#iofnfc The charity trustee: useful or beautiful?

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of #iofnfc The charity trustee: useful or beautiful?

The charity trustee:useful or beautiful?

Useful or beautiful?

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”- William Morris

What will we cover?

• The benefits and importance ofbeing a trustee (who knows aboutfundraising)• How can fundraisers work

effectively with trustees?• What's it like being a fundraising


Who are we?

Natalie Assadnatalie.assad@foe.co.uk

Richard Sved@richardsvedrichard@3rdsectormissioncontrol.co.uk

Susie Hills@HillsSusieshills@grahampelton.com

Who's in the room?

• Who here is a trustee?• Who's thinking about it?• Who would like to maximise their

relationship with their trustees?• What are the key issues you would like us to


The Trustee as a fundraising leader

• When does it workwell?• Understands fundraising• Persuades and educates fellow

board members about its importance• ‘Gives and gets’• Providing relevance to

executive staff

The Trustee as a fundraising leader

• Not about status, not top down• It’s about your understanding of how to

fundraise• Why do fundraising discussions move so

easily from strategic to operational?Your job is to stop that!• Raising is as important as spending, and

the two need to be linked

The Trustee as afundraising leader• Use tools• This is the NCVO’s Sun tool

The Sun tool

A. Strategic approachB. Income diversityC. Financial managementD. Communicating successE. External positioning and

marketingF. Relationships

The Sun tool

A. Strategic approachB. Income diversityC. Financial managementD. Communicating successE. External positioning and

marketingF. Relationships

The Trustee as a fundraising leaderWhen are they useful?

• Strategic understanding• Support and contacts• Helping avoid the ‘scattergun’• Educating peers

The Trustee as a fundraising leaderHow can they be beautiful?

• Setting an example by donating, and leading their peers to do the same• Identifying prospects• Facilitating introductions• Inspiring and bringing ‘spark’ to

personal connections• Passion and mission – not just


Working effectively with trustees as a charity fundraiser• See trustees as indispensible

partners• They can:• reach parts you can’t reach• champion your strategy• win you resources• help you to be bigger and


Engaging your biggest prospects as trustees…• 34% only gave money to the organisation they volunteered for• 51% said they are more likely to give if they are involvedNatCen, Cabinet office Research Bulletin – Valuing time and money (2007)

• 8% of the population are responsible for 49% of all volunteering and 40% of all giving

Mohan & Bullock 2012 The idea of a ‘civic core’

Engaging your biggest prospects as trustees…• High net worth donors are more likely to donate their money there they donate

their time.• 62% of wealthy donors cited volunteering as a factor in their giving choices2010 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Study of High Net Work Philanthropy

• Individuals who were asked first for their time gave twice as much money as those who were first asked to make a financial donation.• Those who were asked about giving money first gave less than those who were

first asked about giving their time. Stanford School of Business, Centre for Social Innovation 2008

Case study: Being a young Trustee for Sense

Our Vision: A new, positive relationship between people and the environment.

Case study from both sides of the fence• Motivation for getting involved• When I feel useful • When my contribution is beautiful• What charities can do to encourage a more diverse board• Benefits to me

Checklist for the new Trustee

• Make sure you care• Ask silly questions• Paraphrase arguments – “Can I just check I understand…?”• Read everything• Clarify what is needed – decision? Discussion? For

information?• Be useful, but don’t interfere• Emphasise and educate on the importance of

fundraising• Inspire people

Discussion and conclusion

• Do you have any questions?• Did we address all of the issues you wanted

us to cover?• Thoughts for future sessions!

Thank you

Natalie Assadnatalie.assad@foe.co.uk

Richard Sved@richardsvedrichard@3rdsectormissioncontrol.co.uk

Susie Hills@HillsSusieshills@grahampelton.com