IoT is Reinventing Retail

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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IoTis Reinventing


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a combination of physical devices embedded with electronics, software and other technology for data sharing. Some IoT devices interact with each other, while others connect directly to networks.

The IoT market is projected to reach $326 billion in retail revenue opportunity by 2018*.

* According to SAP



IoT Can Revolutionize Retail Through Technology

The use of IoT within retail can increase inventory accuracy to 99%.

Smart shelves help measure the results of retail execution through customer behavior. Automated checkouts and wearable devices provide additional convenience to customers and pull up important information for sales teams.

$4 $25 $1 $19

Beacons are also relevant, useful technology.These small devices combine mobile data collection with hardware by interacting with nearby smartphones.

IoT and Omnichannel

Retail Strategies

Full adoption of omnichannel can be a frustrating but IoT helps you develop a full omnichannel presence by decreasing the difficulty associated with integrating your data and systems.

Full adoptionof omnichannel canbe frustrating but IoT helps you developthe difficulty associated with integrating your data and systems.

IoT relies on greater access to smartphones and high-speed mobile networks. As such, the prevalence of IoT increases the number of opportunities to collect valuable data.

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IoT’s Retail Execution Benefits

IoT brings benefits to many areas, from product promotion to customer loyalty. For example, you can deliver highly targeted marketing messages to customers. %

With an integrated infrastructure, you can also create a seamless customer experience to help improve loyalty.

By taking advantage of IoT, you will spend less time wondering about inventory numbers, manually sending out promotional offers and coupons, and trying to bring your data together into a centralized location.

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