lean principles’ or ‘law and regulations’

• unspoken, tacit knowledge - ‘experience’• “know-how”• 90% of knowledge in organisations is tacit• hard to copy or steal• e.g. negotiation experience• 50% of decision-making is tacit

Context - P/SM Competencies

Skills and knowledge

Hard skills Soft Skills

• professional and technical skills • e.g. handling a computer,

being able to work with MS Excel

• non-technical skills aim • e.g. social skills, decision-making,

time management and problem solving

Sources: Fawcett and Rutner (2014), Birou et al. (2016), Shou and Wang (2015), Giunipero and Pearcy (2000), Mulder et al. (2005), Tassabehji and Moorhouse (2008), Nonaka, (1994). Smith (2001), Shub and Stonebraker (2009), Giunipero et al. (1999), Polanyi (1958), Polanyi (1966), Jasimuddin et al. (2005), Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995)

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 4

Internalizationfrom explicit to tacit

(access to codified knowledge, goal based training)

Externalizationfrom tacit to explicit

(writing it down, creating metaphors, modelling)

Context - P/SM Competencies

Knowledge Spiral: transformations from and to tacit and explicit knowledge

Source: Nonaka (1991), Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995)

Combinationfrom explicit to explicit (sorting, adding, categorizing,

codified information)

Socializationfrom tacit to tacit

(observing, teamwork, sharing experiences, imitating)





Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 5

• No harmonised PSM curriculum Explicit knowledge - (business & P/SM know-what, e.g. knowledge theories)

Explicit knowledge - (business & P/SM know-what, e.g. knowledge theories) Tacit knowledge - (business & P/SM know-how, e.g. decision-making) Soft skills - (e.g. interpersonal skills, teamwork, creativity)

Needs of firms:

• Translate P/SM needs of firms into curricula Developing skills of student (future P/SM staff) Standardizing of harmonizing P/SM curricula

Closing the gap:

Context - P/SM Competencies

Literature on ‘PSM Business Schools vs. PSM practice’

Source: Birou et al., 2016; Dubey and Singh, 2009; Jim Wu et al., 2013)

Learning objectives of schools:


Online Job advertisements

important source of highly up-to-date practical available data gives good understanding what employers do require from employees.

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 6

Context : P/SM Competencies

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Methodology: 300 European job ads & literature review

Results: Similarities and cultural / structural differences

Conclusions & recommendations



Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 7

Project PERFECT – Purchasing Education and Research for European Competence Transfer

Project LeadUniv. Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Henke, TU Dortmund

Project Term01-09-2015 to 31-08-2018

Project Objectives/MilestonesPSM Skill ConceptCompany CasesSurveyHarmonized European purchasing curriculumSkills self-assessment toolMassive Open Online Course (MOOC)

PERFECT: towards a P/SM curriculum

PERFECT project - details

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 8

PERFECT: towards a P/SM curriculum

Aim:PSM skills conceptBasis for the later Intellectual Outputs of the project 


PERFECT project – Intellectual Outputs

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 9

PERFECT: towards a P/SM curriculum

PERFECT project – output links

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 10

Context : P/SM Competencies

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Methodology: 300 European job ads & literature review

Results: Similarities and cultural / structural differences

Conclusions & recommendations



Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 11

Different cultures On basis of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Two methods of measurement

Cluster analysis (Kale, 1995)


Three distinct different cultures

Source: Hofstede (1983b), Kale (1995), Kogut and Singh (1988)

Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands

Cultural Distance Index (Kogut & Singh, 1995)

Cluster 1: Austria, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Ireland and Italy Cluster 2: Belgium, France, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Turkey Cluster 3: Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

Equation: All countries have large Cultural Distance Indices

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 12

important source of highly up-to-date practical available data gives good understanding what employers do require from employees.

Online Platforms:


Online job ads.

Source: Birou et al., 2016; Dubey and Singh, 2009; Jim Wu et al., 2013, Beasley and Schumacker, 1995; García-Pérez and Núñez-Antón, 2003 )

Online Job advertisements

Cell-wise Residual Contingency Analysis in SPSS 22

squaring the individual Adjusted Residual per cell of the Cross Tabulation P-values were calculated subsequently H0 is: the distribution of averages per skill is equal in the three countries. HA is: the opposite. Alpha is set on 0.05

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 13


mapping in KODE®X skills model

comparing datasets

Source: own graph

Methodologysteps in the proces of comparing skills in online P/SM job ads in Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands and in literature

300 P/SM job skills A, B & NL Differences (culture

and structural) & similarities

Conclusions recom-mendations

Online platforms on search term ‘buyer’ in different languages

Cluster analyses

29 scientific articles P/SM on skills and competencies (1987 – 2014)

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 14


Source: © 2009 Prof. Dr. V. Heyse, Prof. Dr. J. Erpenbeck (adam-europe.eu).

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 15

Context : P/SM Competencies

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Methodology: 300 European job ads & literature review

Results: Similarities and cultural / structural differences

Conclusions & recommendations



Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 16

PageName of presentation00_PR_Topic

Limit of illustration


Source: 9 Points

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 17

PageName of presentation00_PR_Topic

Limit of illustration


Source: 9 Points

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 18

PageName of presentation00_PR_Topic

Limit of illustration


Source: 9 Points

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 19

Context : P/SM Competencies

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Methodology: 300 European job ads & literature review

Results: Similarities and cultural / structural differences

Conclusions & recommendations



Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 20

Message title

Topic title

Source: 9 Points

• In the next meeting we will distribute the topics for your paper (to be prepared till November, 5 th) - details will be presented next week

• Till Sunday night please send me your top three topics (via e-mail, numbered from first choice to third best)

• Please also form groups which are going to prepare the papers (and a PowerPoint presentation). 2-3 persons would form a team

Holger Schiele:

General rule: slides should be understandable for person not present during the presentation. Thus, use enough text, but do not exceed (rule of thumb: no more than 12 lines per page). You can use the bold mode to highlight keywords

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 21

Example text


Source: 9 Points

• Key message- Argument 1- Argument 2

• Key message- Argument 1- Argument 2


Text Text

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 22

Porter-arrow Porter-arrowhighlighted

Source: 9 Points

1) footnote 1 2) footnote 2


Standard graphical elements


Holger Schiele:

Avoid colours (print-out mostly black / white, so only use either black/white/gray or the selection of blue colours!)

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 23

Innovative clusters are characterised by local industry agglomerations with intensive regional co-operationOptical industry in Wetzlar

One quarter of the industrial workforce in the Wetzlar region is employed in the 60 firms of the optical industry

More than half of the firms are engaged in regional co-operations, which have been rated as very satisfactory

Source: Moßig / Klein (2003)

Holger Schiele:

Summarise the key message in the heading (message title; like the heading in a term paper)

Holger Schiele:

Brief description of the topic (topic title)

Holger Schiele:

Do not forget the sources. Rule: no slide without a source

Holger Schiele:

Text size 14 pt (always), headings 22 pt (italics), footnotes 9 pt, i.e. only 3 different sizes

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 24


PERFECT: Purchasing Education and Research for European Competence Transfer

Germany: TU Dortmund, Hochschule Mainz, Great Britain: Staffordshire UniversityFinland: Lappeenranta University of TechnologyNetherlands: University of Twente

European project

Designing a European P/SM curriculum A MOOC will be set online with the launch of the curriculum

Project objective

What are the needs of future P/SM professionals?How can we train them best for the future?

Main issues

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Introduction to the PERFECT project

Source: PERFECT White Paper

Challenges for Educators in PSM-CurriculaStek, Koch, Zunk and Schiele, 10-12 April 2017 Page 25


Source: PERFECT White Paper

PERFECT project : towards a P/SM curriculum

Structure of the PERFECT project outputs

Academic literature

P/SM job ads: A, B & NL

Practitioner models

Future skills Education Landscape

Competency model

Maturity skills model

Education Gap analysis

output 1 output 2 output 3

cultural differences