Intro to Powerplate

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Transcript of Intro to Powerplate

8/13/2019 Intro to Powerplate 1/20

An Introduction to theBene ts of Power-Plate

for a Healthier Population

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Contents01 Introduction

02 The Power-Plate

03 The History Of Whole Body Vibration

04 Case Studies

05 The Bene ts

06 Research

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It has recently been estimated that almost two-thirds ofnew members joining health and tness facilities werepreviously members of another club. This gure suggeststhat if the trend continues, the health and tness industry

will soon run out of genuine new members.

If you add to this the fact that 16% of the UK populationis over sixty- ve years of age and that this percentage

is increasing, you may wonder what can be done to slowdown the decline in membership levels.

When questioned, people stated the following as reasons

for either not joining a club or not taking part in regular,structured physical activity:

• Too physically demanding• Too complicated• Not enough time• Feeling uncomfortable in a social setting

• Bad previous experiences• Not achieving goals or expectations not being reached• Feelings of lack of support.

From a psychological point of view, these beliefs can

be complicated and deep-rooted and should be simplyaccepted rather than questioned. The challenge is thento nd a way to help them to change their beliefs aboutphysical activity.

For the rst time, the Power-Plate offers a form of exercisethat can help to achieve this goal. In doing so, it canalso help this group of people to achieve the effects and

changes that they actually desire deep down.

This presentation is designed to provide an overview of thePower-Plate and how it works. It also provides case study

material and research information into the effects of WholeBody Vibration training on various health conditions.


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The Power-Plate is one of the most exciting technologicaladvances in the elds of sports medicine, athletics, healthand tness.

Using the principles of Whole Body Vibration (WBV)training, the Power-Plate can help people to improvesports performance, enhance tness and wellness andeven accelerate recovery from injury.

The Health and Fitness and Sports Performanceindustries are rife with fads and trends. Often, theseproducts or activities rely on unfounded claims with little

research or evidence to support them and results do not justify the hype.

This is not the case with WBV training, which has more than30 years of practical and scienti c research to support itsef cacy. It has become increasingly clear that this trainingtechnique is valid, effective and will continue to grow.

Whole Body Vibration training provides the followingadvantages:

• Shorter training time for similar results

• Increased muscle strength• Improved exibility• Intense stimulation and increase of

neurological system• Increased blood circulation• Aids in the reduction of pain• Increased bone mineral density

• Increased levels of key hormones - Testosterone,Human Growth Hormone, IGF-I and Serotonin

• Massage applications• Decrease in Cortisol levels (stress hormones)

• Increase in balance and coordination.

As research continues, we are learning even more about

the bene ts of WBV training.

Although studies use different variables in vibration andmethodology, they all point to the bene ts of using WBV.

As our understanding of this type of training increases,the implications in terms of who could derive bene t fromit also become clearer. As a result of this, new researchis being conducted into the use of the Power-Plate in a

health and tness environment.

So What isthe Power-Plate?

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Whilst Whole Body Vibration (WBV) may seem like a brandnew technological innovation, the use of vibration fortherapeutic purposes actually dates back to the ancientGreeks who utilised it to help heal injuries. The device

they used consisted of a sheet of fabric with one endwrapped around the injured body part and the other endtied to a exible saw that provided the vibrations. Late inthe 19th Century, famed physician John Harvey Kellogg

used mechanical vibrations to treat patients at BattleCreek Sanatorium.

WBV is based on Rhythmic Neuromuscular Stimulation

(RNS) which dates back to 1960 when Professor W.Biermann, from the former East German Republic,described ‘cyclical vibrations’ capable of improving the

condition of the joints relatively quickly.

Russian scientist, Vladimir Nazarov, became the rstperson to utilise vibration training in its most modern

application - Biomechanical Stimulation (BMS). With thistechnology he was able to investigate involuntary musclecontractions and involuntary movement. This information,coupled with the mounting knowledge of voluntary

movement, allowed them to answer many questionsregarding neuromuscular control.

The Russian Space Program utilized WBV to allow its

cosmonauts to stay in space longer without experiencingadverse reactions. Later, ballet dancers with minormuscle injuries such as Achilles Tendonitis discovered

that vibration aided the healing process. They also foundthat their muscular strength and jump height increasedwith only a quarter of the effort or time required bytraditional training methods. This led many of Russia’s

top Olympic athletes to incorporate WBV into theirtraining programmes. Since then, many other athleteshave discovered the bene ts of vibration training.

In 1999, Guus van der Meer, a Dutch Olympic teamtrainer, began to test the reaction of healthy, untrained

volunteers to WBV training. Based on positive results,he developed the Power-Plate and set up special trainingprograms to meet the demands of the health and tness


The Power-Plate is now used by a wide range of people

from athletes looking to improve their performance,to individuals attempting to improve their tness andwellbeing and those who have a disability or illness that

can be relieved or alleviated by WBV training.

A selection of research studies providing an insight intothe successful use of the Power-Plate is included in the

Appendix. Below are some examples of how individualshave bene ted through their use of the Power-Plate.

The History of WholeBody Vibration

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Dorothy McCuller – Sciatica

Dorothy McCuller developed severe Sciatica in 2001 fromlifting piles of lea ets at work. She was barely able towalk and was in constant pain.

She was treated by a Chiropractor, tried Bowen Therapyand after years of unsuccessful alternative treatment, sheunderwent hospital physiotherapy, which relieved the pain

temporarily. However, her lack of exercise contributedto her gaining a substantial amount of weight and thisfurther impeded her progress.

In February 2005, she saw an advert for the Power-Plate inthe Evening Standard and attended a Power-Plate sessionat the Studios in Crawford Street W1.

To begin with she was so stiff she could hardly move andtraining was painful. After just ve months, she was ableto do all the exercises - albeit at advanced beginner level- and she could even run a bit.

Dorothy cannot praise the Power-Plate enough. She hasseen a vast improvement in her condition and tness

levels and has lost more than a stone in weight. She nowtrains twice a week for 30 minutes.

“The bene ts have kept a constant smile on my face and

have given me hope for a slimmer and stronger body,which I have not had since 2002”.

Kay Smith – Osteoporosis

Kay Smith discovered the bene ts of the Power-Plate aftera bone density test at the age of 50 which showed that shehad lost 20% of her bone density in just two years.

She was prescribed the highest dose of Fosamax butwasn’t happy about having to take drugs to combat thedisease and researched a natural means of building bone.

She began using the Power-Plate three times a week inDecember of 2004. Eight months later her bone densityhad increased in the spine by 3.5%, in the neck of theright hip by 2.5% and in the neck of the left hip by 0.4%

(the smaller increase was attributed to Scoliosis and thefact that she puts more weight on her right side).

“I was hoping to stop any more bone loss; but I actually

built bone whilst going through the Menopause, a timewhen bone loss is particularly rapid for women. I alsocompletely avoided the use of drugs and hormones.

I am so grateful to Power-Plate for such a wonderfulmachine. It really has changed my life!”

Marian Harris – Broken Back

Marian is 55 years old and almost lost her life in a horri c

coach crash in Menorca ve years ago when she sufferedfrom a broken back and fractured skull and ribs. Shespent three weeks in intensive care on a life supportmachine after a back operation before being air-lifted

back to England.

She spent six months in bed and then another month in a

wheelchair and experienced almost continual pain. Her

joints and muscles were so stiff and her back so painfulthat it would take her two hours to get dressed.

Her rst experience of the Power-Plate 18 months agochanged her life. She sat on it for one minute with itin ‘back relaxer’ mode and when she stood up, she waspain-free for the rst time since the accident. She bought

her own Power-Plate in May 2004 and set up a studiotargeting those with Osteoporosis and Arthritis . She cannow dance again and although she still has to walk with astick, she rarely has to use a wheelchair.

“I lost all muscle density and became very stiff afterthe accident. The Power-Plate is helping me to build my

strength up and with it I get immediate pain relief. Therst time I experienced it, I knew I had to have one.”

Case Histories

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Case Histories

Mike – Skeletal Problems, Legs

Marian Harris’s brother Mike has experienced a number ofphysical problems due to having his leg lengthened whenhe was 11 years old.

He suffers from continual pain, but is able to alleviate thediscomfort when he uses Marian’s Power-Plate. Using themachine not only relieves the pain, it also gives him better

mobility in his ankle.

“Mike doesn’t use the Power-Plate as regularly as heshould because he is very busy. He always turns up on my

doorstep when it is giving him problems or when he knowshe will need to do a lot of walking during the day – veminutes just for his legs, makes him pain-free.”

Russ - Spondilitis

Russ, a Spondilitis sufferer for 12 years (stiffening of thespine), was previously a non-exerciser.

In September 2005, he joined Fitness First and was

advised by the personal trainer to use the Power-Plate.With her help on the machine, he has succeeded inrelaxing his body properly for the rst time in 12 years.

“The Power-Plate has become my new best friend. Itsvibrations relax all those tense muscles giving me sucha feeling of well being. It makes me smile and makes

my muscles do what they are supposed to do. What awonderful piece of technology, it has completely changedmy life!”

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The Power-Platein Practice

The Power-Plate in Practice

The way the body reacts to Whole Body Vibration traininghas a signi cant effect on the results it produces. The mostimportant and probable explanations are discussed below.

Increased Strength

In everyday life, gravity has the greatest effect on musculardevelopment. Speci c training programmes that aredesigned to improve muscle strength utilise fast and abrupt

changes in gravity, which increase its in uence on musclestructure. Weights and other forms of resistance are usedto achieve this.

Muscle strength increases through resistance training whenproper progression and protocol are employed. This iscalled super compensation

Application of vibration training follows the same principlesas conventional power training - the increased in uence ofgravity is caused by increased gravity acceleration. In other

words, WBV creates a change in gravity without excessiveloads being placed on the musculo-skeletal structure.

The physiological evidence of this improved muscle strengthcan be seen through Neurological and Myogenic Adaptation.

Neurological Adaptation

Neurological Adaptation occurs as a result of exercise andis therefore often referred to as ‘the fast adaptation’. Theprocess can be summarised as a faster accessibility of the

motor units and more effective execution of the musclecontraction. This is achieved through:

1. Improved synchronization of the impulses

2. Improved co-contraction of the synergists3. Inhibition of the antagonists4. Recruiting number of motor units5. Recruiting types of motor units.

The body learns to use the neurological possibilitiesavailable in an optimal way. This is called Motor Learning.

Myogenic Adaptation

Myogenic Adaptation is the body’s ability to adapt to astimulus over an extended period of time. There are fourmain factors that are involved in this specialised type of


1. Hypertrophy - an increase in size brought about by the

body’s ability to create more proteins, thus making themuscles bigger and stronger.

2. Intra-muscular coordination - this is when the musclebres within the same muscle start working together

in a smoother and faster way, resulting in a stronger,more toned muscle.

3. Hyperplasia – an increase in muscle cell numbers,resulting in an increase in muscle size and strength.

4. In uences on bre typi cation - This allows the bodyto maintain its fast twitch muscle bres for longer, thusimproving and developing its capacity to develop power

and agility.

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At rst, increases in strength stem from a NeurologicalAdaptation and are characterised by an improvedneurological system. These neurological adjustments canset in after only a few days when using WBV, rather than

up to 10 weeks, as is the case with conventional exercise.Myogenic Adaptation, which usually takes a few months,can take just a few weeks. The way in which Whole BodyVibration training stimulates the neurological system is

responsible for this accelerated reaction.

It is often assumed that only athletes or advanced trainersrequire the effects of Myogenic Adaptation. However,

everyone – especially the elderly - requires the same abilityfor their bodies to develop in order to maintain balance,strength and the ability to adapt to a surface that theywould otherwise be unstable upon.

Blood Circulation

Whole Body Vibration training also increases blood

circulation in the muscles. During contraction of a musclegroup the capillaries are squeezed shut. They open to letblood through when the muscles relax. When you alternatecontracting and relaxing a muscle, a natural muscle-

pump mechanism is created, causing an increase in bloodcirculation.

In WBV training, depending on the selected frequency,

muscles (and therefore capillaries) contract thirty to ftytimes per second. The muscle-pump mechanism is therebyutilised at an optimum level and blood circulation improves.

This optimisation of blood circulation could be extremelybene cial to anyone suffering from a circulatory orperipheral vascular condition.

In uence on Bone Density

The negative effects of space travel and ‘Zero Gravity’have been well documented and it is generally known thatmovement favourably in uences the bone remodelling

process. The level of resistance (load) in uences thereconstruction and quality of the bone.

Bone responds better to dynamic rather than to staticexercises. If load-induced local strains exceed theMinimal Effective Strain (MES) – the minimal amount ofstimulus necessary to initiate new bone formation – then

remodelling will be induced and bone mass is increased.However, if customary bone loading is decreased, orbone is subjected to disuse, its peak strains fall and theremodelling process will cease.

To avoid low bone mineral density in old age, it is

recommended that people train to elevate their Peak BoneMass - the maximum bone mass achieved during earlyadulthood - while the mechanisms for optimal bone growth

are functioning at peak levels. This is accomplished bytraining variation and mechanical loading.

Mechanical loading is essential to the stimulation of bone

mineral growth and consists of:

• Load magnitude - intensity

• Load rate - speed• Load force - direction• Load volume - set and repetition number.

As bone mineral content begins to diminish, the risk of fall-induced fractures increases. Osteopenia, the precursor toOsteoporosis, is de ned as a bone mineral density between–1 and –2.5 standard deviations (SD); whereas Osteoporosis

is a bone mineral density below –2.5 SD.

Several key factors have been linked to the loss of bonemineral density:

• Lack of physical activity• Hormonal changes

• Dietary or nutritional intake• Genetic predisposition

In most cases, it is very dif cult - or even dangerous

- to train the elderly with the required mechanical loadsnecessary for bone remodelling to occur. However, asresearch has shown (see appendix), the Power-Plate cansafely achieve the loads necessary for bone remodelling.


Nazarov, the rst researcher to experiment extensivelywith WBV as a training method, was primarily concernedwith its effect on exibility. He found that stretch exerciseswith vibration gave a greater increase in exibility thanstretch exercises alone.

The underlying mechanism affecting exibility wastargeted through a shift of the pain threshold and thestimulation of Golgi Tendon Organs (GTOs). This causes

the inhibition of the stretch re ex that we all feel whenwe stretch a muscle, thereby enabling us to increase the


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Joint Mobility

The mobility of a joint is expressed by the number of

degrees in its range of motion (ROM).

The importance of exibility and mobility is oftenunderstated. However, it is estimated that as much as

99% of the adult population is already suffering from amuscle imbalance somewhere in the body, thus leading tothe possibility of pain or tightness if left untreated.

Increased Hormone Production

In WBV training, the body is stimulated to produceincreased quantities of Growth Hormones (GH), Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) and Testosterone in a very

short space of time (eight to 12 minutes). There is also adramatic decrease in Cortisol, the ‘stress hormone’, as wellas an increase in the production of Neurotransmitters andEndorphins such as Serotonin and Neurotrophin. These

changes are greater than those achieved througha conventional, intense power training session.

Due to the decrease in Cortisol levels, this hormonal

response to WBV training has not been found to causeeither a general stress reaction, or a response that iscommon for high-intensity exercise.


The heart and skeletal muscles, which make up 40 % oftotal body weight, ensure a rhythmic circulation of theblood. Microcirculation through the organs is also achieved

through the muscles’ ability to pump blood and the latestresearch studies show that healthy skeletal musclesoscillate at speci c frequencies and amplitudes.

This synchronization of the skeletal muscle bres, which

are not visible to the naked eye, causes a pump and suctioneffect, supporting the heart and playing a determining role

in the blood supply of the entire connective tissue.

Where the body is not functioning at an optimumlevel, WBV normalizes processes that are linked to the

biochemical and physical rhythms, thereby initiating andstimulating the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


It is well known that individuals suffering from conditions

such as Arthritis, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes,

Osteoporosis and obesity, as well as many other conditions,bene t tremendously from physical activity.

Unfortunately, sufferers of these conditions are oftenunable to exercise due to loss of muscular strength,coordination or balance, joint pain and poor circulation.In many cases, they are also hindered by fear of


Because using a Power-Plate is so easy, the bene ts ofphysical activity are now within reach for many of those not

able to partake in conventional exercise such as walking,weight lifting or cycling. By stimulating the body’s naturalability to increase muscular strength, balance, bloodcirculation, lymph system drainage, endocrine system

response and bone mineral density, individuals are nowable to ght the affects of many debilitating diseases.

Although, there are no cures for many of the conditions,the Power-Plate can provide relief from many of thesymptoms suffered and hopefully a better quality of life.

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Research study shows that exercising on the Power-Plate helps eliminate cellulite:

Power-Plate decreases fat stores, improves skin structure, and decreases the size ofthe subjects’ buttocks, upper legs, calves, ankles and upper arms, in sessions of 8-13minutes.

These research ndings reveal a new and exciting so-

lution for fat loss and collagen remodeling. Finally,

cellulite loss can be healthy, holistic, efcient, time-

saving and fun, allowing Power-Plate users to maintain

a youthful and lean, healthy look in a relatively short

time, in just a few sessions per week.

What is cellulite?

That dreaded “orange peel” or “cottage cheese” skin

is a condition many women suffer from. The subcuta-

neous (under skin) tissues are made of a web of con-

nective tissue, where much of a woman’s body fat is

stored. The bumpy, puckered look of cellulite is caused

by enlarged fat cells adhering to the upper layers of

skin and shriveling under certain conditions. Contri-

buting to the “mattress” effect is uid retention, the

storage of environmental toxins, hormonal factors, and

lack of circulation.

When circulation within this web of connective tissues

becomes blocked, cellular waste stagnates, and these

tissues harden as the skin loses its elasticity. The

puckering or “mattress” effect is caused by this act of

Fig. 1.Percentage change in cellulite levels after six months fortwo Power-Plate groups. Cellulite is measured by evalua- ting the deposits of subcutaneous dimpled fat deposits.

Research into the Effects of Vibration Training on CelluliteBy Dr. Horst Frank and Dr. Birgit MoosThis Research was conducted at the SANADERM Professional Clinic for Skin Illnesses and Allergologie,Bad Mergentheim, Germany (May-November, 2004)

shriveling, dimpling and adherence of the skin to the

fat and connective tissue.

Specic areas that concern many women are the but-

tocks, thighs, calves, ankles and upper arms. Healthy

solutions for defeating cellulite have been elusive

prior to the solution of the Power-Plate’s whole-body

vibration training.

The German Sanaderm Clinic took on this six-month

research project to investigate the effects of whole-

body vibration training on cellulite.

Defeating cellulite










- 32,3 %

- 25,7 % Change incellulite


Power-Plate Power-Plate + cardio

Power-Plate research - Defeating cellulite © Copyright by Power-Plate International B.V.

Study Conclusions:In six months the Power-Plate group achieved a25.7% reduction of cellulite on thighs and but-tocks, exercising two to three times per week, insessions of 8-13 minutes.The Power-Plate + Cardio group achieved a 32.3%reduction of cellulite on thighs and buttocks, exer-cising two to three times per week in sessions of8-13 minutes Power-Plate, plus 24-48 minutes ofcardio training.

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Fig. 2A Change in circumference of the buttocks of the Power-Plate group and the Power-Plate + Cardio group.Fig. 2B Training time of Power-Plate group and Power-Plate + Cardio group

Two groups were studied:

Fifty-five subjects were divided into two groups.

The rst group used Power-Plate exclusively, two to

three times per week, for sessions of 8-13 minutes.

The second group also used Power-Plate, and sup-

plemented their 8-13 minute Power-Plate workouts

with 24-48 minutes of cardio training.

Baseline measurements and tests were completed

at the beginning of the study, and repeated in six

months at the conclusion. The data collected con-sisted of:

Skin condition (the measure of cellulite, or evalua-

tion of the deposits of dimpled fat under the skin)

Circumference of calf muscles, buttocks, and up-

per thigh

Body composition: body fat percentage, lean

mass percentage

How the Power-Plate was used:

Participants did four exercises on the Power-Plate,

using a workout of 8-13 minutes.

The Results proved a signicant reduction in cel-

lulite in both the Power-Plate group and the Power-

Plate + cardio group. Each variable improved signi-

cantly for each group.













- 3,1 %

- 3,4 %

- 0,7 %

Power-Plate Power-Plate + cardio Control













40 hour

11 hour


Power-Plate Power-Plate + cardio


Power-Plate International B.V .

This proves that Power-Plate training is extremely effective and time efcient: the cardio grouptook four times longer to improve 32.3%, while the Power-Plate group improved 25.7% in anaverage of 10-minute sessions, two or three times a week, over six months.


This research study proves that easy, simple andefcient Power-Plate training can defeat cellulite;

it can speed and enhance youthful collagen remod-

eling, improve circulation, increase lean tissue, lose

fat and lose excess size on the buttocks, thighs and





Calf massage

LungeDeep squat

Thigh massage

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Fig. 1.Change in bone mineral density in the hip after 24 weeksof Power-Plate training compared to conventional strengthtraining and the untrained control group.

The Power-Plate group trained 3 times per week,

maximum 30 minutes per session, containing stat-

ic and dynamic exercises for the upper leg and hip

area, such as squats (the movement that allows

you to sit down in a chair) and lunges.

The conventional weight training group trained

3 times per week, about one hour per session,

including a separate warm-up and cool-down.

The control group did no training.

Power-Plate training builds bone










-0,8Power-Plate Conventional Control

Bone mineraldensity

+ 0,93 %

- 0,62 %

- 0,51 %


Study Conclusions:Power-Plate training leads to a signicant (1.5%)increase in hip area bone density, also musclestrength and postural control increases in post-menopausal women.

These research ndings present an exciting solution

for an ever-worsening problem in our aging popula-tion: osteoporosis, loss of postural control and bal-

ance, bone fractures from falls, and difcult and in-

complete recovery from traumatic falls.

As the average age of the world’s population increas-

es, we are faced with the increasing epidemic of oste-

oporosis. Each year in the U.S. more than 1.5 million

people suffer from fractures due to early bone loss.

One in three women and one in eight men will suffer

from osteoporosis this year. In the U.S., 2.8 million

men and women suffer from bone loss, 1 million have

been diagnosed, while 1.8 million aren’t even awarethat they are losing integrity in the remodeling of their


Initial studies on Power-Plate training showed increas-

es in strength in test subjects. The Power-Plate causes

the body’s muscles to contract subconsciously at 30x

to 50x per second, which can stimulate a power train-

ing effect while simply standing on the plate.

Three groups were studied:

The 90 participants - postmenopausal women ranging

in age from 58 to 70 – were divided in three research


Power-Plate research - Power-Plate training builds bone © Copyright by Power-Plate International B.V.

Research study shows that exercising on the Power-Plate may be the answer toosteoporosis: Power-Plate increases bone mineral density, improves strength, powerand encourages fat loss in postmenopausal women.

This is a summary of a study published in Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (Vol. 19 (3), 2004)Effect of 6-Month Whole Body Vibration Training on Hip Density, Muscle Strength and Postural Control in Post-menopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

By Sabine Verscheuren, Machteld Roelants, Christophe Delecluse, Stephan Swinnen, Dirk Vanderscheuren & StevenBoonen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.




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Fig. 2.Change in dynamic (g. 2a) and isometric (g. 2b) strength in upper leg muscles for the Power-Plate group, the conventional traininggroup, and the control group.

The Power-Plate’s low-strain, comfortable, safe, short-duration protocols may allow all popula-tions to achieve strength and power training effects by just standing on the vibrating plate. Inless than 30 minutes, three times per week, patients and exercisers can achieve strength, fatloss, better balance and reexes, improved bone density and ultimately, greater health.

The Results:

The Power-Plate group got positive results: strength

increased as much as 16% in upper leg muscles,

while bone density at the hip increased 1.5%. And,

as a bonus, the Power-Plate group showed an im-

provement in postural control and balance, they in-

creased their muscle strength and lean mass while

they lost body fat and fat mass.

The conventionally trained subjects were able to

slow bone loss, which is consistent with publishedstudies on weight training and bone loss.

The control group subjects continued to lose bone

mineral density at the average rate.

How the Power-Plate was used:

The Power-Plate group performed workouts in 30

minutes or less, including static (still) and dynamic

(moving) exercises for the upper leg and hip area.

The Power-Plate training variables started at the

lowest (easiest) levels, and progressed with:

* increased duration (exercise time)

* increased number of exercises performed

* shortened rest periods between exercises

* increased frequency from 35Hz to 40Hz

* increased amplitude from low to high

The conventional weight training group performed

conventional weight training for a total of one hour

per session, including a separate warm-up and cool-



The Power-Plate training:

* increases bone mineral density

* is a viable solution to reverse bone loss and to elimi-

nate osteoporosis

* is an accessible training tool to help many popula-

tions prevent falls and fractures

* increases strength

* improves balance and equilibrium

* improves posture

* allows fat loss

* improves health






20Dynamic musclesstrength in theknee extensors

Power Plate Conventional Control

+ 16 %

+ 10 %

+ 2 %







20Isometric musclesstrength in theknee extensors

+ 15 %

+ 16 %

- 2 %


Power-Plate Conventional Control


Power-Plate International B.V .

LungeDeep squat

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Fig. 2.Percentage change in vertical jump force after 12 weeks training for the four experimental groups.

This research suggests that Power-Plate has great potential in therapeutic environments whereit can enhance muscle performance in rehabilitation patients and in the elderly, and in populationswho may not be able to perform or be attracted to strength training. The Power-Plate can also en-hance performance of athletes, as suggested by improved strength and vertical jump height.

Power-Plate group Conventional group Placebo group Control group

Before training

After training


Change in vertical jumpforce after 12 week training

Power-Plate International B.V .

subtle to elicit a training effect. They performedthe same exercises as the Power-Plate group.

The resistance training group performed a car-

dio warm-up and knee extensor exercises on

two conventional strength training machines.

The control group did not participate in a trai-

ning program.

Tests: The contractile properties of the knee ex-

tensors were evaluated at the start (pretest) and

after 12 weeks (posttest). A dynamometer was

used both pretest and posttest to measure isomet-ric, dynamic and ballistic knee extensor strength

on all subjects.

The Results:

The Power-Plate group achieved a 16.6% gain

in isometric strength of knee extensors, a 9% in-

crease in dynamic strength of the quadriceps mus-

cles, and a 7.6% increase in vertical jump height.

There were no reports of adverse side effects.

Most subjects found the vibration loading as enjoy-

able and fatiguing, but did not consider it a hard or

exhausting workout.

The placebo group , using a placebo Power-Plate,

did not achieve strength or power gains; they per-

formed the same standing knee extensor exercises

on a Power-Plate that created no vertical vibration


The resistance training group achieved strength

gains of 14.4% in isometric and 7.0% dynamic

strength were achieved, while there was no improve-

ment in power and vertical jump height.

The control group did not increase in any of themeasurements.


Training on the Power-Plate has proven to be an ef-

cient training stimulus to increase muscle strength.

In addition, it is likely that while Power-Plate’s Whole

Body Vibration requires little exertion and is enjoy-

able, it elicits a biological adaptation that is similar to

that produced by resistance and explosive strength


The Power-Plate provides all the benets of strength

and power training, without the dangers of heavy

loading, particularly for special populations who

would not tolerate loading but will benet from

strength gains. The Power-Plate may be indicated

for use in all strength training environments, and for

varied populations.



Lunge Squat

8/13/2019 Intro to Powerplate 19/20

Power-Plate stimulates recovery afteranterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture

By J.D. Bastian, W. FranzLutrina Klinik, Department of Knee Surgery, Kaiserslautern, Germany

This is a summary of a study published in the German Magazine for Sportsmedicine - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sport-medizin ®, Vol. 56, No. 7/8 (special abstract issue), p. 228: “Empirical study of the effects of whole body vibration afterarthroscopic reconstruction of the ACL” - “Erfahrungen mit Ganzkörpervibrationstraining nach arthroskopischerRekonstruktion des Vorderen Kreuzbandes “.

Power-Plate research - Power-Plate stimulates recovery after ACL rupture © Copyright by Power-Plate International B.V.


Six weeks after the operation, the group that per-

formed additional WBV training did not show signi-

cant reduction of the muscle thickness 10 and 20 cm

proximal to the patella, as the control group did.

Twelve weeks after surgery the WBV group was more

satised with the results of the operation.

The answers they provided on their questionnaires

also indicated that they were experiencing less pain

than the control group.

We conclude that additional Power-Plate therapy is

signicant for anyone wanting to recover as quick-

ly as possible from this kind of surgery in order to

get back to normal daily activities such as work and


In general, a major problem after reconstruction of

the ACL of the knee is the weakness of the m. quad-riceps femoris. The aim of this study was to examinethe effects of additional whole body vibration (WBV)on an oscillating platform (Power-Plate). In this studywe built on the succesfull outcomes of previouslypublished work: WBV leads to an increased co-activa-tion of the extensor and exor muscles of the lowerextremities, it has positive effects on joint stabiliza-tion and it improves circulation.


16 subjects were divided between a vibration group(n=7, physiotherapy and vibration) and one control/

conventional group (n = 9, physiotherapy only). Anycontraindications for vibration training were takeninto consideration.The training program for the conventional group fol-lowed the routine schedule after ACL rupture (2 – 3times per week, squats and lunges). The WBV groupperformed a ten-minute schedule twice a week for tenweeks, beginning in the third week after surgery, inaddition to normal physiotherapy. After warming upby doing a massage for quadriceps and hamstrings,the schedule consisted of a squat and a lunge, fol-lowed by a stretching exercise for the hamstrings.

Research shows using the Power-Plate expedites recovery of muscle performance afterACL rupture. Combination with conventional physiotherapy, exercises on the Power-Plate lead to improved muscular power, enhanced proprioceptive abilities and stabiliza-tion of the knee joint (articulatio genu).

Squat Lunge

Measurements of the leg circumference (10 and 20cm proximal, as well as 15 cm distal of the patella)(g. 1) were taken pre-operative, immediately aftersurgery and after 6 and 12 weeks. To estimate thesuccess of the therapy, subjective evaluations ofpain perception and health were assessed by havingall subjects lling in a questionnaire (SFA = Flandryscore).





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The rupture of the ACL generally leads to atrophy of the femoral muscular, coordinative dysfunctionand a decrease in mobility of the affected knee. Training by using Power-Plate can lead to an accel-erated increase of muscle thickness, recovery of the coordinative abilities and improvement of the

muscular exibility. As a result, this special kind of therapy can be used for stabilizing joints andpreventing additional trauma. Power-Plate therapy is signicant for anyone wanting to recover asquickly as possible from this kind of surgery in order to get back to normal daily activities such aswork and sports.


As can be seen from g. 2 the upperleg did not

reduce in size after surgery for the Power-Plate

group in contrary to the physio group.

No signicant differences were expected in the

circumference of the calves, as the exercises on

the vibrating platform were designed to target the

muscles of the upper leg. No specic calves exer-

cises were performed.

Fig. 2: CircumferenceNo signicant differences were expected in the circumference of the calves, as the exercises on the vibrating platform were designedto target the muscles of the upper leg. No specic calves exercises were performed.





Pa in Sitting Moving Walking

down a stairControl Power-Plate training

C H A N G E M E N T ( m e a n






1 2 3 4 5


3, 1




1,2 1,1





Fig. 3: Questionnaire

In this case, improvement is greater when there is more dif- ference between initial and nal data.







Pre-op 6 weekspost-op 12 weekspost-op

Circumference quadriceps 20 cm proximal

Physio only Power-Plate and physio

C H A N G E I N S I Z E ( c m






55,4 55,356,5











Pre-op 6 weekspost-op 12 weekspost-op

Circumference quadriceps 10 cm proximal

Physio only Power-Plate and physio

C H A N G E I N S I Z E ( c m

)38,9 39,9


39,0 40,3 40,5






Pre-op 6 weekspost-op 12 weekspost-op

Circumference gastrocnemius 15cm distal

Physio only Power-Plate and physio

C H A N G E I N S I Z E ( c m


Fig. 1: Measurements of the leg circumference:1 - 10 cm above the patella2 - 20 cm above the patella3 - 15 cm below the patella


The following questions were asked before and after

surgery and rehabilation program:

How often does your knee feel painful?

Is your knee painful while sitting?

Do you have problems standing up and sitting down?

Do you have problems walking down stairs?

How would you judge your general health?