International Trade Compliance Update...2020/12/12  · HS Codes for HFCs - how to bridge the gap...

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Transcript of International Trade Compliance Update...2020/12/12  · HS Codes for HFCs - how to bridge the gap...

  • International Trade Compliance Update | December 2020 8506079-v3\WASDMS


    Please see our Webinars, Meetings, Seminars section for contact and regis-tration information for the new webinars in our 17th annual Global Trade and Supply Chain Webinar Series: International Trade Basics and Trends as well as links to past webinar recordings, PowerPoints and handout materials and information on other events.

    In addition, there are links to the video recordings of the

    2020 Virtual Trade Conference (July 14-16 2020) and the

    2020 Virtual Year-End Review of Import/Export Developments

    Asia Pacific International Commercial and Trade Webinar Series

    December 2020 – January 2021 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (GMT+8)

    To get details, see our Webinars, Meetings, Seminars section

    Note: Unless otherw ise indicated, all information in this Update is taken from off icial

    gazettes, off icial w ebsites, new sletters or press releases of international organiza-

    tions (UN, WTO, WCO, APEC, INTERPOL, etc.), the EU, EFTA, EAEU, Customs

    Unions or government agencies. The specif ic source usually may be obtained by

    clicking on the blue hypertext link. Please note that as a general rule, information re-

    lated to f isheries is not covered.

    In This Issue:

    World Trade Organization (WTO)

    World Customs Organization (WCO)

    Other International Matters

    Multilateral Trade Agreements

    The Americas - North America

    The Americas - South America


    Europe, Middle East and North Africa

    Africa (except North Africa)

    Newsletters, reports, articles, etc.

    Webinars, Meetings, Seminars, etc.

    WTO TBT Notifications

    CBSA Adv ance Rulings

    CBP Rulings: Downloads and


    CBP Rulings: Rev ocations or Modifi-cations

    European Classification Regulations

    Amendments to the CN Explanatory


    Section 337 Actions

    Antidumping, Counterv ailing Duty and Safeguard Inv estigations, Orders

    & Rev iews


    Inter-na-tional Trade

    Compliance Update

    Editor, International Trade Com-pliance Update

    Stuart P. Seidel

    Washington, D.C.

    +1 202 452 7088

    This may qualify as “Attorney Advertis-

    ing” requiring notice in some jurisdic-tions. Prior results do not guarantee a

    similar outcome. Please see copyright and acknowl-

    edgements on the last page

    Please see copyright and acknowl-edgements on the last page

    International Trade Compliance Update

    (Covering Customs and Other Import Requirements, Export Controls and Sanc-tions, Trade Remedies, WTO and Anti-Corruption)

    Newsletter | December 2020

  • Baker McKenzie

    International Trade Compliance Update | December 2020 8506079-v3\WASDMS


    To keep abreast of international trade-related news, visit our blogs:

    For International Trade Compliance Updates , please regularly visit

    For additional articles and updates on trade sanctions and export controls, please visit: regularly.

    For resources and news regarding international trade, particularly in Asia, please visit our Trade

    Crossroads blog at

    To see how BREXIT (the UK exiting the EU) may affect your business, visit

    For additional compliance news and comment from around the world, please visit

    Supply Chain blog

    Foreign Inv estment and National Security blog


    World Trade Organization (WTO)

    Trade Policy Review: Thailand

    The eighth review of the trade policies and practices of Thailand took place on 24

    and 26 November 2020. The basis for the review was a report by the WTO Sec-

    retariat and a report by the Government of Thailand.

    Recent disputes

    The following disputes have been recently brought to the WTO. Click on the case

    (“DS”) number below to go to the WTO website page for details on that dispute.

    DS No. Case Name Date

    DS 597 United States — Origin Marking Requirement (Complainant:

    Hong Kong, China) [in consultations] 30-10-20

    DSB activities

    During the period covered by this update, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) or

    parties to a dispute took the following actions or reported the following activities.

    Requests for a panel are not listed (click on “DS” number to go to summaries of

    the case, click on “Activity” to go to the latest news or documents):

    DS No. Case Name Activity Date

    DS 484

    Indonesia — Measures Concerning the Im-

    portation of Chicken Meat and Chicken


    Compliance panel

    report circulated 10-11-20

    COVID-19: Trade and trade-related measures

    The WTO has set up a dedicated webpage to help governments, business, the

    media and the public track the latest information on trade-related responses to

    the COVID-19 outbreak. For measures posted after October 31, 2020, see the

    The International Trade Compliance

    Update is a publication of the

    Global International Commercial

    and Trade Practice Group of Baker

    McKenzie. Articles and comments

    are intended to provide our readers

    w ith information on recent legal de-

    velopments and issues of signif i-

    cance or interest. They should not

    be regarded or relied upon as legal

    advice or opinion. Baker McKenzie

    advises on all aspects of Interna-

    tional Trade law .

    Comments on this Update may be sent to the Editor:

    Stuart P. Seidel

    Washington, D.C.

    +1 202 452 7088

    A note on spelling, grammar

    and dates--

    In keeping with the global nature

    of Baker McKenzie, the original

    spelling, grammar and date format-

    ting of non-USA English language

    material has been preserved from

    the original source whether or not

    the material appears in quotes.

    Translations of most non-English

    language documents are unofficial

    and are performed via an auto-

    mated program and are for infor-

    mation purposes only. Depending

    on the language, readers with the

    Chrome browser should be able to

    automatically get a rough to excel-

    lent English translation.

    Credits: Unless otherwise indicated, all in-

    formation is taken from official inter-

    national organization or government

    websites, or their newsletters or press releases.

    Source documents may be

    accessed by clicking on the blue hypertext links.

    This Update contains public sector infor-mation licensed under the Open Govern-

    ment Licence v3.0 of the United King-dom. In addition, the Update uses mate-

    rial pursuant to European Commission policy as implemented by Commission

    Decision of 12 December 2011.

  • Baker McKenzie

    International Trade Compliance Update | December 2020 8506079-v3\WASDMS


    WTO COVID-19 Trade and Trade-Related Measures section below. Please see

    the WTO webpage for measures posted prior to that date.

    TBT Notifications

    Member countries of the WTO are required under the Agreement on Technical

    Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement) to report to the WTO all proposed technical

    regulations that could affect trade with other Member countries. The WTO Secre-

    tariat distributes this information in the form of “notifications” to all Member coun-

    tries. See separate section on WTO TBT Notifications for a table which summa-

    rizes notifications posted by the WTO during the past month.


    Announcements and news releases [dd-mm-yy]

    Date Title

    02-11-20 RILO WE provides virtual CEN training for its aff iliated countries

    New Customs Cooperation Fund from Germany

    03-11-20 The PTC concludes technical discussions on major WCO deliverables

    05-11-20 The World Customs Organization (WCO) has successfully completed a Time

    Release Study (TRS) Workshop for the Customs Administration of Kazakhstan

    06-11-20 Achievement made in East Africa under the WCO/JICA Master Trainer Pro-

    gramme (MTP)


    WCO supports the Uganda Revenue Authority to build capacity in the area of

    non-intrusive inspection

    Wildlife and forestry crime: Worldw ide seizures in global WCO-INTERPOL oper-



    Tw o w ebinars on STCE Risk Management and Targeting

    WCO delivers a virtual Mercator Stocktaking mission to the benefit of the Leso-

    tho Revenue Authority

    WCO becomes a member of the Basel Convention ENFORCE Netw ork

    11-11-20 Mercator Programme Report: the WCO launches the second edition


    Serbia joins the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme

    Ukraine joins the SECO-WCO Global Trade Facilitation Programme

    East African Community getting prepared to embrace Electronic Tariff

    Successful launch of the 2020 WCO TECH-CON

    Joint Session of the Regional Heads of Customs Administrative Conference and

    Regional Contact Point Meeting in the A/P region


    WCO Releases an Upgraded New Version of the WCO Cargo Targeting Sys-


    Peruvian Customs w elcomes WCO support on Data Analytics

    The WCO has published the HS 2017 / HS 2022 Correlation Tables for the Har-

    monized System

    WCO Strategic Plan 2022-2025: WCO launches the cycle for development of its

    next strategy w ith a Workshop on strategic foresight for the MENA region


    17th Virtual NCP RILO ESA annual administrative meeting

    19th RILO Commonw ealth of Independent States National Contact Points Meet-


    East and Southern Africa region holds an extraordinary governing Council ses-


    18-11-20 2020 WCO TECH-CON closes w ith lessons learnt for the future

    WCO/ROCB Sub Regional Virtual Workshop on PCA for the ASEAN members


    Successful conclusion of the 17th WCO Counterfeiting and Piracy (CAP) Group


    Customs role in the f ight against traff icking in cultural property highlighted dur-

    ing UNESCO Conference

    20-11-20 Joint Meeting of the ATA/Istanbul Convention Administrative Committee held at

  • Baker McKenzie

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    Date Title

    the WCO

    Botsw ana Customs chairs the 5th Regional Meeting of nCEN Programme Lead-

    ers for East and Southern Africa

    WCO inaugurates the European Regional Meeting of nCEN Programme Lead-


    23-11-20 18th Integrity New sletter


    New WCO Integrity e-learning module online on the ClicK! platform

    WCO A-CIP Programme shares its Customs Integrity Perception Survey’s

    methodological guidelines

    First AfCFTA Meeting of Directors General/Heads of Customs Authorities held

    in Accra

    WCO Europe Region Heads of Customs Meeting in preparation for the Council


    25-11-20 WCO marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    “A Manifesto for data mobilisation in Customs” paper released


    Pilot training on Radiological and Nuclear Detection Aw areness

    HS Codes for HFCs - how to bridge the gap until HS 2022

    WCO signs an agreement w ith the Customs administration of Guatemala for the implementation of its CTS and nCEN applications


    Customs administrations of Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire mobilized against


    Kazakhstan benefits from an Online National Workshop on Transit

    Good progress for the Master Trainer Programme (MTP) in Southern Africa


    Successful completion of the WCO virtual PICARD Conference

    STCE sub-regional training for Customs Administrations in Western Bal-

    kans Countries

    African Union Directors General of Customs Meeting reviews AU Guide-

    lines on COVID-19



    RCEP signed simultaneously in 15 nations

    On November 15, 2020, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

    (RCEP) was signed by China and 14 other nations -- the 10 countries of the As-

    sociation of Southeast Asian Nations (Brunei*, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Ma-

    laysia*, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore*, Thailand and Vietnam*) plus Aus-

    tralia*, China, Japan*, New Zealand* and South Korea. Many of the products for

    which tariffs are eliminated are already duty-free. [Countries with an * are also

    signatories to the CPTPP]

    RCEP was originally proposed by China as a counter to the Trans-Pacific Part-

    nership (TPP), which became the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement

    on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTTP) after the Trump Administration with-

    drew from the TPP in 2017. While it is a more limited trade agreement than the

    CPTPP, it covers an area with 2.2 billion people and includes many of the same

    countries of the CPTPP. The signing ceremony was held virtually in each of the

    15 member nations due to the pandemic.

    Additional details about the RCEP

    Further to our alert on the development of the Regional Comprehensive Eco-

    nomic Partnership (RCEP) negotiation (Link), we would like to share additional

    details about the RCEP based on the current information available.

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    The RCEP members are planning to sign the RCEP on 15 November 2020 dur-

    ing the 37th ASEAN Summit. After the signing, the Thai government shall ar-

    range for a public hearing before presenting to the parliament for ratification.

    We will keep you updated on this issue if there are any further developments.

    Authors: Pornapa Luengwattanakit, Chana Sooppipat and Supakorn Sri-



    CITES Notification to Parties

    The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna

    and Flora (CITES) has issued the following notifications to the parties:

    Date Title

    05-11-20 2020/067 - Intersessional work of the Standing Committee 16-11-20 2020/068 - Amendments to Appendix III

    19-11-20 2020/069 - Democratic Republic of the Congo – Loss of CITES permits

    25-11-20 2020/070 - Registration of operations that breed Appendix-I animal species in


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    Date Title

    captivity for commercial purposes

    FAS GAIN Reports

    Below is a partial list of Global Agriculture Information Network (GAIN) reports

    that were recently issued by the US Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS) in the

    Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS) and Exporter

    Guide series as well as other reports related to import or export requirements.

    These provide valuable information on regulatory standards, import require-

    ments, export guides, and MRL (maximum residue limits). Information about,

    and access to, other GAIN reports may be found at the FAS GAIN reports web-


    Member GAIN Report

    Argentina Argentina Introduces Export Tax Compensation Program for Small Farmers

    Argentina Argentina Introduces Export Tax Compensation Program for Small Farmers

    Brazil Ministry of Agriculture Changes Import License Requirement to Facilitate Corn

    and Soybean Imports

    Chile FAIRS Export Certif icate Report

    Colombia FAIRS Export Certif icate Report

    Ecuador Exporter Guide

    Egypt Egypt Imposes a Risk-Based Food Import Control System



    The EU Adopts Countermeasures Against US Exports Follow ing WTO Ruling

    on Boeing


    Union How the EU Technical Regulation Information System Works


    Union The EU Infringement Procedure



    EU Commission Launches Consultations to Assist in the Review of its Emis-

    sion Reduction Legislation

    Hong Kong Hong Kong Filed A Complaint to the WTO Against the US

    India FSSAI Allow s Specialty Food Imports to India for an Additional Six Months

    India FSSAI Allow s Specialty Food Imports to India for an Additional Six Months

    India India Notif ies Draft Amendments for New and Modif ied Standards on Various

    Food Products

    India Government of India Notif ies Draft Amendments for Specialty Foods Regula-


    India India Notif ies Fortif ied Food Product Draft Amendments

    India India Government Extends Timeline to Use Pre-printed Packaging Materials


    India Government of India Proposes Imported Foods Regulation Amendments

    Japan Policies and Procedures for Genome Edited Food and Agricultural Products

    Japan Guidance on Shipping Individual Small-Sized Samples to Japanese Buyers

    Japan Japanese Import Regulations for Industrial Hemp Products

    Japan Japan Joins Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

    Saudi Arabia Exporter Guide

    Senegal FAIRS Country Report

    Senegal FAIRS Export Certif icate Report

    South Africa South Africa Repeals the Contentious Regulations Relating to Health Mes-

    sages on Container Labels of Alcoholic Beverages

    Thailand Thai FDA Announced Ban of Paraquat and Chlorpyrifos on Imported Food


    Tunisia FAIRS Export Certif icate Report

    Turkey Turkey Announces Tariff Reductions on Lentils and Eliminates Tariffs on Sun-

    flow er seed

    Ukraine Ukraine's MRLs for Veterinary Drugs

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    Canada successfully concludes talks on transitional trade continuity agreement with the United Kingdom

    On November 21, 2020, Global Affairs Canada announced the successful con-

    clusion of talks for the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement

    (Canada-UK TCA) - an interim deal that will be in place as Canada and the

    United Kingdom work towards negotiating a comprehensive free trade agree-

    ment. The new agreement will provide continued access to the benefits of the

    Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

    (CETA) on a bilateral basis, including the elimination of tariffs on 98% of Cana-

    dian products exported to the United Kingdom. This will provide a competitive

    edge to Canadian exporters and businesses who will maintain preferential ac-

    cess to the United Kingdom market, even as the country exits the EU.

    After the UK transition period ends, the terms of trade between Canada and the

    UK will be governed by the Canada-UK TCA. Once in force, the Canada-UK

    TCA will ensure that Canadian firms will see little to no change in the terms by

    which they trade with the UK after January 1, 2021. The Canada-UK TCA will re-

    flect the terms and conditions of CETA.

    However, there could be changes in the EU-UK relationship or changes to UK

    domestic processes and regulations that may affect the ease of trade between

    Canada and the UK. The Government of Canada will continue to monitor how

    Canada’s trade with the UK might be affected in the short to medium term.

    When the transition period ends on December 31, 2020, the UK will no longer be

    bound by EU treaties with third countries, including CETA.

    Miscellaneous regulations and proposals

    The following documents of interest to international traders were published in the

    Canada Gazette. (The sponsoring ministry, department or agency is also shown.

    N=notice, PR=proposed regulation, R=regulation, O=Order; OIC=Orders in



    Date Title


    PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY (PHA): Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in

    Canada Order (Prohibition of Entry into Canada from any Country Other than

    the United States). (OIC)

    PHA: Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Prohibi-

    tion of Entry into Canada from the United States) (OIC)

    PHA: Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Manda-

    tory Isolation), No. 7 (OIC)

    11-28-20 PHA: Minimizing the Risk of Exposure to COVID-19 in Canada Order (Prohibi-

    tion of Entry into Canada from the United States) (OIC)

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    Restrictive measures

    The following documents imposing restrictive measures on imports or exports

    were published in the Canada Gazette or posted on a Government website.

    Publication Date


    11-25-20 GLOBAL AFFAIRS: Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures

    (Belarus) Regulations (SOR/2020-241, November 5, 2020) (R)

    CBSA advance rulings

    The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has enhanced the Advance Ruling

    (Tariff Classification and Origin) and National Customs Ruling programs by pub-

    lishing ruling letters in their entirety, with the applicant's consent, on the CBSA

    Web site.

    See separate section below for the advance rulings posted by the CBSA.

    D-Memoranda and CNs revised or cancelled The following is a list of Canada Border Services Agency D-Memoranda, Cus-

    toms Notices (CNs) and other publications issued, revised or cancelled during

    the past month. (Dates are given in yyyy/mm/dd format.)

    Date Reference Title

    11-05-20 D10-15-31 Tariff classif ication of car seat covers

    11-06-20 D19-13-5 (Revised) Transportation of Dangerous Goods

    11-13-20 CN 20-33 Ontario Tobacco Tax collection in the Postal Mode



    (Revised) - The Determination of When Goods are Entitled to the

    Benefit of the United States Tariff, Mexico Tariff or Mexico-United

    States Tariff under NAFTA

    D11-4-35 The Determination of When Goods are Entitled to the Benefit of

    the United States Tariff or Mexico Tariff under CUSMA

    11-21-20 D10-0-1 (Revised) - Classif ication of Parts and Accessories in the Cus-

    toms Tariff

    Antidumping and countervailing duty cases

    See separate Antidumping Countervailing Duty and Safeguards Investiga-

    tions, Orders & Reviews section below.


    Diario Oficial

    The following documents of interest to international traders were published in the

    Diario Oficial de la Federacion: Note: With regard to standards, only those which

    appear to apply to international trade are listed. (An unofficial English translation

    is shown.)

    Publication Date



    ECONOMY : Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY-NOM-004-SE-2020, Com-

    mercial information-Labeling of textile products, clothing, accessories and

    home clothes (it w ill cancel NOM-004-SCFI-2006).

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    Publication Date



    ECONOMY : Acuerdo by w hich the correlation tables betw een the tariff fractions

    of the Tariff of the Law of General Import and Export Taxes (TIGIE) 2012 and

    2020 are disclosed.


    HACIENDA: Acuerdo by w hich the General Rules referred to in the Federal Law

    for the Prevention and Identif ication of Operations w ith Resources of Illicit

    Origin are modif ied.

    HACIENDA: Call for certif ication regarding the prevention of operations w ith re-

    sources of illicit origin and f inancing of terrorism.

    Antidumping and countervailing duty cases

    See separate Antidumping Countervailing Duty and Safeguards Investiga-

    tions, Orders & Reviews section below.






    Presidential documents

    During the past month, President Trump signed the following documents that re-

    late to international trade or travel, regulatory reform, national security, law en-

    forcement or related activities:

    Date Subject

    11-02-20 Notice of October 30, 2020 – Continuation of the National Emergency w ith Re-

    spect to Sudan

    11-04-20 Proclamation 10107 of October 30, 2020 To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Un-

    der the Generalized System of Preferences and for Other Purposes


    Presidential Determination 2021-02 of October 27, 2020 on Refugee Admis-

    sions for Fiscal Year 2021

    Memorandum of October 26, 2020 - Certif ication Pursuant to Section 6(E) of

    the Comprehensive Peace In Sudan Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-497), As

    Amended by the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-


    Presidential Determination 2020-12 of September 28, 2020 w ith Respect to the

    Efforts of Foreign Governments Regarding Traff icking in Persons


    Notice of November 12, 2020 Continuation of the National Emergency With Re-

    spect to Burundi

    Notice of November 12, 2020 Continuation of the National Emergency With Re-

    spect to Iran

    Notice of November 12, 2020 Continuation of the National Emergency With Re-

    spect to the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    11-17-20 Executive Order 13959 of November 12, 2020 - Addressing the Threat From

    Securities Investments That Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies

    11-20-20 Memorandum of November 7, 2020 - Delegation of Authority Under Section

    506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as Amended

    11-25-20 Notice of November 24, 2020 - Continuation of the National Emergency With

    Respect to the Situation In Nicaragua

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    President signs Executive Order prohibiting US Persons from pur-chasing securities of certain Chinese companies

    On November 12, 2020, President Trump signed Executive Order 13959, “Ad-

    dressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chi-

    nese Military Companies” (the “China Securities EO”), which aims to prevent US

    investors from financing the development of the People’s Republic of China’s mil-

    itary, intelligence, and security capabilities by prohibiting purchases of securities

    of certain “Communist Chinese military companies.” This development builds on

    US Government concerns over China’s civil/military fusion and access to US

    capital markets and financing. It could have implications for both direct investors

    as well as passive investors, such as through mutual funds and retirement

    plans. The prohibitions will take effect on January 11, 2021.

    The China Securities EO prohibits “US Persons” from engaging in any “transac-

    tion” involving publicly traded “securities,” derivative securities, or any securities

    designed to provide investment exposure to such securities, of any “Communist

    Chinese military company” identified pursuant to Section 1237 of the National

    Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 (“Section 1237”). For these pur-


    “US Persons” include US citizens, permanent resident aliens, entities organized under the law s of the United States, and persons physically located w ithin the United States. This does not extend to non-US subsidiaries of US companies.

    A “transaction” is limited to purchases for value of publicly traded securities . The China Securities EO thus prohibits purchases of securities of the specif ied “Com-

    munist Chinese military companies” on US and foreign securities ex-

    changes. Given the reference to “purchases for value,” it is not clear w hether simply continuing to hold securities w ould be a prohibited “transaction.”

    The definition of “securities” is broad and captures both “securities” as defined in the Securities Exchange Act at 15 U.S.C. § 78(a)(10), as w ell as certain addi-

    tional securities, including “currency or any note, draft, bill of exchange or

    banker’s acceptance w hich has a maturity at the time of issuance of not exceed-

    ing nine months, exclusive of days of grace, or any renew al thereof the maturity

    of w hich is likew ise limited.” There are a number of questions around the precise

    scope of the prohibition and type of securities covered, w hich w ill require further guidance from the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”).

    The prohibition covers both the 31 “Communist Chinese military companies” identif ied pursuant to Section 1237 in June and August 2020 by the Department

    of Defense (available here and here, respectively), as w ell as any person deter-

    mined in the future by the Secretaries of Defense or Treasury to meet the criter ia

    of a “Communist Chinese military company.” Subsidiaries of such companies

    must themselves be designated pursuant to Section 1237 in order for the prohibi-

    tions to apply. Thus, OFAC’s “50% rule,” under w hich unlisted subsidiaries of

    parties subject to sanctions are subject to the same prohibitions if the sanctioned

    person has a 50% or more ow nership interest in the unlisted subsidiaries, does

    not apply.

    Certain grace or “wind-down” periods are provided. For covered securities held

    as of 9:30 AM EST on January 11, 2021, US Persons have until 11:59 PM EST

    on November 11, 2021 to engage in transactions solely to divest, in whole or in

    part, those securities. Transactions involving the securities of additional Chinese

    companies designated by the Secretaries of Defense or Treasury pursuant to

    Section 1237 will be prohibited 60 days following their designation, and transac-

    tions made solely to divest from securities held in such additional companies as

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    of the prohibition’s effective date will be authorized for up to one year following

    their designation.

    Lastly, the China Securities EO authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, after

    consultation with the heads of other executive departments and agencies, to

    promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the China Securities EO and to es-

    tablish licensing procedures for otherwise prohibited transactions. The China Se-

    curities EO does not provide a timeframe for the issuance of any rules or regula-

    tions related to the order, nor are any potential licensing criteria listed.

    We anticipate that the Department of the Treasury will issue guidance further

    clarifying the scope of the China Securities EO and the expected timeline for any

    related regulations or licensing procedures in the near future.

    Authors: Alison J. Stafford Powell, Meghan Hamilton and Ryan Poitras

    President issues Proclamation to modify GSP benefits

    On October 30, 2020, the President issued a Proclamation 10107 to Modify Duty-

    Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences and for Other Pur-

    poses (published in the Federal Register on Nov. 4, 2020). The Proclamation:

    suspends the duty-free treatment accorded under the GSP to certain eligible arti-

    cles that are the product of Thailand, effective on December 30, 2020, and modi-

    f ies general note 4(d) of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS)to reflect that suspension;

    modif ies the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for the corresponding HTS sub-

    headings and general note 4(d) to the HTS in order to provide that one or more

    countries are no longer be treated as beneficiary developing countries w ith re-

    spect to one or more eligible articles for purposes of the GSP, as set forth in sec-tions A, B, and C of Annex II to the proclamation;

    modif ies the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for the corresponding HTS sub-

    heading In order to w ithdraw the application of duty-free treatment accorded to one eligible article as set forth in section D of Annex II to the proclamation;

    modif ies the Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for the corresponding HTS sub-

    heading in order to designate a certain article as an eligible article w hen imported

    from a beneficiary developing country for purposes of the GSP as set forth in section E of Annex II to the proclamation;

    disregards the competitive need limitation provided in section 503(c)(2)(A)(i)(II) of

    the Trade Act of 1974 w ith respect to the eligible articles in the HTS subheadings

    and to the beneficiary developing countries set forth in Annex III to the proclama-tion; and

    modif ies additional US note 6 to Chapter 20 to reflect the change of name from

    “Macedonia” to “North Macedonia.

    The modifications to the HTS set forth in Annex II and Annex III of the proclama-

    tion shall be effective with respect to articles entered for consumption, or with-

    drawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight

    time on November 1, 2020. The Annexes were not attached to the Proclamation

    as made available by the White House, but will appear when the Proclamation is

    published in the Federal Register.

    See: CSMS #44639532 - Generalized System of Preferences Updates and


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    CSMS #44639601 - GUIDANCE: Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Eli-

    gibility under United States Trade Representative’s GSP 2020 Annual Review

    (both issued October 30, 2020).


    USTR announces results of 2020 annual GSP review

    On November 9, 2020, the Office of the United States Trade Representative

    (USTR) published in the Federal Register a notice announcing the results of the

    2020 Annual Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Review with respect to:

    products considered for the addition to, and removal from, the list of eligible prod-

    ucts for certain beneficiary countries; and decisions related to competitive need

    limitations (CNLs), including petitions for waivers of CNLs.

    As described in List I, the President granted the petitions to add fresh-cut roses

    (HTS 0603.11.00) to the list of GSP eligible products for all Beneficiary Develop-

    ing Countries (BDCs). Therefore, qualifying products now enter the United States duty-free.

    As described in List II, the President granted the petition to remove rice, semi-

    milled or w holly milled, w hether or not polished or glazed, parboiled (HTS

    1006.30.10) from GSP eligibility for all BDCs. Therefore, this product now is sub-ject to the US normal trade relations (NTR) duty rate.

    As described in List III, the President granted one-year de minimis w aivers to 24

    products that exceeded the 50 percent import-share CNL but for w hich the ag-

    gregate value of all US imports of that article w as below the 2019 de minimis

    level of $24.5 million. Qualifying products w ill continue to enter the United States duty-free.

    As described in List IV, six products exceeded the CNLs. For more information

    regarding petitions concerning CNLs, see 85 FR 27261. These products now en-

    ter the United States at the NTR duty rate. The results of the review are available at the USTR website here.

    ITC posts recommended modifications to the HTS

    On November 17, 2020, the US International Trade Commission (ITC) published

    in the Federal Register a notice of proposed recommendations and solicitation of

    public comments on Investigation No. 1205-13, Recommended Modifications in

    the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, 2020, which the ITC instituted on October 1,

    2019. The ITC’s proposed recommendations relating to Investigation No. 1205-

    13 have been posted on the ITC Web site. Interested Federal agencies and the

    public are invited to submit written comments on the proposed recommendations

    by December 14, 2020.

    On June 28, 2019, the World Customs Organization (WCO) adopted recom-

    mended amendments to the Harmonized System nomenclature that are sched-

    uled to enter into force on January 1, 2022. The ITC has posted a copy of the

    WCO amendments on its website. On October 1, 2019, the ITC instituted Investi-

    gation No. 1205-13 to prepare such modifications in the HTS as it considers nec-

    essary or appropriate to conform the HTS with such amendments to the Harmo-

    nized System. As part of this investigation, the ITC will also consider whether it is

    necessary or appropriate to recommend a modification to the HTS nomenclature

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    for blanched peanuts to conform the HTS with a 2018 opinion of the WCO’s Har-

    monized System Committee, which classified certain blanched peanuts in head-

    ing 1202 of the Harmonized System. Prior to the WCO opinion, US Customs and

    Border Protection (CBP) had classified blanched peanuts in heading 2008 based

    in part on an HTS subheading in chapter 20 that provided for blanched peanuts.

    An up-to-date copy of the HTS, which incorporates the Harmonized System in its

    overall structure, is available on the ITC’s website.

    After considering written public comments, the ITC will submit its recommended

    modifications to the President in the form of a report that will include a summary

    of the information on which the recommendations were based, together with a

    statement of the probable economic effect of each recommended change on any

    industry in the United States. The report also will include a copy of all written

    views submitted by interested Federal agencies and a copy or summary, pre-

    pared by the ITC of the views of all other interested parties. The ITC expects to

    submit that report in March 2021

    ITC investigations

    The ITC initiated (I), terminated (T), requested information or comments (RFC),

    issued a report (R), or scheduled a hearing (H) regarding the following investiga-

    tions (other than 337 and antidumping, countervailing duty or safeguards) this

    month: (Click on the investigation title to obtain details from the Federal Register

    notice or ITC Press Release)

    Investigation. No. and title Requested by:

    Inv. No. 1205-13 Recommended Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff

    Schedule, 2020 (USITC publication 5139, November 2020) (N/RFC) Statutory

    DHS publishes notice of ratification of actions

    On November 25, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published

    in the Federal Register a notice of two ratification documents regarding a number

    of previous actions by DHS. The ratifications are intended to provide the public

    with certainty, by resolving any potential defect in the validity of those actions. :

    The ratification documents were signed on November 16, 2020 and relate back

    to the original date of each action ratified. DHS, through its Acting Secretary, is

    ratifying a number of previous actions by the Acting Secretary and by former Act-

    ing Secretary Kevin K. McAleenan, and one previous action by U. S. Citizenship

    and Immigration Services Deputy Director for Policy Joseph Edlow. The Depart-

    ment continues to maintain that the November 8, 2019, succession order desig-

    nating Chad Wolf as Acting Secretary is valid and that Acting Secretary Wolf had

    the authority to take the actions being ratified in the attached appendix. And the

    Department continues to maintain that the April 9, 2019, succession order desig-

    nating Kevin K. McAleenan as Acting Secretary was valid and that Acting Secre-

    tary McAleenan had the authority to take the actions being ratified in the appen-


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    [In order to simplify research, Secs. 201, 232 and 301 proclamations, tariff no-tices and CBP implementation instructions are now covered in the same section

    of this Update]

    USTR schedules hearing for Sec. 301 investigation of Vietnam’s acts, policies, and practices related to currency valuation

    On November 25, 2020, the Office of the United States Trade Representative

    (USTR) published in the Federal Register a notice [Docket No. USTR–2020–

    0037] that USTR will convene a virtual public hearing and accept rebuttal com-

    ments in the Section 301 investigation concerning Vietnam’s acts, policies, and

    practices related to the valuation of its currency.

    To be assured of consideration, requests to appear at the hearing must be sub-

    mitted through the Federal eRulemaking Portal: (Regula-, following the instructions for submitting comments in section III of the

    notice by December 10, 2020. The request to appear must include a summary of

    the testimony. The hearing will be held virtually on December 29, 2020, at 9:30

    am. To be assured of consideration, post-hearing rebuttal comments must be

    submitted by January 7, 2021, at 11:59 pm.

    USTR invites hearing testimony regarding:

    Whether Vietnam’s currency is undervalued, and the level of the undervaluation.

    Vietnam’s acts, policies, or practices that contribute to undervaluation of its cur-rency.

    The extent to w hich Vietnam’s acts, policies, or practices contribute to the under-valuation.

    Whether Vietnam’s acts, policies and practices are unreasonable or discrimina-tory.

    The nature and level of burden or restriction on U.S. commerce caused by the undervaluation of Vietnam’s currency.

    The determinations required under section 304 of the Trade Act, including w hat action, if any, should be taken.

    USTR schedules hearing for Sec. 301 investigation of Vietnam’s acts, policies, and practices related to the import and use of illegal timber

    On November 25, 2020, the Office of the United States Trade Representative

    (USTR) published in the Federal Register a notice [Docket No. USTR–2020–

    0036] that USTR will convene a virtual public hearing and accept rebuttal com-

    ments in the Section 301 investigation concerning Vietnam’s acts, policies, and

    practices related to the import and use of illegal timber.

    To be assured of consideration, requests to appear at the hearing must be sub-

    mitted through the Federal eRulemaking Portal: (Regula-, following the instructions for submitting comments in section III of the

    notice by December 10, 2020 at 11:59 pm. The request to appear must include a

    summary of the testimony. The hearing will be held virtually on December 28,

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    2020, at 9:30 am. To be assured of consideration, post-hearing rebuttal com-

    ments must be submitted by January 6, 2021, at 11:59 pm.

    USTR invites hearing testimony regarding:

    The extent to w hich illegal timber is imported into Vietnam.

    The extent to w hich Vietnamese producers, including producers of w ooden furni-ture, use illegal timber.

    The extent to w hich products of Vietnam made from illegal timber, including w ooden furniture, are imported into the United States.

    Vietnam’s acts, policies, or practices relating to the import and use of illegal tim-ber.

    The nature and level of the burden or restriction on U.S. commerce caused by Vietnam’s import and use of illegal timber.

    The determinations required under section 304 of the Trade Act, including w hat

    action, if any, should be taken in the investigation.

    USTR issues two technical amendments to product exclusions on Tranche 2 ($16 Bn)

    On November 18, 2020, the Office of the United States Trade Representative

    (USTR) published in the Federal Register a notice that announces the USTR’s

    determination to make a technical amendment to a previously announced exclu-

    sion. The amendment announced in the notice applies as of July 31, 2020, and

    continues through December 31, 2020. The Annex makes one technical amend-

    ment to U.S. note 20(ggg)(4) to subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, as set

    out in the Annex of the notice published at 85 FR 45949 (July 30, 2020). but does

    not further extend the period for product exclusion extensions.


    Effective w ith respect to goods entered for consumption, or w ithdraw n from w are-

    house for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on July 31, 2020,

    and through December 31, 2020, U.S. note 20(ggg)(4) to subchapter III of chapter 99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), is modif ied by de-

    leting “Gasoline or liquid propane (LP)” and inserting “Gas (natural or liquid propane

    (LP) )” in lieu thereof

    On November 18, 2020, USTR also published in the Federal Register a notice

    that announces the USTR’s determination to make a technical amendment to a

    previously announced exclusion, which is retroactive to the date the original ex-

    clusion was published but does not extend the period for the original exclusion..

    The Annex to the notice makes one technical amendment to U.S. note 20(o)(14)

    to subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, as set out in the Annex of the no-

    tice published at 84 FR 37381 (July 31, 2019).


    Effective w ith respect to goods entered for consumption, or w ithdraw n from w are-

    house for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on August 23,

    2018, and through July 31, 2020, U.S. note 20(o)(14) to subchapter III of chapter 99

    of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), is modif ied by de-

    leting “Gasoline or liquid propane (LP)” and inserting “Gas (natural or liquid propane

    (LP) )” in lieu thereof.

    USTR stated that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will issue instruc-

    tions on entry guidance and implementation for both amendments.

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    USTR issues technical amendment to a product exclusion on Tranche 3 ($200 Bn.)

    On November 13, 2020, the Office of the United States Trade Representative

    (USTR) published in the Federal Register a notice that announces the USTR’s

    determination to make one technical amendment to a previously announced ex-

    clusion. As stated in a September 20, 2019 notice, product exclusions will apply

    from September 24, 2018 to August 7, 2020. The amendments announced in the

    notice are retroactive to the date the original exclusions were published and do

    not further extend the period for the original exclusions. Paragraph A of the An-

    nex to the notice contains one technical amendment to US note 20(yy)(75) to

    subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, as set out in the Annex of the notice

    published at 85 FR 27489 (May 8, 2020):


    Effective w ith respect to goods entered for consumption, or w ithdraw n from w are-

    house for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on September 24, 2018, and through August 7, 2020, U.S. note 20(yy)(75) to subchapter III of chapter

    99 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), is modif ied by

    deleting “(described in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0090)” and inserting “(de-

    scribed in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0000 prior to July 1, 2019; described in

    statistical reporting number 8427.90.0090 effective July 1, 2019)” in lieu thereof.

    USTR stated that US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will issue instruc-

    tions on entry guidance and implementation.


    CBP issues updated guidance on the lifting of the TRO on the mod-ification of Sec. 201 action for solar cells and panels

    On November 27, 2020, CBP issued CSMS #45000915- - UPDATED GUID-

    ANCE: Temporary Restraining Order on the Modification of Section 201 Action

    on Solar Cells and Panels Lifted, which is reproduced below:

    The purpose of this message is to update guidance provided by U.S. Customs and

    Border Protection (CBP) on October 23 and October 28, 2020, regarding the modif i-

    cation of the Section 201 Action on Solar Cells and Panels. On November 19, 2020, the U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) lif ted the temporary restraining order

    (TRO) that restrained CBP from enforcing or making effective Presidential Proclama-

    tion 10101 insofar as it related to bifacial solar panels. CBP may now enforce the

    revocation of the exclusion of bifacial panels announced in Presidential Proclamation 10101.


    On January 23, 2018, the President issued Proclamation 9693 to Facilitate Positive

    Adjustment to Competition from Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic

    Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Products) and for Other

    Purposes, effective February 7, 2018. See 83 FR 3541. Proclamation 9693 imposed

    a safeguard measure under Section 201 of the Trade Act of 1974 (Trade Act) for a period of four years.

    On October 10, 2020, the President issued Proclamation 10101 to Further Facilitate

    Positive Adjustment to Competition from Imports of Certain Crystalline Silicon Photo-

    voltaic Cells (Whether or Not Partially or Fully Assembled Into Other Prod-

    ucts). See 85 FR 65639. The President determined to make tw o modif ications to the

    Section 201 Action w ith regards to solar cells and panels: (1) The duty rate of the

    safeguard tariff for solar cells (over quota only) and modules for the fourth year of the

    safeguard measure w as adjusted from 15 percent to 18 percent; and (2) The exclu-sion of bifacial solar panels from the Section 201 safeguard tariff w as revoked.

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    The modif ications announced in Presidential Proclamation 10101 are effective for im-

    ports, or w arehouse w ithdraw als for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. October 25, 2020.


    With the lif ting of the TRO that had restrained CBP from enforcing or making ef fective

    Presidential Proclamation 10101 insofar as it related to bifacial solar panels, CBP w ill

    begin enforcing the revocation of the exclusions under HTSUS Chapter 99, U.S. note 18 to subchapter III, subdivision (c)(iii)(15) “bifacial solar panels that absorb light and

    generate electricity on each side of the panel and that consist of only bifacial solar

    cells that absorb light and generate electricity on each side of the cells” on merchan-

    dise entered or w ithdraw n from w arehouse for consumption on or after 12:01 a.m.

    October 25, 2020. As of October 25, 2020, bifacial solar panels are now subject to Section 201 duties.


    Reminder: When importers, brokers, and/or f ilers are submitting an entry summary in

    w hich a heading or subheading in Chapter 99 is claimed on imported merchandise,

    refer them to CSMS 39587858, dated August 30, 2019 (Entry Summary Order of Re-porting for Multiple HTS w hen 98 or 99 HTS are required).

    Related CSMS Message Numbers: 44583265, 44553480, 18-000262, 18-000169, 18-

    000111, 18-000106

    CBP issues guidance on Entry Summary and PSC for Sec. 232 ex-emption for Canadian unwrought aluminum

    On November 12, 2020, CBP issued CSMS #44838240 - GUIDANCE: Section

    232 Exemption for Canadian Unwrought Aluminum - Entry Summary and Post

    Summary Correction Processing, which is reproduced below:


    On October 27, 2020, the President signed Presidential Proclamation 10106, “Adjust-

    ing Imports of Aluminum into the United States,” published in the Federal Register on

    October 30, 2020 (see 85 FR 68709), reinstating the exemption for products of Canada

    from the additional 10 percent Section 232 duties on certain non-alloyed unw rought

    aluminum articles. As a result, for goods entered for consumption, or w ithdraw n from

    w arehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01am eastern daylight time on September 1, 2020, Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) 9903.85.21 is no longer required for im-

    ports of non-alloyed unw rought aluminum articles that are the product of Canada pro-

    vided for in HTS subheading 7601.10. The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) w as updated on October 28, 2020 to reflect this change.

    The Presidential Proclamation states that the U.S. w ill continue monitoring imports of

    unw rought aluminum from Canada, and if the U.S. determines that import volume has

    exceeded a certain amount in any month, the President may re-impose the Section 232 duties retroactively on imports of non-alloyed unw rought aluminum from Canada.

    Non-alloyed unw rought aluminum of Canada entered on or after August 16, 2020, and prior to September 1, 2020, is still subject to additional duties under 9903.85.21.

    This is a follow up to CSMS message # 44591106.


    Importers may f ile Post Summary Corrections (PSCs) to correct entries f iled from Sep-

    tember 1, 2020, through October 27, 2020 that may be eligible for refunds pursuant to

    the Presidential Proclamation. In the event that a subject entry has liquidated, a pro-test may be f iled seeking a refund based on the Presidential Proclamation.

    Due to the signif icant number of entry summary lines f iled from September 1, 2020

    through October 27, 2020, there may be a delay in processing the post summary cor-rections and any protests.

    Should you have questions regarding this guidance, please contact the Commerc ial;!!Hj9Y_P0nvg!HcJKpWzUiI_SqUfsj6ACXJ98m7MArDytR4u7ga8KqQZFFJ3yNHGhySZDVQHo53Aqdo69FA$;!!Hj9Y_P0nvg!HcJKpWzUiI_SqUfsj6ACXJ98m7MArDytR4u7ga8KqQZFFJ3yNHGhySZDVQHo53AxsegSnw$

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    Operations Revenue and Entry Division (CORE) at

    Questions from the importing community concerning ACE entry rejections should be

    referred to their CBP Client Representative. For other trade remedy questions, please

    refer to CSMS message #42203908 (Information on Trade Remedy Questions and Resources)

    Related message numbers: 44591106, 43654621, 42566154, 42355735, 18-000424, 18-

    000372, 18-000352, 18-000317.

    CBP issues guidance for Sec. 301 Tranche 3 technical amendment

    On November 18, 2020, CBP issued China, reproduced below:


    On November 13, 2020, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) published Federal

    Register (FR) Notice 85 FR 72748, announcing a technical amendment to amend a

    previously granted exclusion under Section 301 related to goods from China (Tranche 3 - $200B Action).

    The technical amendment relates to the imposed additional duties announced in 83 FR 47974, as modif ied by 83 FR 49153 and 84 FR 20459, on Chinese goods w ith an

    annual trade value of approximately $200 billion. The USTR has granted a technical

    amendment to amend a previously granted exclusion under product exclusion round 9903.88.46, announced in 85 FR 27489, dated May 8, 2020.

    The technical amendment w ill apply as of September 24, 2018, and w ill extend through August 7, 2020.

    The functionality for the acceptance of the technical amendment w ill be available in

    the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) as of 7 am eastern standard time, November 17, 2020.


    Instructions for importers, brokers, and f ilers on submitting entries to CBP containing granted exclusions by the USTR from the Section 301 measures are set out below :

    • Per 85 FR 72748, U.S. note 20(yy)(75) under product exclusion round 9903.88.46 is

    amended by deleting “(described in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0090)” and

    inserting “(described in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0000 prior to July 1,

    2019; described in statistical reporting number 8427.90.0090 effective July 1, 2019)”

    in lieu thereof.

    • Importers shall not submit the corresponding Chapter 99 HTS number for the Sec-tion 301 duties w hen HTS 9903.88.46 is submitted.


    Imports w hich have been granted a product exclusion from the Section 301

    measures, and w hich are not subject to the Section 301 duties, are not covered by

    the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) provisions of the Section 301 Federal Register notices, but instead are subject to the FTZ provisions in 19 CFR part 146.

    To request a refund of Section 301 duties paid on previous imports of products

    granted duty exclusions by the USTR, importers may f ile a Post Summary Correction

    (PSC) if w ithin the PSC filing timeframe. If the entry is beyond the PSC filing

    timeframe, importers may protest the liquidation if w ithin the protest f iling timeframe.

    The latest guidance on the process for submitting retroactive claims for product exclu-sions to CBP is found in CSMS 42566154.

    In situations w here an importer has requested a product exclusion and the request is

    pending w ith the USTR, importers or their licensed representative may submit a re-quest to extend the liquidation of impacted unliquidated entry summaries to CBP.

    Reminder: importers, brokers, and/or f ilers should refer to CSMS 39587858 (Entry

    Summary Order of Reporting for Multiple HTS w hen 98 or 99 HTS are required) for

    guidance w hen filing an entry summary in w hich a heading or subheading in Chapter 99 is claimed on imported merchandise.


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    For ease of reference, a summary of Section 301 duties and product exclusion notif i-cations is attached.

    Questions from the importing community concerning ACE entry rejections involving

    product exclusions should be referred to their CBP Client Representative. Questions

    related to Section 301 entry-f iling requirements, please refer to CSMS message

    #42203908 (Information on Trade Remedy Questions and Resources)

    Related Message Numbers: 44451479, 44243021, 44198137, 44016918, 43600625,

    43534641, 43400564, 43401456, 43134617, 43044185, 43043838, 42839255,

    42837261, 42693720, 42566220, 42355914, 42203908, 42219187, 42181055,

    42180527, 42048963, 41955151, 42049352, 48134749, 40003027, 40002982,

    40001360, 19-000052, 41702837, 41179115, 41052773, 41538917, 40984510,

    40901928, 49710742, 40330403, 40208881, 40969690, 40564257, 39587690,

    39587858, 39473933, 39268267, 39169565, 38840764, 19-000332, 19-000260, 19-000244, 19-000238, 19-000236, 19-000212

    Section 301 Tranches and Rounds chart 101620.pdf




    Round Tranche Federal Reg-ister Notice

    Publication Date

    Effectiv e Date*




    Tranche 1 - $34 Bill ion

    25% from



    submis-sions due


    83 FR 67463 12/28/2018 7/6/2018

    -12/28/2019 9903.88.05 19-000052

    84 FR 70616 12/23/2019 12/28/2019






    84 FR 11152 3/25/2019 7/6/2018

    -3/25/2020 9903.88.06 19-000155

    85 FR 15849 3/19/2020 7/6/2018 –



    extensions 42180527


    84 FR 16310 4/18/2019 7/6/2018

    -4/18/2020 9903.88.07 19-000212

    85 FR 20332 4/10/2020 7/6/2018 -4/18/2021





    84 FR 21389 5/14/2019 7/6/2018

    -5/14/2020 9903.88.08 19-000244

    85 FR 29503 5/15/2020 7/6/2018 -



    Extensions 42839255


    84 FR 25895 6/4/2019 7/6/2018

    -6/4/2019 9903.88.10 19-000332

    85 FR 33775 6/2/2020 6/4/2020-

    12/31/2020 9903.88.50

    Extensions 43043838


    84 FR 32821 7/9/2019 7/6/2018

    -7/9/2020 9903.88.11 38840764

    85 FR 41267 7/9/2020 7/9/2020-





    84 FR 49564 9/20/20