i^PllPP^iiii^^P^^i^^^g^^ - NYS Historic...

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Transcript of i^PllPP^iiii^^P^^i^^^g^^ - NYS Historic...


J}eneva,Qnt. C ^ A j s r U l l l b , 184{>., lytS

J OHN Rv JO HN6T-0N, ' '•' '• jaxtotipA&itrtiEsC' oV

*T|AM£RWtei, MtttM, Mill toriag&Siiw.Mili Engines,

^ STOVES af.MACHlNfftV.JN GEKE8AL-. .-i.Spe.ca Lake F<>'ii|<irytCrtsUe street (jleneva.'Ori-

| ' fano county jSi. Y —1845. '

Ifcsct,. Wira. "Sil«n5>€r,

PHYSICIAN & SUKGEON. Of-iice on Hie west side of Main-stteet,.ftve

doors 1,01th of the Rank. . GeriJ>va,'Jaii<iiijv 2, 1845.

Mv8..J : t t iac» M. F u l t o n "tAri i-t*«li<xVVU ;iw- t>«r -truv^cntig on I j£j^it(si>ey,£t-?el ,'&-;•: cue 9011$ "of Castle

_ . jeas t siite,J vviheie she will attend to all

, , • fVtwwitk tke Jlieamaf^/l^^''^„t„'.^'Alll'. . . MI -J*,L -i. -•*• *«.* i ^ i ^ . - f c ^ i i s i a ' ' MAKING AND REPAIRING

' H O B S * & SHUN' 1* ' ' ' •Vmbreuat, ParasiU awl Swn. Shadet covered

43$d)tu& Glazing a i i i ' P f f l f f . - • - w - " &iber| be* )ea^#'rar-Bi , lh?,*n-

g;.*br Geneva ajrtl

• wi

i , ! ^ - • - '-"'Mlar, and, fifty cents, i//«Md in 11* Wtfecr,"-* .1;. ?-»•* >*.' .>,.•>•'*«

" To^hpse.wliQ^aue \n packages qf ten or more, 0ne;TOiitS^H#nffifiye, C8fil»» f» <?# «««//»* odoutite. "? '•' •?' .' * ' ", trf" The above .terms Will be strictly adhered lo.

- ,; M,\ , • - 1 \ ^ . = ~ »

t t ttuajre I insertion, - »'"*-'' $0 50 - W ? *&..••"«.. • . , - . . - .'- I.W

1 ."..>. a.montha, \ r . - • * . -8 no Y v* g • « -.V •„ : • BOO • * ."?',* . ' I r i f f c ' -V L* '-- "• - 8 0 U ' ,Aad in .the saine proportion fftc.a great er^ttan-'

U'y t.- A liberal dec.uetiqrli yv.ill be made to fhair who arfytirttec, by me .year, .


/WHICH Wl| Jj-rfjt? BJCp JJ.TIJ.!) ON nBASiffi , B ' •" -.'#*&?»?* AT 4HJB»T sartORo-SwA

, featStaotft.*bf Geneva M r p e M " ^ , .


'Jrfistm^pWil'rise* H%seyiS%lfceir»et,,\yhe>e * : i i . J -a i u i i ' . \ , ; . s^ .4 , L. - . . . - * • - . . . . . .

TtfSijk 'i&iwitf&Wte' receiving bi/supl^y A ' oiMods tb f the copjiug gewprij.cn^rftisH^

i t t ^ ^ ^ o t ^ - i r i | arlicjea i . . ' . . . .

I S M m l f rlo '<pSro and Pitch, . S a l W i / & S t e e l , " M\*Ow;-cm.faws, Eng.& i&ner. B H s t e ^ o - ^ ' f »«Bg Any. 3, M ^ B o d ^ . . / ,• I W W . B e l l o w s ,

' l^MpM**® Vrimtiiittgs. • '^rgtstinJcaT a very'extensive and complete

6&mertt.j>r*£io"cfcs, l atcheBj Bolts, Screws, aox>r Ifenaies, &c. ' .

•^c'jfer^Iiltge^nd eKo'iceselec'ion of *Tablu and PStket Cuttecy, Rttzbrt; Scissorsj eook Knives, &c. Very low. ' '.

Plated Ware, . ! S6m«s very line jiatterne 6t Silver Plated, Man-W»6ri<l Cli&ttiber Candlesticks j also Brittania and Brass d_p,

CJlt-peiitcrs' Tools

aniiVepaireil on the mc*st rpaaonable terms, and «W'i»nt ed eatra I to I he bee t . . . -i

G4e-va, Jtine 13, 1845. 8

a i e n f LeVer B u c k l e . E sulHscriln-r having purchased eriKbtto use VERMrANk'S PATENT

W5VK BUCKLE, VUJUW give noticf ibat he lias oiaia.nd Harness made wi h these Bm Ule

l-attachB, and VMsbeii tdjlttspose oftbem on rea-8t(iiabBterm'<. -The psciiliar sdVait agea ot tlie»e Bucy Jars to dt pcnsi" »i tb tbe-n^e nl the fongne •and^itlitestrQyiiig erlects, as in the eoinmot Bncltl.e .The tTace ran be taken up or.aheieil with p Sett ease to any retjuip il length, a light Of fie'ai drnnght, which every person acqnaiiit-"dd'Wttl Harness will readily admit is an Un| or-tant ca Wit ration. Also, its simplicity., neat­ness, s.iily, durability and cheapness, will cctin-jmeiul ilo all perso s-having use for rjarnfess. •*He hi also an Tiand, and will unafee to ofder

the bestiality of ,

wis,-mm, TRIMS, ap(la|l.iiie.rarticfe8usuatly kept at alike;esjab-Ifsiini'erl anil wouW particnlarly invite thj^pub-lie t^-«x liitJe hii stock t>f Goods before^ put; clmjwifl; sewhere, as he flatters himself that he caflk'saitWrn agto price and quality.

. W»T SIDE WATER-STREET, - -I Twa doo» North of V. fiockor'» itore, andoe*r-'• ' ' opposite the Seneoa-Hoijse.

GEORGE B. PAGE. Gi-nevotDec. 25, 1845. ^2

Gan'ges. SfjiceS arfd Bulls, Bpd,h\{stgt, everyn

thingiieces,«tlry ffif Hie Trade.

Cop^Tslin'g of Rubbe'r and Oil Cloth, patent Leather, Brass and/4"1'" Bands, Axle A'<nB, &q. &V-.f alsocpp^tantlyon band. HAlR GLOTH •Of yaritius y*llpSi Wheelbarrows, Shavels, $ M e a , J$i$? a''d Hay Porks, Scythes', &c. &r . all of/which he offers on the most reasona­ble teruy»

, T . JOHN H. TlLtMAN. Corner Seneca & Water sra.

Geneva, "Moy 28, lct46. ' .

f-fAWFOR SALE. n -SJ-J-, Sj&xjjLAsres ofqhorce land, twelve 01

JjL.lasi.rfeejn, acreskilj vvopds, and a good portion of rai!'_,iirhber, 'Tile improved lands arc well fencei^jjKjd, node* good cutfivation. The said Fam js 4 J-2.rniiesjoe. rly in a south course from Getieyjupti Jpj pre-einprion road, and 1 1-2 Itiile-from 5en'ec"aT£ali:V; Tn>re'is otTthe said premi­ses,' ofte-PR^M^E DWELLING, nnd'a Wood HaUse^f 7gd0d.siaif} rrie Barn artd Sh*ds, one Hor«e*'Bft_rtf,.tf»<I- a biidk Smuke House. Also.

&®V1 h 1 >9f8l *Z&<teW 'eA<»Udg '6|f8.?jg T ; Q JO pueis j>[0 aqt^nsoddo SX

•|jBj.8tqi |o pa/^sijos q njsv 'gaAiastasqi JOJ sniaicxi p.uo l|Bo-jrp»> oq 1 aso'qx •»35iioai siq^ 111 \MM$O aioj. sqj^/ta uq| J^MOI pjos aq ||ii\ puu Suuii«)Jt.a u i j i ^ } e | ^ j o pirn'AWU IJO oat! uepuje'aqj,

*. •sa&sBio.' Sni1{OOr pae 840^ 'BjiniBitJa 'S^BJX'BO.I,

duroi"|iB ls>j|apiniJio *Sd«CE1 J-Bf^g . •oij'' asst|f) aU|A\ 'SJ»iqmnjL pdSb9j<j piiB

ing ^SB^K jAa^SdJj 's»qs)tl ifjsiaa, 'op a*n ff 's»i|sip jjjjng pewAOo—-• a^ujA. SSB;I>!>.

- 0 •'3'5»'8'IBAI n.">«ja w i)|>p>itreglrpwisiif piw .pas!nj*«H3g _

I pttvq pfoa Avo.ucn pun <*p;«v jo \ivii 111 3ui|sifiuo3 '3U0ain3t/)Mt£ puv ssvjf) '/LuyotuQ

jo juam -Ijosss a8«|«iq oj 'iiiunoa piiesa3ef|iA Suipunoj Jus pue 'IIAJII*P) jo siMZiiio oqijo not|ud( T •IBtiqi ||eoA||'ijjo»ds8j ppto.wjaqiJ3sqns.giJiJji

/ / u no A s x irsijiooxo "li/ias GNV 3^vs ^OHM

a well o f Water to pacb.dwetji' g. «ith somegooM springs. Plenty p( «4>pic*f1FB,UJt'af_all binds

Pussessioii con be ^iad af an} tiifr1. iff sireJ. ~ . <v;'i_j./.'-.Si « i i i . irf.1,' iicne^a, OntaabH!t'n|?, >"?W Tftrlt.

m&Wvffl 61

BYWASiPM! X the reGfeatifJft nud e»«»r(Jisi4<if gontlf-meii oT*e'4Vnfa?y eniployments. will he "peti fruin 9 n'BWts'K-"4. V °it'itil 9 -'clock P. M.,- daily (SanT#srei&e'pted) at No. 10, Wah-v^iViPt, a teW'rfi'rSrl-So'dtri 'of. J". H; T*l'ltaaiiiv~HafiiWare Store, G6l|eVa.' 'flits exetcise being_ of a vigor­ous arid iifalthy fcjiaftcter,'js due stilongly feci% meiidadby the Faculty tot-dyspeptics &. alllhosp Uhirinl'uiip^r alfi'cfions'ol'tlie c4iesf-

! o^t;B"!'(0

IlIl lKi'UgS. •• •

flv »ttKi.fi, or totnsvius, sir.

t wandered out one summer nigtK— ' 'Twos wh^o nfy'yearf were 'fe&; The bfuozo Wn« singing irl' tHe ll^it,

And 1 was aingingtopi* , Tlie moonbonras Itiy opon fho hill,

The ulmclpTO in tlia ,vaJe, And here and there a leaping rill }' WaalMghing at the gale.

OnejBeeoy cloud upon the air mis all that met my e*yes';

; It fluawrt,!ik8 an tinpel there 'Boiween tiis and the skies. y

. , I clnp'nedmy hands and warhlAt)" wild • -." As.here and lihere I flew i • •

For I.was bat a careless childj-And.!did' as cliifdrmi das% ,

•» f • ' i ' " The wq^s ajia, dancing < «Jr th,»«o*

In bright and glittering bands: •> lilke-Wdo children wild; with gtee,

4Sey linked their (linipted hiaids. ^w^^.Urdtsdy(te»iiilHq^ii-4ot.*to Icaoght

Tlair.rauipod rirpos$£;&%*&

| | i8tbeQ«nj lii3--acciii

. u s . >5T>' eeth anrJl% ryon xbii I

• * ' J,e it t b '

of so base a character, eral laughed, -ain& t®ffl& lions were by- no i

T h e Yankt)6 grbu® marked, "It's tarnat:«?® aitita;tharril, forifjI-WB* darn' quick, tenr.'-'' ' '*!M

• Don't yew see / 'Ss idf ft| ttrg to t h e Frettelwffttfif v fc! glance, * MonsMuWbj&lfi^&H ttJb true'tr* he afcjflke/ ^Atynfeif'tK^^t'elichmah as} sured the six' (oof 3'Wil|j| |iiter that"' the General, onFy j'esiDetlfY

' You are as much rot1|p'ken,, replied j the ^ e ^ r a l , -W if J 8 u j M 3 4>u,rnt y our

Thoy fcjssad, AVay the

The twjligh'

p.v f ot—.as quiet a» thought 'hppI s'fliswV

hours like birds flow by, -As light); and lis free:

Pqr ever*j» tije -Arjtli dimple.4 cWlj ThaMeaBiuynntlieair .

Hadpaijghtffp tyr in its emhriice, Ajid .)iel3Jf ,|fe#ri)hling. there,.

The young -rnhrtb too, with upturned tidot, Her mirrorteieiraty FBVB!

And os'a biirknti'ttTichnf rides, She Tfde ffjio'ift'lie wave.

Tbe'setf wasJHicgOii! heaven above" Asjteffe^%ojfiffaswhole; t

Sftvothnt it'see'med to thrill with lore Aatlrrills tSe injmnrtal soul.

- The flnwerernll folded to their dreams, •Wore bofred in slumber fiVe. --

By breezy hilts and murmuring streams, 'Where'er they chanced to bo.

Nr/fniilty tftors hod they to weep". No sins to be forgiven;

They closed 1 ei eyeB and went to sleep Right in the feed' of heaven

No costly raiment round them shone, No jewels from the ><•«« j

Yet'Salomon.ap'on hi» throne Was ne'or, arroj'd like these j

And just as fie^from gui't anil art, Were lovely Wmtm flowern,

Ere sorrow set her bleeding heart On this fair world of ours.

Ihear4?the'|iiughing wind behind A playing with my hair—

-The llRSoay fingers of the wind, Bow cool and moist they were!

I heard the night bird warbling o'or Itssoftrenchanting strain—

• I Hover beard such sounds before And never shall agntn. r

Then wherefore weave such strains as these And sing them d ty by day,

When every bird upon the .breeze Can sing a swapter lay 1

IMfive tho World fir'their sWoSt art, ° C' FBofiplmple, tlie divine,; «• / >

. yd^pjfcj^ worltt. tqftnaltoss.beBtf rf »-.. . »;)lhay have me'ted mine. ,. „ : ..'

' My garne,' Vepii'e'd the' Gtrneral/'1 it id Open and Skutf ' Vat (bryou say, General 1 me no tin-

a^fstand you, a^re. Xs it von dead open atf&lliut.'vitsti votl'eartf, eb ?'.' , 5 ']'f\ %' r Open and shut wfrfi every tiling else ty$(&8,' said the General, wit^t a course kt igh 4 i * I will give you an exa^uple.^—

? l i e tJ»in'p"faped hinrsel^in an attitude to explain his game, which was done by placing his4au<ls behind him, anct requi-pftig.'the French mail to Say whelher tney were open orsfmtj ,

+.vWoi9«e»F*. bai*41y knowing jvhat to "tiiaTtfi of ]t,j 6aid 'tipgn.' .

' How much w|U ypti fc^t V w!ked the General. , - . . . , ? •-, u.• \

' Suppose me bette you von Heetie huti» dred dollare.' , , "

_ . . ^ . t l ' Gone l* said the "General, at the same I a"m wilting to haek my/pbusatlbtT ^hfi time shovying th^ astonished Frenchman


fin^eKi I'fiuwwr TTrbxjwts nan h u t w h a t l

* Prom ihe'eindinnati jB|stot.' 4

m y money f and Ij.'Wril: b^fyou a hundred dollars. *hat to 8#t,cfi"t!b1^,an&ee*a%'aa."

f|He btfg?sv you wfll find' ' | | | e a s t one hilrn-'dred'-fofn guft/ffiirts^atilSi many vioe^t-ett nuftirpgs/ ^ m ''' W •;••

* t " V t » e | o u ,fiv<j| l i ^ r e d d o l k W | ea?d the Frenchman, '.tj^^rcy friend car-rjfr-nd'woo.tfe niitmeg-nii|fg.un flint iffrjjs vttrt'JeetWaaddfe B'gg'.'"'^, '"•'

' L t a k e affe}Kh t i t ^ f & i d the Gen^ ejgtl tqrpiwg to Girffy-r-K^pi was show in" hjtB ivnjty, and placing j | j | above named snfii ijfhis "hand. " P h S w s immediaieW chyefed by" the F r e n c T ^ n , while the yaefeee dismounted an.f|0jfpared to set. tie, the matter by utiia^giig his saddle

[*&• '•• ••••• - f S :

For some momf ntsaJJ ^ j h e r e d around in bienlhU'ss silence, whgij the Yankee, to bia gr<>at astonialime^tj;4rew forth the" aV'ove. nftmed articles, . - ^

' Wel l , you. seevl havejj^pn,' continued .tlie General, while; Ctiflry -roared und ca­pered ajinut with delight, sho ing the whole hreadth o f his. whites— his eytjs opening to an extraordinary magnitude, and his nose flattened like a viper—cry-

' \ ou didn't ca^ch d e General dis %r time, gosh a nnghiy ! wii l dl-m 'ar horn gun flints.'

' What have you to do vith it, you tarnel black,niggfryou V criel Jonathan, turning to htm with-a fiti'ious look.

' W h y , you 8e>,„l is.de.(|eH'ral's aid-decampiit)t4ioldt|!g.^le st?kesjr dis 'ar spe­cial game )' at tht\samtj time he handed them over lo his master'with 1. chuckling l a u l n - , r • - - 5,. j

The losing $|rl^,.Baw 1J50 deception ] ...of ,'he trick ^ .apj.earjejd idpubly anx ' ~jj^us to facilji^jji t|ietr^joprn,ejl. "'""'Z'&rhe Genera^was rjp'ne^lbejess merry

for having wo.11 ^ ^ r t i ^ n e y i i aqd o,qca-fitGnaJ!^,laJi£he4;ftV^^ts^.nsJiehad


- :>,B'-TW0iff. M*B*l!NeTSNV

. « * I

O n W^ater S t r e e t .

THE subscribers having opeiied a new Mar-blf Shop on Wali>r Street, Geneva, in the

north eml flf thp buildftig used as a-Bethel school, Room, on the bridge, (nearly opposite A. Flem-'

iound at I

Fe-w*\vho travelled much on the broad Mrsiissjpgtat^n early day, but what have ly|a;rd, with ct^ad the name o f Gen. Wil-l^^^Jof i tgomery , and none, but knqw of* the' j^'n^ihg called ' Montgpmery'a Fo'ttit,' vyhjch for its location and peculiar advantages,;. was^hurS to be exce l led .— Montgomery himself was a.shrewd, ipiick vvitted, low bred fel low, who,-in roguish exploits, waa, seldom if ever equalled.— H e was the termor o f the South, to all who knew him, and as a sportsman, gam­bler, & c , was as, notorious as the cele­brated Captain Kidd for a pirate. T h e

Itee Ajg^P. wjiljji' l iearty lau^jh—plapi his thUsn^bitf). bi*t)nsfti und giv ing h ^ i i S ger a> few>e*tra 'fiotirisbes—• I" s»y,£W'irr| eral, j ^ s t give noty, rM»4ct to t|j)tt |r-e ,t%-ger o f jou'rnj,' 'atidr'aatt't g^t sq|f**~-!'J

r n e / u . — - . - . . , tliought to bave,_«9.ade several thousand dollars. , . , . ,

T h e Frenchman' sighed aloj said he thoagjtjt^t' vonSia^e'expensivfijountree.,

T'he Gvnt?y!» however, a%tred. him that he shpjujd havea chance f|\Vin. back hia'money^sjj ponn as he should feel dis-

hw closed bands. 'I am very sorry to jin'Rtftii you that you have lost,' and. a proile i>C peculiar meaning played around ' ^ t n o a t h . • j

%l* 2th"! s a c r e ^ m e shall no understand j iVmjpuch game, General.' ' j * '''''iVlu'sJ understand it, by Jupiter!' thyn-'

J^f&JL the.General, unce more placing his !lraiids bt'hind him.

The Frenchman guessed again, and 'ToSt of bourse. This w&p repeated sev­eral timesj until Monsieur declared ho could no longer, play, . , . . ' Produce a stthst,itttte, then 1' cpied the Oeueral,. ' .by >tbjiiid*c 1 thia.mttst be pfeyed ',* . ' , .

Monsieur then referred him to bis ,wnr|by friend the Y a n k e e — w h o , being „Ottl'u.a upon, proposed that he should be lilferjiately entiiled to tho privilege of se -

;eretiqg- his bunds. But il*t» Getierul soon gave htm |o understand' that the game coul(J.,only be played 9*4 way—at the, sprae t ime te,\liug the landlord he might as well station himself on shitre with his rifle, as he intended there should be very little p/quiyocati^n in his gaming transac­tions. '

The Yankee, finding that he was. ple-ferminedi not to give him a fair chance—-proppsed that the other should bet him t w o to His one. The General laughed at his simple,.proposition, and readily consented, provided the Yankee would let him name the amount, which was also conceded. .

To a northern traveler tliis-scene would have beep, highly interesting. About thirty yarefs. from the boat, perched upon a slump, with a long rifle in his hnods, was their worthy host, ready to obey the slightest command of the General,,- At the stern of the boat stood Monsieur, with a pale cheek,, and- feeluigs thnt^an

™_ w „ „ rWlH%eTTm'og|ned than descr lbed^agjs

ger o r joU'ro, and^dati't ee,t so 4 | jb^i i t none o f you 4#ad opeti and shats^wlshi* Yankee again i' and he added t«» t h e j ^ l ^ ish of Jjis fingers by gtving his other'.jytm' (.he'lpplion «£, |urjiiri§<j|.qriink,.Ja«d..WBP ingftme by movittg his right foot np'Wftif dovvn Rslon^f"BS>he'WssM8ijjht. ' ' . ;

( 'Unti l the d a j > f ' ^ j 3 '4|uft»?. Pij.i4i^tJ&.'; p ) severer chastiseroelrt cp»hi have been ii(flicted.upon hiniK thajj^to simj>fyswy*-! ' (lorn gun flints'—woodeU-•.•jfteWjegs'-aw ' Mg • Y M ^ e ' - ^ f f e n c h geKtreihan/ or • Dead Open and Sfiut f

\, r-^ ~ 1 . I J « - • , ' - 1 ^ "

v A "Bonlilng Incldewc, '••The followingf iiicideot occurred'" fit;!

thi ic ir^'saysa^ewOrleansr>aper)a few days siu«,e. T h e roarsbafe have been to,!" the last two months' dealing dttstructiou's devasting doom,' among the canine Pace. A little" girP playing'wpjh t w o lavorite drtgs, left them for a few rt.oaients, and on returoing saw the marshal approach-|'"f ing them gun in band. By^-commands , and etitreBfios she succeeded in getting! one inside of a ga$o, beyond the'reach of danger.; but was too late to assist the other in effecting bis retreat.-

T h e marshal "jiad pOjW advanced with­in shooting'dja'tance, <and took a deadly

,n4lttj>j)<f^llio(f. o*f**3& «etg*fe«ft^'W<tfn#i

quafeeifn fiwuth t|u» 4hr®WAfi{

0tlti0rM&. t l t l i^* m- ol'^fiftiild^SMieysd •ly \hfrp<mhr> iim^atiw

^Wl&M W W ' * [liuf « © ' « ' SiojstttoMjoni a«d a « | ' mitfm, im.< - j . ^ ^ ™ , . «jg'_ i te%tpj |^s |e^t |3(t | f , ftg'reed to^|fe:p|ffiPeByf to a tnari, anof tffMfcl ifetried «?*C^'fl | te$$ Well endorsed we^eja j woul.1 not and h« Wo witrcorgtfft* TOt "«S|' w i t l l ^ u i ^ ^ named. % , . J f i ^ g l « j i , a # i e J | ^ W "hut %• hurricftaeafandi Wo^fB»5j*iwfer hem into fragtHetiTSTanld^ i w # ^

offices Hust ^^•yhx$\$~~ """'""* iiried the horr*>y^ a£katt>; _ pair ; *» 1 have antne iWaiuabte ^S^»^gsk will yon tnk« thtxl* ^>'Ri&Pmkt&%

d—n-ym the P fd ts^«»w^MS quakes will eraeffljp and%i, fl^^^



keep rhijmone^'

aim at the dog . F o r one Instant the, - , , , ,,, . - , sweet child hesitated, and the contending! ^ . " i f f f 0 ^ ' t t * ^ * .** ™e

emotions of personal apjirutieiisiufis and ~ "" ""** love J*or her playmate \v<W lfgihly du-(HQtetl on .her beau'iful face*- It wad bull for" a m , , m e n t - l l , e next, and with a l ^ , , , a ," | tXjofe.$ ft )&.#&. bon n<J, she had reached her -friend a m i • ' p »"*•*•»"»*»•**•«• -1

du^n^d him „ , ; t J r!"w : - a n dk pu»ce. of mawserti)i>«no^priii«s"n:ce complete shtehi ,0 h.m trt.m the messen. bmk *{ ,1} B f b U . & ' ^ E | 8 er o i . U « i h . aiuiexclanning all the l .me.j cimunvMC^ V a J m a i u ' ^ J g J S

which would,in all probability, end by leayinghim and his heirs several thousand dollars minus. A little distanoe in from of him stood the General and the Yankt e — the former pool and collected- i-*the lat­ter exhibiting much uneasiness; which was particularly perceptible in his blood-

posed, by any other game be of h]s down less, quivering lips-^-and he seemed half east friend should see proper tp select., I inclined to 'hack out,' A few oaths, how.-

Monsietir said ho onlv kre^ one, | ever, from his dceaded.antngonist, finally

mg's Maible S h o p , ) t l W will he nil times ready t o wait i.p.-n those who may fa-1 Cjrfufral vy»s said to h a v e m a n y r e d e e m -

rvi.rlhein \vitb a call Persons wishing Monti-] i n g q u a l i t i e s in h i s gnt i l ing t ransac t ions ment», Gravestones FirerPlaees, Hearttis and, w h i c h m i g h t b» c l a s s e d a* f o l l o w s : Facings, in fact any thing in their line of bust-

i s a l i o w e ^ | ^ a | J f j | j e ^ h p i ^ aT6^ri« head*4ri^r|i|ftM.

and M l ! & ^ l t e ' ^ r . f e > ' v * !

i, fhe Proprietbr $oitfrl tu.'i:.i ^f-''.'\j7charact^r

fric/ 9J1 tJbV

jpqgsejit. q-f tjieji'-janaats,.

n\iM(i^i:, „ $

. bisoldstand, .Maim fstteet,

fr'-*»- ny. • {Jetteva-j keeps con-, - t -.- t . % » # WS& «#rt>,-of every ^ M i i | ^ A l 4 i f l M V %:S!w,ft,iio,tice. Also, Slirondsj-*S«v:eK>f6t|s* & c . He wilf furnish Hearsa^jBj|ieawJafei^ artdHitentfto a l f fhe du-ttesaMftSWn a<i<j.«tjf*take* a t any hodV.is-saralnEahosrespolrsrtttltyP" stt.it-> -••?' « ?<•••

sHavirjgrrecenrty furtiishea*n4l!6rs'elf w«h> tfew Hearse-te' eotnpieie ottfirf attd^tif th* *Jto'iWHt 'tytij at«l h M p g l n a trrea*5are**r»li«qiHsii«d;hjs fornier feusinsss, he fta^tershitnsBlf th'ax fram fife long experijeace in Mtfe abwa busi«es9j,*fie^iij bd able-to * discharge the duties in '"&"IproW j monnerfal^ay* consulting thfeHvisriea',<rf*i rtaii,J

*ti mWmmitrteaeiVeii from tft* Trasteei (if the viHasr, theiapjirStfttrneiit of^etftoo; aJVaftpli-catiop^for-irr|»i,meflf» wilt be rnarjp tfe tm«-8ii6r acriber,wfib has 8 plot_6ftlj» BtYfyina; Ground/ end itas-the^ispbsaT^f lo's In the8?ldie.:

tSBS$ig%$&^* New'.assortment of *f BWaima MVer watches, clieaper than aver, nitfa'AiiVii-W.vtft&i^ to»Sbl«ti, feitt ipwelled Gisfa ooia fewel

ted, 4, af the W$w? Jewell'y Storey 4©f ene '". " \ . v r.:" •" '..''.T.we&l

^ reprtsen-ip'tiecu sji^et.. CAKSON.

G»lifi jT <jif Turpentine, at f*d»e*d k-'artce^,by' L. KELLY & CO.

^ a y , r - - • - '

'T'HiB OdirTpellows' Tok«», edited A by "Kate, B»r«Uy',» a Lady of Geneva—

mpubfi«R4and for nj»,'by^thjVd*.'»'JBSC'.?

ness, wi l l find it to their advantnge to call and examine their Maible and juices, before purcha­sing eRewherr. "

N B ; - The subscribers-are tnorrlfilv receiving tre*h supplies o t beautiful Snow White and Scr-lienlilie Marble ffiup the Riitlatid. VI ,.quairys, ii'-il can sett as cheap as any other man in this »t»'e,*ti«f 'IIP -%ork—Be vr>i'f hrag—j*ist cT-Bie and 4oe, that's alt. 73 A. A L L E N .

May 2 0 , me. L. W . W H I T T A K E R ^

Wbolss ia le & Uet&il C a b i n e t nia* & IipholKkvry j W {»!»<* rooiMsi, •

TH E "iihscnbei will manufacture-ami ki-.-p rnsiantly nn hand all

km.ls n'f C A B I N E T W A K E , and CHAIUR, at Ins establishment on Seneca sj . , the most important of

whieii are Sofas J Looking Glasses, Divans, . 1 Marble Top Bureaus, Side Ottomans, j <$• Centre Tables, Card

Tables, Mahogany. Curl Mafic, Fmicy'\ anl Co'ttge Chairs, fye ; Mahogany Bed. •«&a$»j Welters. Sideboard, Bureaus, &c He%ttH)VrPttdv. abo. ia atteniLto aU'orders for

Itairnrrd straw Ma'trasses, Church and,Chair Cnsliidtf?^ JtCij p||.ha.r(d. , . .

Old tuwr, lviallrasies.cleaheil.and repaiiedV " — * * ' - " • ' ' "Mahogany; Black'watiint, ]

'tfherry & Chestnut Co'ffiii? oi'-atl sizesj keptconstant ly?|

on hand. - •"- • Tbersobsoriber takes this 'eppdrtmtfty- «f-t>o-i-4

fyiiig the public, that he has Just fiitmslie.l him-^ell' with a^ljearse, o'nl will bohj himselt in remlitiess'al all tfuie-i, to attend .Ftineral«,"arul will furnish iSbroiids, procure* rarrjiiges, and make a l l jiecessary arran^erneht for funeral oc­casions.

Hehasal«oa plot of tln» WiastiinsJtion.Mrept Burying Gitftinil','ih'cl>iili'rip; th6 new iiar '«?i'hich

Jtcaa at any time- b e referred to All applications f-made to hittt;-.\VHt reeelve'^tois prompt and care­f u l attention. CHARLES E.SILSBE.

Geneva .' p.rfTl[Y, 1846.:,' " ' . ' ,68

,-.••»- AwWteijStrnytoi^s Wotlce. • MptUEStJANt to ohoraerof George B. Parburt,

he found a man naked, he I f ho was hungry, he led

o FlKST.,lf

clnthed him. him.

SECOND. I f he .was .thirsty and poou> he gnve-him to drink, arid advised him to be off to some mors saltibrioos climate.

And last, thoug!* pot least, if lit* was 'thirsjy and fttcft, lije madd him drink and

then riihbed him.

Lnf ^heci^'ui.^afil coiinty, deceased, to present '.thesiiiae wfiB^fi'e votibhers thereof to Caroline J.

Cnttende>,'.aiwijrjwt»BtrJxt,at»d I'hilo Bronson and Lnoias psj*%a4m|ui8tratorSH*f the goods, chat-

,8 ,??l?*?-%.^w4.<leeea8ed( at the residence ot Mid Phdo Bp.imr.«,ia,>t|ietownof Sene.a afore-eaul on or betore the- felt^ay of April next. Da­ted SepU-mber 15, l 8 # . - -c! ,-.„. yi


Ulns i e B o o k s . • H E 'Carrtiiria. S a c r a , ^aalr4o4is t . PsaTlery, Spngs^ .of Sacred Praisc,'"8Wred

Warp, Mii9ka SfacraV Voting Choir, Voting Choir's Companion, and Juvenile Choi-. . . -

'•--', W. H. SiMtTB^-. Nov 14 ', , 3iSeriec«-M«-

OC r O B E B t Waaraxines.—Grahsm'I, Godey's Lady's Book, National Magaaiue,

His nolopious life w a s the Occasion of all ganthl«ns yielding to his nefarious de­signs, who ehancfd to fall- in vt itb him ; ami v\ hatexer the Gft^eral said, must of course bo right, as none dared to gainsay h i n . - -

11 «os about the time when his notori­ety had attained its height, that a French gentleman ai-t'i'mputiied by a^ituge van-k f f arrived .at the ' Point' on their way to tlie head waters of- the A rkansas riv-JBI; aud, sis there wax no ojher hotel in thtf place, port upvcilbtbe Genpral. Ap-pluuitii.ti -being made to him firir cotivey-aitcp, he atl'vised them to defer their jour-•nfy. some-iew days, .as be thought the prospect tif some high wafer was iii their favor.. •-. •. - ' . ••-.' -«-.. •

This, proposition >• ns lry -no means a welcome one to Jonathan, who hod heard more than once of life divspe*raf«-charac­ter? of their host; <snd" 'he'vdVelai-ed'ite would rat,her walk, and fntfkftumrkhorge o f himself than remain. Tlfe French­man assured htm like • HP, that his ho'si-tiess teas very urgent, thai he must go," on foot even, if* there was'no other con­veyance- TheGi-nei-al w^s Hot pleased V rt-h the determined obsttriary of th'e fwfl ntvd could not'welt hit upon ri plan wherp-by 10 detain'thYm, with their"olvfrcfiu-se«f,''so l i e ' finally agreed »o fake fliPrn through on- horseback, as (Wr as Fort Smith. The- Worses vrere aVen'radihglj/ eqoipped, arid "the General,"with hi* n«*-J

gro, the Frenchman and tlie Yiitikev at I H»ngtnv,s6t o'tttJ^Haking quite a respetSia-bte looking c'ar'avan, for the Arkansas wilderness; "

E r e they tTtounted, however, the Gen-[.e+al begnfi rUTiriiii^ his ' soft sawder* on the Yankee, about the rnanj advantages he |toBsesaed pve'r'muliitudes of southern people , ftflich were no other, than being siiflij&ien't in strength to answer as his o « n pactc horse,;anil jbuogh he might have, bushels";of W o d e n outmeg«. and horn, grj'n Bints to pack through the state, he could plway!8" aceomrhoiiate h'unself. v

J^he'Yanfeee' ielt somewhat chagrined at'the General's.insinuotion, for fear thai

ch»r»oteN" After their leaving, the l Geoeral still caused Jonaihafi, no

which was the French game Ving-un, or twenty-one.

T h e General replied that thai v as one o f his strongest games, and thtit 10 soon 8s they could make themselves tofnforta-bly situated as to their lixlgfig, they would have a friendly touch of,it.

Arriving at a hotel, whpre tlpy inten

nerved him to the sticking point,' wl)ich was made manifest by, his saying—"

' I guess I'm just about as ready as I ever will bc .General—so bow much do you think I ought to bet 1 Don't be git-tin' it tow high, now, cause you s e e , Gin-eral, ydu'll have to bet me tew to ono.'

' O, that matters not, my dear fellew,' t-aid the other, ' we Arkansas Generals

ded to pas* the night, the Frenchman and t 1 /• _ _ » J 1 P - * -" - only play iorjimuseroent; and so , mere

iptereating, my lark-ly 1 «iH try you wii"

lars. smttng as a reason, that «,» trtend. • W a l , Gineral, seem'i t ' s you%rjd on W h o m rl ipv aftntrhr wnft oi n fnnp l . ' - ' . . " - -to the

, . " ' / ""," '**."' ,• - - .1 •-- only ptay torjimusen h.s companton bavtng determ.icl not to , ^ th^garae i proceed any further wt.h theiGeneral, > j ^ w W

made thetf- intentions knownjto* htm— , ,^ n >> J J

that the as a reason, that fie friend 1 {hey sought was ol a tour', S i u t h , and that on the first

ly for amusement, dew jest lay down . . . j . f j 1 1 . tbem are four thousand of youenet and

opportunity they shouldem/m.-kon a boat T - n , „ „„ 1 „ • „ , i „ • ,<• ,•', fof Nntchex 11 11 try and raise the half ot, 1. .

. _ , The General accordingly laid down T h e General said he th)|iglitl|e would h i s four thousand dollars on the boat,

have a very pleasant trii, and that he would dispatch Ids servj^t home with his horses and accompany' therri This was certainly anything lilt agreeable; but as there was no help fdr it, our trav­eling friends thought p'rope- to assent.

Th,e wa^er at. this lime being low, it w a s proposed by the G neral that a small flftt biia't should be priturcd, which would be very adv-atiiogenis, as he and the French8]a'i «:«;»Ud play it their favo­rite game of twenty-one, w ile the down easter.aud the landlord, wlwn the Gen­eral pnrsuaded to go along, should man­age the boat, ,

.Tbia, accordingly, being acceded-to, the: boat, was aot,n under w y . Scarce-ly bad they left the shore, e't • the Gener-eral, e^gerfirtr the game, gavt the French­man a hint%t«--1hat effect—and thVy Avere soon in ful l blast—the Frenc man taking tbt> deal, t l ie .General bettirj high, arid losirig. N ight setting in the 1 Concluded Io lay to, and dispense w i n the game until morning. ' .

'.The next day \vb»le laying it the shore, tbfy' resumed tht} play—the W-eiieral still losing the most important bits. A t last

[The. proposed a "change of deal! Mo'iitsieu r ra*SHred him h« «otfld only |>lty bis game one way, uifbt that was to di uK' Again they plitypd dn-f-n-a time, wh -n the Gen­eral uppeaHng tit get out of pa'tlebce./in-a is tedlbai the game should he changed, a s he «»as over a thousand dollajs'the lo-

• . . ' - ' s f t v . • ' set*.-" « ;7^_

Monsieur said he thought If o»f unfair request, ds he hada frequently eaijl he kfteW no tlthur game. ^ V

T h ^ Genpral! stlir pressed lnssoit, and

while the Yankee placed his two thoq-satid in companionship. -

' Now, Mislur Giueral,' said Jonathan. ' jes t hide them are hands of yotrrn, and speak it a l l . right oufu plain—so 2 shan't make no mistake.'

The General cast his. e y e towards the landlord—winked—placed his hands be­hind him* and then in a low, distinct voice, said ' open or shut V

The Yankee looked at him steadily for some minutes without moving a muscle o f bis face, as though by some intuition he was about to divine the certain posi­tion of bis bands—rwhen, with»a-motion quick as lightning, he drove his Ifravfrnoy fiwf. full between tho. e y e s of the rfther, which bad no sooner taken effect thato be w a s lying;.prostrate upon the deck.

• O p e n ! by GosHl' cried the Yarikee. as he saw the other's hands flying through the air—at -the same time snatching the money, cramming it into his pneket'and hurling the straightened body o f the General on the shore*' then giving the boat a sudden shove by means of a pole, he and his French companion, to the great discomfiture' of their enemies , were soon gliding down the stream;.

' F i r e ! ' rimred.out the Genera! at the top of his-lottgs.-ffff soon aS'he could re­gain his fejel and lupn. toJti».host-i-* fire4 I tell yi>M,you stupid fool 1-wBlaze a w a y f blow-out .that infernal Yankee's brains*? he's not fit for.di»grroeat V -

The frightened host endenvorod to o-I bey, but it was no go - the more h e tried"

. . . . .m« in the most thrilling acce^its^of supplica tion, but still with the look o f 11 youth­ful Pocahontas—

' He'snof mad, Mr. Marshal—ho'si KOT mad.*

T h e mashal brought his giiir to his shoulder, d i m e to the 'boyt fiice, and mafcrred' off, remarking to a, geiitlernah thai he Would not kill that d o g fur all the mayors add aldermen in creation.

PRESERVATION OP An^bBs.'—Apples intended to be preserved fin* winter and spring use, should remain upon the trees until quite ripe, which usually takes place at the coming of the firat Imavy frosts — They should be picked from the trees by the hand, in a fair day, and J>acked up immediately in casks, in alternate Iiiyer* o f d r y s a n l , piaster, ehutf.,saw-dust, or

Utvftot asnil'oonVoyetf - fo-«-a coul. dry. placi as s o o n ax pnsUiblf). ..The-&iind-{w-*xa^ dust may he dried in the heat tif sum­mer, or may be bnkett in an oven at the time required to be used. T h e peculiar advantages arising from packing apples in sand, are nxplained and commented' upon a s follows ; by the late Mr. Web­ster, nnthor o f the " American Dictiona­ry of the English Language." '• 1st. The sand keeps tho apples i'roni the air, which is essential to their preservation. Sndi .The sand checks the evaporation or perspiration of the apph's, - thus pre serving in* 'them their lull fiWor. My pippins; in Rljay and June, t rq.a'it fresh as when first picked ; even the end of the stems look as if just sepa-roted from the twigs . 3rd. The sand is trqukfly it a preservation from JVost, rot,*,' « c , Sot., after the extreme heat of June- take"*! place, all apples speedily lose their fla vor, and become insipid." *'

comme.nce4l^pad'«i« *ty <.-Jffo«s!.vjteiiifsKits that- he did not .d-ista»vel«.harw ^?e «V«fW| paying him irr nfeovr'n otJiaK'tlnt^%f iffik ed him what it vyusjjus* (SOr^eij|ap^nJ was writing lu him abriut^a AVpman-l-s# " W h y , took hot'e^squtre," «a|*^he>T,'^oi!? surely are not rending my pi'tytie^etteW,'* » Ceiwinly^ sb:,-f: s a l c t ' * - r ^ ? W £ M reading our privatu roaTUSunpt*-.«»'jEJ(l; was plagued-—-begged? us not tf> .mentjott his name—f-romistftl to'df/Vi^'iip i p ^ | and we- quit e v V n . ^ g f y ^ y ' ^ ^ - ^ . "

ANECD<»Ti*.-4.AFr-en^l^e»llt*|^§ft^ tally uuacqiiaitued wi |h OJttf hng#jt|$<w. being* intrcnluced to tj?Btrcle'of youhgollii' dies "and g'-ntlemiin, aftertbfe ^stiutJ^C^t |ilnneut.s hail imsse.l, seated. nimselF.bfB;;

side a beatif'ul,young lady^ .afid,-/heir|g deprived if lire Srttinfacti(m o f cOnVersitif^' wl


hb» to b««aj^-—v\hicTthe mistook Tor tli%? FrV-tch w o r d ' ^ / * , ; W 0 ^ ^ 0 $ ^ gan kissing lier'to^he gre^jp. ir t^of^j^jj who(.« company.,, T h e ooi-se^tcaic^^iaKte that Jli« ' . * • - . . *«

termi'iat Frenchmiin

latlies:oa*n^ to a.anarnlmotii^iJai ion never to. * f y ^ % $ » $ ^

1* &;#$. t


tCJ"Society,like ashaded*ilk, must be viewed in all situations! cr its colors will deceive* a*. Goldsmith observed; that one man who-frrtveistbroogh Borope rilt f trjf. and w h o , like Scrihleros, mak«*s his le^gs bis com passes, and another who is whisk­ed thrrtttgh in a chaise and four-, will f«rm very differe'it conclusions at the end of their journey. . . ' The pl'ttlos ipber, there­fore, wil l draw his estimate.of human na­ture, b y varying as much as possibk* his own situation, to multiply the points of| vie\v tinder which he observes her U n circumscribed by lines, »{' lutitode cat of] longitude, he will examine her butttmerl Up aiiri laced in the forms and''-t'ereihantes of c'wilfniitioii, andat%fer'eii$e,uiireslrairt-

\ed, in the tight and-feattttal costume of \ the taoage\ H e will dlso associate with th6 highest without servility, and with lhe lowest yvithnut vulgarity. In sHurt,"in the-grand theatre of human lilt?, he will visit the? pit and- the gallery-, as we l l m th«* boxes, fttit ho will TfOftrimrd thelrrfxes thrft;he'comt,8*airiongst them tmin the pit^.-nor the .pit that he visits tliem f r o m t b o gallery. ** <- . • ! . . « . . - * .

T h e faslmiii of w«ar1itg'itr%"fcii(ri_,__„, loons, w<* beUev#,.ia roat*)ly^o>t|§.f9|j9fr fushimi, but it seems - frO^;<he f^loWl^r-extract fronrtlfo'last rep'oirt'jbf' t l i & ^ W

York m** t,?mmsvMwtTid$m$£ are adopting it JlheJUeJfi*^ i f f i p f g ^ l f f i l

' Until qnftr* r 8 r 3 e n ^ ^ i ^ n , 4 M S i f f ^ much pleitsfttf iK§k0"^^^^S0^^i hie KTyleft f«r/iadii?s*? ^ s s ^ s . l w ^ B i ^ S i i s S sn*t|*oied -they*. n ' t 'T«r i^ou^Adorf»g i^ i But yoii'caRnt^j*n«gtn'e%|«)*tWtp«ii||ip^^ at noiicing'a ver^^^gtfril 'JMy^&ft^

sicaffootto her pantalette;"»••* ^--•»isi% %<*

PROI»*!R R E S K N T M B S T , - T - A : ' "milditefe^-ppred o l f e^M^fh^WftSfi^^l his^eelf^r staTra^|t£< i . . J f t f f i f e ^ ^ ^ | ^ bro\\;n j|Uche,r,,oni^qfto*t^K<|W|^;«pB*.» liis-f.'et clipping. (reanp^l^wett/^^^K^^ Waa prtf i ipU8Wd-' t^<teo^b. i | fB) i | t e | l^^ wife a„ni,ce old lad^,, j h e a r n j f c i p e , , , ! ^ ^ ran to*"*.cel lar door^anti f ^ | ^ l > ^ 4 v »

" W h y , bu*band I hare jrott Jbroki*«*flb»'' p'ttcherF ". r-;« ^^g-^tfr***1"


ma •""••• . fc . . . r _ . ,

rlowl" «nd • imniwdiatejr|'y#r^ii!r^f^i&* niioher afignnsix$b,$ei tittffitL&jSF®


, <ttiditiiai Blgttfty> , 'The loJlMv-tn* t|tin0e;ffrflii«n' i* stiid" fo

.ha^^p|ssl*d ib^w« ;eri a, cfrtaTn Vfdjady an^ a.cer|ow> pre^iiltng Judge in '• iv» :>. Thttilestriwd fritrctiniiftry wa*jB»pp't>rtpd orrftlig right arid left ny*feirwArftiy SftjtO. e t ^ . ^ h e r f ' M V s ; f/_ tfUv$f% to gi*j> etyduri'ce.' . , ' . . . . .

" . T a k e oft yotw bbnrw-ti tiiatlam," " I had ratlrefhni-.sir'.'^ * '•"J^otirids and biim8ton&. ttjadaitn t a f e

rjff ytttit bonnei, i *fty.'* '" " In public asiiernblies,: s ir , women

fjgeneratly dovtjr thefr heads B.ich,T. I *ara sure ft "ihh cttstoTtl*dfie'«f'l9're,<a;«i'l;

to shoot, the more iie could'nt; 'Virhite' fo cotnplet* riven* chagrin, and'add to their vexation, the voice of t-hrt Yankee—fit>|

said he xvaa wi l l ing' to leave I t j o tfieir'the real nasal twang—warhtJaid c a l ! i i » I.OBl tWifher or no it was r lg t t lhat he out, " e aWttfltl -give him tf chance to win b a f k h i s ] ' I say. Mineral,^^'ttia P r e ^ ' putty con-m"nS^' ' -" ! ' ° 8 1 l ' e , n g a *!*!"$> ^ i e a d I siderable kind of a slick garrre of aimjBt?.-rtl the Gejberal, bf course deeided, tn his j ment, ain't it ? Tel l that are dhao bn

•'ST'-'v, * , ' . ' • « • » v - * - •. «n0»""nptol)Ta*s«faway. k^p^&ll,n' lhfm Fry rhit» firbe all was ready for their to—^horn g o n flints are reiVf alick-thlngt

truhVhmg'departure, and Monsieur,^think-1 to shoot with, ain't they, 0 e n e r a l 4 ' ing lib might come out second heat, wa» ' I givtr it up,* aaid the ©eneral , with anxious to yav'ej but the Generaj de- [an oath—• that cussed Yankee has beat

t h ^ F ^ n c h t h a h nitghf cohsiden him a man clared thiat h i s | ^ i e «tM/,be rtlayfrfwiih-jmy game * ^ a d «?p.o and"abot/ by load o r t b a t character. After their leavinE.lqFiii furtfier de|4j*— 1ing/my «on with:=M-ood«ii mitmega, anii

m t furl her de|S|— • V e j , d e i ) , j M 6 n « c _ . , . . , . — _ . . _ _.._ r _ . . . v <

ing my gun with w o o d e n nsieur,' whined the oth-; potting in horn gun flinta

1 nutmegs, and [;M w?ar» shilling, by way o f pri-jecl,

i»y,.Grtriortl,* cttllad out tho Yan

yierefore, I wtft not ta,k'i' lir^f'rny:^lf)neflr*,

. ^|>r> ypii bva'i* thjtt,,ge.t)ttf^&qj ' Bhe pVR|en$J»-to know mnreabdut lltese matt sttrsthan the- Judge himself!— Madyott |Sfot''bei:#e>,tn1ad!tnir cOmO afid t^ke a Wki

W t h e fetirjcfi ?••'..' ['::•/•-:. ,,:.' '1 ^,'.. •'Si** fir, I thank ym,, fftt ^rtftt^r-

think there are old*loofntn eno«glVtlteri& alriffiody.^1 ;; \-

upeak, stood behihfi (dry £«u>d».-" t t f filrW* 1 Wjipssilile, :sn'e y$m$l dt iast a r # said* -%pt>fe:


VVeli:^wlfe^#|| | as she laid<an emphasiaron-Would fffij t» i i^-a^(>ngf@b^>l i^^%%#*' « e r o notsodehrf*-"-r*m%fi ^mtmtv*

the \vml, rec^i.tk, d j * - ^ ^ - t | M i r ^ ^ areImaniAo t>eiitiv;o,itf)j^%^^iH>«i£l«*it«

[•Scor>p all the :watt^-,oii^|-?lh§5^I|n^ea!l

gristle «tf boyhoods " ^ijitrja - ^ 9 a ^ P 8 tfed'«>loq*'n«>e;! ••f*;,i >-j££^3M

, fhe whbTe' M0G&&

16.006. t^e#i»oie#%4Wl|«|

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iD die \\-orlJ whoare.ty^^ <»f their HllacW i<>ie ;6£tb»iedr«nwoti*c^^ being* warn%SBin*:tl««»t>«h.ottritreetAeW^

I f . ^ a r i i - a h i l l t n ^ . - r - ^ ^ g ' t t ^ i «**>te^ • f ^ P ^ 3 * ^ • c , (n a ton* o f pct i lant 'dittj^tntrjrii'iiit: i i ^ ' M

MH N*fi * intuit ^m^r^^- "PUK •


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