Introduction to Programming in Go

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Transcript of Introduction to Programming in Go

Introduction to Programming in GoAmr Hassan


This might feel very rudimentary to you.

But this is an "introduction" after all.

In the beginning... Go was created by those guys

Original intentions

Go has always been intended as a systems programming language (way at the bottom of the applicationdevelopment stack).

In systems programming you would usually use C/C++ or Python if performance is not an issue for you asproductivity is.

Original intentions

Born out of mutual hatred towards writing and compiling C++ code.

To the surprise of the creators, Go has seen a much higher rate adoption from the scripting crowd(Python and Ruby), and most of the C/C++ people perceived the simplicity of the langauge as a step back.

Where it is now

Seemingly everywhere

Go is 5 years old now.

To the surprise of its creators, it has grown tremendously in popularity.

It's the new go-to platform for building cloud infrastructure.

Where it is now

List of Go users (

What Go isn't

What Go isn't

Let's start by dialing down your expectations to a manageable level.

Go isn't a functional programming langauge

Although functions are first class objects

Go's adopted style is imperative through and through (sort of like C).

Your code is executed for its side effects, and you reason about your logic as sequential commandsexecuted to mutate some value within your scope of action.

Purely functional idioms in Go are really counter-productive.

So if you're a functional programming hipster, get over it.

Go isn't an object-oriented language

Although Go has objects.. with methods

And a limited way of doing inheritance (it's actually called composition)

It's not OOP-driven, and won't scratch your pure OOP itch.

Trying to construct rich type hierarchies like in Java or Python is very counter-productive.

Go isn't a high-level language

You might think that's implicit with "systems language", but it isn't. (cough) (Rust) (cough)

Go favors readability above all.

Go Offers just enough syntactic sugar to be productive, but not too much.

That is why a lot of the times verbosity and code simplicity are favored over complex succinctness.

What Go is

What Go is

Hopefully I haven't lost you yet.

Go is Compiled

Compiles to native hardware instructions that can run on the bear metal.

No overhead of a VM or an interpreter.

Comes at the price of doing cross-compilation when you need multiple OS support.

Don't worry, most of the stdlib is cross-compatible.

Go executables are statically-linked

Storage is cheap!

External dependencies and shared binaries are not worth the effort.

Go executables are statically-linked

Very attractive feature right now.

Go is statically-typed (awesomeness)

As you may know, I’m a bit biased towards static typing.

I just think it’s a really neat idea as it makes my life a lot easier.

Go is statically-typed

What is static typing anyway?

Unfortunately static typing has always had this stigma of it being too verbose.

This is not the case anymore in modern languages like Go, because of type inference.

So you kind of get the best of both worlds there.

Go is memory-managed

Go runtime is responsible for allocating memory for your objects.

You never need to worry about the correct (or incorrect) number of bytes to allocate.

Heap, stack or data segments are all fine with you.

Go is memory-managed

Go has a tracing garbage collector.

You never need to worry about who will deallocate your memory when.

You just use objects, pass them around and then stop using them.

Go is memory-managed

Unlike many other memory-managed programming languges, Go has memory pointers.

But since pointer arithmetic is unallowed (easily), it's considered safe.

Go is pragmatic

Built by software engineers (not academics) out of specific programming use cases, not in a "lab" or bylanguage designers.

Covers most of the areas that the creators felt needed addressing in their day-to-day programmingdendeavours.

Go is minimalistic

Small set of orthogonal features that provide a a sweet spot balance between programmer productivityand simple software design.

Implies:- Gentle learning curve- Human-readable source code

It’s very common for people to pick up the language in an afternoon and start building thingsimmediately

Huge plus!

Go is modern

As a fairly-new language, the stdlibs come with packages for doing many of the essential jobs that aprogrammer in this day would most likely require in her job.

Integrated web development stack and testing tools in the std libs and toolachain.

So no excuse to not be test-driven!

Go is concurrent

Dubbed a "concurrent language" because of support for native building blocks of concurrency built intothe syntax

Go's concurrency building blocks allow you to- write and execute code concurrently directly from the language syntax- establish managed (and safe) ways for communicating between concurrently executing code

Go is concurrent

The Go runtime will multiplex your concurrent code for you on actual OS threads, free of charge.

Go is a bit frustrating at first

First impressions of Go is that it's very lacking.

Go is almost never anyone’s first programming language, so everyone comes to it with expectations andbiases about how things should be done according to their system of belief and the kind of programmingidiom they are used to.

Since that Go was built out of frustration with the current state of things, it's meant to disrupt the way youprogram.

Go is a bit frustrating at first

You shouldn't give into that initial frustration.

Because it gets rewarding very quickly.



Most of these examples are derived from the official tour of Go on

So if they seem too familiar, that’s probably the reason.

Syntax: Hello World

Execution starts in the main() in the "main" package.

UTF-8 source code files. No special headers. No literal escaping.

You can even declare unicode symbols.Ω(DoSomething()).Should(Equal("foo"))

You probably shouldn't do that. Nice to know that you can though.

"fmt" is where you find string formatting functions.

"fmt" name is Rob Pike's doing.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, بشريا ")} Run

Syntax: Variables

Variables can be declared in function scope of package scope.

package main

import "fmt"

var c, python, java bool

func main() { var i int fmt.Println(i, c, python, java)} Run

Syntax: Variables with initializers

Type inference in action!

package main

import "fmt"

var i, j int = 1, 2

func main() { var c, python, java = true, false, "no!" fmt.Println(i, j, c, python, java)} Run

Syntax: Shorthand variable declaration

Only inside a function body.

Both declarations are identical.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { var i, j int = 1, 2 k := 3 c, python, java := true, false, "no!"

fmt.Println(i, j, k, c, python, java)} Run

Syntax: Primitive types



int int8 int16 int32 int64uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr

float32 float64

complex64 complex128


byte // alias for uint8

rune // alias for int32 and it represents a Unicode code point

Zero values for booleans is false and for numerical types an actual 0.

Syntax: Primitive types in action

package main

import ( "fmt" "math/cmplx")

var ( ToBe bool = false MaxInt uint64 = 1<<64 - 1 z complex128 = cmplx.Sqrt(-5 + 12i))

func main() { const f = "%T(%v)\n" fmt.Printf(f, ToBe, ToBe) fmt.Printf(f, MaxInt, MaxInt) fmt.Printf(f, z, z)} Run

Syntax: Type Conversion

Unlike in a lot of other languages where automatic conversion to types with wider percision is allowed,type conversions in Go must be explicit.

The expression T(v) converts the value v to the type T.

package main

import ( "fmt" "math")

func main() { var x, y int = 3, 4 var f float64 = math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y)) var z int = int(f) fmt.Println(x, y, z)} Run

Syntax: Loops

Syntax: Loops

Your for-s, foreach-es, and your while-s.

Syntax: Loops - For Loop

Very C.

Parens are not allowed. Not even optional!

Body brakcets are obligatory.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { sum := 0 for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { sum += i } fmt.Println(sum)} Run

Syntax: Loops - For Loop

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { sum := 1 for ; sum < 1000; { sum += sum } fmt.Println(sum)} Run

Syntax: Loops - While Loop

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { sum := 1 for sum < 1000 { sum += sum } fmt.Println(sum)} Run

Syntax: While (TRUE) Loop

package main

import ( "fmt" "time")

func main() { for { fmt.Println("Tick!") time.Sleep(1000) fmt.Println("Tock!") time.Sleep(1000) }} Run

Syntax: Conditionals - If

Also very C.

Also body brakcets are obligatory

Again, parens are not even optional.

package main

import ( "fmt" "math")

func sqrt(x float64) string { if x < 0 { return sqrt(-x) + "i" } return fmt.Sprint(math.Sqrt(x))}

func main() { fmt.Println(sqrt(2), sqrt(-4))} Run

Syntax: Conditionals - If with pre-statement

package main

import ( "fmt" "math")

func pow(x, n, lim float64) float64 { if v := math.Pow(x, n); v < lim { return v } return lim}

func main() { fmt.Println( pow(3, 2, 10), pow(3, 3, 20), )} Run

Syntax: Conditionals - If/else

package main

import ( "fmt" "math")

func pow(x, n, lim float64) float64 { if v := math.Pow(x, n); v < lim { return v } else { fmt.Printf("%g >= %g\n", v, lim) } // can't use v here, though return lim}

func main() { fmt.Println( pow(3, 2, 10), pow(3, 3, 20), )} Run

Syntax: Conditionals - Switch

Switch is a fancy if with multiple if/else clauses.

package main

import ( "fmt" "runtime")

func main() { fmt.Print("Go runs on ") switch os := runtime.GOOS; os { case "darwin": fmt.Println("OS X.") case "linux": fmt.Println("Linux.") default: // freebsd, openbsd, // plan9, windows... fmt.Printf("%s.", os) }} Run

Syntax: Conditionals - Switch case evaluation

switch i {case 0:case f():}

The evaluation order of the switch case statements happens from top to bottom.

Syntax: Functions

The main building block in Go.

You can create nested closures using the func keyword.

package main

import "fmt"

func add(a int, b int) int { return a + b}

func main() { sum := add(3, 1) fmt.Println("Initial sum", sum)

// Closures! and first-class function values incrementSum := func() { sum += 1 }

incrementSum() incrementSum() fmt.Println("Incremented sum", sum)} Run

Syntax: Functions

The type of function values is:

func([argument_list]) [return_type]

Syntax: Higher order functions

We can use function types to declare some higher order functions like

package mainimport "fmt"

func add(a int, b int) int { return a + b }func subtract(a, b int) int { return a - b }

func execute(a, b int, operation func(int, int) int) int { // shorthand for duplicate types return operation(a, b)}

func main() { i, j := 4, 2

added := execute(i, j, add) fmt.Printf("Added %d + %d == %d\n", i, j, added)

subtracted := execute(i, j, subtract) fmt.Printf("Subtracted %d - %d == %d\n", i, j, subtracted)} Run

Syntax: Defer

An awesome Go-first!

Push clean-up code to be executed before the function returns in LIFO.

Go's way of making up for not managing resources for you other than memory and CPU.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { defer fmt.Println("world")

fmt.Println("hello")} Run

Syntax: Stacking defer statements

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { fmt.Println("counting")

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { defer fmt.Println(i) }

fmt.Println("done")} Run

Syntax: Pointers

A Go pointer value is nothing but a typed memory addresses, much like a C pointer.

*T is a pointer to a T value

The zero value of a pointer is nil (no garbage values in Go).

Syntax: Pointers

This is how you declare a pointer.

var p *int

The & operator generates a pointer to its operand.

i := 42p = &i

The * operator denotes the pointer's underlying value.

fmt.Println(*p) // read i through the pointer p

Dereferencing a pointer is also via the * operator.

*p = 21 // set i through the pointer p

Unlike C, Go has no pointer arithmetic.

Syntax: Structs

The the way of building heterogeneous aggregate custom types in Go.

That's fancy talk for saying it's a collection of fields of different types.

package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct { X int Y int}

func main() { fmt.Println(Vertex{1, 2})} Run

Syntax: Structs

Struct fields are accessible using the dot notation

package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct { X int Y int}

func main() { v := Vertex{1, 2} v.X = 4 fmt.Println(v.X)} Run

Syntax: Struct literal notation

package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct { X, Y int}

var ( v1 = Vertex{1, 2} // has type Vertex v2 = Vertex{X: 1} // Y:0 is implicit v3 = Vertex{} // X:0 and Y:0 p = &Vertex{1, 2} // has type *Vertex)

func main() { fmt.Println(v1, p, v2, v3)} Run

Syntax: Pointers to structs

Quickly instantiate and populate with values a struct all at once

package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct { X int Y int}

func main() { v := Vertex{1, 2} p := &v p.X = 1e9 fmt.Println(v)} Run

Syntax: Structs are your main objects

If you’re coming from a strictly OOP language like Java, the only thing you would be thinking about in yourprogram design, is classes.

Classes this, classes that, classes everywhere.

Syntax: Structs are your main objects

Go creators did not like that approach where everything had to be a class.

Sometimes, the simplest most correct way to express your computation, is just as a function.

Go fell back to the minimalistic approach of C, where your data structures are just pure aggregate data.

And you can as an added bonus, you can specify type-specific operations on each of your custom types.

It’s like how in C you would declare struct s and then declare functions that all accept a pointer to thestruct as their first argument by convention.

Syntax: Struct methods

Two argument lists. First one only has the "receiver" argument. Second one has zero or more argumetnsof your method.

Dot notation for invoking struct methods on the receiver.

package mainimport ("fmt"; "math")

type Vector struct { X float64 Y float64}

func (v Vector) Magnitude() float64 { return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y) }

func (v *Vector) Add(other *Vector) *Vector { return &Vector{X: v.X + other.X, Y: v.Y + other.Y} }

func main() { vec := Vector{3.0, 4.0} fmt.Println(vec) fmt.Println(vec.Magnitude()) fmt.Println(vec.Add(&Vector{6.0, 4.0}))} Run

Syntax: Arrays

The way of constructing homogeneous aggregate types in Go (a sequence of values of the same type).

Analogous to boring C arrays.

Fixed in size.

Size is part of the type.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { var a [2]string a[0] = "Hello" a[1] = "World" fmt.Println(a[0], a[1]) fmt.Println(a)} Run

Syntax: Slices

Slices are arrays on steroids.

Go makes up for the fact that it doesn’t let you do pointer arithmetic, by giving you this much cooler andeasier to use concept of slices.

A slice is more or less a view into a subset of an array.

[]T is a slice with elements of type T.

A slice's size is not reflected in its type.

Syntax: Slices

The slice literal notation lets you create slices backed by anonymous arrays very easily and populate themwith values on the spot.

Slices are used just like you would use an array, except for a couple of extra very neat features.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { p := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} fmt.Println("p ==", p)

for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ { fmt.Printf("p[%d] == %d\n", i, p[i]) }} Run

Syntax: Slicing slices

You can slice slices!

Very similar to sequence slicing in Python (except that negative indices are not supported).

You can slice into a slice to get a new view into its backing array, or you can slice into an already existingarray to get a slice from that.

package mainimport "fmt"

func main() { p := []int{2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13} fmt.Println("p ==", p) fmt.Println("p[1:4] ==", p[1:4])

// missing low index implies 0 fmt.Println("p[:3] ==", p[:3])

// missing high index implies len(s) fmt.Println("p[4:] ==", p[4:])} Run

Syntax: Slicing slices

The zero value of a slice is nil.

Syntax: Appending to slices

package mainimport "fmt"

func main() { var a []int printSlice("a", a)

// append works on nil slices. a = append(a, 0) printSlice("a", a)

// the slice grows as needed. a = append(a, 1) printSlice("a", a)

// we can add more than one element at a time. a = append(a, 2, 3, 4) printSlice("a", a)}

func printSlice(s string, x []int) { fmt.Printf("%s len=%d cap=%d %v\n", s, len(x), cap(x), x)} Run

Syntax: Appending to slices

If the backing array of the slice is too short, then append() would create a new backing array big enoughand use that in the returned slice.

Syntax: Maps

The native type-safe associative array in Go is the hash map, almost identical to the native map type inPython.

Syntax: Maps

You must create a map using the make() function before usage, because the zero value of map is nil andusing that as a map causes in an error.

You can create maps from any type to any type.

package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct { Lat, Long float64}

var m map[string]Vertex

func main() { m = make(map[string]Vertex) m["Bell Labs"] = Vertex{ 40.68433, -74.39967, } fmt.Println(m["Bell Labs"])} Run

Syntax: Map Literals

package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct { Lat, Long float64}

var m = map[string]Vertex{ "Bell Labs": Vertex{ 40.68433, -74.39967, }, "Google": Vertex{ 37.42202, -122.08408, },}

func main() { fmt.Println(m)} Run

Syntax: Map operations

package main

import "fmt"

func main() { m := make(map[string]int)

m["Answer"] = 42 fmt.Println("The value:", m["Answer"])

m["Answer"] = 48 fmt.Println("The value:", m["Answer"])

delete(m, "Answer") fmt.Println("The value:", m["Answer"])

v, exists := m["Answer"] fmt.Println("The value:", v, "Present?", exists)} Run

Syntax: Range loops

21st century looping in Go

Similar to Python sequence looping

for i, v in enumerate([1, 2, 3])

and map looping

for k, v in mapping.items()

package main

import "fmt"

var pow = []int{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}

func main() { for i, v := range pow { fmt.Printf("2**%d = %d\n", i, v) }} Run

The Zen of Go

The Zen of Go: Interfaces

Go resists this:- subtype polymorphism (inheritance).- parametric-type polymorphism (generics).

It instead emphasizes polymorphism via interfaces.

The Zen of Go: Interfaces

Go interfaces are small.

type Stringer interface { String() string}

A Stringer can pretty print itself.Anything that implements String is a Stringer.

Interfaces are implemented implicitly.

The Zen of Go: Interfaces

Interfaces are types.

package mainimport "fmt"

type Named interface { Name() string}

func greet(someone Named) { fmt.Println("Greetings, " + someone.Name()) }

type Human struct { firstName string}

func (h Human) Name() string { return h.firstName}

func main() { greet(Human{firstName: "Jack Bauer"})} Run

The Zen of Go: Interfaces

A Sorting example

package mainimport ("fmt"; "sort")

type Person struct { Name string Age int}func (p Person) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d", p.Name, p.Age) }

// ByAge implements sort.Interface for []Person based on// the Age field.type ByAge []Personfunc (a ByAge) Len() int { return len(a) }func (a ByAge) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }func (a ByAge) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].Age < a[j].Age }

func main() { people := []Person{{"Bob", 31}, {"John", 42}, {"Michael", 17}, {"Jenny", 26}} fmt.Println(people) sort.Sort(ByAge(people)) fmt.Println(people)} Run

The Zen of Go: Error handling

The Zen of Go: Error handling

Unchecked exceptions are evil.

This is not scripting. You're building "robust" infrastructure software.

"Let it crash" cannot be the default way of handling errors.

Every computation that can fail must be executed with proper "error handling code".

The Zen of Go: Error handling

Memorize this pattern. You're gonna use it so much it'll haunt you in your dreams.

package main

import ( "fmt")

func getMyText() (string, error) { // This could have been read from disk or a network socket return "Your text", nil}

func main() { myText, err := getMyText() if err != nil { myText = "Sorry, I couldn't get your text. May I interest you in a joke?" }

fmt.Println(myText)} Run

The Zen of Go: Error handling

Go chose simplest approach possible to error handling.

Errors are plain regular values that implement the error interface.

type error { Error() string}

You should either handle an error or propagate it upwards.

The Zen of Go: Error handling

Unexpected errors should not be expected

package main

import ("fmt"; "regexp")

func extractLongestNumber(text string) string { extractorRegexp, err := regexp.Compile("([0-9]+)") if err != nil { panic(err) // This will crash with a stack trace and the value of err }

matches := extractorRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(text) if len(matches) > 1 { return matches[1] } else { return "" }}

func main() { myText := "Sonmi-451" fmt.Println(extractLongestNumber(myText))} Run

The Zen of Go: Error handling

This is so common that there's a pattern for it.

package main

import ("fmt"; "regexp")

func extractLongestNumber(text string) string { extractorRegexp := regexp.MustCompile("([0-9]+)") matches := extractorRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(text) if len(matches) > 1 { return matches[1] } else { return "" }}

func main() { myText := "Sonmi-451" fmt.Println(extractLongestNumber(myText))} Run

The Zen of Go: Error handling

Having to handle every each possible error case manually is a common first-day complaint in Go

You get used to it very quickly.

You will definitely feel its reward when you run your code and find it correct and not crashing the firsttime.

The Zen of Go: Packages

The Zen of Go: Packages

Packages are one more thing that newcomers clash against.

Go comes with its own way of doing packages and file hierarchy for source code.

Just stop fighting it.

The Zen of Go: Packages

The first thing you'll do after installing the Go SDK is setting up your $GOPATH.

$GOPATH is structured like so:

|- src|- bin|- pkg

The import path of your packages is going to be the relative path under your $GOPATH/src directory.


import "coderize/awesomelib"

imports the package from $GOPATH/src/coderize/awesomelib as the awesomelib package

It's as simple as that. Don't invent your own system.

The Zen of Go: Visibility

Code visibility is only on the package level.

Only symbols starting with an upper class letter are exported.

package awesomelib

type ExportedType interface { PublicAction()}

type internalType struct { internalNumber int}

func (a internalType) PublicAction() { /* I work in silence*/ }

func internalDityWork() { /* TMI*/ }

func NewAwesomeness() ExportedType { /* TMI*/ return internalType{internalNumber: 42} }

The Zen of Go: Documentation

The Zen of Go: Documentation

No special syntax.

Code documentation should be readable to humans in source code text format.

// Accepts an io.Reader and does the agreed-upon computation and returns the result// or a descriptive error if something went wrong.func ExportedFunction(reader io.Reader) (Result, error)

No special markup tags to describe parameters or return types.

If you make sure all your exported symbols are documented, Godoc can render that into perfectlypresentable HTML for you.

godoc (

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

I've saved the best for last.

Concurrency is a session topic on its own.

Let's just skim over of what Go has to offer.

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime.

Go routines are multiplexed over multiple actual OS threads by the runtime.

go f(x, y, z)

starts a new goroutine running

f(x, y, z)

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

package main

import ( "fmt" "time")

func say(s string) { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) fmt.Println(s) }}

func main() { go say("world") say("hello")} Run

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

A channel is a typed synchronized queue.

boolChannel := make(chan bool) // I created a boolean channel of type "chan bool"

Channels are utilized for communication and synchronization between running goroutines.

There are three things you can do on a channel: send stuff, receive stuff, or close the channel.

boolChan <- = falseboolChan <- = trueboolChan <- = true


I just sent a "false" and two "true"s to the channel then closed it.

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

On the receiving end:

// Listens on the given channel for three incoming boolean messages and returns true if any one// was truefunc getMyBooleans(myChannel chan bool) bool { firstMessage, isOpen := <- boolChan if !isOpen { return false } secondMessage, isOpen := <- boolChan if !isOpen { return firstMessage } thirdMessage, isOpen := <- boolChan if !isOpen { return firstMessage | secondMessage } return firstMessage | secondMessage | thirdMessage}

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

Too verbose? range to the rescue:

// Listens on the given channel for incoming boolean messages and returns true if any one// was truefunc getMyBooleans(myChannel chan bool) bool { message := false for incomingMessage := myChannel { message |= incomingMessage } return message}

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

Channel sends and receives are blocking operations. So they're perfect for doing "lock-free"synchronization.

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

Here's a really dumb example that takes too much time to compute

package mainimport "fmt"

func fibonacci(i uint) uint { if i <= 1 { return 1 } return fibonacci(i-1) + fibonacci(i-2)}

func main() { fmt.Println(fibonacci(41)) fmt.Println(fibonacci(41))} Run

The Zen of Go: Concurrency

Same example but now made faster using parallelism via goroutines and channels.

package mainimport "fmt"

func compute(computation func() int) <- chan int { outputChannel := make(chan int) go func() { outputChannel <- computation() }() return outputChannel}

func fibonacci(i int) int { if i <= 1 { return 1 } else {return fibonacci(i-1) + fibonacci(i-2) }}

func main() { computation := func() int {return fibonacci(41)} firstResult := compute(computation) secondResult := compute(computation) // Now I'm gonna block and wait for the two results fmt.Println(<- firstResult) fmt.Println(<- secondResult)} Run

Where to Go from here (pun intended)

Where to Go from here (pun intended)

There are still several things that I did not have the time to cover in Go.

I suggest checking out the links below.

Take the Go tour yourself (

Go for Gophers (by Andrew Gerrand) (

Go Concurrency Patterns (by the awesome Rob Pike) (

Go subreddit (

Thank you

Amr Hassan