Introduction to HTML & CSS · • CSS Box Model: margin and padding • Background images and...

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Transcript of Introduction to HTML & CSS · • CSS Box Model: margin and padding • Background images and...

Introduction to HTML & CSS

Instructor: Beck Johnson Week 2

• Week One review and questions

• File organization

• CSS Box Model: margin and padding

• Background images and gradients with CSS

• Make a hero banner!




htmlStructures and

organizes content

cssStyles the markup and

creates layout

JavascriptBrings content and

design to life


• <!DOCTYPE html> tells the browser it's serving an

HTML file using HTML5 standards

• <html> wraps the whole document

• <head> wraps the metadata and styles

• <body> wraps the visible content

• Most HTML elements have opening and closing tags and some have attributes

REVIEW: layout elements

• <header> wraps header content

• <footer> wraps footer content

• <nav> indicates that everything inside is related

to navigation

• <section> is used to define content sections


• Headings create an header/outline


• Paragraphs and lists structure text


• Images and links both require attributesto work

Review: IMAGES

• Does not have a closing tag (“self-closing”)

• Two required attributes:

• src is where the file lives (local or external)

• alt is a description of the image (used for screen readers, search engines, etc.)

<img src="kitten.jpg" alt="Cute kitten" />

Review: Links

• Creates a link to other pages or websites

• The href attribute says where the link

should go

• Anything inside <a> tags is clickable

<a href="">Google</a>

Review: Dev tools

Right-click > Inspect, or hit the F12 key


CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a different type of language than HTML, and has its own syntax

• CSS can go directly in your HTML file, inside a <style></style> element

• CSS can be added in a separate .css file that can be linked to your HTML page


p { color: blue; }

• selector is p (all <p> tags in the HTML)

• property is color

• value is blue (many color names are supported, or use the hex code #0000ff)



Typical files in a website include:HTML files (.html)

CSS files (.css)Javascript files (.js)Images (.png, .jpg, .gif)

• Usually devs make subdirectories for media, CSS, andJavascript files


• Comment your files – especially if you have unfinished development code, or if you think you may forget why you made the decision you did

• Indent and space out your code so that it’s easier for you to read

Code organization

• Spaces in folders or file names can cause issues

• Most devs prefer to separate words in files using capitalization, dashes, or underscores





Url-scuse me?

A URL is a path to a file, either on your computer or a remote computer (a “server”)

When you type an URL into your browser, it’s navigating to a file stored on a server

When you use an URL in a src for an <img> tag, it

finds that image by navigating to that location, starting from the folder that the HTML file is inside

<img src="image.gif" />

Absolute paths are URLs that start with http or https

<a href="">Ubiquitous search engine</a>

• Because these files are not hosted by you, if someone renames or deletes the file, your link will be broken

absolute FILE PATHS

Relative file Paths

Relative paths are URLs that are located relative to your current file

• Relative paths start with / or ../ or are a filename

• Any files that are saved on your local drive should be linked using relative paths

<a href="other-page.html">Link to another page on my website that is in the same folder</a>

Relative file Paths

Use ../ in a path to navigate “up” a directory

<img src="image.gif" /> (image.gif is in same folder)

<img src="../images/image.gif" /> (image.gif is in parent folder)

css indentation

This is one popular way to indent CSS

• Starting bracket is on the same line as the selector

• Each property is on its

own line, tabbed once

• Ending bracket is on its own line

html indentation

This is a standard way to indent HTML

• Children elements are tabbed once

• Most elements are on a new line

{} CSS organization

Last week, we made CSS changes directly in the <head> element of our HTML documents

• These internal styles only apply to thatpage (but affect every element on that page that is styled)

{} CSS organization

You can also add inline styles to a single element by using the style attribute in HTML


<p style="color: red">This paragraph is special.</p>

• Inside the style attribute, use the same

syntax as CSS (selector: value)• Typically discouraged, because it can be hard

to maintain

{} CSS organization

The most common way to use CSS in the real world is to use an external stylesheet.

• CSS lives in a separate .css file

• The same stylesheet can be included on multiple pages

• A single page can include multiplestylesheets

{} Linking to external stylesheet

<link href="css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet">

• Tells the browser to find and load the styles.css file from a css directory

• The rel attribute stands for "relation" - in this case,

this link's relationship to the document is "stylesheet"

• This tag goes inside the <head> element

• Should be on every page that needs the styles

{} The “CASCADING” Part

The beauty of CSS is being able to create styles and

then override them when you want to customize

the look of your pages.

There are 3 rules for determining how styles get applied:

• Styles are applied from far to near

• Styles are applied from top to bottom

• Children elements are more specific than parents

{} far to near

Styles that are “closer” to the elements they style

take precedence, so that they apply in this order:

Browser defaults

External (from a .css file)

Internal (from styles in the <head>)

Inline (directly on the element)

{} Top to bottom

CSS rules are applied sequentially

If the same property is styled multiple times

for the same selector, the last one wins

p { color: red; }

p { color: green; } /* this one wins */

{} HTML children

In an HTML document, an element that is nested

inside another element is referred to as a “child”

of that element

• <h2> is a child of <header>

• <a> are children of <nav>

Both <a> and <h2> are also children of <section>

{} HTML children

In CSS, to style only elements that are inside

another element, use this syntax:

parent child { property: value; }

nav a { color: #c4fe46; }

“Change the color of links that are

contained within a nav”

{} Children are specific

Children elements inherit styles from their

parents, but can override with their own style

p { color: #daa645; } /* all paragraphs */

b { color: #e7c0c8; } /* bold text in general */

p b { color: #c4fe46; } /* bold text in paragraphs */


Practice file organization

Create a folder for your images and move all images there • Fix the paths in all your <img src> tags so that images show

like before

Create a new file called styles.css• Copy and paste the styles from inside <style></style> into

that .css file

Add a link to your new stylesheet on all of your webpages:<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet">

Prettify your CSS and HTML so that it’s easy to read• Use indentation and whitespace



Content: stuff in the box

Padding: bubble wrap and packing peanuts

Border: sides of the box

Margin: space between multiple boxes



p {

padding-top: 20px;

padding-right: 5px;

padding-bottom: 40px;

padding-left: 10px;


Shorter way:

p {

padding: 20px 5px 40px 10px;


Padding creates space inside an element.

Padding affects how far content is from the border.


Padding is useful for moving content away from the edges of its container.


If top/bottom and left/right padding match…

p {

padding-top: 20px;

padding-right: 10px;

padding-bottom: 20px;

padding-left: 10px;


Combine them!

p { padding: 20px 10px; }


If all padding matches…

p {

padding-top: 20px;

padding-right: 20px;

padding-bottom: 20px;

padding-left: 20px;


Combine EVEN MORE!

p { padding: 20px; }


Padding can be applied only to the top, only to the bottom, and so on – or any combination of those:

p {

padding-left: 40px;


p {

padding-top: 20px;

padding-right: 10px;



Margin moves elements away from one another.

img {

margin: 6px;



Margin creates space outside an element.

• Same abbreviation style and rules as padding

p {

margin-top: 20px;

margin-right: 5px;

margin-bottom: 40px;

margin-left: 10px;


Is the same as

p { margin: 20px 5px 40px 10px; }


You can give margin a negative value to shift elements

in the opposite direction.

p {

margin-top: -20px;


This may result in overlapping text!



To automatically center elements, you can use the property auto, which evenly applies a margin on both sides

• When using auto, a width must be applied to the element,

so that the browser knows how much margin to automatically apply

section {

margin: 0 auto;

width: 500px;


MARGIN vs. padding

Use margin to separate the element from the things that

are around it.

Use padding to move the element away from the edges of the block.



p {

background-color: gray;

color: white;


This is a paragraph with the background color set to gray.


Can set background of an element as an image (instead of a color) with the property background-image

The value is url("path"), where path is the relative or

absolute path to where the image lives, like this:

p {

background-image: url("images/kitten.jpg");

color: white;



p {

background-image: url("images/kitten.jpg");

color: white;


The amount of image that displays in the background is calculated based on image size and container size.

• Make sure to resize images so

that the part you want visible is

within the “view window”

• Or…


background-position: allows

you to move a background image

around within its container

• By default, an image is positioned at

the top left side of the container

Image width: 600px by 800px

section {

background-image: url("octopus.jpg");

background-position: top left;



background-position: top left;

background-position: bottom right;

Container width: 600px by 200px

background-position: center center;


background-repeat: defines if (and how)

the background image will repeat

• By default, background images are repeated

until they fill the entire container

p {

background-image: url("codepen.gif");

background-repeat: repeat;



repeat: tile the image in both directions

repeat-x: tile the image horizontally

repeat-y: tile the image vertically

no-repeat: don't repeat, just show the

image once

BACKGROUND attachment

background-attachment: images usually scroll

with the main view, but setting to fixed means the

image stays in place when the user scrolls the page

• Difficult to describe, so check out this demo or this


section {

background-image: url("pattern.png");

background-attachment: fixed;


Fallback BACKGROUND color

If your background image is dark and your text is light

You may want to specify a background-color in addition

to a background-image so that content is visible while the

image is loading

So instead of a “blank” area… …the user can see content while the image downloads

Background gradients

You can set background-image to linear-gradient,

which is a gradient that the browser draws for you:

section { background: linear-gradient(black, white); }

As many colors as you want can be blended, separated by


section {

background: linear-gradient(#ea992e, red, #9e5308);


Background gradients

By default linear-gradient draws from top to bottom, but you can

set the gradient to draw at an angle instead by starting with to

section { background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, black, white); }

section {

background: linear-gradient(to right, red, #f06d06, yellow, green);


Background gradients

Background gradients can use rgba colors, meaning you can

create a gradient that fades to transparent:

body {

background-image: url("flowers.png");


header {

background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,255,255,0), rgba(255,255,255,1));



background-size: specifies how much of the

container that the image covers

cover: always cover the entire

container (even if that means

cropping an edge, or making the

image bigger)

contain: always show the whole

image (even if that means there is

space on the sides or bottom)

Height and width

To ensure that a background image fully displays,

you can set the height (and/or width) attribute

on the element using CSS:

header {

background-image: url("images/hero.png");

height: 600px;


Height and width

height and width can be set on (most) elements to

change how much room they take up on the page.

• We’ll discuss later why elements like <a> and <em> don’t

change when you set their height or width

The value of this property must be a positive number.

• Units are either px or em

• Or you can specify a percentage

header { height: 6em; }

Height and width %

Percentage is based on the element’s parent’s width or height

section { width: 50%; }

If that section were inside a 480 px wide container, it would end

up being 240 px wide.

Max-Height and max-width

To ensure an element is never larger than a certain

value, use max-height or max-width

• Typically used to make sure content (particularly text)

doesn’t spread too far out on large monitors

Min-Height and min-width

Specify min-height or min-width if you want to ensure

an element is never smaller than a certain value.

• This is especially helpful if your size is “dynamic” (based on

percentage) and will vary depending on device

img {

width: 50%;

min-width: 350px;



height and width fix an element to a specific size

regardless of display size

• If width is wider than the display – scroll bars

• If width is smaller than the display – content may wrap even

if there is room

min-height, min-width, min-height, and min-width

allow elements to change when the display size changes,

but still allow some control over presentation.


You can choose to set only width and/or height, only min-

width/min-height, and only max-width/max-height – or any

or all of them, depending on your design.

For example, this section will expand up to 500 px wide, and then

get no bigger. If you shrink your browser, it will shrink until its 100

px wide, and then get no smaller.

section {

min-width: 100px;

max-width: 500px;


Not all heroes wear capes

A common use of background-image is to create a

“hero” image with text overlaying it


Add a “hero image” to your site.

• Play around with a bunch of the background properties we learned to make your hero look pretty

• Try setting a width and height. What happens

when you resize your browser window? Change to min-width – what changes?

Make a hero

Before next week, edit about.html

• Link to an external CSS file (consider using the styles.css file you created in class today)

• Make a style “override” that is specific to this page• Either inline as an or in the page head

Email your HTML and CSS files to


• Practice!

• Optional: read chapters 10-12 and chapter 16 of HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

• Check out the CSS Zen Garden for inspiration on how simply changing CSS can change the entire look and feel of a page