International Workshop on - OECD · MODELS OF OASiS •CESS - Consumption and Expense based Social...

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Transcript of International Workshop on - OECD · MODELS OF OASiS •CESS - Consumption and Expense based Social...

International Workshop on

Innovative Efforts for

Universal Quality Education

10 July 2014

‘Improving the relevance of Teaching and Learning to the Learners and their Contexts’

OASiS – A Social Innovation Lab • Identify gaps and long pending issues in society. • Research on why these gaps still exist – causes. • Research forgotten customs and rituals related to

the issue. • Study solutions and approaches by others. • Compile their best practices and failures. • Use out-of-box thinking techniques to design a

simple, innovative, practical solution for the issue • Pilot the solution, through the stakeholders. • Use learning to develop the solution into Model. • Share the model with others for Replication.

MODELS OF OASiS • CESS - Consumption and Expense based Social Security System,

with no taxes, cuts or savings. Implemented in 2 states, planned in 3 more.

• NIRAMAYA - A National Health Insurance mechanism for People with Disabilities, implemented by National Trust (GoI) since 2008.

• THE MUSEUM SCHOOL – for Urban slum Children – In Bhopal since 2005, in Bangalore since 2012, in Delhi and Mumbai since 2010.

• SIL - Social Innovation Labs in Universities. Implemented in Canada, soon in Singapore and Indian Universities and Institutes.

• SWANS - Youth development through Social Volunteering – 900 Volunteers nationally.

• SCALE - Social Credit system giving Advantage for Learning and Employment. Adopted by a State Govt. in their Youth Policy, and by other Volunteer Groups in the country.

• GRAMODAYA – A School of Rural Development for Rural Children, with local employment. Being piloted by Collaborators in 3 states.

Children of the same world

But Two different Environments





OASiS – A Social Innovations Lab

• Education of Underserved children: GAPS

– URBAN : Quantity but no Quality

• Lack of Infrastructure

• Lack of Resources and Teaching Aids

• Lack of well trained Teachers

• Knowledge follows Literacy

– RURAL : Content not relevant to Context

• Poor understanding of concepts

• No employability after schooling

• Knowledge gained – no help to existing Livelihood or to improve their living environment.

RURAL - The PROBLEM • Indian School education - designed to develop

aspirations and careers for urban professions, like Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, etc.

• This education is forced upon rural students as well. So they too develop urban aspirations, leading to migration at different levels.

• On one hand urban professions are getting stagnated with overflowing human resources, from both urban and rural areas.

• On the other hand rural development is lagging behind, because of lack of trained human resources.

• Because rural development education is being given to urban students in B-Schools like IRMA, TISS, etc.

THE QUESTIONS • If rural development lacks trained human

resources, why aren’t there enough schools to teach rural development?

• If rural children have such high potential, that they can take up urban professions, why can’t they be trained on rural development?

• If rural students get enough local employment by studying rural development, would they still dropout of school?


• A rural school that teaches rural development.

• To Std 8th and 10th pass rural students.

• All aspects of rural development in 1st year.

• Specialization in any 2 areas in 2nd year.

• 6 month internship with an NGO / Govt body.

• 70% on-field, 30% classroom teaching.

• Certification from National Open School, National Open University and Gramodaya.


• Can become freelancers, providing their specialized services to Panchayats for implementing NREGA and other programmes.

• Can get employed by Govt welfare programs and NGOs working for rural populations.

• Can pursue further studies in a stream of their choice in B-Schools and other Universities.

• Can start GRAMODAYA Schools in deeper rural pockets for more children.

IMPLEMENTATION • Being Piloted in 3 states

Andhra Pradesh Anantpur District

Madhya Pradesh Seoni District

West Bengal Bankura District


• At the Pilot stage, the model is being implemented through funds and awards.

• After 2 years, when the first batch is placed, an educational loan mechanism will be started through philanthropy or a revolving fund.

• Once established, education loans will be tried out with Banks and other Financial institutions

• Govt welfare programmes and NGOs share the on-field learning costs.

Do You Need



• All big cities have huge slum populations, that have many non-school-going children and dropouts.

• Quality of Education for them – Huge Concern

• Little infrastructure not sparking quest for learning

• Almost NO Teaching Aids

• Less Teachers for more classes, with no motivation to teach or upgrade themselves.

• No employment after schooling.


• Every big city has lots of Museums, that are subject focused and house different levels of knowledge, a beautiful learning environment

• The exhibits of Museums are powerful tools to facilitate conceptual understanding.

• Every big city has lots of Colleges offering B.Ed courses (that produce teachers), but little Practice Teaching.

• Every big city has enough out-of-school slum children, not interested in the rote-learning, fear failure, and have no employment after schooling.

THE MUSEUM SCHOOL • Based on the belief that nature is the best teacher, and

exposure provokes inquisitiveness and learning.

• Collaborated with 5 Museums of Bhopal, to create a new environment of Learning and development.

• Curriculum designed to provide wholistic education, starting from behavioral changes ,academics, physical, adolescence education and finally ending with vocational skills and entrepreneurship.

• Exhibits of Museums – used as teaching aids.

• Collaborated with B.Ed Colleges for conducting practice teaching classes for B.Ed students.

• Educated girls recruited from the same slums, and trained in literacy teaching techniques, to become Literacy Teachers.

LEARNING • The initial days might be only a picnic for children, but soon their

inquisitiveness provokes them to start asking What, Why and How – the first step to Learning

• The Museum exhibits helps them to understand every concept practically and very easily.

• Children ask very interesting questions to the Museum staff and B.Ed students, at times challenging their existing knowledge.

• Even without literacy, children absorb knowledge; proving existing notions wrong that knowledge follows literacy.

• The world of alphabets and numbers introduced by our innovative approaches, helps the children express their knowledge gained through it, and impress others.

• The fast change in their personality and newly found confidence, gets them appreciation from community, and back into school.





Replication in other Cities

• The Museum School model has been running in Bhopal for past 9 years.

• Bangalore has replicated the same model, collaborating with 2 Museums.

• Delhi has replicated it in a weekend mode, collaborating with 1 Museum.

• Mumbai has replicated it in a weekend mode, collaborating with 1 Museum.

• Mysore will also soon have The Museum School.

Next steps • To train these children in different

vocations so that when they move out of this school, they are independent enough to earn their livelihood from these vocations.

• To get them admission in institutes offering professional courses, after they complete their 10th and 12th.

• Share learning with regular schools, so that they can adopt this model, for better learning through practical experience.

• To take this model to more and more cities, so that underprivileged students get quality education in every part of the country.



– Give choices in learning and wider opportunities.

– Teach content related to their environment.

– Make education improve employability.

– Make every space a Learning space – move beyond four walls and a blackboard.

– Groom children to absorb and learn from everything and everyone around them.

Have we Answered these ?

• Do low-income students need a different pedagogy? Are active pedagogies appropriate for these students?

• Is national curriculum, well adapted to the needs of low income communities?

• Does our program move away from OR support mainstream education?

• How do we reach out-of-school children? • How are low-income students integrated into

mixed socio-economic schools? How are diverse socio-economic schools created?

Pradeep Ghosh (Ashoka Fellow)


Tel: 0-9893274407, 0755-4274407
