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  • 8/13/2019 internetbanking-131124032348-phpapp01



    School Of Economics

    3rd Internal Assignment


    Internet Banking

    Submitted By:Ashutosh Kaurav

    Dhiresh ChawlaSunil ChichraVivek Pandey

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    Internet BankingIntroduction Internet banking mixes with 2 words i.e. Electronic technology andBanking. It is Process by which a customer performs bankingtransactions electronically via internet.

    The automated delivery of new and traditional banking productsand services directly to customers through electronic, interactivecommunication channels.

    Its also known as online banking or E -banking.This new andconvenient way of banking has set a boom in our day to day life

    The concept of Internet banking has been simultaneously evolvingwith the development of the World Wide Web (www). The onlineshopping promoted the use of credit cards through Internet. The automated delivery of new and traditional banking productsand services directly to customers through electronic, interactivecommunication channels.

    Internet Banking offers consumers and business alike the ease ofmanaging banking and financial tasks from home. Online bankinghas become a lifeline for those who cannot leave the house, or livein rural areas where access to banks can be limited.

    Online banking facilities offered by various financial institutionshave many features and capabilities in common.

    The remote delivery of new and traditional banking products andservices through electronic delivery channels.

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    The common features fall broadly into several categories:

    A bank customer can perform non-transactional tasks throughonline banking, including -

    Viewing account balances Viewing recent transactions Downloading bank statements Viewing images of paid cheques New Cheque Book ordering Download periodic account statements Depositing Taxes

    Downloading applications for M-banking, E-bankingetc. Funds transfers between the customer's linked accounts Paying third parties, including bill payments Investment purchase or sale i.e. investment services Loan applications and transactions, such as repayments

    of enrollments Shopping

    Ticket Booking Prepaid Mobile Recharge LIC & other insurance premium payments Donations to NGOs Self-account funds transfer across India

    Internet/Online banking is easy, reliable and convenient way tofulfil our banking needs. This robust banking facility connects uswith our bank at our convenience, we dont have to plan our dayaccording to bank hours, no more waiting in queue and even youcan check your balance whenever and wherever you want. Most ofthe time online banking and internet banking are often usedinterchangeably.

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    In this method, customer gets his bank account ID and passwordand he can check his account, pay his bill and print his receiptthrough his home personal computer which is connected withInternet. E-banking is development of today banking system.

    It refers to the provisions of electronic banking services viainternet through personal computer (PC) or other access deviceswith internet capabilities.

    From an economic perspective, information technology andcomputer networks have enhanced the automation, speed andstandardization in communications and internal administration,increasing customer convenience and functionally and reducingcosts in back-office and front desk banking functions.

    Internet banking gives customers the ability to access virtually anytype of banking services in any place and at any time.

    Many depository institutions contract with third party firms forinternet banking support services they choose not to providethemselves.

    ICICI was the first bank to initiate the Internet banking revolutionin India as early as 1997 under the brand name 'Infinity

    ICICI Bank kicked off online banking way back in 1996. But evenfor the Internet as a whole, 1996 to 1998 marked the adoption

    phase, while usage increased only in 1999- due to lower ISP onlinecharges, increased PC penetration and a tech-friendly atmosphere

    The Reserve Bank of India constituted a working group on InternetBanking. The group divided the internet banking products in Indiainto 3 types based on the levels of access granted.

    They are:- i) Information Only System ii) Electronic InformationTransfer System iii) Fully Electronic Transactional System

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    Information Only System

    General purpose information like interest rates, branchlocation, bank products and their features, loan and deposit

    calculations are provided in the banks website. There exist facilities for downloading various types ofapplication forms.

    The communication is normally done through e-mail. There is no interaction between the customer and bank's

    application system. No identification of the customer is done. In this system,

    there is no possibility of any unauthorized person getting into

    production systems of the bank through internet

    Electronic Information Transfer System

    The system provides customer- specific information in theform of account balances, transaction details, and statementof accounts.

    The information is still largely of the 'read only' format.Identification and authentication of the customer is through password.

    The information is fetched from the bank's applicationsystem either in batch mode or off-line.

    The application systems cannot directly access through theinternet.

    Fully Electronic Transactional System

    This system allows bi-directional capabilities. Transactions can be submitted by the customer for online


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    This system requires high degree of security and control. Inthis environment, web server and application systems arelinked over secure infrastructure.

    It comprises technology covering computerization,networking and security, inter-bank payment gateway andlegal infrastructure.

    Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) ATM is designed to perform the most important

    function of bank. It is operated by plastic card with its special features. The plastic card is replacing cheque, personal

    attendance of the customer, banking hours restrictionsand paper based verification


    Online services started in New York in 1981 when four of the citys

    major banks (Citibank, ChaseManhattan, Chemical and Manufacturers Hanover) offered home

    banking services

    First internet banking service start in the UK 1983,Bank of Scotlandoffers Nottingham Building Society (NBS) known as home linkconnecting via a telephone and television to send transfers and pay


    The first online banking service in United States was introduced, inOctober 1994. The first online website was Stanford FederalCredit Union, which is a financial institution.

    In 2001, 19 million users start accessing bank accounts online

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    In 2005, Debit and credit was launched

    In 2007, Apple launches I-phone and shifting of banking services via personal computer or Smartphone begins

    Technology has enabled numerous advantages and overcome thetraditional banking, offering the best of banking experience onyour fingertips.

    Advantages Of Internet Banking

    1. Convenience

    2. No lines3. Availability

    4. Innovation

    5. Easy to Operate

    6. Friendlier Rates

    7. Transfer Service

    8. Ease of Transactions

    9. Less Time Consumption (Speed)

    10. Multiple Operations In Single Shot

    11. Performance

    12. Shop & Payment

    13. Banking from anywhere in the world

    14. Inexpensive

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    Disadvantages Of Internet Banking

    1. Legal Issues2. Setting up an account may take time

    3. Site changes and Updates

    4. Customer Services

    5. Ease Internet Access

    6. Security Concerns (Risks, Hacking)

    7. Technical Breakdowns

    8. Switching Banks

    9. Money Usage (req. ATM)

    10. Learning Difficulties

    11. Computer Skills and Internet Knowledge Required

    12. Required Hardwares to operate (PC, han dsets)

    13. Banks himself dont trust their own security systems

    14. Relevant Operating system required (98, 2000, vista)

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    Online Banking versus Traditional Banking: A ComparisonTraditional Banking

    * Traditional banking is great because you can develop relationshipswith your bank representatives. This is helpful when youre

    borrowing money, looking for sound advice or just like to know the people who are managing your money.* In traditional banking transactions you do not need any type ofsecurity.* Traditional banking also offers the convenience of easy depositsand withdrawals. You know that your deposit will be in your accountthe same day or the next day. And you can withdraw money duringregular banking hours.* Traditional banks offer a number of features like money orders,wire transfers and travelers checks, often without a fee. You can stillget these from banks where you dont have an account but there isusually a high fee involved to process.* The only matters that you have to keep your bank papers of

    bankbook safe .

    * Traditional banks have security in the form of surveillance camerasand occasionally they employ security guards.* If you are having any problem related to the bank, you canimmediately go to the bank and solve your doubts .

    * You can get any information related to bank and still have anydoubts you can immediately ask.

    The downside to traditional banks is that you have to stick to their

    business hours, which arent always convenient. You cannot accessyour bank account wh en youre out of town, and every time you needto process a transaction you have to go to the bank.* If the papers of bank are lost you may also lose the right of your

    bank properties .

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    * In traditional banking sometimes your work may remainuncompleted which is wasted of time.

    *If employees are busy with their bank it is not possible that they may

    give you the proper answer.*Your bank papers are not secured through traditional banking

    Online Banking

    * Online banking means you can access your account from anywhereat any time. You can get into your account, transfer money, pay a bill,and make withdrawals and deposits from other accounts.

    * Online banking is fast. You dont have to leave your couch to process a transaction.

    * Online banking is often cheaper. In addition to being able to offercompetitive rates, many online banks dont charge hefty fees and youdont have to pay for the gas to get there. And you save money on

    postage if youre paying bills electronically.

    * Most online banks also send notices and statements via email,which saves paper and notifies you immediately if there is any funny

    business with your account.

    However, the downside to online banking is that you need an internetconnection to interact with your account. You also have to becomfortable using the computer. Finally, online banking poses some

    security and identity theft risks. Most online bank accounts offeradvice, assistance and protections to keep your information and yourmoney safe.* In online banking services one needs to count with an internetservice provider.*Hackers may access your bank account

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    Switching banks can be more cumbersome online than one person.

    In online banking services one need original setup for paying time istime consuming but will ultimately be a time saver.

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    E-banking transactions are much cheaper than branch or even phone transactions. This could turn yesterdays competitive

    advantage a large branch network into a comparativedisadvantage, allowing e-banks to undercut bricks and mortar

    banks. This is commonly known as the Beached Dinosaur theory.

    E-banks are easy to setup, so lots of new entrants will arrive . Oldworld systems, cultures and structures will not encumber thesenew entrants. Instead, they will be adaptable and responsive. E-

    banking gives customers much more choice. Consumers will beless inclined to remain loyal. Portal providers are likely to attractthe most significant share of banking profits. Indeed banks could

    become glorified marriage brokers. They would simply bring two parties together e.g. buyer and seller, payer and payee.

    The products will be provided by monoclines, experts in their field.Traditional banks may simply be left payment and settlement

    business even this could be cast into doubt.

    Traditional banks will find it difficult to evolve, not only will they be unable to make acquisitions for cash as opposed to being able tooffer shares, they will be unable to obtain additional capital fromthe stock market. This is in contrast to the situation for internetfirms for whom it seems relatively easy to attract investment.