Introduction to Lean part 2

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Transcript of Introduction to Lean part 2

Intro to LeanPart 2Presenter:

Christopher KorolyEFC – Skyline Church 05/21/2011

EFC – Skyline Church 15/22/2011

Presentation Flow

• Introduction• What is Lean?• Applying Lean• VA vs. NVA, Waste and a Process Map Example• Q&A

EFC – Skyline Church 25/22/2011


• Christopher Koroly– M.E. Cal Poly SLO 2006– Asymtek – Production Engineer• 2006-2009

– Goodrich Aerostructures – Project Engineer• 2009-Present

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What has GR Accomplished?

• Goodrich has been on it’s lean journey since the late 1990s

• With Lean, Goodrich has been able to:• Do twice as much, with half the space, a third of the

resources, in a quarter of the time

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What is Lean?

• Lean better serves customer needs by using– Less effort– Less time– Less space– Less investment– Less hassle– Less injuries– Less everything– And It can do more

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What do we mean by “Lean”

• Determine the value sought by the customer – Not “value” determined by working backwards

from existing assets including design philosophies.– Marxist definition of value is something is worth

the amount of effort put into it. This is not true!– Something is only worth what the customer is

willing to pay.

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What do we mean by “Lean”

• Create end-to-end processes (Value streams) to provide the desired value– Concept to launch (product & process

development)– Order to Delivery (fulfillment).– Customer use through the life cycle (support).

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Purpose, Process, People

• Purpose – provide value for the customer– What’s the purpose of this business?– What’s the purpose of this process?– What customer problems are you solving to

achieve your purpose of prospering?

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Purpose, Process, People

• Process – How will you asses each step you do as being:– Valuable– Capable– Available– Adequate– Flexible– Everything is linked by flow, pull and leveling?

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Purpose, Process, People

• People– How can you make sure that every important

process has someone responsible for continually evaluating the value stream in terms of business purpose and lean process?

– How can everyone touching the value stream be actively engaged in operating it correctly and continually improving it?

EFC – Skyline Church 105/22/2011

Goodrich Culture

Applying Lean

Where to Start? - 14 Principles of the Toyota way*• Principle 1: Base your

management Decision on a Long-Term Philosophy, even at the expense of Short Term Finical Goals

• Principle 2: Create Continuous Process Flow to Bring Problems to the Surface Principle 3: Use “Pull” Systems to Avoid Over Production

• Principle 4: Level Out the Workload (Heijunka)

• Principle 5: Build a Culture of Stopping to Fix Problems, to Get Quality Right the First Time

• Principle 6: Standardized Tasks are the Foundation for Continuous Improvement and Employee Empowerment

• Principle 7: Use Visual Control So No Problems Are Hidden

• Principle 8: Use Only Reliable, Thoroughly Tested Technology That Serves Your People and Processes

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*From The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K. Liker

Applying Lean

Where to Start? - 14 Principles of the Toyota way*• Principle 9: Grow Leaders Who

Thoroughly Understand the Work, Live the Philosophy, and Teach It to Others

• Principle 10: Develop Exception People and Teams who follow Your Company’s Philosophy

• Principle 11: Respect Your Extended Network of Partners and Suppliers by Challenging Them and Helping Them Improve

• Principle 12: Go and See for Yourself to Thoroughly Understand the Situation (Genchi Genbutsu)

• Principle 13: Make Decisions Slowly by Consensus, Thoroughly Considering All Options; Implement Decisions Rapidly

• Principle 14: Become a Learning Organization Through Relentless Reflection (Hansei) and Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)

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*From The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K. Liker

Applying Lean

• Tools and definitions to whet your appetite– Value Added vs. Non Value Add Activities– 7 Types of Waste– 5S– Process Mapping

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Value Added Activity

• What is Value Add?– Customer acknowledges the value and– Part/raw material/information is transformed or

shaped to meet customer requirements and– Done right the first time

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Non-value Added Activity

• What is Non-Value Added Activity? (waste)– Customer is not willing to pay for it or– Takes time/resources/space but does not add

value or– Not done right the first time

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7 Types of Waste

• Inventory• Overproduction• Transportation• Over-processing• Defects• Waiting• Motion

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Process Mapping

• Visually mapping the actual steps required to deliver a product or perform a service.– Document reality (how it actually is, not how it’s

supposed to be)– Each step is shown and clearly identified

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Process Map Elements

• Tasks and activities• Decision points• Work in process• Sequence• Loops• Travel/distance• Yield/Scrap• Process Map Demo to follow 5S

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• A workplace methodology in which the 5S stands for:– Sort– Straighten– Shine– Standardize– Sustain– (Safety)

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All following definitions for 5S from Wikipedia


• Sort– Eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts, and

instructions. Go through all tools, materials, and so forth in the plant and work area. Keep only essential items and eliminate what is not required, prioritizing things as per requirements and keeping them in easily-accessible places. Everything else is stored or discarded.

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5S• Straighten– There should be a place for everything and everything

should be in its place. The place for each item should be clearly labeled or demarcated. Items should be arranged in a manner that promotes efficient work flow, with equipment used most often being the most easily accessible. Workers should not have to bend repetitively to access materials. Each tool, part, supply, or piece of equipment should be kept close to where it will be used – in other words, straightening the flow path. Seiton is one of the features that distinguishes 5S from "standardized cleanup". This phase can also be referred to as Simplifying.

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• Shine– Keep the workplace tidy and organized. At the end

of each shift, clean the work area and be sure everything is restored to its place. This makes it easy to know what goes where and ensures that everything is where it belongs. A key point is that maintaining cleanliness should be part of the daily work – not an occasional activity initiated when things get too messy.

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• Standardize– Work practices should be consistent and

standardized. All work stations for a particular job should be identical. All employees doing the same job should be able to work in any station with the same tools that are in the same location in every station. Everyone should know exactly what his or her responsibilities are for adhering to the first 3 S's.

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• Sustain– Maintain and review standards. Once the previous

4 S's have been established, they become the new way to operate. Maintain focus on this new way and do not allow a gradual decline back to the old ways. While thinking about the new way, also be thinking about yet better ways. When an issue arises such as a suggested improvement, a new way of working, a new tool or a new output requirement, review the first 4 S's and make changes as appropriate.

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• (Safety)– A sixth phase, "Safety", is sometimes added. There

is debate over whether including this sixth "S" promotes safety by stating this value explicitly, or if a comprehensive safety program is undermined when it is relegated to a single item in an efficiency-focused business methodology.

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Process Map Example(class participation required)

Process Map Elements• Tasks and activities• Decision points• Work in process• Sequence• Loops• Travel/distance• Yield/Scrap

7 Types of Waste• Inventory• Overproduction• Transportation• Over-processing• Defects• Waiting• Motion

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Sticky Note Example

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Task Name/Description

Name of Person/Resource who works the task

Touch Labor Time Total Duration

Machine/Bake/Other Time

Cycle of Continuous Improvement

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Principles of Lean• The five-step thought process for guiding the implementation of

lean techniques is easy to remember, but not always easy to achieve:

1. Specify value from the standpoint of the end customer by product family.2. Identify all the steps in the value stream for each product family,

eliminating whenever possible those steps that do not create value.3. Make the value-creating steps occur in tight sequence so the product will

flow smoothly toward the customer.4. As flow is introduced, let customers pull value from the next upstream

activity.5. As value is specified, value streams are identified, wasted steps are

removed, and flow and pull are introduced, begin the process again and continue it until a state of perfection is reached in which perfect value is created with no waste.

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Further Reading

• What is Lean? Article• Around Aerostructures Article on Training for

City of Chula Vista • Lean Thinking by James P. Womack and Taniel

T. Jones

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Additional Further Reading

• The Toyota Way by Jeffrey K. Liker

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• James P. Womack: “The Boss Never has the answer, the boss only has the questions”

• "Just as a carpenter needs a vision of what to build in order to get the full benefit of a hammer, Lean Thinkers need a vision before picking up our lean tools," said Womack. "Thinking deeply about purpose, process, people is the key to doing this."

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