Intro Objective 08/31/2011 Familiarize themselves with classroom rules and procedures. Write down HW...

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Transcript of Intro Objective 08/31/2011 Familiarize themselves with classroom rules and procedures. Write down HW...


Objective 08/31/2011

Familiarize themselves with classroom rules and procedures.

Write down HW


1. Enter respectfully2. Sit in your seat immediately3. Write down HW in Agenda

◦ No Homework? Write down ‘None’4. Work on Intro quietly Not in your seat or goofing off, you will

exit the class, circle the hallway, and re-enter appropriately

◦ If this makes you late, then you need a late pass

Entering the Classroom

All students are required to arrive to class on time.

If you are late, then you must go to the Dean’s office and receive a Tardy Lock Out Slip.◦ You will not be let back in until a pass has been

given to you. If you are not on task and are instructed exit

and re-enter the classroom, it is possible to be tardy.


Sometimes I call this the Do Now or Jumpstart activity, but it needs to be immediately done at the beginning of class

The Intro activity can include any type of activity such as:◦ Answering questions◦ Writing prompt◦ Taking out supplies requested by teacher◦ Silent reading◦ Picking up worksheets from the front◦ Setting up a Lab

If you need to pick up a worksheet, make a loop around the classroom so as not to collide with students behind you.

Intro activity

Pencil Sharpening

Pencils may be sharpened during the Intro activity without having to ask me

Once class has begun, however, you must ask for permission to sharpen


twill sharpening a pencil

Attendance I will take attendance as you

walk into my room and during the first few minutes of class.

Students will work on their Intro activity and remain silent during attendance.

Ms. Foltin will begin the class period by saying “Good morning/afternoon class.”

Students will reply in a respectful manner, “Good morning/afternoon Ms. Foltin.”

The agenda for the day will be written on the board for the students every day.

The daily lesson objective (what the student will learn) will be written on the board every day. ◦ Each day a different student will read the


Daily Lesson

Cornell Notes Cornell-Style Notes Left portion of page

◦ Questions◦ Main ideas◦ Vocabulary

Right portion of page◦ Answers to the

question◦ Description of topic◦ Definition of vocabulary

Bottom of page◦ Summary


Main Idea







Outro’s are discussion questions that need to be completed at the end of the lesson.


There is no talking once I begin the lesson.◦ Voice Level = 0

During group work or Pair Sharing time you will either be at Voice Level 1 or 2◦ Voice Level 1 = Whisper◦ Voice Level 2 = Quiet Voice

During presentations, the student presenter will be at Voice Level 4

There will never be any shouting or yelling in the room.


During class do NOT get up and move around the room without permission

If you need to throw something away, WAIT until the end of the period to toss garbage away◦ There is NO throwing anything in the classroom

Need a tissue? Raise your hand and ask for permission◦ Grab tissues in the beginning of class so you don’t

have to get up during class


I don’t let you leave for silly reasons, so don’t bother asking, only emergency bathroom requests.

Each marking period you will receive two bathroom passes (it’s on one slip)

Procedure:1. Fill out pass2. Peace sign3. If I nod my head yes, give me pass to sign and take it with

you to your destination. No sharing passes Both passes are filled, you can no longer leave until

the next quarter. If the pass is not used, you can turn it in at the end of

the quarter for extra credit.

Bathroom Passes

I dismiss you, not the bell. Three requirements must be met in order

for me to dismiss you:◦ Room is clean◦ You are sitting in your seat◦ You are quiet

You will exit the classroom through the door at the front of the classroom.

I will NOT give late passes if you are unable to fulfill the requirements.


Student Board Monday - Grades

are posted next to your ID number.

Wednesday – Missing Assignments are posted. Assignments are due Friday.

Your name will be posted on the Missing Assignments if at anytime and for any reason you did not hand in an assignment at the time it was collected.

Missing Assignments can include:◦ Homework◦ Projects◦ Labs◦ Quizzes

Missing Assignments are due FRIDAY. More than 3 Missing Assignments, you will be

assigned detention to complete those assignments

Missing Assignments

At the back of the classroom are folders with days of the week written on them.

Pick up the notes or assignments from the day you were absent.

All assignments are to be completed and turned in as soon as possible.

When in doubt, ask me for help or clarification.


Guests in the Classroom If any student,

teacher, or administrator enters the classroom:◦ Students will remain

silent, on task, and attentive.

You never know who the guest may be!!!

Any student that the substitute lists as being a behavior problem will receive an automatic after-school detention.

Any student that the substitute lists as being helpful will receive a reward.

Assignment:◦ You will complete a Substitute DO NOW plus a Section

Review from the textbook.◦ All assignments will be completed and handed in for a


Substitute Teachers

When the fire alarm sounds we will line up in two columns.

We will exit through our EXIT door (front of classroom) and walk to back hallway door.

During the entire drill you are to be SILENT. Once we are outside I will take attendance.

ASSEMBLIES: we line up and are silent the same way as above

Fire Drill

Cell phones, iPods, and other electronics are not permitted in class.◦ If I see it or hear it, I take it.◦ It will be sent down to the Dean’s office and your

parents will have to pick it up.

Cell Phones and Electronics

Extra Help◦ I offer extra help in the morning and afternoon.

Morning – by appointment Afternoon – anytime

Extra Credit: Is spontaneous.◦ Do NOT ask me for extra credit. If you cannot do

the work that has already been given, why would I give you extra work?

Extra Help and Extra Credit

Put this link in your “favorites” on your home computer

Here you will find:◦ Homework Assignments and due dates◦ PowerPoints◦ Worksheets

Contact me at:

Ms. Foltin’s Website

Who Am I? Ms. Foltin Place of origin – New

Jersey Favorite Sport – Tennis

& Ice Hockey Favorite Team – Dallas

Cowboys & New Jersey Devils

Favorite Obsession – Star Wars

Random Facts – I ride a Suzuki SV-650

picture of me

Atmosphere Climate Earthquakes Erosion Fossils Inside Earth Geologic Timeline Maps Hurricanes

Minerals Nevada Resources Oceans Plate Tectonics Rocks Soil Space Tornadoes Volcanoes

Earth Science

Objective 09/1/2011


Familiarize themselves with classroom rules and procedures.

What topic in Earth Science are you most excited about? Why?