Investing In Youth: Donor Today vs. Dropout Tomorrow.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Investing In Youth: Donor Today vs. Dropout Tomorrow.

Investing In Youth:Donor Today



Hunter’s Story

Becker’s Model of Commitment

Opponent Process Theory

“Giving Blood:The Development of an Altruistic Identity”

By Dr. Jane Piliavin and Peter Callero (1991)

Dr. Jane Pilliavin Study

The Attribution/Self-Perception Framework

The Theory of Reasoned Action

Identity Theory

So… What does it matter and how do you know who is who?

Pilliavin suggested that the shorter the interval between blood donations, and the more rewarding the experience, the quicker the

donor graduates to an “Identity Theory” donor.

How does this apply to the High School Honor Cord program?

A Little History

•Pioneered 2002-2003 school year; High School Gallon Donor Program

• One high school: Choctaw High School, 5 students received donor cords

A Little History (cont.)

• Program expanded to other schools across Oklahoma

• Presented at ADRP, Las Vegas, 2004; concept adopted by many other blood centers

• Due to technological changes, personnel, management and sponsor turnover, the program continued, but lost some momentum over the years.

2009Renewed Commitment to the Program

Review Success- Did the Honor Cord Program:

1. Create Identity Theory repeat donors?

2. Involve more people at a higher level in our schools and communities and open more opportunities for the blood center?

3. Increase blood drive frequency and speaking engagements?

Data Review Criteria

From donation history, compare two sample groups:• 97 high school donors from 8 schools who received Honor Cords and Recognition• Control group of 97 high school donors during the same time frame from 8 randomly selected high schools without an honor cord recognition program.

Using all donations after age 19 as our base, compare the two groups:

• Total visits/attempts• Total successful donations• Donor frequency

High School Honor Cord Donors ROCK!

“Identity Theory” Donors? YES!

OBI 2009-2010 Honor Cord Program

• New Branding Brochure

• Updated with red honor cord in branded, keepsake box

• Certificate suitable for framing

• Approximate total cost: $7 (box) + $3 (cord) + $1 (certificate) = $11 per donor

2010 Honor Cord Graduates: estimated at 1,000+


Review Success- Did the Honor Cord Program:

1. Create Identity Theory repeat donors? YES!

2. Strengthen high school and community relationships? YES!

3. Increase blood drive frequency and speaking engagements? NO and YESa. Difficult to measure, incidental drive increasesb. Program presents required engagement at a

higher administrative level; i.e. principal, superintendent, school board.