Into darkness book #1

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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The first book in the series BOOK #1 hope you enjoy from the company DM-Books :)

Transcript of Into darkness book #1

Into Darkness:

age of darkness



I was just leaving when the alarm went off, a bombing was about to happen but before the bombs could drop a shadowy figure in a cloke started to fly up and take out the bombs. One by one. With just his bare hands and a sword,

I couldn’t believe it, he was slicing and throwing one into another then he started to take out the planes the same way. Then when he was done he jumped down back to earth through a shadowy door. Then the next day I was taking my dog on a walk when I see this white glowing figure and the same shadowy figure from yesterday, and more shadowy figures but different ones these ones had horns, claws, and tails with spikes. then I realized that... I was hungry  ... and that they were demons and the man in front of them on the ground was an angel. Then a urge came over me... I was in pain then I...I was ...I was aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

chapter 1

the apocalypse

The year was 2033 and all life on earth has been eradicated and darkness has taken over almost everything except the gates, the gates of heaven, the only safe place on earth. Most of the earth’s people have left earth in search of a new home. Until then, the angels will continue to fight the demons that now inhabit it. It’s up to a very skilled young man to go into the past to make sure that he doesn’t fail...

The man was sent back exactly 20 years ago when all of this started the day I was possessed and made the surprised assault on earth the only planet that the midnight hands (demon army) had left to capture before total darkness ruled the universe. The first thing he did was go

find his past self and the only way to find him was to remember where he was that day. Instead the man was sent back too far and was witnessing the previous war and saw his dad, his dad was the old hero and accomplished to defeat the demons but didn’t know that as soon as a new baby was born so was a demon, and if that happens that means that the demon belongs to that human baby and possesses it. That boy was to kill and become the new SATIN. He is the one who attacks earth and succeeds.



                                          “hows the mission going.” a voice said. “Good my lord.” as the hero said with a bow. “Did you find the boy yet?” “Not yet my lord.”  The hero said still bowing “Well, I brought you a small group of elites, and grunts.” as god said with a deep voice “Thank you my lord.” as the hero rose from his bow. Then God grew his mighty wings and flew off as fast as light.

chapter 2

search party

Before God left he told the hero something “ If you don’t find the boy in time we will be forced to destroy the earth so you will need this.” God handed the hero a sword and on it said “Let light shine were darkness rises and let it fall for it has sinned.” the hero bowed once more then made the sign of the cross. He then started the search and before you knew it they found... trouble. Not even a minute after the skies turned dark and the team was ambushed by a group of shades, they didn’t stand a chance because the hero could not be seen or he would be caught and killed. So he had to hide and in seconds the squad was taken out.

The hero had to find someone he could trust so guess who the first thought was... himself. Some time past and he finally found his old house but he was hurt, he got spotted flying and was shot down by police. “They were scared, they don’t know what it was,” and he heard a voice. “Shot by the same people you were trying to save. It’s been

awhile, how ya been” it wasn’t god this time it was something much much worse, it was the arch demon, Nightmare himself,

then some angel elites came to distract him and it worked, the hero got away and so he got to his old house. The older kids were out and only younger wes and everyone else in his family who was younger than him were home they heard a knock at the door one of the younger kids answered the door and were shocked to see a tall glowing monster of a guy. He was bleeding in the ribs and was limping he walked in uninvited and went to the window to check for demons wes asked who are you and the hero just said i can’t say that would be bad “ Then get out you can’t just come in unannounced” “ You wouldn’t leave a man for dead i know you wouldn't “  “ how would you know i've never met you before in my life”

“You're in danger we need to leave now or everyone will die you need to start training” but before he could finish it got dark but not night time dark it’s even darker “then he looked out the window and saw him DARKNESS IN CARNET  

the boy was being possessed the hero grabbed wes and ran towards the darkest point in the sky. as he reached closer to the point wes was taken from him and he was caught he saw the boy that was evil inside was looking at him and then the hero realized that it was the same thing that happened the first time.     

chapter 3

the difference

This time the hero saw some one with him a girl and she was staring at him to and then something happened the skies got darker. the girl went inside then the boy started to change then the ground started to shake and all the shadows of everything turned into demons and then he got bigger and stronger and had a scythe “ You thought you were on time ohh no no no no you were incredibly late in fact you're just in time for the party” he looked up then the hero did it was big it was loud it was bad it was a black demon ship and it was coming down not up then he pulled out his sword “ You think you can beat me in your state have fun with that “ “ It’s not for you “ then a beam of light came from the sword then thunder started to crash, then lightning came down in the beam of light then a voice a loud BOOMing voice come down and said “ LET THERE BE LIGHT”

it was done, it was over but before the bolt can hit WHAMB he was knocked out cold inches from the ground the bolt disappears  and the hero ney the prisoner is captured the young wes runs home chased by demons as he gets home they start pounding on the door then it stops he looks outside, there standing God.

chapter 4

times run out

“It’s time to train” after 6 months of beating and the zapping he was finally ready and old enough to take on the grim and save himself in the future literally and so he set off on his journey and along the way he fought many demons

“Let us begin”

battle after battle he slayed every last one until he came upon one other, satins black knight

and at his feet there were many dead angels and soldiers then he turned to face him and said “ You are not like the others but will perish the same”

“ You will fall by my blade DIE NOW “

but then *swing* the knight’s head, was clean off.

chapter 5

the help’s

As his body fell revealing two other white knight’s “Hey Wes! How’s it going? ” The knight’s said “Who are you?” “It’s us Toby and Chris,” as they helped the hero up they started talking and walking “how did you guys get like this” “ well you see we were with you the whole time and we followed you we were at your house when you left. I mean really why wouldn't we help you?" …..

chapter 6


They told wes when they got there and how God wanted them to help “But this is my fight he killed my family” Wes said. Then they heard a voice “They are not dead they are just in the void a, dark place where nightmares come true” it was one of satan's lieutenants his right hand man NIGHTMARE .  “

He came out of nowhere he knocked chris and wes off their feet and Toby was left to face him alone “You look different did grow some meat” Ross said with a smirk  “If by meat you mean muscle then yes” Toby said with a face of anger. “Well thats good then it won’t be all bone when you’re fed to my pet” he whistled, then out from the giant cave they saw a face

chapter 7

like a boss

Then out from the cave came a giant dragon as big as a mountain

the rumbling woke up Wes and Chris they were shocked to see the behemoth in front of them. Hen they were thinking like from the games they used to play, that this is like a boss they fought once in a videogame but now in real life. “This will be a piece of cake” no it wasn't they almost got killed “Oh my god what the heck why is he so hard” Chris said “Because he feeds on fear, charisma, and doubt and you have all of these you will die from each other”

chapter 8

the happening

“We need to beat this thing” then the monster charged Chris’s leg was caught in the monsters mouth “CHRIS” Wes and Toby yelled “hold on I have a plan” then the monster ate him Toby and Wes upset that their friend was just eaten but as they were about to attack it the beast fell to the ground then they looked at it and it’s stomach was moving they thought it was still alive but then it’s stomach opened and out stepped Chris covered with the monsters blood but then something started to happened Chris started to lose his powers

chapter 9

the losses

“what’s happening” Toby said “I don’t know” Chris said “the monsters blood is a deadly poison but since you’re an angel it will take away your powers, oh and, since you’re in the underworld you will turn into a demon and try to kill your friends so uh yea good luck with that” then a door of darkness opened up and the fiend walked away. then chris fell to the ground holding his head almost as he heard a loud noise “ahhhhhhhh” “CHRIS” “stop whispering” Chris said “no one is whispering” Toby said then he started to change sharp claws, horns, razor teeth and a tail he started to growl with a deep deadly voice towards Toby “Chris, Chris stop, Chris no stop” he started to charge Toby pulled out his pistol and *BAM*...

He was dead chris was shot in the face by Toby


“HE KEPT CHARGING HE WASN’T LISTENING BESIDES you know he wasn’t Chris anymore”



“I DON’T, hmm, I don’t know let’s keep move...”

then suddenly a black hole appeared under Toby sucking him in.

“NO” Wes yelled and behind him in the distance a gold knight with red eyes

and he says as he walks into his door to darkness “into darkness and out of light for no man can escape the blight for when theres light there is darkness to destroy the broken kingdom”

and the hero was alone again.

chapter 10


So Wes continued his journey for little time was left to save mankind. As he walked he saw a team of angels well not really a team anymore hehehe uh chem sorry and so he helped them

or we'll him out

“What’s your name soldier”

“It’s me Kyle”

“WAS EVERYONE I KNOW AT THE TRAINING CAMP, sorry it’s good to have you here”

then they started to travel AGAIN when they came across a prison but not just any prison it’s the devils prison the devils are more passive less aggressive “Why are they in there”

“Because the demons thought they were too old they also hold angels so they're probably holding future me in there” “Wait what” “It’s a long story let’s just get in there” “What why” “Because I have to save me wow that sounded less weird in my head” so they started to walk towards the prison

chapter 11

the guards

but they didn’t notice the guard

the necromancer he swooped down and summoned an army of skeletons they fought for hours until finally they killed all the skeletons but. now was the mechanical monster Titan the prison guard

4 tons of mechanical hell and they just pisted him off now they have to deal with both of them but as they were about to charge BAM BAM two holes in their heads and as the soldier came down “hello Wes”

chapter 12

the betrayal

“Toby but you were sucked in that black hole” “I know” then he swooped down and hit kyle with his razor sharp claws “oh I have good news and bad the good news i’m ok bad news i’m ok”  then he shot white fire at them while laughing “did you know white fire is hotter than red “ “Toby what about your family” he just continued to laugh “he’s too far gone alright let’s get him 3..2...1 go go go” “wait what” he wasn’t there “then we split up and find him” “ok” “right behind you”  BAM punched they right in the stomach “he’s too fast” “Toby you gotta snap out of it” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA “with darkness there is blight HAHAHAHAHAHA”


and Toby was finally dead “I will see you again my friend when i to sleep” then they continued to the prison. They killed any guards that stood in their way then they went to the front and found the intercom

and said “attention everyone today you are freed” then they hung up all the demons ran to the front door to cover all the prisoners then they heard an explosion at the back and sprinted to the back and every prisoner was after them

chapter 13


So they were walking but they noticed someone was following them instantly Wes turned gun first “wait wait wait hold on it’s me santana I was in the prison i was in kyle’s team when he made the call to retreat

but by then they already got me and took me too the prison” “MOTHER OF... GAAAAH WHO DIDN'T GO TO THE CAMP” “you mind if I come with” “yeah and in the meantime if you find anyone else don’t tell us” and then they were attacked by two bad looking demons.

they both said with a deep dark voice “into darkness” “and out of light” then Justin swooped down and put a black hole under santana and pulled him in. Then Nick punched kyle in the face knocking him out “come on maggot you’ve fought one at a time since the beginning let’s up the difficulty”

“still no challenge”

“Yes because your rage filling in you we planned this so you will loose piece and tranquility and be filled with rage and hate” “wait wha” BAM they knocked him out too. Several hours passed and he was being dragged across the floor. “Where are you taking me” he said with a faint voice “To him” .

chapter 14


So they continued dragging across the floor until they came across a small door oozing with darkness they opened the door and throw him in “have fun” he looked up to see a bed and the on the bed was a very big guy he stood up he was 10 feet tall with huge muscles and turned and said “DO YOU FEAR DEATH , DO YOU FEAR NEVER SEEING THE LIGHT AGAIN” in shock

not knowing what to say he just nods “I’ll take your facial expression and lack of speech that you're new to this” so he does a small hand movement and the guards came in and dragged him out again.

chapter 15


As the guards dragged him across the floor he saw an exit and broke free and ran for the exit then he heard a voice Dylan go then he saw a cannon come out of the wall and it fired a big ball of fire and it roaring and it was coming at him fast he dogged it it hit the ground. He looked at the crashed ball of fire and a hand came out then another then it started to grow. Minute after minute it got bigger and then it turned swords in hand towards Wes and charged but what Wes didn’t know was that he was where they were holding older Wes and thats who he saw getting the crap beaten out of so Wes heard a loud thud then saw older him shoot up in the air and stabbed the beast in the head. “demons attack” then there was an army after them

and one quick swing of the sword he swept all of them from their feet “alright time to go” “but my friend is still in here” “he’s probably dead now let’s go” so he grabbed him and pulled him out of there

chapter 16

the last storm

They were running then in the sky they saw a demon fleet they were firing the main guns but they were firing demons at them so they started running toward the main castle “are they firing meteors at us” “no their shooting demons” and so they kept running until one hit right behind them they went flying and they shot one right at Wes but then the hero caught it “ GO GO” “thank you” “GO” and so he ran for the door he locked it behind him he saw him take out maybe 100 before they killed him then he heard a slow clap “well done Wes” and it was him it was the Grim

chapter 17


as he talked he sounded like he had many voices and he said “you've come along way Wes you’ve killed and have lost but now is the time to reunite with your dear old friends” he raised his hand and in

an instant every one that was with Wes came back but they looked evIL

“how does it feel to have everything you care about ripped away from you your father stopped us but you won’t” he pulled out his sword and commanded a charge so his X friends and an army charged after him but he had a weapon he pulled out a sword and on it it said “into light and out of darkness” “NO” then a beam of light came down and short after lightning “STOP HIM” everyone charged but before they could hit the lightning hit and a mass explosion

and every one was dead including Wes. but this story is not over