Intersex Smallmouth Bass in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed By: Jordan Bibb.

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Intersex Smallmouth Bass in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed By: Jordan Bibb.

Intersex Smallmouth Bass in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed By: Jordan Bibb

Problem Statement Small mouth bass are changing sex in the Chesapeake bay watershed due to endocrine disruptors

the normal situation is that males do not have oocytes in ovaries.

Due to agricultural areas along the various rivers in the watershed.

Main dept of inland fisheries

Conceptual model The further out the linkages go on the page the more specific the problem

The bottom left outlines my various solutions.

Options To Consider Riparian buffers

need to be improved especially in parts of the river systems river where agriculture is present.

Unhealthy buffer

Healthy Buffer

(pictures from lake Champlain international)
