Introducing Slide Share Business

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Introducing Slide Share Business


The Social Media Marketing


How can I engage through Social Media with

measurable impact?

How do I turn the right people into leads?

How do I get more people to

view my content?

withoutAre you engaging in social media

connecting it to your business?

You have an account on every social media site

You know it’s the right thing to do.

But you can’t

directly connect it

to lead generation.

The bulk of your


lead generation is

still through ads &



Why do


1. There is no trust or

engagement with the advertiser

2. Marketers ask for contact

information first, before giving any value

to customers

3. Only a small portion of content generated by

marketing organization is leveraged

SlideShare offers a different way of

connecting with customers

A community you can become a

part of

Gain people’s trust by becomng

part of the community.

Connect by sharing your content,

not through ads

You already upload your content to

SlideShare. Now two more services

to help you connect.

LeadShareCapture leads

AdShareGet targeted visitors

AdShare lets you promote your content in

a community of professionals.

With AdShare your content is…

LeadShare lets you convert visitors to your content into leads

Capture leads through ALL your content on SlideShare and embeds across the web

Choose where in content you ask for lead information: on first, third or last slide

Add custom questions to the lead form

Pay only for leads captured

You can have it all: Connect with users by

sharing content but pay for performance, like

with whitepaper campaigns

With SlideShare Business

You get permission to market to people by


It feels like content, not advertising

You leverage social media to make connections. With measurable results!

You can finally use ALL your

marketing content! Promote

some, capture leads with


Check out SlideShare Business

Its the new way to promote your
