Introduction To Social Media

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of Introduction To Social Media

  • 1.freshly brewed marketing An Introduction to Social Networking

2. Social Networking This is all about connecting with each other as real people. Increasing transparency, connection, & knowledge about each other. Social networking is a TOOL. Have you learned something useful or important about a friend on Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogging? 3. Technology is a Tool Just like anything else, a tool is only as good as the ways in which you use it Today, what is the tool? 4. What Is Social Media? The Term Social Media refers to online tools (web sites) that depend on user contributions and interactions between people to build shared meaning and value. 5. Social Media Is: Participatory: It blurs the line between media and audience. Open and Democratic: Everyone has a voice. For this reason content is seen as authentic and trustworthy, coming from a trusted person. Conversational: Two (or more) way conversation between people rather than one-way broadcast from an institution Communal: Supports formation, growth and strength of communities around a particular shared interest. Connected: Thrives on being connected, making use of links to other sites, resources and people, rather than being territorial and proprietary. Facebook is especially successful because it is so sticky, meaning users come back to the site frequently. 6. Communication Revolution Social Media is fundamentally changing the way people relate to one another, and provides not just new opportunities, but new norms for relationship building and doing business. Volume Immediacy medium Volume, Viral, and Personal 7. Communications Revolution 8. Social Media Revolution Social Media is fundamentally changing the way people relate to one another, and provides not just new opportunities, but new norms for relationship building and doing business. 9. Social Capital Social Capital is the value of the connections between and among social networks for increasing productivity, spreading information, and locating desired resources. 10. Social Awareness Builds a community with customers, staff and management, etc. If you are in the business of relationship building, this is one of your most powerful tools. Connecting customers to each other, and staff listening to whats happening in their lives. 11. Trust Agent? All great relationships are built on trust and increase your social capital. Use the web to: build influence improve your reputation earn trust. 12. How to Become a Trust Agent 13. Build a Listening Station 14. Building a Listening Station Monitor web activity for you, your company, your products/services and your competitors Set up a Gmail account to get access to free Google applications Use as your listening station Use to search (Type your name/company/product/competitors in quotes into the search bar. On the results page, right-click on orange RRS button/copy-link location) Paste what you copied into Google Reader (Just click the blue plus [+] button.) Search here too: http://search.twitter Label me and them (for your competition) to help you sort 15. Answer Questions on Your Blog Have a blog yet? Remember authorities dont just talk, they write. If you dont want to customize, host and do all the heavy lifting, go to or 16. Answer Questions on Your Blog - Get Credit More Than Once 1. What subjects will help you build content? (Write about something thats helpful to others.) 2. Look around you on Yahoo! Answers & for questions you can answer about your topic. (Write simply. Dont use jargon. Use stories and metaphors, and learn a bit about copywriting . See for tips. Dont talk about your own product all the time.) 3. Check out other blogs about your subject to see what the hot topics are. 4. If you have an opinion, make it known through comments on those blogs or simply by writing about it yourself. Always give credit for your ideas, and be humble. 17. Three Rules for Your New Game 1.When you treat people well, they treat you well back. (Dont do something to get something back. Do it because youre human.) 2.The wider your network, the easier to get things done. 3.The more personal the relationship, the more straightforward you can be. 18. A Game You Can Make Right Now Build a content marketing blog. Go to an affiliate marketing site like Commission Junction (, sign up, and determine what kinds of products you could write about consistently for some length of time. Build a blog around those kinds of topics, and use affiliate advertising in conjunction with your blogging. Start measuring. Set goals. See how little or how much effort you can put into each post to deliver revenue. 19. How to be Human Afraid of feeling like a robot? Remember this new online world is about relationships, not campaigns. Ask about other people - first. How are you? What are you doing? Understand the culture. Promote others 12 times as much as you promote yourself and your company. Use your picture as your avatar. 20. How to Make Friends 21. How to Make Friends Imagine youre at a party. Would you start by trying to sell people your product? No. Same thing here. First youd build relationships. Facebook - find your friends and branch out from there. Its okay to friend people you havent met: Hey, Jeremy, Steve talks about you a lot. Id love to connect up here. Learn about others. Use Twitters search function, and blogs like,, Find friends along lines of mutual interests more than any other factor. If you mess up, remember the three As: acknowledge, apologize, & act. Share a bit of your personal life in your professional. 22. Where Do I Belong Are there groups of people whose ideas are aligned with your companys products or services? Spend some time on Google searching for online communities that could benefit from using your product. Think of any search term, then add community or network to it. Use Google Blogsearch or Technorati. Check out Facebook. 23. Find the Diamonds Find the online rising stars within your industry. E.g. Want to be the Trust Agent for the boating industry? Find the boating bloggers, the boating video makers, the active forum users, and reach out to them. Ask for nothing. Just say hi or that you liked a comment. Make yourself known, but dont talk about your company or business goals. 24. Make an Impact. Leave Comments, Often Dont spam those who have ideas about your products or services. Here are some examples of good comments to leave on a blog: Leave your name and, if important, the company name, but dont be spammy about it Comment on stories and pieces that relate to your industry, product or service Dont explicitly mention or link to your stuff, even if its pertinent at least for a few comments Be yourself, which is to say, be one of us 25. Make an Impact. Leave Comments, Often Make sure youre actually adding some value to the post and not just saying , Hey, nice post. See what others are saying with and use it as a guide. Leave 10 comments today and then 10 tomorrow, even if some are just thank-you notes. Theyll quickly become a staple of your daily online activities, and reading what others say will help you develop your own ideas as well as leave an impression on those who follow you. Youll start to become more memorable and maybe even make a few friends. 26. Get LinkedIn Dust off your profile. Refresh it and start connecting to potential business partners, prospects, and friends. Here are some first steps: Rewrite your profile to highlight your current capabilities and future business interests Add a candid (versus stuffy corporate) head shot Start finding colleagues and connecting Solicit connections on your less formal networks, like Facebook, Twitter, or the newer networks 27. Steve Willinger (423) 523-9050