Interpolation and Curve Fitting Prof. Muhammad Saeed Mathematical Modeling and Simulation...

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Transcript of Interpolation and Curve Fitting Prof. Muhammad Saeed Mathematical Modeling and Simulation...

Interpolation and

Curve FittingProf. Muhammad Saeed

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation


22Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Polynomials:p = [1 -2 3 6] , y = polyval(p, x) %definition Examples: Poly_01.m , Poly_02.m

c = conv(a,b) % multiplication Example: Poly_03.m

[q, r]=deconv(a,b) % division Example: Poly_04.m

c = polyder(p)%derivativeExample: Poly_05.m

c = polyder(a,b)%derivative of productExample: Poly_06.m

[n,d] = polyder(a,b) %derivative of divisionExample: Poly_07.m

33Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

intgrl = polyint(p) integral of polynomial ‘p’Example: Poly_09.m

intgrl = polyint(p, c) integral of polynomial ‘p’ Example: Poly_10.m c a constant of

integration r = roots(p) roots of polynomial ‘p’Example: Poly_11.m

p = poly(r) polynomial of roots ‘r’Example: Poly_12.m

p = poly(x) x must be a square matrix Example: Poly_13.m p is characteristic polynomial


44Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Interpolation I:interp1(x,y,a), Example: InterpFit_01.m

interp1(x,y,a,’linear’), InterpFit_01b.m

interp1(x,y,a,’cubic’),interp1(x,y,a,’spline’), Interp1(x,y,a,’nearest’)interp2(x,y,z,a,b,’ …….. ‘) , [xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y), mesh()

Example: InterpFit_02.m

interp3interp1q, %it is quicker than ‘interp1’ on non-uniformly

spaced data because it does no input checkinginterpft, interpn

55Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Interpolation II:tri=delaunay(x,y), trimesh(tri,x,y,z),tsearch(x,y,tri,[x b],[c d]), dsearch

Example: RandomDataInterp_01

[pts,area] = convhull(x,y) Example: RandomDataInterp_02

voronoi(x,y) Example: RandomDataInterp_03

griddata Example: RandomDataInterp_04

66Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Curve Fitting: p = polyfit(x,y,n) Example: PolyFits_01.m

[p, s] = polyfit(x,y,n)[p,s,μ ] = polyfit(x,y,n)

yi = spline(x,y,xi) Example: SplineFits_01.m

pp=spline(x,y), yi=ppval(pp,xi)hp = pchip(x,y), Example: HermiteSplineFits_01.m


77Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

88Mathematical Modeling and Simulation

Test Matrices:

binomial cauchy chebspec chebvandchow circul clement comparcondex cycol dorr dramadahfiedler forsythe frank gearmatgcdmat grcar hanowa houseinvhess invol ipjfact jordblockahan kms krylov lauchlilehmer leslie lesp lotkinminij moler neumann orthogparter pei poisson prolaterandcolu randcorr randhess randjorthrando randsvd redheff riemannris smoke toeppd tridiagtriw wathen wilk

A=gallery(‘binomial’, n)


99Mathematical Modeling and Simulation