Internship Summary

Post on 01-Feb-2016

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Summary of my experience at my internship.

Transcript of Internship Summary

Internship Summary

I had two main goals to achieve during in this internship. They were to learn how

to use a digital sound board and become confident mixing in a live situation.

I believe I have achieved these goals and I still have four weeks left to expand on

my learning. The sound board I’m using is an Allen and Heath iLive-T112. It is a fully

digital board that has three banks with 28 faders and four layers equaling up to 112

control strips. The church’s band doesn’t use all of the control strips but a majority of

them are used. The first bank houses all of the actual instrument and vocal channels.

On the first layer we have three vocals. The second layer uses all 12 control strips in the

bank for the guitars, bass and keyboards. The third layer also uses all 12 control strips

and has the individual drum components. The second bank is used for the church

service. This has a microphone for announcements, the pastor’s microphone, a guest

microphone and auxiliary ports that lead to the video’s sound, CD player, and a laptop.

In the second layer there is an auxiliary to the nursery so the workers can still hear the

service. Lastly the third bank has three layers that are all full. They control the buses,

the musicians’ monitors, and FX channels. So in all, I am controlling 70 channels at one

time. This was a major step considering the maximum number of control strips I ever

used at school was eight. The board also has many preamps and FX built into it. It is

kind of like having Protools built into the board. It’s different controlling FX live and in the

studio. If an effect is messed up live, it doesn’t only disrupt the audience but the

musicians as well and can throw them off. This is where the confidence comes in. I

really had to know my stuff and the board to be able to add FX to a live show but when

it works the way it should, it’s a wonderful addition. I’ve learned so much through this

experience and I’m excited to bring it back to Northwest. Here is a picture I took from

my view at the sound booth.