Interview with Lana Cantwell-Steeples By: Lucas Codner & Angelo Steeples Career 2201.

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Transcript of Interview with Lana Cantwell-Steeples By: Lucas Codner & Angelo Steeples Career 2201.

Interview with Lana Cantwell-Steeples

By: Lucas Codner & Angelo Steeples

Career 2201

What is your job?

•Aerialist in the circus

What skillset do you need for your job? Why?

•You need to be strong, and graceful, because to become a good aerialist you need to do strenuous poses, but make them look easy and graceful

What roles do you play in your workplace?

•As part of the circus family you play many roles such as selling tickets, performing and running concessions

What influenced you to choose your career?

•I wasn’t really influenced. When I was eighteen I decided to leave home and join the circus

What about your career do you enjoy?

•I enjoy the places it took me, such as Niagara Falls, Mt. Rushmore, and Alaska. I also got to meet a lot of different people from around the world

What is the salary range for someone in your field of work?

•$100 000 - $150 000

Are you happy with your salary? Why or why not?

•Yes, it allows me and my family to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle

What kind of education is required?

•The education you need is not taught at a school. You need to train yourself physically to be able to perform

Do you get to travel with your job? Where?

•All over the U.S. and Canada

How long have you been working at this job?

•Since 1989

What are some benefits of this job?

•Freedom to pick and choose where you work. Makes you very adaptable

If you could change anything about your career what would it be?

•I would have done more to lessen the physical affects on my body

What advice would you give to someone new in your field of work?

•It’s vey hard, not for everyone, save your money

What was your goal when you started your job?

•Learn from the best people in the business and make a good living for my family

Is your job stressful? How?

•Yes, very stressful, because not only do you have to be a good performer, you also have to be able to raise a family on the road, homeschool your kids, drive a semi-truck, put in lots of hours, and try to have a normal life

Is your job safe?

•Yes, it can be dangerous, but made very safe as well

What part of your career do you dislike?

•Long hours behind the wheel, and the physical toll on your body

Describe your work environment

•It can be anywhere from a muddy fair ground to a huge collosseum

Are you exposed to any new technology in your workplace?

•No, it is still the same basic technology that has been used for hundreds of years

Has your job affected choices in your personal life?

•Yes, there was very little time for leisure activity. We worked 365 days a year with maybe a week break here and there