Internet Marketing Presentation

Post on 20-May-2015

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A presentation on internet marketing tips.

Transcript of Internet Marketing Presentation

Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing Basics

Is Your Website is Ready for the Internet?

In this presentation we will share tipsto market your business on the Internet

Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing Basics

Topics Include:Blogs

E-Mail MarketingSearch Engine Marketing

Search Engine OptimizationPay-Per-Click Advertising

Social NetworkingWeb 2.0

RSS FeedsAffiliate Marketing

Link Building

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Is Your Website is Ready for the Internet?

●Is it user-friendly, visually appealing?●Is it simple and easy to navigate?●Does it load quickly?●Is it relevant and focused on topic?●Is it easy to find your contact information?●Does it attract and retain customers' attention?●Does it focus on helping visitors make a decision?

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What is a Blog?

A Blog is the abbreviation for Weblog. Blogs represent opinions or thoughts of the website author and are

updated on a consistent basis for viewing by the general public.

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Blog Uses

●Blogs are a great alternative or addition to websites because they can be up and running very quickly.●They are inexpensive, fresh and dynamic.●Search engines love them because content is added regularly and often.

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Using Audio on Your Website

●Use audio for recorded testimonials.●Use audio to educate visitors.●Sell audio as an MP3 download.

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Using Video on Your Website

●Videos provide the visuals to convey information about you, your company, your products/services.●Record actual video or do slide show with voice-over narration.●Demonstrate or showcase a product/service.●Post related videos on your website.

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Viral Video

●A free and effective way to increase traffic to your website is to take your video viral. ●Let others help you spread the word to their friends, family members, mailing lists, etc.●Add it to YouTube, Google Video, etc.

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What is Email Marketing?

E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial

or fund raising messages to an audience.

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E-Mail Marketing

●Share tips about your business.●Keep customers updated on special offers ●Offer coupons and discounts to your email list●Let customers know about new products

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

It is the science of understanding how businesses can appear more frequently in the natural results through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and sponsored


Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing Basics

Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing Basics

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Your company's ranking with the millions of pages that can be generated with a single search is constantly


Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing Basics

Search Engine Marketing

●There are more than 65 billion searches each month.●Everyone who uses the Internet uses search engines—Google, Yahoo!, MSN, etc,--every time they use the Internet.

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Search Engine Marketing

●Search engines are the primary way people find information online. ●You need a strategy that combines natural and PPC to help your website be more visible.

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●Links to your business can appear in two places on a search engine result page: a natural or sponsored link.●Natural is the term for links that appear after a word or phrase is typed into a search engine.●About 70% of clicks are from natural searches

Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing BasicsSearch Engine Optimization

●SEO should be monitored and modified on an ongoing basis in order to achieve the best results.●Your choice of keywords that appear in the content of your website and in each page's header are key factors in SEO.●The words or phrases describe in broad terms what your business does and the specific products or services you offer. ●Add new content because this gives the search engines more to draw from and gives visitors a reason to come back

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Search Engine Optimization●Search engines consider viewable text of your site relative to other sites in order to determine its position in the results.●There isn't a set of rules that guarantee good results every time.●Search engines change their scoring methodologies in order to keep sites from tricking them into playing favorites.

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Helpful Resources

Google Webmaster CentralYahoo Site Explorer

Yahoo! Search Help Topics

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Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

A sponsored link is an advertisement a company has paid for and is listed above or next to natural search

results, which appear when keywords are typed into a search box.

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Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)●Paid searches work like auctions. ●You select and bid for search terms for your product or service. ●Once you have paid for the term, the price of which is set by the top bidder, you develop a text-based advertisement for posting next to the natural results and then pay-per click when users click on your ad and land on your website.

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Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

●You set your budget.●When it is met, your ad will be automatically removed.●After you select search terms to bid on, choose a geographical range in which you want the ad to appear.

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Pay-Per-Click Advertisers

Google AdWordsGoogle AdSense

Yahoo Search MarketingMicrosoft adCenter


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Social Networking - Web 2.0

Social networking focuses on online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are

interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

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Social Networking - Web 2.0●Great way to keep your brand current. ●Customers can follow your posts.●Real time updates●Customers can provide feedback●Be creative!

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Top Social Networking Sites



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What is Really Simple Syndication (RSS Feeds)

RSS (an abbreviation for Really Simple Syndication) is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently

updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.

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How to Use Real Simple Syndication (RSS Feeds)

●Provide an RSS feed if you have content on your site that you update regularly.●Subscribers are alerted when new information becomes available.

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Social Bookmarking and RSS Feeds

●Allow you to share your favorite websites with others.●Examples: and●Information on these sites are organized by tags that give simple description of that content●Include links like “Add to digg” or “Add to” on your site to cast a wider net to attract new visitors.

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What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more

affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliates marketing efforts.

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Affiliate Marketing●Affiliate marketing is another way to get more traffic to your website.●Affiliate marketing is a way to generate income. ●Links to your website appear on sites that cover subjects related to your business.

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Affiliate Marketing Programs

Commission JunctionLinkShare

Internet Marketing BasicsInternet Marketing BasicsLink Exchange/Link Building

●Ask owners of related websites to link to yours.●Hire an SEO Professional to help build inbound links.●The more sites that link to yours, the higher your site will be ranked by the search engines.●The more popular your site is with search engines, the more traffic you will attract.

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