Introduction to Poetry

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Introduction to Poetry. Poetry!. For the poetry part of this standard, you need to identify and respond to the: subject matter, language, and sound devices in a variety of poems. Poetry!. As you read a poem, you may “hear” the writing in your mind. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Introduction to Poetry

Introduction to Poetry

Poetry!For the poetry part of this standard, you

need to identify and respond to the:• subject matter, • language, and • sound devices in a variety of poems.

Poetry!As you read a poem, you may “hear” the writing in your mind.

Sound devices make poetry sound better in your mind. These sound devices

include the following:

Poetry is a literary genre that may encompass a variety of metered or rhythmically measured lines and is intended to evoke an emotional experience in the reader

Tone vs. Mood*Know the difference!Tone- the author's attitude toward

his/her subjectTone can be. . .• serious• objective• sarcastic• romantic• ironic• outraged

Tone vs. MoodMood- the feeling or atmosphere the

writer creates for the readerdiction + imagery + events + setting =


Application. . . Imagine a group of people in an old, three-story house. The people

are whispering and walking very slowly through the house. They are easily startled. Some are visibly shaking. The mood created here is one of scary suspense. A reader will wonder what has scared the people and may feel some suspense about the events to come.

. . . Now, change the mood by imagining the people talking loudly. They are gesturing at various rooms in the house and whistling appreciatively. They seem excited about the old, colored-glass windows. A reader could assume that these people are about to move into the old house. The mood is no longer scary and suspenseful. It is now light and optimistic.

ImageryImagery in a Single SentenceWhile poems and songs can paint a vivid picture since they

are longer mediums, imagery can be found in just a single sentence as well. Consider the following imagery examples:

• He fumed and charged like an angry bull.• He fell down like an old tree falling down in a storm.• He felt like the flowers were waving him a hello.• The eerie silence was shattered by her scream.

Imagery. . . Just listen. . . A famous poem that contains imagery is "Daffodils" by

William Wordsworth. As you read through the poem, he paints a wonderful picture of daffodils such that you can almost picture them in the breeze:

A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the Milky Way

AlliterationAlliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of one initial sound in more than one word. Usually, the repeated sound is of a consonant.

Examples: “Wild and woolly” and “hale and hearty” are examples.

sizzle! zoom! ding! buzz!

Onomatopoeia is a sound device where a word imitates the sounds associated with it.

• Literally means “name making”

Rhyme schemeRhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhymes in a poem. Each new rhyme in a stanza is represented by a different letter of the alphabet.

For example, in a four-line poem in which every other line rhymes, the rhyme scheme is abab.

In a six-line poem with every two lines rhyming, the rhyme scheme is aabbcc.


Consonance-Repetition of consonant sounds at

the ENDS of words or WITHIN words…for example,

“Some late visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door”


Assonance: Repetition of vowel sounds within words

End Rhyme

End Rhyme:Rhymes at the ends of

lines of poetry

Internal Rhyme

Internal Rhyme: “The sharp knife of a short life”

Rhymes that occur WITHIN a single line

of poetry

Figurative languageYou will be asked to identify figurative language

(which is commonly found in poetry).literal language-language that means

what it says directly

figurative language- language that communicates ideas beyond the ordinary, literal meanings of words. These include figures of speech (i.e. personification, hyperbole, similes, and metaphors etc.)

Identifying figurative language. . .

Term Definition Example

Personification A figure of speech giving human characteristics to an animal, thing, idea, or other inanimate object

The box of chocolates called to me from the kitchen.

Metaphor An implied comparison between two unrelated things

My summer was becoming a box of chocolates melting in the sun.

Simile A direct comparison between two unlike things, often connected by like, as, or than

Life is like a box of chocolates.

Hyperbole An extravagant or excessive exaggeration

It will take me ten years to eat that huge box of chocolates.

(Wordsworth's poem in document)

ApplicationThe simile in lines 1–2 of “Daffodils”

mostly describes the speaker’sA dreamsB feelingsC movementsD thoughts

The correct answer is choice B.

The phrase “lonely as a cloud” is a direct comparison of the speaker’s emotions to the distant, solitary cloud.

StructureWhile sound devices and figures of

speech are important in poetry, the structure of a

poem is often its most distinctive characteristic. The structure refers to the way in which the parts of a work are put together; the words and lines are arranged for a desired effect.

Poems are written in stanzas, or groups of lines. These stanzas are arranged in

either fixed form or free form.


Fixed form is what most people consider typical poetry: it’s written in traditional verse and generally rhymes. Some fixed form poems have specific requirements on length, rhyming scheme, and number of syllables.

A sonnet, for example, is a 14- line rhymed poem.

Structure: Free verse

Free form, or free verse, poetry follows no specific guidelines about rhyme, meter, or length. Free form often tries to capture the cadence of regular speech. Some stanzas may rhyme but not in a regular scheme.


• Some poems are narrative poems. The main purpose of a narrative poem is to tell a story.

• Lyric poetry expresses a person’s thoughts

or feelings. Elegies, odes, and sonnets are types of lyric poems.

For the final part of the standard related to poetry, you will need to:sort and

classify poems according to these forms and structures.


Choice B describes a narrative poem. Choice C describes the rhyme scheme, which identifies the poem as fixed verse but not necessarily a lyric. Choice D confuses the meaning of lyric with the meaning of lyrics. Choice A is the correct answer because it is related to the expression of feelings.

Elegy-a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead

Ode-an elaborate and emotional poem that is meant to be sung

Sonnet- a lyric poem of 14 lines, commonly written in iambic pentameter. The sonnet may be classified as Petrarchan or Shakespearean. The Shakespearean (or Elizabethan) sonnet consist of three quatrains or four-units, and a final couplet. The typical rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg

• Stop here. • You are not responsible to know the

part about drama yet.

Save the drama for your mama!

. . . NOT that kind of drama!

Drama!Drama is literature in which plot and

characters are developed through dialogue and action; in other words, drama is literature in play form.

Examples:• stage plays• radio plays• movies• television programs


Drama is known for its dialogue, but what else?

Draw the diagram of the stage on your notes!

Drama!The last part of this standard focuses on

drama, or dramatic literature. The two most common types are tragedies and comedies.

A tragedy is a serious play that ends in disaster and sorrow.

A comedy is a lighthearted play intended to amuse the audience. Comedies usually end


Drama!Dialogue, the lines spoken by characters, is also an important convention. A monologue is a long,uninterrupted speech by one character spoken in front of and heard by the other characters. A soliloquy is a dramatic monologue where a character reveals his or the inner feelings.An aside is a comment a character makesto the audience, which is not intended for the other characters to hear.

Drama!Dramatic irony is a situation in which the audience knows more than the character onstage. A character does or says something of greater importance than he or she knows. The audience,however, is aware of the meaning and importance of the act or speech.

What are these examples of?

1) [Unbuttoning his overcoat and stepping away from the stove, he turns to face his son.]

2) [Father enters stage left.]

Characteristics of a sonnet. A sonnet is simply a poem written in a certain format. You can identify a sonnet if the poem has the following characteristics:14 lines.

All sonnets have 14 lines which can be broken down into four sections called quatrains.

A strict rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet is ABAB / CDCD / EFEF / GG (note the four distinct sections in the rhyme scheme).

Written in iambic Pentameter. Sonnets are written in iambic pentameter, a poetic meter with 10 beats per line made up of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables.

A sonnet can be broken down into four sections called quatrains. The first three quatrains contain four lines each and use an alternating rhyme scheme. The final quatrain consists of just two lines which both rhyme.

Each quatrain should progress the poem as follows:

First quatrain: This should establish the subject of the sonnet.

Number of lines: 4. Rhyme Scheme: ABAB

Second quatrain: This should develop the sonnet’s theme.

Number of lines: 4. Rhyme Scheme: CDCD

Third quatrain: This should round off the sonnet’s theme.

Number of lines: 4. Rhyme Scheme: EFEF

Fourth quatrain: This should act as a conclusion to the sonnet.

Number of lines: 2. Rhyme Scheme: GG