invest in dr

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of invest in dr

  • 8/7/2019 invest in dr


    Environment for

    in D mini n R li

  • 8/7/2019 invest in dr


    recognized by the state for thecontribution of economic

    develo ment

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    a are e nee s o e coun ry n sstage of its development?

    What can we offer to attract ou as apotential investor?

    How easy is it to start doing business in

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    General Statistics at a Glance

    Population: 9.5 million Extension: 48,442 km

    Government: RepresentativeDemocracy

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    General Statistics at a Glance


    GDP per Capita: 4,797

    GDP Growth Rate: 5.3% .

    Fiscal deficit: 3.7%

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    General Statistics at a Glance

    Forei n Currenc Sources

    FDI: 2,884

    Remittances: 3,432

    Tourism: 4,200

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    Needs of t he c oun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    Nation Speech on February the 27th, 2009

    .. regardless of the Global financial turbulences the country couldmaintain a climate of social freedom, democratic governance andmacroeconomic stability

    ..Only the success of the farming sector guarantees the right of theDominican people to food supply and adequate nutrition...Shall it

    ecome a na ona pr or y

    ..For the government the solution of the electricity problem is one of its

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    Needs o f t he coun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    Investment in

    Food industry and agriculture

    Energy (production, transmission, management)New technologies

    Infrastructure (roads and railways, housing)

    Tourism InfrastructureFresh water supply


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    Needs o f t he coun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    Implementation of Greenhouse Farming

    Promoting investment to increase Milkroduction

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    Needs o f the c ount ry

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    EnergyFor the government the solution of the electricity

    problem is one of its highest priorities Investment in renewable electricityproduction

    2,000 MW of installed Extra capacity needed

    2 x 600 MW Coal Power Plants in planning

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    Needs o f t he coun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic


    Railway track Santo Domingo - Santiago

    Highway La Romana - Punta Cana

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    Needs o f t he coun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    our sm n rastructure

    T ri m R l E Inv m n in hsouth


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    Needs o f t he coun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    res water supp y

    Modernisation of the Santo DomingoAqueduct

    aqueduct construction in 10 provinces

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    Needs o f t he coun t r y

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic


    Promoting investment in Call Contact Center and

    Business Process Outsourcing industry

    First Call Center Academy at Parque Ciberneticoin Santo Domin o

    Promoting investment in financial Services


    from the Dominican Central Bank

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    van ages o ore ng recInvestment in Dominican Republic

    Legal framework for foreign investment up

    Preferential market access to the USA,u ,

    Nearshore location

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    Equal Treatment for local and foreign investors

    repa r a on o cap a an pro s

    Free currency conversion at stable rates

    Investment Protection through:

    Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)

    Founding Member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)

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  • 8/7/2019 invest in dr


    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    -Implemented on March 1st, 2007

    Increases and Guarantees permanentreferential access for dominican oods

    and services to the U.S.A.

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    Free Trade Zones

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    62 Industrial Free Zones Parks

    600 Companies

    , mp oyees, , ,

    Tobacco, Electronic Products,erv ces

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    Free Trade Zones Incentives

    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    Law 8-90

    100% Tax exemption

    o ncome axes

    No Im ort duties on raw materials andequipment

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    M in Inv rEnvironment for

    Foreign Direct Investmentin Dominican Republic


    Codetel (Mexico) entra omana

    Shell Company


    Bank of Nova Scotia

    France Telecom

    Col ate Palmolive Tricom

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    M in Inv rEnvironment for

    Foreign Direct Investmentin Dominican Republic


    Mexico pa n


    Holland France

    Great Britain

    wi z rl n

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    Environment forForeign Direct Investment

    in Dominican Republic

    .and be right, come to invest in

    Dominican Republic

    CCPDEJohn Castro De La Cruz

    March 2009