Intro to Clinical Medicine Physical Exam Checklist

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Physical Exam Checklist

Transcript of Intro to Clinical Medicine Physical Exam Checklist

  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt


    / W/O Prompt Total W/ Prompt Total

    ICM II Head to Toe Exam Checklist (Revised 01.13.14)

    Please print names clearly.

    Student SP Initials

    Patient Sitting on Examination Table

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    1. Introduce self to patient and shake the patient's hand.

    2. Wash hands before and at the end of the examination (soap and


    3. Student must stand on the right side of patient when appropriate for

    PE maneuvers.

    Vital Signs

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    4. Palpate radial pulse for at least 15 seconds.

    5. Measure the respiratory rate for at least 15 seconds.

    6. Place cuff snugly in correct anatomical location (position the "Artery"

    marker on cuff over brachial artery).

    7. Measure blood pressure in each arm, while holding arm at heart level

    and using stethoscope correctly (position of ear buds).


    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    8. Palpate and observe scalp (fingertips must touch and examine the


    Nodes and Thyroid

    (2-3 circular palpations must be done with three fingers of each hand over each node)

    9. Palpate the preauricular lymph nodes.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    10. Palpate posterior auricular lymph nodes.

    11. Palpate occipital lymph nodes.

    12. Palpate the tonsillar lymph nodes.

    Checklist adapted with permission from The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt


    Nodes and Thyroid continued (2-3 circular palpations must be done with three fingers of each hand over each node)

    13. Palpate the submaxillary lymph nodes.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    14. Palpate the submental lymph nodes.

    15. Palpate the posterior cervical nodes (palpate in three spots behind the

    sternomastoid muscle).

    16. Palpate the supraclavicular nodes.

    17. Palpate the anterior cervical nodes (palpate in three spots in front of the

    sternomastoid muscle).

    18. Ask the patient to swallow while you observe the thyroid gland.

    19. Palpate the laryngeal cartilages (thyroid cartilage) to locate the

    thyroid gland.

    20. Palpate the thyroid gland twice: once while the patient is swallowing

    and once without swallowing.


    21. Inspect each eye separately for the condition of the lid, cornea, and

    conjunctiva (when holding the bottom lid ask patient to look up, when

    holding top lid ask patient to look down). 22. Test visual acuity (cranial nerve II) in each eye separately with a pocket

    visual screening chart held at the distance most comfortable for the patient

    and asking patient to read smallest line possible. 23. Observe pupillary responses: the direct response and the indirect

    response to light (consensual) in each eye. Lights must be dimmed.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    24. Test the cranial nerves III, IV, and VI by asking the patient to look right, up

    and down, and left, up and down in the shape of an 'H.' Instruct patient

    not to move the head.

    25. Check for convergence.

    26. Test cranial nerve VII motor function by asking the patient to force

    his/her eyelids closed against resistance (upper division).

    27. Position your hands approximately 3 feet from the patient at the

    same eye level. Test visual fields (four quadrants for each eye by finger

    counting, each eye separately).

    28. Position the patient for ophthalmoscopy at a height comfortable for you.

    29. Hold ophthalmoscope at proper distance to visualize the posterior

    structures of the eye.

    30. Hold ophthalmoscope with right hand to look through scope with your

    right eye when inspecting patient's right eye, and with left hand to look

    through scope with your left eye when inspecting patient's left eye (Not

    necessary with panoptic scope).

  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt



    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    31. Inspect the external ears (bend pinna to observe backside of ear)


    32. Examine each ear with the otoscope.

    33. Conduct Rinne test with 512 tuning fork.

    34. Conduct Weber test.

    35. Test auditory acuity (cochlear nucleus of cranial nerve VIII) by whispering into each ear from two feet (or create a sound by rubbing your thumb and fingers together 10

    cm from each ear, separately, and out of sight from the patient).

    Nose and Sinuses

    36. Test the openness of the nasal passages bilaterally. Instruct the patient

    to close one nostril while sniffing through the other.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    37. Inspect the nasal passages bilaterally using the otoscope.

    38. Palpate firmly for frontal sinus tenderness above each eye.

    39. Palpate firmly for maxillary sinus tenderness below each eye.

    Mouth and Throat

    40. Inspect the lips, gums, tongue, and teeth with the help of a tongue blade

    and light.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    41. Instruct the patient to breathe only through the mouth, to facilitate the

    inspection of the posterior pharynx.

    42. Inspect the posterior pharynx with a light.

    43. Observe with penlight the elevation of the palate (cranial nerve IX and X)

    after instructing the patient to say "ah."

    44. Inspect the opening of Stensen's duct (parotid) and the submandibular

    gland duct.

    45. Test cranial nerve XII by asking the patient to stick out his/her tongue and

    move it from side to side as you observe

    46. Test cranial nerve V motor function by first positioning hands on masseter

    muscles and then asking patient to bite down.

    47. Test cranial nerve VII motor function by asking the patient to show the

    teeth (lower division).

    48. Test cranial nerve XI by asking the patient to rotate or turn his/her head against resistance.

    49. Test cranial nerve XI by asking the patient to shrug the shoulders against


  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt


    Lungs and Thorax

    50. Inspect the posterior thorax for scars or asymmetry.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    51. Percuss the posterior lung fields bilaterally, symmetrically and alternately,

    over the upper, middle and lower lung fields, comparing the left side and

    the right side at each of three levels. 52. Fist percuss your hand with palm placed on the costovertebral angle

    bilaterally (kidney tenderness). Ask the patient if he/she feels pain.

    53. Instruct the patient to breathe through an open mouth before you

    begin auscultation. Use stethoscope correctly (position of ear buds).

    54. Auscultate the posterior lung fields bilaterally, symmetrically and

    alternately, comparing right and left.

    55. Inspect the anterior chest for scars or asymmetry.

    56. Percuss the anterior lung fields in one area on the upper chest, bilaterally,

    symmetrically, and alternately.

    57. Auscultate the anterior lung fields, bilaterally, symmetrically, and alternately.


    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    58. Elevate the trunk, head, and neck to 30 degrees (by raising the back of

    the examining table), have the patient turn his/her head to the left, and

    shine your penlight obliquely across the right neck so that the jugular venous pulsations are visible.

  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt


    Heart continued

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    59. Expose the apical area and inspect for an observable apical impulse.

    60. Place finger pads* on the aortic area to feel for a thrill or pulsation.

    61. Place finger pads* on the pulmonic area to feel for a thrill or pulsation.

    62. Place the palm on the tricuspid area to feel for a thrill or a heave.

    63. Place finger pads* on the apical area and feel for location

    and strength of the apical impulse.

    64. Student must use stethoscope correctly (position of ear buds).

    65. With diaphragm of stethoscope auscultate the aortic area.

    66. With diaphragm of stethoscope auscultate the pulmonic area.

    67. With diaphragm of stethoscope auscultate the tricuspid area.

    68. With diaphragm of stethoscope auscultate the mitral area.

    69. Using bell of stethoscope auscultate the aortic area.

    70. Using bell of stethoscope auscultate the pulmonic area.

    71. Using bell of stethoscope auscultate the tricuspid area.

    72. Using bell of stethoscope auscultate the mitral area.

    * Does not need to be specifically finger pads, student can use palm of hand.

    Pulses and Testing for Peripheral Edema

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect 73. Instruct the patient to hold breath as you auscultate each carotid artery

    (use bell of stethoscope). Student must use stethoscope correctly

    (position of ear buds). 74. Palpate the carotid pulses bilaterally, one at a time.

    75. Palpate the femoral pulses bilaterally, one at a time.

    76. Palpate the popliteal pulses bilaterally, one at a time.

    77. Palpate the dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally (top of foot).

    78. Palpate the posterior tibial pulses bilaterally (at the ankle behind the medial malleolus).

    79. Check each shin for pitting edema by pressing on the lower tibia for 3 - 5

    seconds. Must be done on bone.

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    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    80. Have patient lie back, adjust examining table to be flat, and expose the

    entire abdomen for examination.

    81. Inspect the abdomen for contour, markings, venous markings and

    changes with respiration.

    82. Student must use stethoscope correctly (position of ear buds).

    83. Auscultate each of the four quadrants of the abdomen.

    84. Percuss the abdomen in 4 quadrants.

    85. Palpate the left upper quadrant with light and deep pressures.

    86. Palpate the left lower quadrant with light and deep pressures.

    87. Palpate the right lower quadrant with light and deep pressures.

    88. Palpate the right upper quadrant with light and deep pressures.

    89. The student placed his/her dominant hand on top of non-dominant hand

    for all abdominal palpations in all four quadrants.

    90. Palpate the spleen: Place your hands on the left upper abdomen. Instruct the

    patient to inhale as you begin palpating. Instruct the patient to exhale as you

    deepen your palpation.

    91. Percuss the liver span. Stand at the patient's right side.

    92. Palpate the liver: Place your hands on the right upper abdomen. Then ask

    the patient to inhale as you palpate. Instruct the patient to exhale as you

    deepen your palpation then inhale again while maintaining your palpation.

    Stand at the patient's right side.


    93. Assess hip flexion on each leg moving the thigh up toward the trunk,

    can be active or passive.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    94. Return the thigh to a position perpendicular to the exam table while holding the

    shin parallel to the exam table. Move the ankle medially to assess the hip

    external rotation, and laterally to assess the hip internal rotation. Both legs. 95. Flex and extend each knee.

    96. Inspect the midfoot, toes, and plantar surfaces of both feet.

    97. Plantarflex and dorsiflex the ankles.

    98. Inspect palms and backs of both hands.

    99. Assess finger extension by asking the patient to spread the fingers, both

    hands, palms down.

    100. Assess finger flexion by asking the patient to make a fist with each hand

    (palms can be up or down).

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    Musculoskeletal continued

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    101. Inspect both fists and wrists while you supinate and pronate the forearms.

    102. Flex and extend each wrist.

    103. Inspect, then flex and extend each elbow.

    104. Shoulder flexion: Observe shoulder flexion by asking the patient to bring

    the arms forward and raise them overhead, then ask patient to return

    arms to lap. 105. Shoulder external rotation: Instruct the patient (seated or standing) to

    clasp both hands behind the extended neck and to pull the elbows

    back. 106. Shoulder internal rotation: Instruct the patient (seated or standing) to

    place both hands behind the back as high up on the back as possible.

    Observe entire range of motion from behind with patient's gown open. 107. Examination of spine: Assess neck flexion by instructing the patient to

    place the chin on the chest.

    108. Assess neck extension by asking the patient to look up at the ceiling.

    109. Observe right and left rotation of the neck.

    110. Assess lateral bending of the neck by asking the patient to incline ear

    toward each shoulder.

    111. Assess thoracolumbar lateral flexion by asking the patient to stand and

    bend the torso to the right and to the left.

    112. Observe lumbar flexion by asking the patient to bend forward at the

    waist and to attempt to touch the toes.

    113. Observe lumbar extension by asking the patient to bend backwards.

    114. Examiner to stand behind the patient to observe thoracolumbar motion,

    lumbar flexion and extension, and alignment of spine, knees, heels and

    feet. Patient gown open for checklist numbers 111-114.

    A complete neurologic exam would begin with the cranial nerve exam, which is described above.

    Begin by having patient return to the exam table to sit.

    Mental Status: Assessed during history.

    Cranial nerves: completed above (except for sensory V below).

    Neurological: Motor

    115. Pronator Drift Test: Ask the patient to close eyes and hold arms out in front

    of chest, palms facing ceiling. Observe for forearm pronation for 5-7 seconds.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    116. Test the patient's wrist extension strength bilaterally.

    117. Test the deltoid muscle strength bilaterally.

    118. Test the biceps muscle strength bilaterally, one arm at a time.

    119. Test the triceps muscle strength bilaterally, one arm at a time.

  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt


    Neurological: Motor continued

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect 120. Test the hip flexor muscle strength bilaterally, one leg at a time.

    121. Test the knee extensor and knee flexor muscle strength bilaterally, one

    leg at a time.

    Neurological: Sensation

    122. Demonstrate to the patient the difference between sharp and dull (on a

    proximal area such as an asymptomatic forearm) with a broken cotton

    tipped swab. 123. Instruct the patient to close eyes in preparation for testing sharp touch

    (broken end of wooden cotton tipped applicator) and dull touch

    (cotton tipped end of applicator). 124. Describe first, then test cranial nerve V sensory function forehead (V1),

    cheek (V2) and jaw line (V3).

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    125. Test sensation on front or back of trunk, including once for light touch and once

    to discriminate between sharp and dull sensation.

    126. Test sensation bilaterally on upper or lower arms, including once for light touch

    and once to discriminate between sharp and dull sensation.

    127. Test sensation bilaterally on upper or lower legs, including once for light touch

    and once to discriminate between sharp and dull sensation.

    128. Demonstrate to patient while patient is watching what vibration feels like with the 128 Hz tuning fork on a bony part of the wrist.

    129. Ask the patient to close eyes and then test vibration sense on each great

    toe with the 128 Hz tuning fork. Test vibratory sensation on lateral malleolus

    if not sensed on great toe. 130. Position sense: Grasp the great toe by the sides. Demonstrate to the patient,

    while he/she is watching, what is meant by up and down motion of the toes.

    131. Position sense: Ask the patient to close eyes while you slightly move the

    toe in an up or down direction, bilaterally. Ask the patient to tell you "up"

    or "down" after each motion.

    Neurological: Reflexes

    W/O Prompt

    Not Done

    W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect 132. Test the biceps reflex bilaterally.

    133. Test the brachioradialis reflex bilaterally.

    134. Test the triceps reflex bilaterally.

    135. Test the patellar reflex bilaterally.

    136. Test the Achilles reflex bilaterally, while supporting the patient's foot.

    137. Test the Plantar reflex bilaterally (for Babinski's sign), with a tongue blade.

  • Incorrect W/O Prompt & ND Incorrect W/ Prompt


    Neurological: Coordination

    138. Test upper extremity coordination bilaterally with the finger-to-nose test

    (patient's arm should extend fully).

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect

    139. Test for dysdiadokokinesia by having the patient alternately slap the front

    and back of hands against the thigh (have patient mimic you).

    140. Test for lower extremity coordination bilaterally with the heel-to-knee-to-shin


    141. Test for dorsal column signs with the Romberg Test: Begin by instructing the

    patient to stand up and put feet together, arms at the sides and then

    close eyes. Observe the patient for falling for 5-7 seconds. 142. Ask the patient to walk across the room, pivot and return while you

    observe the gait.

    143. Ask the patient to walk away from you on tip toe and observe.

    144. Ask the patient to walk toward you on heels and observe.

    145. Ask the patient to walk heel-to-toe and observe.


    146. Invite the patient to return to the exam table. Tell the patient you have

    completed the exam. Shake the patient's hand and thank him/her for

    his/her time. 147. The student did not use gloves for any portion of the exam (instead had

    skin-on-skin contact throughout all exam items).

    Last Updated: 01/13/14 9:26 a.m.

    W/O Prompt Not Done W/ Prompt

    Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect