Introduction to Software and Computer...

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Transcript of Introduction to Software and Computer...

Introduction to Software and

Computer Engineering

Dr. Sam Siewert Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott

Q: How can we see back in time and predict the future?

Answer: Computers and Software! • Extremely Far Infrared Light from Early

Formation of Universe can be “Seen” in Long-Wave Infrared – Spitzer Space Telescope

• Spectrum and Visualization of Electromagnetic Radiation we can feel heat, but can’t see

• Fast moving objects far away shifts light to far infrared (Doppler Shift)

• Light is billions of years old!

• Future can be predicted through simulations – Will an aircraft design be structurally

sound? (ANSYS) – Can we land a probe at a target location

on Mars by a specific date? (AGI STK or Satellite Toolkit)

– What will a product look like when fabricated? (Solidworks)

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Interplanetary Trajectories in STK…

What is a Computer and Software? 🤔🤔

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Computer - arithmetic and logical operations, moves data, processes input, produces output Software - intermediary between you (user) and the computer’s internal physical machines called hardware.

• Application programs: attracts the user to computer!

– End-user applications • Word, Outlook, Catia, SolidWorks, etc.

– Application development software

• programming languages (e.g., C, C++) Matlab, Python, Robot-C, Lego EV3 programming

• Operating system (OS): between the applications and hardware (e.g. Windows, OS-X, Linux)

• Compiler: converts your programs to machine code, one that the computer can understand



Evolution of Computers

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Technology advancing at an astounding rate – 19th century and early 20th century: mechanical computers, Charles Babbage – 1936: Principle of modern general-purpose digital computer, Alan Turing – Mid 20th century: vacuum tube based computers – NASA: Computers for the Moon Shot, Margaret Hamilton – Compilers for Programming, Grace Hopper – Now is the digital age: transistors, integrated circuits,…..

1965: Moore’s law [Gordon Moore, Intel Corp.]

– Number of transistors in an integrated chip will double in 1 or 2 years – Has held true; but, possible saturation approaching before 2025

Drives cost, functionality, performance!

– Exponential improvement for over 40 years

Plot shows fastest computer over time (measured in FLOPS or Floating Point Operations Per Second)

Digital Computing: 70+ Years Back and Now

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1946: Early general-purpose digital computer, the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was 8 ft. high, 80 ft. long, and filled a 1,500 sq. ft. room!

1946: ENIAC Cost: over $400,000 Clock Speed: 5000 Hz Memory: ~83 bytes FLOPS: 455 Power: ~150,000 W Mass: ~27 000 kg; Area: 167 m2 Volume: ~64.8 m3

Features: Solve numerical problems, e.g., artillery firing tables

2017: NVIDIA Tegra K1 (Shield), K1, X1, X2 Cost: $199 ( Clock Speed: 2,300,000,000 Hz (quad-core) Memory: 2,000,000,000 bytes FLOPS: 290,000,000,000 Power: ~2 …10 W Shield Mass: ~ 0.356 kg; Area: ~ 0.0035 m2 Volume: 70 x 50 x 4.7mm ~ 0.0000165 m3

Features: 3840x2160 display, sensors, connectivity, graphics, self-driving car platform, 192 co-processors • To match today’s Tablet performance you would need over 10 million ENIACs!!

Linux in the Palm of Your Hand …

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Do We No Longer Have Computers Filling a Room?

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VM1 VM2 VM108


DATA CENTER (Distributed Computing)



Anatomy of a General-Purpose Computer

• Case or housing • Power supply • Motherboard

– Central Processing Unit (CPU) – Memory – Input/Output (I/O) ports – Networking – Video and audio chipsets

• Hard disk – Solid state also possible

• Peripherals – CD or DVD drive

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Building Blocks of the Computer


CPU is the brain” of the computer. It includes: • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): does arithmetic and

logic functions • Control Unit (CU): controls actions inside the CPU • Registers: temporary locations to store data,

instructions, and memory addresses • Clock: synchronizes operations in the CPU


Transistors and logic gates (millions to billions of these)

But, how do these electronic circuits respond to input and perform calculations? 🤔🤔 Using binary logic and computation on bits!!

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Binary, Decimal, Hex Numbers

• Each memory location has an address and stores information in the form of bits.

• What’s the information in the memory? – Program instructions – Data

What is the decimal (base-10) equivalent of the binary (base-2) number 1111? What is the hex (base-16) equivalent of the binary number 1111? F

1 x 23 + 1 x 22 + 1 x 21 +1 x 20 = 15

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Memory (8-bits or 1 byte)

Program = Data + Algorithms

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• Algorithm – A sequence of precise instructions that leads to a solution

• Program – An algorithm expressed in a language the computer can understand

• Eureka! So, software means a set of one or more programs!

Program Instructions

The Task of Programming Ada Lovelace – The first programmer (for Charles Babbage’s mechanical computer – the Difference Engine) What is programming? Some conventional definitions:

“Telling a very fast moron exactly what to do” “A plan for solving a problem on a computer” “Specifying the order of a program execution” “Specifying the structure and behavior of a program, and testing that the program performs its task correctly with acceptable performance”

Why is programming hard?

We want “the machine” to do complex things Computers only do exactly what they are instructed to do Code is not a Natural Language and does not “fill in details for us” – Yet!

The world is more complex than we would like to believe (simulation) “Programming is understanding” (Automate only what you understand) Programming is part practical, part theory

If you are just practical, you produce non-scalable unmaintainable hacks If you are just theoretical, this is more like math (Church’s Lambda calculus)

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Apple Siri

HAL 9000







fix_schedule() build_body() finalize_design() get_parts() assemble() …. Specs DATA Metric DATA Design DATA Manufacture DATA Vendor DATA







Program using class objects to build a car

Two Major Programming Paradigms

Structured /Procedural Programming (e.g., C)

Object-Oriented Programming (e.g., C++)

Problem to solve: How to build a car?

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Assembly/Machine Language Based Program vs High-Level Language-Based Program (LCM, GCD)

ARM Assembly Language Program High-Level “C” Language Program

One machine code instruction per ASM mnemonic 🤔🤔 One to many ASM lines per line of C code 🤔🤔

Which one is harder to write and read? 🤔🤔

Small Form Factor Useful Only for a Smart Phone? 🤔🤔

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Intelligent vehicles and embedded control systems

IP picture frame Web-enabled toaster

Internet phones

Internet refrigerator Net-enabled


Net-enabled medical devices

Internet-of-Things (IoT)

*Beaglebone Black

Microcontroller or System-on-Chip (SoC) (e.g., Arduino, Beaglebone Black)

Many other “things”


The Connected Vehicle

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*General Motors (e.g. Android Auto and CAN bus embedded computing systems) Vehicular Cloud Services

1. Intelligent Driving Services

2. Online Diagnosis for Vehicle Safety

3. Interaction with Mobile Devices for Remote Control, Safety and



Inside the car frame Outside the car frame

Autonomous Car with NHTSA Level 3 Automation

ERAU CESE Department Courses

Shown in a Stack (Hardware, Firmware, Software)

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Assembly and C (Machine Language) e.g., CEC320, CEC322

Compiler e.g., CEC470, CS332

Application Programs e.g., CS125, CS213, CS225, CS302

Operating Systems e.g., CEC450, CS420, CS317


Electrical/Electronic Circuits e.g., EE 224, 302, 335

Digital Design e.g., CEC220

Computer Architecture e.g., CEC470


Firmware (Software that

boots machine after Power-on)

Interesting Places I’ve Worked

Sam Siewert

Software and Computer Engineers Don’t Just Live in Cubicles


Houston Mission Control

Super Computing Facilities

Hollywood – Animation / CG

Space Systems Integration and Clean Rooms

A Cubicle now and then …

What will you Do?

Sam Siewert